Barreda DLL
Barreda DLL
Barreda DLL
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding … of how the major internal organs
such as the brain, heart, lungs, stomach , intestines, kidneys, bones, and
muscles keep the body healthy
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to …model of organism that has a body parts
which can be survive in a given environment
C. Learning Competency/s: The learners should be able to…describe the main function of the major
organs (S4Lt- IIa-b2)
II. CONTENT Parts and Function of Major organs
III. LEARNING RESOURCES K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Science Learner Grade 4 pg 13-15
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from Human body chart
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Curriculum Guide
A. Reviewing previous 1. What do you think our body is composed of ?
Lesson or presenting new 2. Do you think these major organs work together ?
B. Establishing a purpose The Teacher will ask the students.
for the lesson
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson.
1. What are the parts of major organs of the human body? Did you
2. Have you ever wondered if one of the organs is not functioning?
3. What do you think will happen?
D. Discussing new concepts In an organ, different tissues work together to carry out a particular
and practicing new function. These are the main organs, as well as their primary
skills.#1 function:
● The lungs separate oxygen from the air and remove carbon
dioxide from the blood.
● The bones are the structural foundation and form the shape of
our body.
Fix me I’m jumbled!
Using the definition of its major organ, fix those words to make it correct.
1.TERAH – It pumps blood around the body
2. DIYKEN – filters blood and produce urine
3. LECMUS – Fleshy part that enable the body to move
4. RINAB – responsible for learning and acquiring skills
5. CHOSMAT- food is broken down into nutrients
6. GLUNS – gets oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood
7. SNOBE – support and protect most of our internal organs
G. Finding practical Write true if the statements are habits to maintain a healthy body and false
application of concepts and if it is not.
skills in daily living 1.eating healthy foods like go, glow and grow foods
2. Junkfoods are good to our kidney
3. Having enough sleep
4. Drinking plenty of water
5. having a daily exercise
H. Making
Generalizations and What are the parts of major organs of the human body?
Abstraction about the Lesson. •bones, muscles, heart, brain, kidney, lungs, stomach
What are the habits to maintain a healthy body ?
• having enough sleep, exercising, healthy foods, drinking plenty of
What are the disease that causes malfunctioning of major organs?
• cancer, heart failure, lungs failure, kidney failure, bone disease
I. Evaluating Learning Ask the students to share their ideas and experience on how they protect
their body?
Do you eat more salty foods? Why?
Do you eat vegetables and fruits? Why?
Do you exercise daily?
How are you going to take care of your body?
J. Additional Activities Draw a picture of the human body that shows major organs. Color it to
for Application or show a happier and livelier mood.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
E. My teaching strategies