Strategy Lesson 2
Strategy Lesson 2
Strategy Lesson 2
Goal/Objective of Lesson: blending sounds together is the first step to becoming a reader
for many students, so learning to blend sounds together is the
stepping stone to read
Lesson Procedure:
List the steps in the lesson with enough detail that a substitute could carry out the steps. If using a book to model a strategy, be specific on where to stop.
1. Say to the students, Today we are going to learn how to blend the sounds that we already
know together to make a word. This will help us become readers! I am going to model
blending sounds when I read the book, In the Small, Small Pond by Denise Fleming,
pay very close attention.
2. When you get to the word shiver in the book, tell the students to get out their pretend
rubber bands between their hands and stretch out the sounds that the word shiver makes.
Say to the students, say each sound as you stretch them out, then put them together and
say it fast, watch me. Then sound out the word shiver separating each sound, (sh-i-v-er)
then put the sounds together fast and say shiver. While saying the word out loud, pretend
you have a rubber band around your hands and you are stretching out the sounds in
shiver. Ask the class, what word did I just make? After answering the question, reread
the text with the word shiver.
3. When you get to the word click in the book, tell the students to get out their pretend
rubber bands between their hands and stretch out the sounds that the word shiver makes.
Say to the students, say each sound as you stretch them out, then put them together and
say it fast, watch me. Then sound out the word click separating each sound, (c-l-i-ck)
then put the sounds together fast and say click. While saying the word out loud, pretend
you have a rubber band around your hands and you are stretching out the sounds in
shiver. Ask the class, what word did I just make? After answering the question, reread
the text with the word click.
4. When you get to the word pack in the book, tell the student its their turn to show you how
to blend and stretch the word pack. Do the motions with the students with your pretend
rubber band, but try not to say the sounds unless they are struggling. Encourage the
students to try.
5. Tell the students, Very nice job readers! Can someone remind me the strategy we just