Media Literacy Food Drive Rubrics

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Media Literacy Food Drive Rubrics

Marketing: Creating a promotional announcement

4 3 2 1

Content -Shows a full -Shows a good -Shows a good -Does not seem to
understanding of understanding understanding understand the topic
the topic of the topic of parts of the very well
-All relevant -Relevant -Information is
information is information is -Some relevant missing and/or
included in the included in the information is unclear from the
announcement announcement included in the announcement

Organization -Ideas are -Idea are -Ideas are -Ideas do not flow in
organized into an organized into organized into a progression
appropriate, an appropriate sequential order
complex and and logical
logical order order

Communication -The overall aim -The overall aim -The overall aim -The overall aim of
of the of the of the the presentation is
presentation is presentation is presentation is unclear
clear, precise, clear and somewhat clear
and confidently precise -The student’s voice
stated -The student’s is rarely audible
- The student’s voice is
-The student’s voice is usually somewhat
voice is audible audible

Language - Student uses a -Student uses a -Student uses -Student uses a

well-developed well-developed partially limited vocabulary
vocabulary vocabulary developed and simple
vocabulary sentence structure
- Sentence - Sentence
structure is structure is - Sentence -Several major
consistently consistently structure is grammatical errors
varied and varied from a occasionally are made
complex simple form varied from a
simple form
- Practically no - A few minor
minor grammatical - Several minor
grammatical errors are made grammatical
errors are made errors are made

Advertising: Creating a promotional poster and food drive box
4 3 2 1

Visual/Creativity -The poster/box -The poster/box -The poster/box -The poster/box

uses a logical uses a logical uses a layout does not have a
layout with colours layout with colours with some colour clear layout with
and images used in and images and images little to no colour
a creative manner included included nor images

-Large font is used -Large font is used -Large font is -Large font is not
and components and components somewhat used used, components
are distinct are mostly distinct and components are not distinct
are somewhat

Application -Poster/box is eye- -Poster/box is easy -Poster/box is -Poster/box is

catching, easy to to read and legible and illegible and does
read and conveys conveys the conveys parts of not convey a
the message message the message message

-The poster/box -The poster/box -The poster/box -The poster/box

uses persuasive uses persuasive partially uses does not use
language to the language to the persuasive persuasive
appropriate appropriate language to the language to target
audience audience audience the audience

Language - Student uses a -Student uses a -Student uses -Student uses a

well-developed well-developed partially limited vocabulary
vocabulary vocabulary developed
vocabulary -Major errors in
- A few minor grammar, spelling
- No errors in errors in grammar, - Several minor and punctuation
grammar, spelling, spelling, errors in
punctuation punctuation grammar,

Content -All relevant -Relevant -Some relevant -Information is

information is information is information is missing and/or
included on the included on the included on the unclear from the
poster/box poster/box poster/box poster/box


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