Assessing An Assessment

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Goal: To create an assessment that will properly assess exit tickets.

Purpose: To improve and evaluate good assessments and identify how assessments can be improved.
How does the What must students
Why is the assessment What is the goal of the
assessment attend to display to prove they
being used? assessment?
student learning? have learned?
Is multidimensional, Gives students the Multiple ways to show
Complex, not flat; more
meaning it tests for more opportunity to explain learning; flexible in Clarity of language and
A good assessment... than just facts; connects
than one type of skill or their ideas and meeting individual and expectations
to real life
knowledge knowledge group needs

Perfect/ Above Well Below Expectation

Criteria Expectation (4) Meets Expectation (3) Below Expectation (2) (1) Misses the Mark (0)
Students are assessed
based on their shared
knowledge, previous
experiences, and
knowledge gained in the Students are assessed
classroom. The based on their classroom
assessment addresses knowledge. The ideas
ideas, concepts, and being tested were Students are asked to Students are asked to
facts that were directly mentioned or showed in Students are asked to perform a task or answer perform a task or answer
addressed in the lesson. the lesson. Students perform a task or answer a question without a question(s) completely
Students are given the apply their conceptual questions that display significant curriculum unrelated to class
Connection Out of the opportunity for knowledge and build their conceptual overlap and low-level material or demonstrated
Classroom sensemaking. upon rote learning. understanding. rote learning. knowledge.
Students are able to Students are able to
clearly identify the clearly identify the Students can identify
expectations. expectations. expectations, but have Students are not able to
Expectations are aligned Expectations don't trouble understanding Students can assume access expectations.
with the learning goals necessarily align with or them. AND/OR expectations, but the Expectations are not
Student Awareness of that were presented to directly address the Expectations are stated expectations are not explicitly stated in any
Expectations/Clarity the students. learning goals. but unclear. explicitly stated. form.
Student learning is
analyzed for Student learning is not
understanding, analyzed for
complexity, and is understanding.
flexible. The assessment Student learning is Assessment is one-
is multidimensional, Student learning is analyzed for dimensional and only
giving students many analyzed for understanding. The searches for right/wrong
opportunities and formats understanding and assessment has Student learning is answers. AND/OR
to display their complexity. The dimensions, but does not analyzed for Students are graded on
knowledge. The assessment is give students different understanding. The complete/incomplete
assessment is formatted multidimensional, giving formats for displaying assessment is one- only. Assessment
Analyzes Student in a way that encourages students opportunities knowledge. Student dimensional and has formatting is not
Learning/ Summative students to display their and formats to display answers have some many limitations on condusive to students
Ability knowledge. their knowledge. limitations. student answers. ldisplaying their learning.
Assessment allows for a
wide range of students,
including ELL, to
participate in the
assessment and fully Assessment
display their knowledge. Assessment recognizes marginalizes, disregards,
Assessment has diverse the needs of different or ignores the needs of
mediums for the variety learners and meets those communities of people
of learners. Assessment needs by allowing them Assessment fails to because of language
is culturally responsive to fully display their Assessment attempts but recognize and meet the ability, physical ability,
and includes aspects that knowledge. Assessment fails to meet the needs of needs of different cultural ability, etc.
promote inclusion, has multiple mediums different learners. They learners. They do not Assessment does not
diversity, awareness, catered towards different are not able to fully display their knowledge. take into account the
recognition, etc. learners. Assessment display their knowledge. Assessment has one diversity of the
Assessment does not promotes diversity and Assessment has multiple medium. Assessment classroom and removes
display science as the aims to be culturally mediums. Assessment does not promote science from the real
Inclusion of Learners "white man"'s. responsive. acknowledges diversity. diversity. world narrative.
Assessment could be
given over and over
again and produce
similar results in student
learning. Assessment Assessment could be Assessment does not
measures learning the given over and over Assessment is measure knowledge
way it is meant to. The again and produce repeatable, but does not Assessment is unable to accurately, consistently,
assessment has a clear similar results. The produce similar results. be repeated. The goal or efficiently. The goal
goal and purpose that it assessment has a clear The assessment has a and purpose are and purpose are not
Reliability and Validity meets. goal and purpose. goal and purpose. somewhat unclear. known.

Scoring 0-6 7-12 13-16 17-20

Great! But Keep
Do Not Use Make Improvements Good, Can Be Better Improving :D

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