Rivesalix 6616 Spring 2019 Observation 3

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Observation Record

Student Teacher: Alix Rives University Supervisor: Kate Murray

Cooperating Teacher/s: Micky Yocum Semester: Fall Observation #: 3 Date: 3/15/19

Item Meets Expectations Emerging Does Not Meet Expectations. Row

2 1 0 Score
Planning for Instruction and Assessment
A. Focus for Plans align to appropriate P-12 Learning Plans align to appropriate P-12 Learning Plans do not align to the appropriate P-12
Learning: Standards in native and/or target language Standards in native and/or target language of Learning Standards in native and/or target
Standards and of instruction instruction language of instruction
Objectives /Targets AND/OR AND/OR
some goals are measureable goals are absent or not measureable 2
Goals are measureable AND/OR _____
Standards, objectives/targets, and learning tasks, Standards, objectives/targets, and learning
Standards, objectives/ targets, and are loosely or are not consistently aligned with tasks are not aligned with each other
learning tasks are consistently aligned with each other
each other AND/OR AND/OR
AND does not articulate objectives/targets that
articulates some objectives/targets that are are appropriate for learners
articulates objectives/targets that are appropriate for learners AND/OR
appropriate for learners AND/OR
AND no content is adapted to learners’ linguistic
some content is adapted to learner’s linguistic levels and/or cultural backgrounds
content and target language objectives are levels and/or cultural backgrounds
adapted to learners’ linguistic levels
and/or cultural backgrounds
B. Assessment of P- Planned assessments provide Planned assessments provide opportunities for Planned assessments are not included
12 Learning opportunities for learners to illustrate some learners to illustrate competence AND/OR
competence AND/OR 2
AND do not align with the P-12 state Learning _____
align with the P-12 Learning Standards Standards
align with the P-12 Learning Standards AND/OR AND/OR
some may measure progress in native/target do not measure progress in native/target
language language
measure progress in native/target AND/OR AND/OR
AND some are culturally relevant not culturally relevant
are culturally relevant
AND some are drawn from learners’ funds of not drawn from learners’ funds of
knowledge knowledge
Are drawn from learners’ funds of
C. Differentiated Lessons make meaningful and culturally Lessons make connections to: Lessons do not make connections to
Methods for relevant connections to: 1. Learners’ prior knowledge 1. Learners’ prior knowledge
Diverse Learners9 1. Learners’ prior knowledge 2. Previous lessons 2. Previous lessons
2. Previous lessons 3. Future learning 3. Future learning
3. Future learning AND/OR 2
AND AND/OR _____
differentiates some instruction that supports some does not differentiates instruction that
consistently differentiates instruction that diverse learners with a wide range of supports diverse learners with a wide range
supports diverse learners with a wide mild/moderate learning needs based on students’ of mild/moderate learning needs
range of mild/moderate learning needs command of native/target language AND/OR
based on students’ command of AND/OR
native/target language no instruction is organized to ensure
AND some instruction is organized to ensure content is content is comprehensible, relevant and
somewhat comprehensible, relevant and challenging
instruction organized to ensure content is challenging AND/OR
comprehensible, relevant and challenging. AND/OR
AND no use of sheltered instruction, scaffolding
some use of sheltered instruction, scaffolding and and additional explanations in native/target
constant use of sheltered instruction, additional explanations in native/target languages languages
scaffolding and additional explanations in AND/OR AND/OR
native/target languages
AND incorporates some accommodations from IEPs, does not incorporate accommodations from
504 plans, and/or STEP plans when applicable IEPs, 504 plans, and/or STEP plans when
consistently incorporates appropriate applicable
accommodations from IEPs, 504 plans,
and/or STEP plans when applicable
Evidence: Two forms from section A,B, or C to verify the rubric scores assigned
Students working in groups for reading.
Shaving cream to spell words of the week.
Hands-on, tactile practice for writing.
Write the word three times - repetition
One group working on long /o/
Instructional Delivery
D. Learning Target Articulates an accurate and clear learning Articulates an inaccurate or unclear learning target Does not articulate the learning target
and Directions target
articulates accurate articulates inaccurate directions/explanations does not articulate directions/ explanations _____

sequences learning experiences

E. * Checking for Checks for understanding (whole Inconsistently checks for understanding during Does not check for understanding during
Understanding and class/group) during lessons using lessons using formative assessment lessons using formative assessment
Adjusting formative assessment AND OR
Instruction through AND 2
Formative adjusts instruction accordingly, but adjustments does not make any adjustments based on _____
Assessment differentiates through adjustments to may cause additional confusion learners’ responses
instruction (whole class/group)
F. Digital Tools and Discusses AND uses developmentally Discusses developmentally appropriate One of the following:
Resources appropriate technologies (digital tools and technologies (digital tools and resources) that are does not use technologies (digital tools and
resources) that are: somewhat: resources) to engage learners
relevant to learning objectives/ targets of the AND Technology is available in the setting
relevant to learning objectives/ targets of lesson OR
the lesson AND/OR
AND use of technologies is not relevant to the
somewhat engaging learners in the demonstration learning objectives/ targets of the lesson
engaging the learner in the demonstration of knowledge or skills OR 2
of knowledge or skills AND/OR _____
AND does not discuss technologies
somewhat appropriate for learners’ linguistic AND
appropriate for learners’ linguistic proficiency levels technology is not available in the setting
proficiency levels AND/OR
somewhat extend the learners’ use and
extending the learners’ use and development of their linguistic and thinking skills
development of their linguistic and in the native/target language
thinking skills in the native/target language AND
technology is not available
G. Safe and Manages a safe and respectful learning Attempts to manage a safe learning environment Does not manage a safe learning
Respectful Learning environment through the use of routines through the use of routines and transitions (i.e., environment (i.e., insufficient classroom
Environment and transitions (i.e., classroom classroom management) management)
(Classroom management) AND/OR OR 1
Management) AND _____
attempts to establish constructive relationships to does not establish constructive relationships
establishes and promotes constructive engage learners to engage learners
relationships to equitably engage learners
Evidence: Two forms of evidence from D, E, F, or G to verify the rubric scores assigned
-Great job being consistent with the students and pushing them to try the activity in a safe space.

- Is personal space a problem in the class? Let’s talk about ways to teach that skill and practice as a part of the day. I wonder if accessing some
videos of social skills (on Flocabulary?) would be beneficial? In addition to points connected to REALLY specific skills, i.e. 2 ft of personal space.

H. *Data-Guided Uses data-informed decisions to design Uses minimal data to design instruction and Does not use data to design instruction and
Instruction instruction and assessment assessment assessment
I. * Feedback to Provides feedback that enables learners to Provides minimal feedback that somewhat enables Does not provide feedback
Learners recognize strengths OR areas for learners to recognize strengths OR areas for OR
improvement improvement Feedback does not enable learners to 2
AND OR recognize strengths OR areas for _____
provides timely feedback feedback is provided in a somewhat timely fashion OR

feedback is not provided in a timely fashion

J. Assessment Evaluates and supports learning through Assessment techniques are somewhat Assessment techniques are
Techniques assessment techniques that are developmentally appropriate developmentally inappropriate 2
Developmentally appropriate AND/OR OR _____
AND somewhat formative
formative not used
Evidence: Two forms of evidence from H, I, or J to verify the rubric scores assigned.
Testing for reading:

Are you graphing the progress from the assessments on reading?

Are these groups based on IEP goals?
Candidate Self Reflection Prompting Questions: “How did the lesson go? What are areas of strength? Areas for Improvement? How did you respond to students’


Are these groups based on IEP goals? How do you choose the spelling words?
Nice work leveraging your other I.A.s for groups - how is this going?
Do you assess for reading every Friday? How do you map and document the progress?
Glossary of Terms
Analysis: Careful and critical examination of data and/or processes to identify key components and potential outcomes.
Assessment: “Process of monitoring, measuring, evaluating, documenting, reflecting on, and adjusting teaching and relearning to ensure that learners reach high levels of
Candidate: (Also known as “intern”) An individual participating in a full-time field experience in a P12 classroom in order to obtain professional education licensure/certification.
Cooperating Teachers: (Also known as “mentor teachers”) Teachers in schools who mentor and supervise candidates/student teachers in their classrooms for the duration of a
student teaching and/or field experience
Data-informed decisions: “Focuses on using student assessment data and relevant background information to inform decisions related to planning and implementing instructional
strategies at the district, school, classroom, and individual student levels.”2
Developmental Theory (General): Theories that describe the stages of development of children/adolescents (e.g., Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development, Kohlberg’s Theory
of Moral Development, Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory, Behavioral Theories, and Sociocultural Theories).
Developmental Theory (Content-Specific): Content-specific teaching that organizes activities and learning tasks to help learners move from one level to the next. 3
Differentiation: tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. 9
Evidence: Artifacts that document and demonstrate how [the Candidate] planned and implemented instruction4
Feedback: “Information communicated to the learner that is intended to modify the learner’s thinking or behavior for the purpose of improving learning.”5
Fieldwork Coordinator: Faculty or staff member from a college or university who coordinates/manages the administrative components of a teacher educator licensure program.
Fieldwork Instructor: Instructor assigned to the Candidate who regularly observes his/her performance to provide feedback on strengths and weaknesses. The FI coordinates the
Candidate’s evaluation, and is responsible for recording the consensus scores using this form.
Formative Assessment: “Assessment used continuously throughout learning and teaching, allowing teachers to adjust instruction to improve learner achievement.”1
Goals: See definition for “Measurable Goals.”
Learner: Any P12 student in the Candidate’s classroom.
Learning Environment: Any setting where learning occurs. The term may refer to the physical environment (e.g., the classroom), as well as the classroom management procedures
and activities that enable teaching and learning to take place.
Measurable Goals: “Provides information for describing, assessing, and evaluating student achievement.” 6
Mentor Teachers: See definition for “Cooperating Teachers.”
Objectives/Targets: P12 student (learner) learning outcomes to be achieved by the end of the lesson or learning segment.7
Research: “The use of rigorous, systematic, and objective methodologies to obtain reliable and valid knowledge.” 8

Arizona K12 Center. (2012). Standards continuum guide for reflective teaching practice. Northern Arizona University
Stevens, S., Shin, N., & Krajcik, J. (2009, June). Towards a Model for the Development of an Empirically Tested Learning Progression. Paper presented at the Learning Progressions in Science (LeaPS) Conference, Iowa City, IA.
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE). (2015). edTPA world language assessment handbook. Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.
Shute, V.J. (2008). Focus on formative feedback. Review of Educational Research, 78(1), 153-189.
http://www.aera.net/AboutAERA/KeyPrograms/EducationResearchandResearchPolicy/AERAOffersDefinitionofScientificallyBasedRes/tab id/10877/Default.aspx
Tomlinson, C. A., & Imbeau, M. B. (2013). Differentiated instruction: An integration of theory and practice. In B. J. Irby, G. Brown, R. Lara-Alecio, S. Jackson, B. J. Irby, G. Brown, ... S. Jackson (Eds.) , The handbook of educational
theories (pp. 1097-1117). Charlotte, NC, US:
Scanlon, D., Baker, D., & MS. (2012). An accommodations model for the secondary inclusive classroom. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35(4), 212-224. doi:10.1177/0731948712451261
Quinn, D. M., & Kim, J. S. (2017). Scaffolding fidelity and adaptation in educational program implementation: Experimental evidence from a literacy intervention. American Educational Research Journal, 54(6), 1187-1220.

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