Kurzke 1999
Kurzke 1999
Kurzke 1999
Methodology: A Comparison of
Parameter Variation With
Numerical Optimization
In gas turbine performance simulations often the following question arises: what is
the best thermodynamic cycle design point? This is an optimization task which can
J. Kurzke be attacked in two ways. One can do a series of parameter variations and pick from
DASA-MTU Munchen GmbH, the resulting graphs the best solution or one can employ numerical optimization
Engine Performance Department TPSZ, algorithms that produce a single cycle that fulfills all constraints. The conventional
Dachauer Str. 665,
Munchen, 80995
parameter study builds strongly on the engineering judgement and gives useful infor-
Germany mation over a range of parameter selections. However, when values for more than
a few variables have to be determined while several constraints are existing, then
numerical optimization routines can help to find the mathematical optimum faster
and more accurately. Sometimes even an outstanding solution is found which was
overlooked while doing a preliminary parameter study. For any simulation task a
sophisticated graphical user interface is of great benefit. This is especially true for
automated numerical optimizations. It is quite helpful to see on the screen of a PC
how the variables are changing and which constraints are limiting the design. A
quick and clear graphical representation of trade studies is also of great advantage.
The paper describes how numerical optimization and parameter studies are imple-
mented in a Windows-based PC program. As an example, the cycle selection of a
derivative turbofan engine with a given core shows the merits of numerical optimiza-
tion. The parameter variation is best suited for presenting the sensitivity of the result
in the neighborhood of the optimum cycle design point.
**1«M 15
22.5 Pressure
Fig. 2 Optimization strategy
12 14 16 18 20
Net Thrust [kN]
Fig. 1 Result of a parameter study The steepest ascent may, however, lead toward a border
(which is either the lower or upper limit of a design variable)
of the region. Then our mountaineer will walk along the border
until he reaches the place where each step leads downwards or
fan pressure ratio < limit out of the allowed region.
single stage fan Is that the end of the story? Not necessarily. There might be
several summits within the region. Our mountaineer may have
hp turbine press, ratio < limit found the highest peak by chance, but he cannot be sure of that.
single stage turbine He has to check other parts of the region. In mathematical
terms there might be "local" optimums besides the "global"
In a more detailed study there will be even more design optimum.
variables as for example the stage numbers for the high and the
Up to now we have not spoken of constraints. They are like
low pressure turbine. It is obvious that with a parameter study
fences. A part of the region is forbidden to our mountaineer.
it will be very difficult and time consuming to find the optimum
His task is made more difficult because on his way to the summit
values for the design variables.
he may have to walk downwards for a while to avoid a forbidden
region. The fences (the constraints) often exclude the summit
3 Numerical Optimization (where each step leads downwards) as an acceptable solution.
They create local optima that would not exist without fences.
By the way, how is the optimum defined in a mathematical Constraints make the task of optimization difficult.
sense? In a parameter study that question must not be answered
Let us turn to the mathematical algorithm now. The moun-
a priori. In a numerical optimization, however, a figure of merit
taineer who first makes test steps in several directions uses the
must be clearly defined before the calculation can commence.
"gradient strategy" as a search method. With the test steps he
The figure of merit might be the specific fuel consumption of
is looking for the partial derivatives dZ/dVt. For each optimiza-
a turbofan at cruise which is to be minimized. For a fighter
tion variable he must do one test step before he can start his
engine it might be that the specific thrust shall be maximized.
way in the "right" direction.
One can also think of a weighted combination of these parame-
ters. After the first step uphill the local gradients will be different.
The test steps could now be repeated to find the new direction.
When values for more than a few variables have to be deter-
Test steps take time, however, and it is therefore better to go
mined while several constraints are existing, then numerical
on in the same direction as long as the altitude increases. Reach-
optimization routines can help to find the mathematical opti-
ing a fence (violating a constraint) could be another reason for
mum (i.e., the minimum and maximum, respectively, of the
stopping the climb. Only then will new gradients be sought.
figure of merit) faster and more accurately. As shown above
The new direction will eventually take you along a fence.
with the turbojet example, in a parameter study with only two
variables it is easy to find an optimum solution. If there are The gradient search algorithm implemented in GasTurb was
three variables the situation is not so clear. With more than derived from [2]. The principle is the following (see Fig. 2).
three variables the picture may get obscure. In complex studies We begin at the point marked "Start 1", looking for the direc-
the true optimum may never be found with the conventional tion of the steepest gradient ("Direction 1"). Following this
parameter study. direction we walk to the highest point. Then we change the
direction by 90 deg (orthogonal). This can be done without
There are many numerical optimization algorithms known evaluating the local gradient. We again go for the highest point
from literature. They can be divided basically into the following here. To define the third direction we use the experience from
two major groups: methods that use gradient information and the first two directions. We connect the point "Start 1" with
others. In the program GasTurb there is one method from each the optimum point found along "Direction 2 " . We follow this
group implemented. A short explanation how these algorithms direction again as long as altitude increases.
work is given in the following chapters.
This procedure can be applied repeatedly until the search
3.1 Gradient Method. The following is a good example steps or the changes in the "figure of merit" become very
for the optimization task. A mountaineer shall climb the highest small. There is also a maximum limit for the number of optimi-
peak in a certain region. He has no map and the weather is zation steps. In the example of the figure the optimum is found
foggy. His only tool is an altimeter. What is he going to do? along search direction 6 (not marked in the figure, perpendicular
He will certainly check his surroundings first and then go in to direction 5).
the direction of the steepest ascent. In the end he will come to The dashed line in the figure shows how optimization would
the top of a mountain. This is a place where each step leads go on, if only local gradient information is used. With this
downwards. simple strategy, the search direction would change very often.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 1999, Vol. 1 2 1 / 7
Thrust 3.64 kN
compressor exit temp T3 < 750K 5.2 Starting Point. Many numerical optimization algo-
rithms require that a set of design variables that fulfills all
core spool speed < reference + 5 percent constraints must be known before the calculation can com-
mence. The cycle of the basic engine is within the ranges of
fan tip diameter < 0.75m
all design variables, however, obviously it does not fulfill the
Max Climb thrust > 4.5 kN minimum thrust constraint.
How can we get a valid cycle to start with? One possible
Figure of Merit. The specific fuel consumption (SFC) for approach would be, to do a rough parameter study which has
Max Climb rating is the figure of merit which is to be mini- only the aim to find a feasible solution, but not the best solution
mized. This will automatically result in a low fuel consumption for the problem. However, this parameter study takes more
for cruise. effort than necessary. We can redefine the figure of merit for
the moment and do a slave optimization with the aim of max-
4.3 Mathematical Model of the Engine. A mathematical
imizing the Max Climb thrust. The minimum thrust constraint
model of the growth engine requires a mixture of design and
is dropped for that preliminary exercise which makes the cycle
off-design calculations. The components on the low pressure
of the basic engine valid as a start point.
spool will be newly designed while the core components will
be operated at some off-design condition compared to the design While the slave optimization is running, one can observe on
point of the basic engine. the computer screen the progress. As soon as a cycle is found
which has more Max Climb thrust than required (and fulfills
We select as the cycle design point for the growth engine
all constraints) we can stop. Now we redefine the figure of
the Max Climb rating at altitude. For this flight conditions the
merit as specific fuel consumption and introduce the minimum
optimum values for the design variables will be found.
thrust constraint. The final optimization can commence now.
The mathematical model of the engine must take into account,
that the design point efficiencies of the fan, the booster and the 5.3 Graphical User Interface. Figure 5 shows the opti-
low pressure turbine will change with the aerodynamic loading. mization window of GasTurb for the example of this paper with
For axial compressors an appropriate correlation has been pub- six horizontal gauges for the design variables on the left and
lished by Glassman [5] and for the low pressure turbine one seven gauges for the constraints in the upper right part. The
can use a simplified version of the preliminary turbine design gauges are continuously updated while the optimization is run-
routine from Warner [6]. ning. In the lower part of the screen the figure of merit is shown
The efficiency and the surge margin of the core compressor
will be read from the map dependent from the values for the
design variables core compressor corrected speed and map coor-
dinate beta. gow Strategy anltrt StvlMy &»mm Outgltt**
Note that the temperature limits for r 3 and r 45 in the list of
constraints are not applicable to the Max Climb rating, but for
1,1 Ouler Fan Pressure Ratio =T? | f Stan |
the flight case with the highest temperatures encountered in the 1A IP Compressor Pressure Ratio 2,3 » Slop | 40 LPTInl Corr Flow VW5R«td 53
flight envelope. That means, that the numerical model of the 4 Design Bypass Ralio 6 0 LPT InUl Ttmparaturt T45 1160
engine must be capable to simulate both the Max Climb flight
1300 Burner Exit Temperature 0 HPC Exit TtmptrMura T3 750
case at altitude (as a cycle design point) and the Take Off rating 1
for the "hot day" (ISA + 15K) at sea level, Mach 0.2 (as an 0^ rel NH/sqrt(T25/T$td) ^ 0J9 Design Pt HP Spool Speed
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 1999, Vol. 121 / 9
104 i .
3 8 4 4
-2 4
i. .T, 4
- 6
-^ 4
- 8
5 5.2 5.4
Net Thrust [kN]
Fig. 8 Sensitivity for bypass ratio and burner exit temperature
Fig. 6 Sensitivity for booster and outer fan pressure ratio
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 1999, Vol. 121 / 11