A Component Map Adaptation Method For Compressor Modeling and Diagnosis
A Component Map Adaptation Method For Compressor Modeling and Diagnosis
A Component Map Adaptation Method For Compressor Modeling and Diagnosis
The accuracy of model-based gas turbine performance prediction, diagnosis, and prognosis is mainly determined by the
precision of compressor thermodynamic model. This article proposes a novel component map adaptation method for
gas turbine compressor modeling and gas-path diagnosis. First, compressor characteristic maps are generated through
stage-stacking calculation. And the generated compressor characteristic maps are expressed in the form of polynomial
functions by partial least squares regression. After integrating the fitting polynomial functions into the gas turbine perfor-
mance model, the adaptation of characteristic maps in the performance model by gas-path measurements from the tar-
get engine can be made easily, through tuning the fitting polynomial coefficients. Application and analysis have illustrated
that the proposed approach can effectively improve the accuracy of the gas turbine thermodynamic model during off-
design performance calculation. The proposed approach exhibits a great potential to tune compressor characteristic
maps for both compressor performance modeling diagnosis, with full consideration of their highly nonlinearity.
Gas turbine, compressor characteristic map, partial least squares, stage-stacking calculation, performance adaptation
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
of diagnostics and prognostics, as the errors produced And then the stage-stacking technique becomes a useful
by the engine thermodynamic model may stay at the and reliable method to generate the compressor charac-
same level with the performance degradations caused teristic maps, whose calculating procedure is based on
by component deteriorations.8,9 So as to improve the the mean-line one-dimensional flow continuity equa-
reliability of the engine thermodynamic model, many tions together with the generalized stage characteristic
efforts have been made by researchers and scholars, to curves.20,21 Case studies of the application of this
propose efficient approaches to depict compressor approach can be found in the literatures.22–24 This
characteristic maps. One part of efforts has been made method uses one set of generalized stage characteristic
to ensure the generalization of compressor characteris- curves derived by fitting experimental data from exten-
tic maps with good interpolating and extrapolating per- sive tests based on different types of compressor stages
formance, to make full use of off-design flow character (e.g. subsonic, transonic, and supersonic stages).20
and efficiency character on the characteristic maps. In the paper, a novel component map adaptation
One of the most used approaches is lookup table technique for both compressor performance modeling
method, whose core algorithm is linear or spline inter- and gas-path diagnosis is proposed to effectively solve
polation and extrapolation algorithm. Lookup table the existing problems described above. The remainder
method has been widely used in almost every commer- of this article is organized as follows. In section ‘‘Basic
cial thermodynamic calculating software, for example, theory,’’ the basic theory of compressor generalized
Krawal-modular, IPSEpro, and Thermoflex. However, nonlinear thermodynamic model is introduced, and
for this method, the sample data of compressor charac- subsequently, our proposed method is described in sec-
teristic maps in the table should be dense and regular. tions ‘‘Compressor map generation,’’ ‘‘Compressor
Another popular method to express compressor char- map generalization and adaptation,’’ and ‘‘Compressor
acteristic maps is artificial neural network10,11 due to performance diagnosis.’’ The related case studies of the
its highly nonlinear mapping competence. Artificial proposed approach are presented in sections
neural network can approximate any nonlinear func- ‘‘Application’’ and ‘‘Result and analysis,’’ followed by
tions by setting appropriate topology. However, the the conclusions in section ‘‘Conclusion.’’
extrapolating performance of artificial neural network
is often reported to be poor.12,13 Another reported Methodology
method is an ellipse fitting algorithm, in which rotating
ellipse equations are used to fit compressor characteris- Basic theory
tic maps through optimization process.14,15 The practi- The characteristics of a compressor in the form of
cal trial of this method has demonstrated that the Cartesian coordinate’s graph are often defined as
fitting accuracy is highly decided by the selection of the compressor characteristic maps. Axial compressor
initial values of the fitting polynomial coefficients, characteristic maps are used in the gas turbine ther-
which is not easily determined. In order to let compres- modynamic models for estimation of key component
sor characteristic maps match the target ones well, parameters, such as the pressure ratio pC , the cor-
other part of efforts has been made to improve the rected mass flow rate Gcor , and the isentropic effi-
accuracy of engine thermodynamic model by tuning ciency hC at several corrected rotational speeds ncor .
compressor characteristic maps in externally linear- In practical application, pC and hC are expressed as a
scaling8,9,16 or quasi nonlinear-scaling17 manners, or by function of the ncor and Gcor , as shown in equations
generating new ones based on gas-path measure- (7) and (8), respectively.
ments.18,19 The principle of these tuning methods is to According to similarity theory
let the thermodynamic model outputs match the target !
engine measurements by scaling the shape of a similar u ca
compressor characteristic maps through local or global pC = f1 (Mu , Mca ) = f1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi , pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1Þ
kRg Tin kRg Tin
optimization process. The accuracy of these tuning !
methods highly relies on the similarity of the shape of u ca
the to-be-adapted compressor characteristic map to the hC = f2 (Mu , Mca ) = f2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi , pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ
kRg Tin kRg Tin
target one, and the shape of each constant speed line
itself cannot be fully adapted. Gas turbine users may where Mu is circumferential Mach number and Mca is
not even have the compressor characteristic maps of axial Mach number.
the fleet engines, as manufacturers are seldom willing Considering pin V = GRg Tin , equations (1) and (2)
to provide component characteristic maps to users. can be converted into equations (3) and (4)
Li et al. 3
Dn G Rg Tin
p C = f3 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi , pffiffiffi ð3Þ
kRg Tin D2 pin k
Dn G Rg Tin
hC = f4 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi , pffiffiffi ð4Þ
kRg Tin D2 pin k
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi Gin Rg Tin Gin Rg Tin
G Tin Rg G0 Tin0 R = = ð12Þ
Gcor, rel = =
g0 Pin n Pin n 0
Pin Pin0
h = ð13Þ
is relative corrected mass flow rate h0
3. Stage isentropic efficiency is same for each stage Figure 3. The expression of compressor characteristic maps in
on-design condition. the form of polynomial functions by PLS-R.
Figure 6. Representation of the engine models implemented for the initial global adaptation and the adaptive local diagnosis
However, when the level of component degradation degradation of the target engine. The performance
gradually becomes large, the actual component charac- adaptation is once again implemented for performing
teristic maps must undergo an inherent nonlinear shape the diagnostic task. For the initial adaptation of the
change. In this phase, the diagnostic error will inevita- engine model to the target engine, the entire set of his-
bly increase with the augment of the level of compo- torical operating data is used for establishing a bench-
nent degradation using traditional GPA method. In the mark model that represents the clean/healthy condition
paper, the proposed component map adaptation of the target engine. For diagnostic purpose, the above
method can be further used for component perfor- tuning process is performed discretely for every new set
mance diagnosis by tuning component characteristic of engine measurement data, as seen from Figure 6.
maps with full consideration of their highly nonlinear-
ity, as shown in Figure 5.
Normally, gas turbine overall health status is repre- Application
sented by component health parameters (i.e. compres- In the paper, a three-shaft marine gas turbine is chosen
sor and turbine flow capacity indices and efficiency as the target gas turbine for validation of our proposed
indices, and combustor efficiency index), which repre- approach due to the availability, which is applied in
sent a shift of the characteristic curves on component’ Chinese Navy marine integrated power system, as
maps due to degradation.5 In the operation of gas tur- shown in Figure 7.
bine, the engine thermodynamic model can be adapted The generator electric power output is the key con-
to keep track with target engine by the proposed trol parameter to let engine runs at a certain operating
method shown in Figure 5, to output compressor point, and the power turbine (PT) rotational speed is
health parameters to capture the inherent nonlinear kept constant to maintain the constant electrical fre-
shape change of the degraded compressor characteristic quency. For more detailed description about this
maps. engine, readers can refer to Ying and colleagues.5,31
At this stage, the objective of the diagnosis task is to The engine gas-path instrumentation set is seen in
deal with estimating the level of the component Table 1.
Li et al. 7
Table 1. Engine gas-path instrumentation set. Table 2. Performance specification of reference engine.
Figure 8. The compressor characteristic maps of LPC generated by the stage-stacking calculation: (a) flow character and
(b) efficiency character.
calculating results after adaptation match the measure- Test cases with various ambient temperatures at same load
ments of the reference engine very well with the maxi- conditions. It is observed from Figure 13 that the cal-
mum relative error less than 1%. What is more, the culating errors of the engine performance model
calculating results of engine performance model before before adaptation are not evident with various ambi-
adaptation in Figures 8 and 9 also show the robustness ent temperatures at nominal load conditions with the
of the stage-stacking calculation with the maximum maximum relative error less than 0.35%, which also
relative error not more than 2%. The calculating errors shows the robustness of the stage-stacking calcula-
produced by engine performance model before adapta- tion. After adaptation, the calculating errors of the
tion are mainly due to the necessary assumptions made engine performance model are almost thoroughly
to generate the overall compressor characteristic maps. eliminated.
Li et al. 9
Figure 9. The compressor characteristic maps of LPC fitted by PLS-R: (a) flow character and (b) efficiency character.
From Figure 14, it can be seen that the calculating Figure 15 shows the normalized values of initial and
error of the engine performance model before adapta- tuned polynomial function coefficients of LPC and
tion is augmented with various ambient temperatures HPC characteristic maps. Due to each polynomial
at 70% rated-load conditions with the maximum rela- function of flow character and efficiency character for
tive error more than 0.8%. After tuning the polynomial LPC and HPC with the maximum power h of 6, there
function coefficients of the compressor characteristic are totally 112 number of polynomial function coeffi-
maps, the calculating errors of the engine performance cients, controlling the compressor map generalization
model can be reduced. The calculating results after and adaptation process. Here, the polynomial function
adaptation match the measurements of the reference coefficient from numbers 1 to 27 is aG, 1 , aG, 2 , :::, aG, 27
engine very well with the maximum relative error less for LPC flow character, respectively. The polynomial
than 0.1%. function coefficient from numbers 28 to 54 is
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
P 3 to 45 psia 6 0.5%
8 to 460 psia 6 0.5% or 0.125 psia
whichever is greater
T 265°C to 290°C 6q3.3°C
290°C to 1000°C
6 2:52 + (0:0075t)2
1000°C to 1300°C
6 3:52 + (0:0075t)2
Gf Up to 5450 kg/h 63.4 kg/h
Up to 12,260 kg/h 142.7 kg/h
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