Cpast Scores
Cpast Scores
Cpast Scores
Comments Emily plans appropriately and connects her Goals to the state standards.
They are consistently specific and measurable.
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
B. Materials
Uses a variety of Uses a variety of Uses materials and Materials and
and Resources materials and materials and resources that align resources do not
resources resources that with align with
that 1. Align with all some of the objectives/targets
1. Align with all objectives/targets objectives/targets
objectives/targets 2. Make content
2. Make content relevant to
relevant to learners learners
3. Encourage
individualization of
Comments Emily is able to identify materials and resources that can enhance her
students' understanding, are relevant, and encourage individualization of
Comments Emily uses a variety of assessment techniques and is able to inform her
learners and discuss their progress.
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
Lessons make Lessons make Lessons make an Lessons do not
Differentiated meaningful and clear and coherent attempt to build on or connect
Methods culturally connections to build on, but are not to learners’ prior
relevant 1. Learners’ prior completely knowledge
connections to knowledge successful at AND/OR
1. Learners’ prior 2. Previous lessons connecting to Explanations given
knowledge 3. Future learning 1. Learners’ prior are illogical or
2. Previous lessons AND knowledge, inaccurate as to
3. Future learning Differentiation of 2. Previous how the content
4. Other disciplines instruction lessons, OR connects to
and real-world supports learner future learning previous and future
experiences development AND learning
AND AND Differentiation of AND/OR
Differentiation of Organizes instruction is Differentiation of
instruction supports instruction to minimal instruction is absent
learner ensure AND
development content is Organizes
AND comprehensible instruction to
Organizes and ensure content is
instruction to relevant for comprehensible for
ensure content is learners learners
relevant, and
for learners
Comments Emily plans and delivers lessons that are logically structured, well-organized,
reasonably paced for this developmental age level, coherent, and complete
with sound conceptual clarity.
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
E. Learning
Articulates accurate Articulates an Articulates an Does not articulate
Target and and coherent accurate learning inaccurate the learning target
Directions learning target learning target OR
targets AND AND/OR Does not articulate
AND Articulates accurate Articulates directions/
Articulates accurate directions/ inaccurate
directions/explanati explanations directions/explanati
ons throughout the AND ons
lesson Sequences learning
AND experiences
Sequences learn appropriately
Comments Emily is able to articulate accurate learning targets and directions during her
launch, throughout the lesson, and during her closure. She sequences her
instructional delivery and learning activities with a good chronological flow.
Comments Emily asks probing questions and is able to scaffold her learners' problem
solving. She encourages her students' to support their assertions or claims
with evidence and she challenges assumptions.
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
G. Checking
Checks for Checks for Inconsistently Does not check for
for understanding understanding checks for understanding
Understanding (whole (whole understanding during lessons
class/group AND class/group) during during using formative
and Adjusting
individual learners) lessons using lessons using assessment
Instruction during lessons formative formative OR
through using formative assessment assessment Does not make any
assessment AND AND adjustments based
Formative AND Differentiates Adjusts instruction on learners’
Assessment Differentiates through accordingly, but responses
through planned adjustments to adjustments may
and instruction cause
responsive (whole class/group) additional confusion
adjustments (whole
class/group and
individual learners)
Comments Emily requires active learner responses through discussion, group work and
monitoring work at their seats. She is able to make adjustments based on her
formative assessments.
Comments Emily uses digital tools that are relevant for her learners and engaging for
demonstration of their knowledge or skills.
Comments Emily can maintain a positive atmosphere for learning independent of her
Mentor teacher. She uses research based strategies to equitably engage her
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
J. Data-Guided
Uses data-informed Uses data-informed Uses minimal data Does not use data
Instruction decisions (trends decisions to to design to design
and design instruction instruction and instruction and
patterns) to set and assessment assessment
short and long term assessment
goals AND
for future instruction Uses contemporary
and assessment tools for
AND learner data
Uses contemporary record-keeping
tools for learner
record-keeping and
Comments Emily reflects on data and uses it to inform her instructional design and her
Comments Emily answers her learners' questions accurately and provides timely
feedback that extends their thinking. She gives written feedback that is
accurate and guides her learners on how to monitor their own progress.
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
L. Assessment
Evaluates and Evaluates and Assessment Assessment
Techniques supports learning supports learning techniques are techniques are
through through 1. Developmentally 1. Developmentally
assessment assessment appropriate inappropriate
techniques that are techniques 2. Formative OR OR
1. Developmentally that are summative Not used
appropriate 1. Developmentally
2. Formative AND appropriate
summative 2. Formative AND
3. Diagnostic summative
4. Varied
Comments Emily can use research and theory to support why a task was chosen and
how an assessment is aligned to her instruction. She incorporates Core
Teaching Practices and other Best Practices into her teaching.
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
N. Participates
Participatesin at Participatesin at Participatesin at Does not
in Professional least one least one least one participate in any
Development professional professional professional professional
development development development development
opportunity (e.g. opportunity (e.g. opportunity opportunity (e.g.
workshops, workshop, (e.g. workshop,
seminars, attending seminar, attending workshop,seminar, seminar, attending
a professional a professional attending a a
conference, conference) professional professional
joining a AND conference) conference)
professional Provides evidence
organization) of an increased
AND understanding
Provides evidence of the teaching
of an increased profession as a
understanding of
result of the PD
the teaching
profession as a
result of the PD
Reflects on own
practice with
of application of the
acquired from PD
during student
Comments Emily participates in all Professional development that is available to her. She
is able to reflect on her own teaching practice and displays an increased
understanding of the teaching profession.
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
Provides evidence Provides evidence Provides evidence Does not provide
Demonstrates of communication of communication of evidence
Effective with with communication with of communication
parents or legal parents or legal parents or legal with
guardians in guardians in guardians in parents or legal
n with Parents accordance with accordance with accordance with guardians
or Legal district policies district policies district
(e.g., letter of (e.g., letter of policies (e.g., letter
Guardians introduction, introduction, of
attends attends introduction,
parent-teacher parent-teacher attends
conferences, conferences, parent-teacher
communication via communication via conferences,
email or online) email or online) communication via
AND AND email or
Provides Provides online)
information about information about
P-12 learning to P-12 learning to
parents or legal parents or legal
guardians to guardians to
promote promote
understanding and understanding and
academic progress academic progress
Interacts with
parents or legal
guardians in ways
that improve
understanding and
progress (e.g.
Comments Emily reports on time for her daily student teaching and is timely or early with
written submissions to her Supervisor.
Comments Emily is prepared to teach on a daily basis with materials and resources well
Comments Emily is able to advocate for the needs of her learners and engage in
discussions with other professionals in her building. She has an
understanding of the needs of the teaching profession.
0 Points 0 Points 0 Points 0 Points
U. Responds
Is receptive to Is receptive to Is receptive to Is not receptive to
Positively to feedback, feedback, feedback, feedback,
Feedback and constructive constructive constructive constructive
criticism, criticism, criticism, and criticism, and
supervision, and supervision, and supervision supervision
Criticism responds responds AND/OR AND/OR
professionally professionally Incorporates Does not
AND AND feedback incorporate
Incorporates Incorporates inconsistently feedback
feedback (e.g., feedback (e.g.,
from cooperating from cooperating
teacher, university teacher, university
supervisor) to supervisor) to
improve practice improve
AND practice
Proactively seeks
opportunities for
feedback from
other professionals
Comments Emily seeks opportunities for feedback from others and incorporates feedback
in a timely manner to improve her teaching practice.