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Procedia CIRP 113 (2022) 582–587
The demands on laser cutting machine tools are increasing constantly. In this paper, we focus on increasing productivity while minimizing the
deterioration of part quality. Without specific countermeasures, increasing the dynamic settings leads to larger dynamic-induced contour errors
of the workpiece. Software-based methods offer potential to improve the contour tracking under varying dynamic settings without the need for
a mechanical redesign of the machine tool. Four such methods, which rely on different combinations of model- and/or sensor-based setpoint
compensation, are implemented and tested on a laser cutting machine tool. A comparison with respect to productivity and contour accuracy of cut
parts is presented, and the complexity of development as well as deployment for production are discussed.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the ISEM XXI
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Rafael Amacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 113 (2022) 582–587 583
This is a resupply of March 2023 as the template used in the publication of the original article contained errors. The content of the article has remained unaffected.
584 Rafael Amacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 113 (2022) 582–587
TCP estimator
2.3.3. External feedback-based compensation (Method 3)
Measured encoder positions,
Machine model or more cut parts. When cutting a part and measuring the re-
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Rafael Amacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 113 (2022) 582–587 585
3. Results and Discussion mated path from the feedback data of the measurement system
(Method 2 light), an equally good, if not slightly better, correc-
3.1. Standard dynamics and standard calibration tion could be achieved. Method 3 worked worse compared to
the Methods 2 and 2 light, since with this method the dynamic
By default settings, the machine accelerates at 4 m/s2 dur- errors are rather difficult to compensate.
ing cutting and at 10 m/s2 during positioning which will be re-
ferred to as “acceleration 4/10” in the following. First, a series
of measurements was performed at acceleration 4/10 and with 4. Conclusion and outlook
standard machine calibration. The corresponding results can be
seen in Figure 3. Method 3 significantly yields the best result Setpoint compensation can be achieved with three funda-
with 43% less median contour error (w.r.t. reference measure- mentally different approaches. First, model-based compensa-
ment). Using Method 2 light a small improvement of 2% can be tion can be applied offline based on model-based knowledge of
achieved while Method 1 results in no improvement. Basically, the machine. Second, machine feedback-based compensation
it should be understood that the contour error consists of two relies on the measured position and/or acceleration feedback of
parts. On the one hand there are quasi-static errors and on the the machine. Third, external feedback-based compensation re-
other hand there are dynamically induced errors. With acceler- lies on a measurement of the contour of a cut part. In this paper,
ation 4/10 and standard machine settings, the quasi-static errors implementations of all three of those approaches are used to
dominate (compare Figure 4). Method 3 takes the actual result- generate an estimate of the true TCP position and to apply it
ing contour into account and therefore can identify and correct for setpoint compensation to reduce the contour error of the cut
a constant static-offset while the other methods cannot. parts.
Method 1: This method relies on a machine model that needs
3.2. Optimized machine calibration to be developed, identified, and validated. Once available, the
big advantage of this method is that it can be implemented up-
In a next step the default calibration values of the machine stream of the machine as soon as the cutting plan in the CAD-
were optimally adjusted to the reference part in order to investi- CAM system is available, and thus can be decoupled from ma-
gate the potential of the setpoint correction methods for reduc- chine operation. However, that method cannot account for vari-
ing the dynamically induced error. Instead of using the double ation between different machines. In this paper, a rather simple
ball bar method, the calibration was conducted based on an opti- model for implementing this method is chosen, which resulted
cal measurement of the cut part to reduce the quasi-static errors in unsatisfactory performance. More complex and computation-
as much as possible. The description of this process is beyond ally more expensive models could help improve the results from
the scope of this paper and therefore not described. In general, this approach.
the quasi-static errors can also be reduced with other correc- Method 2 / Method 2 light: These methods operate on ma-
tion methods (e.g. friction compensation). After optimizing the chine feedback. The data can be collected with the laser turned
calibration, the measurement series was repeated as before. In off in “dry-cut” mode to avoid rejected parts. There is however
Figure 5 the results before and after optimizing the calibration a time investment that needs to be made for collecting the data;
as well as the comparison between the different methods are If the goal is to increase productivity, these methods are only
shown. Again, it can be seen that Method 3 results in the small- valid if the same parts are cut several times, ideally in mass
est median contour error. However, the median error is only production. As these methods relies on data that is generated
reduced by 9%. All other methods are not able to significantly on the machine itself, it is possible to fully integrate them in the
reduce the median error at this dynamic. This result could be software ecosystem of the machine provider which potentially
expected since the quasi-static error was minimized and for ac- results in a very robust implementation. Method 2 light can be
celeration 4/10 only a relatively small dynamic error is present. realized without the need to tune parameters of the accelera-
tion based TCP estimation algorithm and is therefore easier to
3.3. Increased dynamics industrialize than Method 2.
Method 3: This method requires the most effort to operate.
As a last step, the acceleration dynamics were increased to Further, it relies on data that is generated by a measurement
investigate a possible productivity increase while maintaining system that is typically not integrated in the machine tool sys-
the same accuracy. In doing so, the proportion of the dynam- tem. A manual work step is thus introduced which is potentially
ically induced errors increases. In Figure 6, the results for ac- error prone. A further drawback of this method is that it is not
celeration 9/10 are presented whereat the dynamically induced always possible to determine the underlying cause of contour
errors predominate the quasi-static errors (see Figure 4). Re- deviation. There might be artefacts introduced by the measure-
ferring to the median form error Method 1, Method 2, Method ment system, or contour deviations that are process related and
2 light and Method 3 reduced it by 4%, 26%, 26% and 14% cannot be corrected by path compensation. If such a deviation
respectively. Thus, all the methods have achieved an improve- is wrongly used for compensating the reference trajectory, the
ment with Methods 2 and 2 light performing best. Interestingly, result could be worse in some sections than without compensa-
the data from the accelerometer in the cutting head was not nec- tion. However, in sections where the measured contour is valid,
essarily needed to estimate the TCP (Method 2). With the esti- this method offers the highest robustness, as it does not rely on
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586 Rafael Amacher et al. / Procedia CIRP 113 (2022) 582–587
Fig. 3. Distribution of the contour error of the measurements M1 (median: 12.4 µm), M2 (median: 12.6 µm), M3 (median: 12.2 µm) and M4 (median: 7.0 µm) that
were cut with acceleration 4/10.
Fig. 4. Measured contours are shown 5 times superelevated with a ±30 µm tolerance band. Left: M1, M2, M3 and M4 with acceleration 4/10; Right: M10, M11,
M12, M13 and M14 with acceleration 9/10.
models and other assumptions about the machine tool but op- rectly online during operation using additional online data. For
erates on the real contour. Our results however indicate that the this, the architecture and parametrization of the motion con-
method works well in regions with low acceleration, i.e. it com- troller could be extended and adopted to consider more sensor
pensates quasi-static errors very well, but it does not perform as information as currently possible in a standard machine feed
well as Method 2 and Method 2 light in case of highly dynamic drive controller. Industrial applicability has to be ensured by re-
sections. specting the conservative requirements concerning robustness,
In conclusion, method 1 requires more work to demon- safety and simplicity of such future approaches.
strate the benefits using more complex, digital-twin approaches.
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