Magazine - Rubric and Peer Evaluation

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20 -18 points 17-15points 14-10 points 10-5 points TOTAL:

OVERALL - target audience - target audience given - target audience inconsistent - target audience forgotten -
APPEARANCE represented always some thought - theme inconsistent - no theme evident
- theme consistent - theme consistent - font adequate - font inadequate
- font superior and consistent - font good and consistent - generally adequate - poorly done
- generally inviting - generally good - somewhat creative - shows little creativity
-high degree of creativity - creative
COVER - highly creative - creative - somewhat creative - shows little creativity -
(Front and back ) - excellent title - good title - adequate title - poor choice of title
- effective image included - good choice of image - image included - poor choice of image
- fits theme of magazine - fits theme of magazine well - adequately suited to - theme unclear
very well - inviting theme of magazine - poorly done
- very attractive - adequate
CONTENT - Complete content - most components completed - did not include one of - fewer content -
( Feature Articles, - all components are as assigned each as assigned. - some articles completed
Comics, etc) completed as - good variety of topics - adequate variety of topics as assigned.
assigned - most components - most components - some illustrations
- excellent variety of topics are illustrated. are illustrated - writing adequate
- an illustration included with - well written - writing adequate
each component - lacking three content - Few content
- well written
ELEMENTS OF - included a minimum of four. - included a minimum of four - included a minimum of four - less than four -
GRAPCHICS - all graphics are connected - most graphics connected - artwork not always - seldom connected to theme
DESIGNING to theme. to theme connected to theme - mostly reproductions
- highly creative - very creative - lacks originality - few or no graphic elements.
- excellent colour - good colour and composition - some colour and
and composition. graphics elements used.
Elements of - use of writing - use of writing process evident - careless use of - first draft is only draft. -
Compostion process evident - minor spelling errors writing process. - major spelling errors.
- correct spelling - minor grammatical errors - minor spelling errors - major grammatical errors.
- correct grammar - minor errors in construction - minor grammatical errors - lacks organization, disjoint,
-correct sentence, paragraph of sentences, paragraphs - written work lacks and lacks unity.
and essay structure and essays. organization - some headlines included.
- inviting headlines -good headlines - headlines included

Strand and Section: Group no: Date:

Group Members:
Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work
Grade/ Strand & Section: SCORE:
Activity : Leader:

Write the name of each of your group members in a separate column. For each person, indtitleicate the extent to which you agree with the statement on the left, using a scale of 1-10.
Total the numbers in each column.
Values: 10=Superior 8-Above Average 6=Average 3=Below Average 1=Weak

Evaluation Criteria

Attends group practices regularly and arrives on time.

Contributes meaningfully to group discussions

Collaborates ideas to enhance group performance

Prepares himself/herself in a quality manner.

Demonstrates a cooperative and supportive attitude.

Contributes significantly to the success of the performance


Feedback on team dynamics:

1. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next group

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