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Name of Teacher Hazel R. Lopez Section

Leaning Area Science Time
Grade Level 7 Date

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
waves as a carrier of energy
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to conduct a forum on disaster risk
reduction and mitigation
C. Learning The learners should be able to: infer that waves carry energy
Competencies/Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
Write for the LC code for each
 Identify and describe the parts of wave
 Differentiate mechanical waves from electromagnetic
 Cite practical applications of waves in daily life
II. CONTENT Waves (Nature of Waves)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Instructional Materials (visual aids)


Preliminary Activities Good morning, ma’am.
Good morning, class.

Kindly check the alignment of your chair

and please pick up the pieces of trash (Students pick up the pieces
under your chair. of paper.)

Let me first check the attendance.

Ms. Tria, may I know who’s absent for No one’s absent today,
today’s discussion? ma’am.

Very Good. Before we formally start our


Let me first tell you the 3 magic rules.

Rule # 1: Raise your hand before asking or
Rule #2: Be confident in sharing ideas
Rule #3: Avoid unnecessary behaviors that
cause distraction to your classmates.

Before the Lesson (The teacher will play a short video clips.)
A. Review previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson

What can you say about the video? Beach waves


How about this one?

Producing sound waves by
strumming a guitar.
Are there any similarities between the two
video clips?
The video clips exhibit or
Yes, very good!
show waves.

B. Establishing a (The teacher will introduce the lesson

purpose for the lesson through a scenario)

Coco is at the seashore playing a paper (One way is to disturb the

boat. He wants to move it. How will he do water to create waves. The
that without directly touching the boat? wave will eventually move the
Are you familiar with paper ball game?

Yes, very good!

Yes, ma’am.
(Teacher will use paper ball game)

A disturbance/vibration which
1. Based from Coco‟s activity, what travel through a medium in
is your idea about a wave? which energy is transferred.

Energy from Coco’s hand is

2. What has made the boat move? transferred to the water & into
the boat, thus the boat moves
3. What is carried by the wave to
make the boat move? Energy is carried by the wave.

Any idea about what is our topic for today?

Yes, very good!

Objectives: Waves, ma’am.

 Identify and describe the parts of

 Differentiate mechanical waves
from electromagnetic waves
 Cite practical applications of
waves in daily life
C. Presenting (The activity sheet is attached on the last
examples/instances of page)
the new lesson
(EXPLORE) Here is your rubric:

No, Ma’am.
Is there any other concern?

You may now proceed with your given

task. Reminder, you only have ten minutes
to prepare. After that, you will present your

During the Lesson Are you now ready for the presentation?
D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing Questions:
new skills #1 (EXPLAIN) Group 1
1. What do you do when you wave
your hand? 1. They are essentially
E. Discussing new “vibrating” their hands
concepts and practicing 2. How would you generate water by doing a repetitive
new skills #2 waves on a lake? back- &-forth or side-
to-side movement
with fingers/palm.

2. By vibrating the
surface of the water,
surface of water with
your index finger,
Group 3 throwing a pebble on
1. Observe what happens to the it, etc.(varied
surface of water/ paper boat answers)
upon tapping it with your index
2. Why do you think the 1. Production/formation of
water/paper boat moves that wave is observed.
way? 2. It happens because the
3. What is transferred by waves in water is disturbed.
the water/paper boat? 3. Energy is transferred.
4. What is required so that energy 4. It requires a medium
could be transferred by

Group 2
1. How do you generate waves in
a rope?
2. Based from the activity, identify
and describe the parts of a wave.

1. Disturbing one end of the

 Crest is the highest
point of the wave.
 Amplitude is the
displacement of a
vibrating particle on
either side of its
normal position when
the wave passes.
 Wavelength refers to
the distance between
any successive
identical parts of the
 Trough is the lowest
point of the wave.
F. Developing Mastery Based from the activity, group 1 wave their
(ELABORATE) hand. In order to make a wave, they Vibration
repeatedly moving her hand side to side in
science we call this as?

The source of waves is always a vibration.

A wave is traveling disturbance that carries

energy from one place to another with or
without a medium.

Medium - A substance or material that

carries the wave.

Take a look at this slinky. If we will stretch

it will assume an equilibrium or rest
position. It is not moving however when
the first coil of the slinky is repeatedly
moved from left to right. This create a
disturbance that travels from one end of It is the slinky, Ma’am.
the slinky to the other from this example
which do you think is the medium?

Correct! It is the slinky since it is where the

disturbance or the wave travels.

According to the presence or absence of a

medium. Waves can be categorized into
two: Mechanical and electromagnetic

Mechanical wave – it requires a medium to


Examples of mechanical waves are sound

waves, water waves, and waves form from
a rope.

Electromagnetic waves – it does not

require a medium to propagate.
For instance, radio waves, visible light,
microwaves and x rays.
These electromagnetic waves are
arranged according to their frequencies
and wavelength in an electromagnetic
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living How do such waves affect your daily life?
(Answers may vary.)
Waves are everywhere whether we
recognize it or not. We encounter waves in
a daily basis.

Can you give me some examples of waves • Water waves

in the environment.
Water waves not only allow us to swim,
but they also provide enjoyment for surfers
who ride them.
• Sound waves
Every morning, the sound waves from your
alarm clock wake you up, starting your
• Earthquake waves
Earthquake waves give us a picture, of the
Earth’s interior, the way an “ultrasound”
provides an image of a baby inside the
womb. This is why scientist know a bit
about the interior of our home planet, even
if no one has deep into the Earth yet.

After the Lesson Now, let’s have a recap of what you’ve

H. Making learned today.
generalizations and
abstractions about the
What is waves? A wave is traveling
disturbance that carries
energy from one place to
Very good! another with or without a

What are the parts of a wave? Amplitude, wavelength, crest

and trough.
Correct! According to the presence or
absence of a medium. Waves can be
categorized into two. What are those?
Mechanical and
Give me some examples of mechanical electromagnetic wave.
waves and electromagnetic waves.
Examples of mechanical
waves are sound waves,
water waves, and waves form
from a rope. While in
Very Good! You are now ready for our electromagnetic waves are
short quiz. radio waves, visible light,
microwaves and x rays.
I. Evaluating learning
(EVALUATION) 1. disturbance/vibration
For numbers 1 to 2, Fill in the blanks with 2. Electromagnetic waves
the correct word/s to complete the 3. A
concept on waves. 4. D
A wave is a ____ that moves away from 5. Mechanical waves
the source and carries energy with it.

_____ it does not require a medium to

Consider the diagram below to answer
questions 3 to 4.

3. The wavelength of the wave in the

diagram above is given by letter .
4. The amplitude of a wave in the diagram
above is given by letter
5. Which type of waves must have a
medium in order to travel?

J. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or Cut pictures showing the action of ocean
remediation waves, then paste them on your notebook.



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher
Group 1
(Oh, my Wave, how can I find you!)

1. State operational definition of waves
2. Explain how waves transfer energy


1. Try to wave at your seatmate and observe the motion of your
2. Make a side-to-side motion with the palm of your hand.
3. Make an up-and-down motion with your hand.

Guide Questions:
1. What do you do when you wave your hand?
2. How would you generate water waves on a lake?
Group 3
(Oh, my Wave, how can I find you!)

1. State operational definition of waves
2. Explain how waves transfer energy
3. Identify and describe the parts of a wave

2 m long rope


1. Get a piece of a rope about 2 meters long. Fix one end of a
rope by tying it around a post/rod.
2. Have a single disturbance in one end of the rope. What is
formed? This time, move the same end with series of
disturbances. What did you observe?
3. Observe the medium used in this activity through which wave
travels. Illustrate the waves and identify the parts.

Guide Questions:
1. How do you generate waves in a rope?
2. Based from the activity, identify and describe the parts of a wave.
Group 2
(Oh my Wave, how can I find you!)

1. State operational definition of waves
2. Explain how waves transfer energy
3. Identify and describe the parts of a wave


Paper boat
1. Place a basin filled with water on top of a level table.
2. Wait until the water becomes still or motionless.
3. Create a wave pulse by tapping the surface of the water
with your index finger and observe the direction of travel
of the wave pulse.
4. Tap the surface of the water at regular intervals to create
periodic waves.
5. View the waves from above and draw the pattern that you see.
In your drawing, mark the source of the disturbance.
6. Using a paper boat, repeat the procedure.

Guide Questions:
1. Observe what happens to the surface of water/ paper
boat upon tapping it with your index finger.
2. Why do you think the water/paper boat moves that way?
3. What is transferred by waves in the water/paper boat?
4. What is required so that energy could be transferred by waves?

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