3 Jung Top
3 Jung Top
3 Jung Top
• By using dream interpretation and active imagination to • According to Jung, personal unconscious embraces all
force himself through his underground journey, Jung repressed, forgotten experiences of an individual,
eventually was able to create his unique theory of therefore these experiences are unique to each of us;
personality. • Complexes – collection or a group of experiences in our
• He died on June 6, 1961, in Zürich personal unconscious
• pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes
organized around a common theme, can be conscious or
• Jung believed that we are not only motivated by repressed • The deepest level of psyche, it contains the accumulation
experiences but also by emotionally-toned experiences of inherited experiences of our ancestors, passed to each
coming from our ancestors generation
• Assumes that occult phenomena can and do influence the • Never repressed, it influences a person’s thoughts,
lives of every individual emotions, and actions
• Dreams are main source of archetypal material
• Responsible for myths, legends, and religious beliefs
• It contains the “Archetypes”
• He also used the term primordial images , collective • the archetype represented in mythology and legends as a
symbols powerful person, sometimes demigod – who fights evil
• The archetype of darkness and repression, represents • Symbolized by the mandala and certain deities
those qualities we do not wish to acknowledge but
attempt to hide from ourselves and others
• Jung contended that, to be whole, we must continually
strive to know our shadow and that this quest is our first • Causality and Teleology
test of courage
– insisted that human behavior is shaped by both causal
Anima and teleological forces
• female archetype of men resulting from their experiences – Dreams: spring from past events; that is, they are caused
with women by earlier experiences. It also help people make decisions
about the future
• To understand a woman, one must be in tune with one’s
anima • Progression and regression
• It influences the feeling side in man and is the explanation • To achieve self-realization, people must adapt not only to
for certain irrational moods and feelings. their outside environment but to their inner world as
• Adaptation to the outside world involves the forward
• male archetype of women resulting from their
flow of psychic energy and is called progression
experiences with men
• Adaptation to the inner world relies on a backward flow
• It is symbolic of one’s thinking and reasoning.
of psychic energy and is called regression.
• If a woman is dominated by her animus, no logical or
• Both progression and regression are essential if
emotional appeal can shake her from her prefabricated
people are to achieve individual growth or self-
Great Mother
• People throughout the world are moved by a desire to be • Introversion – turning inward of psychic energy with an
reborn. orientation toward the subjective
Wise Old Man • Introverts are tuned into their inner world with all its
biases, fantasies, dreams
• archetype of wisdom and meaning, it symbolizes humans’
preexisting knowledge of the mysteries of life. • A person who tends to be quiet, imaginative and more
interested in ideas than in other people
• can guide and mislead
• Extraversion / Extroversion - turning outward of psychic
• The wise old man archetype is personified in dreams as
energy so that the person is oriented toward the
father, grandfather, teacher, philosopher, guru, doctor, or
objective; towards the external environment
• Most likely influenced by their surroundings than by their • Childhood (birth to adolescence)
inner world
• Jung divided childhood into three substages:
• A person who tend to be sociable, outgoing and
1. Anarchic phase is characterized by chaotic and sporadic
interested in people and things
• Functions– refer to the different ways in which the
2. Monarchic phase is characterized by the development
conscious mind can apprehend reality. Both introversion
of the ego and by the beginning of logical and verbal
and extraversion can combine with any one or more of
four functions, forming eight possible orientations, or
types 3. Dualistic phase - ego is divided into the objective and
subjective. Children now refer to themselves in the first
• Thinking – logical intellectual activity that produces a
person and are aware of their existence as separate
chain of ideas
• Feeling – evaluating an idea or event
Stages of Development
• Old Life
Personality develops through a series of stages that culminate
in individuation, or self-realization. In contrast to Freud, he • People experience a diminution of consciousness
emphasized the second half of life, the period after age 35 or • Fear of death is often taken as normal, but Jung believed
40, when a person has the opportunity to bring together the that death is the goal of life
various aspects of personality and to attain self-realization.
• Jung treated these people by helping them establish new
goals and find meaning in living by first finding meaning
in death.
4) Guides action - low
4) Conscious vs Unconscious
2. Dream Analysis
3. Active Imagination