(LP) Analytic&holistic New
(LP) Analytic&holistic New
(LP) Analytic&holistic New
Instructional Instructional strategies are Some instructional strategies Most instructional Instructional strategies
Strategies missing or strategies used are are appropriate for learning strategies are appropriate appropriate for learning
inappropriate. outcome(s). Some strategies for learning outcome(s). outcome(s). Strategy
are based on a combination Most strategies are based based on a combination of
of practical experience, on a combination of practical experience,
theory, research and practical experience, theory, research and
documented best practice. theory, research and documented best practice.
documented best practice.
Assessment Method for assessing student Method for assessing student Method for assessing Method for assessing
learning and evaluating learning and evaluating student learning and student learning and
instruction is missing. instruction is vaguely stated. evaluating instruction is evaluating instruction is
Assessment is teacher present. Can be readily clearly delineated and
dependent. used for expert, peer, authentic. Can be readily
and/or self-evaluation. used for expert, peer,
and/or self-evaluation.
Technology Used Selection and application of Selection and application of Selection and application Selection and application
technologies is inappropriate technologies is beginning to of technologies is of technologies is
(or non-existent) for learning be appropriate for learning basically appropriate for appropriate for learning
environment and outcomes. environment and outcomes. learning environment and environment and
Technologies applied do not outcomes. Some outcomes. Technologies
affect learning. technologies applied applied to enhance
enhance learning. learning.
Materials Needed Material list is missing. Some materials necessary Most materials necessary All materials necessary
for student and teacher to for student and teacher to for student and teacher to
complete lesson are listed, complete lesson are complete lesson clearly
but list is incomplete. listed. listed.
Organization and Lesson plan is unorganized Lesson plan is organized, Lesson plan is organized Complete package
Presentation and not presented in a neat but not professionally and neatly presented. presented in well
manner. presented. organized and
professional fashion.
Total Points
0 1 2 3 4
Level of Understanding The student has no There is evidence in the There is evidence in the There is evidence in the There is evidence in the
understanding of the response that the response that the response that the response that the
question or problem. student has some student has a basic student has a good student has a full and
The response is understanding. understanding. understanding. complete
completely incorrect or understanding.
Use of Accurate The student has no The use of accurate The use of accurate The use of accurate The use of accurate
Scientific Terminology understanding of the scientific terminology is scientific terminology scientific terminology scientific terminology
question or problem. not present in the may be present in the strengthens the enhances the response.
The response is response. response. response.
completely incorrect or
Use of Supporting The student has no The supporting details The supporting details The supporting details Pertinent and complete
details understanding of the are only minimally are adequate. are generally complete. supporting details
question or problem. effective. demonstrate an
The response is integration of ideas.
completely incorrect or
Synthesis of The student has no The response addresses The response provides The response reflects The response reflects a
Information understanding of the the question. little or no synthesis of some synthesis of complete synthesis of
question or problem. information. information. information.
The response is
completely incorrect or
Application of The student has no The application, if The application of the The concept has been An effective application
Information understanding of the attempted, is irrelevant. concept to a practical applied to a practical of the concept to a
question or problem. problem or real-world problem or real-world practical problem or
The response is situation is inadequate. situation. real-world situation
completely incorrect or reveals an insight into
irrelevant. scientific principles.
LBD-specific: ☐ Behavioral objectives contain all necessary components ☐ Behavioral objectives are measurable ☐ Behavioral objectives correspond to
students’ skill levels ☐ Behavioral objectives align to with state standards
Fails to develop measureable Develops objectives for Develops relevant and Develops relevant and
objectives for identified identified students (i.e., measureable objectives for measureable objectives
students (i.e., background, background, special needs, different groups of identified for identified individuals
LBD-specific: ☐ Plans a variety of research-based strategies within lessons ☐ Uses pre-assessment data to guide instruction.
Fails to incorporate contextual Identifies relevant contextual Incorporates relevant Incorporates relevant
data into instructional design data; however, data are not contextual and pre- contextual and pre-
and planning. consistently reflected in the assessment data into assessment data into
instructional design and instructional design and instructional design and
planning. planning. planning to meet
individual, school, and
district instructional
Plans assessments to guide instruction and measure learning objectives; KTPS 1; PGES Domains 1C, 1F, 3D; CEC: IGC4 S3-Select, adapt and modify
assessments to accommodate the unique abilities and needs of individuals with exceptionalities.; ISCI4 S4-Develop or modify individualized assessment
LBD-specific: ☐ Plans formative assessments to measure student progress throughout the lesson ☐ Plans assessments to measure each student objective.
Fails to develop assessment Develops assessment Develops clear assessment Develops clear,
procedures that measure procedures that measure procedures with a well- differentiated formative
student outcomes. student outcomes but needs developed strategy for using and summative
support in designing a well- formative and summative assessment procedures to
developed strategy for using assessment to guide guide instruction and
formative and summative instruction and measure measure learning
assessment to consistently learning objectives. objectives.
guide instruction.
Plans instructional strategies and activities that address learning objectives for all students; [UofL Standard 11.2] KTPS 1,4,5,7 PGES Domains 1C, 1E,
3C, 3E; CEC: IGC5 S24-Plan and implement age- and ability-appropriate instruction for individuals with exceptionalities; IGC5 S1-Use research-
supported methods for academic and nonacademic instruction of individuals with exceptionalities; IGC5 S2 – Use strategies from multiple theoretical
approaches for individuals with exceptionalities.
LBD-specific: ☐ Instructional focus corresponds to planned objectives ☐ Plans a variety of research-based strategies within lessons ☐ Plans
adaptations/accommodations for specific students ☐ All materials and activities are age-appropriate
Fails to plan instructional Plans instructional strategies Plans instructional strategies Plans instructional
strategies and/or activities and activities aligned with and activities aligned with strategies and activities
aligned with learning learning objectives, identifying learning objectives for groups aligned with learning
objectives; and/or fails to readily available classroom of students, identifying a objectives for individuals
identify resources and resources and assistance, variety of resources and and groups of students,
assistance available, including including technology. assistance available, identifying a variety of
technology. including technology. resources and assistance
available, including
Plans instructional strategies and activities that facilitate multiple levels of learning; KTPS 1, 4, 7; PGES Domains 1C, 1E, 3A, 3E; CEC: ISCI5 S14-
Teach individuals to use self-assessment, problem solving, and other cognitive strategies to meet their needs.
LBD-specific: ☐ Lesson design is differentiated to meet the needs of students struggling to meet, meeting, and exceeding objectives ☐ Plans a variety of
procedures or tasks with difficulty levels based on student skill repertoire ☐ Plans the use of instructive feedback and provides higher-order questions to
challenge students.
Fails to plan instructional Plans instructional strategies Plans instructional strategies Plans an instructional
strategies and activities that and activities that require and activities that require sequence that requires
require multiple levels of multiple levels of learning but multiple levels of learning, multiple levels of
learning. do not address higher-order including higher-order learning, including
thinking. thinking. higher-order thinking.
Holistic Assessment of Lesson Planning KTPS 7, 8