V02ct42a050 gt2018 77098
V02ct42a050 gt2018 77098
V02ct42a050 gt2018 77098
Problem formulation
The baseline selected to evaluate the proposed framework is
NASA rotor 37, a thoroughly investigated compressor rotor
tested in the 70s [3] and used as a validation reference for sev-
eral computational studies [1]. A survey of previous optimiza-
tion campaigns on this rotor has recently been published [4]. Al-
though a few studies consider off-design performance in post-
optimization analysis, the previous works focus on optimizing
performance at design point, often resulting in stability margin
deficit or choke point reduction. Meanwhile, multi-point aerody-
namic optimization is well documented [5], but hardly applied to
the highly-loaded rotor 37.
Parametrization. In the present effort, conventional
engineering parameters are considered for blade geometry
parametrization, including camber and thickness, lean and
sweep. Besides convenience for the design engineers, such
parametrization allows for detailed control of the section pro- FIGURE 1. Performance of NASA rotor 37, including CFD valida-
files, which is difficult to achieve with the alternative approach of tion, grid indenpency study, and baseline for optimization
free-form deformation. This is particularly important for highly-
loaded transonic compressors, where localized features are de-
sired to control the shock system.
Infeasibility Detection
Σn |yi − ŷi |
MAE = i=1 , (1) In a typical CFD computation, it is often the case for certain pa-
n rameter values that the computation breaks down resulting in an
undefined output, usually ‘not a number’ (NaN), representing in-
h q i
f1 (xx) = ∑2 −10 exp −0.2 x2 + x2
i=1 i i+1
0.8 (4)
f2 (xx) = ∑3 |xi | 3
+ 5 sin xi
FIGURE 6. SAO results on Kursawe function with most representative case of mean over 10 optimization with different surrogate models (a,Matern
kernel ; b, RBF kernel GP; c, ML4SAO); d, Best Pareto front with 100 generations on ML4SAO
FIGURE 12. Relative Mach number filed at 70% span; baseline (a) and optimized (b)