2017 - Lorenzo Cassi - Computational Fluid Dynamics Rns Rbs T
2017 - Lorenzo Cassi - Computational Fluid Dynamics Rns Rbs T
2017 - Lorenzo Cassi - Computational Fluid Dynamics Rns Rbs T
June 26-30, 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA
Lorenzo Cozzi, Filippo Rubechini, Michele Pio Astrua, Andrea Schneider, Andrea
Marconcini, Andrea Arnone Silingardi
Università degli Studi di Firenze Ansaldo Energia
Via di Santa Marta 3 Via Lorenzi 8
50139 Firenze, Italy 16152 Genova, Italy
[email protected] [email protected]
Multistage axial compressors have always been a great chal- CFD computational fluid dynamics
lenge for designers since the flow within these kind of machines, GT gas turbine
subjected to severe diffusion, is usually characterized by com- IGV inlet guide vane
plex and widely developed 3D structures, especially next to the 𝑚̇ mass flow rate
endwalls. The development of reliable numerical tools capable NRBC non-reflecting boundary conditions
of providing an accurate prediction of the overall machine per- OGV outlet guide vane
formance is one of the main research focus areas in the multi- p pressure
stage axial compressor field. RBC reflecting boundary conditions
This paper is intended to present the strategy used to run RANS Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
numerical simulations on compressors achieved by the collabo- T temperature
ration between the University of Florence and Ansaldo Energia. Greek
All peculiar aspects of the numerical setup are introduced, such α exit flow angle
as rotor/stator tip clearance modelling, simplified shroud leakage β total pressure ratio
model, gas and turbulence models. Special attention is payed to Subscripts
the mixing planes adopted for steady-state computations because 0 stagnation property
this is a crucial aspect of modern heavy-duty transonic multi- ref reference quantity
stage axial compressors. In fact, these machines are character-
ized by small inter-row axial gaps and transonic flow in front INTRODUCTION
stages, which both may affect non-reflectiveness and fluxes con- Multistage axial compressor often put a strain on CFD mod-
servation across mixing planes. Moreover, the high stage count elling, especially when dealing with off-design operating condi-
may lead to conservation issues of the main flow properties form tions. However, the need for increasing efficiency and operating
inlet to outlet boundaries. Finally, the likely occurrence of part- range of existing machines pushed the diffusion of CFD tools
span flow reversal in the endwall regions affects the robustness able to handle multistage computational domains within indus-
of non-reflecting mixing plane models. trial R&D departments [1] [2] [3]. Multistage 3D steady-state
The numerical setup has been validated on an existing ma- RANS simulations started to appear and be used in the 1990’s
chine produced and experimentally tested by Ansaldo Energia. [4], but some decisive aspects of this kind of analysis are still
In order to evaluate the impact on performance prediction of the open. Probably the most crucial one is the way to model the in-
mixing planes introduced in the steady-state computation, un- terface between stator and rotor rows, in which a circumferential
steady simulations of the whole compressor have been per- averaging of some sort must be introduced to remove the effects
formed at different operating conditions. These calculations have of unsteadiness that are inherent in turbomachinery applications.
been carried out both at the compressor design point and close to The averaging process is performed at the interface between ad-
the surge-line to evaluate the effect of rotor/stator interaction jacent rows in relative motion, called “mixing plane”. The first
along the compressor working line. example of multirow steady-state simulation with the use of mix-
ing planes was published by Denton [5]. In case of small inter-
[1] M. L. Mansour, J. Gunaraj and S. Goswami, "Validation of
Steady Average-Passage and Mixing Plane CFD
Approaches for the Performance Prediction of a Modern
Gas Turbine Multistage Axial Compressor," in ASME
Turbo Expo 2008, Paper No. GT2008-50653, Berlin,
Germany, 2008.
[2] C. Cornelius, T. Biesinger, P. Galpin and A. Braune,
"Experimental and Computational Analysis of a
Multistage Axial Compressor Including Stall Prediction by
Steady and Transient CFD Methods," J. Turbomach., vol.
136, no. 3, pp. 061013-061013-12, 2013.
Figure 16: Normalized radial total temperature distribution at last [3] A. Wiedermann, D. Frank, U. Orth and M. Beukenberg,
stage stator row outlet at near-stall condition "Computational and Experimental Analysis of an
Industrial Gas Turbine Compressor," in Proceedings of
ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Paper No. GT2011-46336,
Vancouver, Canada, 2011.