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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,658,700

Sullivan 45 Date of Patent: Apr. 21, 1987

54 DRUM MAGAZINE Primary Examiner-Stephen C. Bentley
75 Inventor: Leroy J. Sullivan, Huntington Beach, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Needle & Rosenberg
Calif. 57 ABSTRACT
73 Assignee: The Beta Company, Atlanta, Ga. This invention relates to magazines for guns. The drum
(21) Appl. No.: 759,058 magazine of the present invention comprises one or two
generally cylindrical drums with openings for the exit
22 Filed: Jul. 24, 1985 of cartridges from within the drum. A spring driven
51) Int. Cl. .............................................. F41D 10/26 rotor within the drum carries two concentric rings of
52 U.S.C. ................................................... 89/33.02 cartridges in a channel defined by the outer circumfer
58) Field of Search ....................... 42/6, 19, 49 R, 50; ence of the rotor and the interior of the cylindrical
89/33.02 drum wall. The rotor engages the inner concentric ring
56 References Cited of cartridges and each cartridge in the outer ring of
cartridges is forced to move by contact with a cartridge
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS of the inner ring. During feeding, the cartridges are
2,131,412 9/1938 Ostman .............................. 89/33.02 advanced as two rings until they meet the can blade,
4,138,923 2/1979 Brosseau et al ... 89/33.02 which gradually forces the cartridges into a single col
4,384,508 5/1983 Sullivan et al. ... 89/33.02 umn which moves approximately twice as fast as the
4,413,546 11/1983 Taylor, Jr. ... ... 89A33.02 velocity of the cartridges in the rotor. When the last
4,487,103 12/1984 Atchisson ...... ... 89/33.02 cartridge leaves the rotor during feeding and enters the
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS exit passage, a follower arm is provided to continue to
726574 10/1942 Fed. Rep. of Germany ..... 89/33.02 push the last cartridge out of the magazine.
1553877 8/1971 Fed. Rep. of Germany ..... 89/33.02
628734 9/1949 United Kingdom ............... 89/33.02 41 Claims, 8 Drawing Figures
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U.S. Patent Apr. 21, 1987 Sheet 5 of 7 4,658,700

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U.S. Patent Apr. 21, 1987 Sheet 7 of 7 4,658,700

1 2
it triples the immediate firepower of every rifleman and
DRUM MAGAZINE reduces his vulnerability in combat.
This invention relates to magazines for guns. More 5 A single drum magazine of the present invention
specifically it relates to large capacity drum magazines comprises a generally cylindrical drum with an opening
which feed cartridges to an automatic gun. for the exit of cartridges from within the drum. A spring
Drum magazines are well known in the art. See for driven rotor within the drum carries two concentric
example, U.S. Pat. No. 2,131,412 to Ostman; U.S. Pat. O rings of cartridges, oriented with their axes approxi
No. 4,138,923 to Brosseau; U.S. Pat. No. 4,384,508 to mately parallel to the drum axis, in a channel defined by
Sullivan; and U.S. Pat. No. 4,487,103 to Atchisson. The the outer circumference of the rotor and the interior of
principal advantage of drum magazines over the more the cylindrical drum wall. The rotor engages the inner
conventional box or column magazines is their greater concentric ring of cartridges, and the width of said
capacity, carrying two to four times the number of channel is less than the diameter of two cartridges, such
cartridges of a box magazine, with correspondingly 15 that the outer concentric ring of cartridges is necessar
more firepower. However, such drum magazines are ily offset from the cartridges in the inner ring. The
seldom used because they require a special gun. cartridges in the outer ring are thereby nested in reces
Rifles are still the predominant infantry weapon to ses formed between adjacent cartridges in the inner
day. Modern automatic rifles have two important roles. ring. As a result, when the rotor is caused to rotate,
They must fire accurate single shots, which they do 20 thereby forcing the inner ring of cartridges to move
very well, and then by means of a selector button, they around a circle, each cartridge in the outer ring of car
must fire fully automatic like a machine gun. The in tridges is also forced to move by contact with a car
tended purpose of this second role is to eliminate the tridge of the inner ring just behind it with respect to the
need for a secondary automatic support weapon by direction of rotation. Also, since the outer ring of car
making the rifle an all purpose weapon. In practice, 25 tridges has a greater circumference than the inner ring,
however, the rifle makes a poor machine gun. Its most there will be gaps between adjacent pairs of outer ring
obvious flaw is its small magazine, usually thirty shots. cartridges.
In a situation that requires full automatic fire, each
magazine is emptied so quickly that the soldier must exitAnreduces exit channel between the rotor and the magazine
the width of the cartridge channel from
spend more time changing magazines than firing. This that of the width of the offset double row of cartridges
"down time' limits the rifle's effect and increases the to that of a single row of cartridges. This reduction in
soldier's vulnerability in combat.
A large capacity drum magazine for the rifle would width may be accomplished by means of a cam blade
which forces cartridges from the inner ring of car
overcome this problem by increasing the firepower of tridges, as they leave the rotor, into the gaps between
the rifle. However, existing drum magazine technology 35 the
is not compatible with existing rifle technology. A gun move throughofthe
cartridges the outer ring as all of the cartridges
narrowing passage. It should be
magazine serves as both an ammunition container and as noted that the cartridges will roll during the transition
a feed device. It is, of course, an essential assembly for from double column to single column and that rolling
the gun, but unlike other assemblies within the gun, friction will thereby apply to ease the merging process.
which are mechanically linked together so that their Thus during feeding, the cartridges are driven by the
functions are coordinated, the magazine is a detachable
and separate unit. The magazine's drive mechanism, force of the spring and advanced as two rings until they
meet the cam blade, which gradually forces the car
without assist from the gun, must be fast enough to keep tridges
up with the gun cycle. In order to provide a large ca mately twice into a single column which moves approxi
pacity magazine for automatic rifles, such as the M-16, 45 as fast as the velocity of the cartridges in
it is necessary to move the mass of cartridges the re the rotor, and the magazine will be emptied in about a
quired distance in the same time as in small capacity single rotation of the rotor.
magazines originally designed for the gun. However, a When the last cartridge leaves the rotor during feed
larger weight of cartridges requires a larger force to ing and enters the exit passage, a means is provided to
accelerate them, and the force required to move 100 50 continue to push the last cartridge out of the magazine.
cartridges in a standard magazine design used with an This may be accomplished by a follower arm attached
M-16 would place so much force on the cartridge in the to the rotor. Preferably the follower arm is pivotally
feed position that it would impede or jam the weapon attached to the rotor at one of its ends, and has a push
mechanism. ing surface at its other end, such as a dummy cartridge.
Unlike other drum magazines, the present invention, 55 The follower arm retracts within the inner circumfer
with 100 cartridge capacity, will advance each car ence of the inner ring of cartridges when the magazine
tridge into the feed position just as fast and with no is loaded and extends outward and into the exit passage
greater binding force than for a conventional 30 car as the magazine empties. While the follower arm is
tridge magazine. Because of this and the geometry of its optimally designed to force all cartridges out of the
construction, the magazine can be used on almost any magazine, in practice an extension means may be neces
modern combat rifle without modification to the gun. It sary to feed the cartridge into the gun. In such case, an
does not preclude the use of standard 30 shot magazines, appropriate number of dummy cartridges may either be
so the two types can be used interchangeably. built within the magazine or loaded into the magazine to
Firepower is not always required or desirable, but fill the additional length of the extension means when
when it is, the combined limit of existing rifle and maga 65 the follower arm is fully extended.
zine technology offers no better solution than a special The magazine may be loaded by hand or machine by
support weapon or a bigger army. The present inven reversing the feeding process and introducing car
tion offers an entirely different solution. When needed, tridges into the feed end of the magazine. As each car
3 4.
tridge is introduced, the preceding cartridges will move It is a still further object of this invention to provide
into the magazine and automatically expand into the a large capacity magazine which is simple in design,
two concentric offset rings of cartridges, causing the economical in construction, lightweight and compact.
rotor to rotate against the spring force until the maga These and other objects and advantages will appear
zine is filled to capacity. from the following description with reference to the
Another embodiment of the present invention utilizes drawings.
two of the drum magazines described above joined DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
together at their respective exit openings by a connec
tion means which directs the cartridges exiting from FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an automatic rifle
each drum into a feedbox or extension located centrally 0 with a double drum magazine attached thereto.
between the drums. This is especially desirable in the FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a double drum maga
case of a gun, such as an M-16, which normally utilizes ZC.
a conventional double column box magazine. In this FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of a double drum
case, the cartridges exiting from each of the drums are magazine embodiment of the present invention, fully
directed to form the two staggered columns of car 15 unloaded.
tridges in the central box. The drums are separated far FIG. 4 is the magazine of FIG. 3 fully loaded with
enough from the central box to accomodate the width cartridges.
of the gun receiver between them when the central box FIG. 5 is a section taken along the line V-V of FIG.
is fitted within the gun. This embodiment forms a unit 4.
which is more compact than a single drum of the same 20 FIG. 6 is an exploded view of the internal parts of the
cartridge capacity, fits the gun more favorably with magazine and a portion of the drum walls, some of
more handling and ground clearance, and maintains the which are in partial or complete cross-section.
advantages of the invention as described below. FIG. 7 is a perspective view of the internal parts of
The invention overcomes the difficulties inherent in the drum.
the prior art by reducing the spring force necessary to 25 FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view of a single drum
move the desired mass of cartridges in the required time magazine embodiment of the present invention.
and by reducing the resultant force exerted by the car DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
tridge to be fed into the gun for a given spring force. EMBODIMENTS
That is, since two rings of cartridges in the drum pro
duce a single row of cartridges exiting the drum, to 30 The preferred embodiments are now described with
move a new cartridge into the loading position the total reference to the drawings, in which like numbers indi
mass of cartridges need only be moved approximately cate like parts throughout the views.
half the distance that would be required in a prior art FIG. 1 shows a double drum magazine 10 attached to
drum. This allows a reduction in the spring force by an automatic rifle 11, such as an M-16. FIG.2 shows the
about a factor of two from what would be normally 35 double drum magazine 10 which includes two drum
required to move the cartridges in the time necessary to portions 12 connected together by connection means
meet the cycle time of the automatic gun. In addition, 13, and a cartridge feed extension 14 attached to said
the effect of the gradual merging action from two rows connection means. It can be seen that extension 14 is of
to one row, and the resultant acceleration of the car the double row type and is adapted to the shape and
tridges, is to reduce the force on a cartridge exiting the dimensions of at least the portion of the standard box
drum from the force which the spring applies to the clip which mates with the rifle.
cartridges within the magazine. This effect also helps to FIG. 3 shows in detail a double drum embodiment of
make possible the high speed feeding of a larger volume the present invention. Each drum portion 12 of the
of cartridges without adversely affecting the gun load magazine is essentially an identical mirror-image of the
ing mechanism. 45 other. Each drum has a central shaft or axel 15 upon
Some box magazines have been designed which in which rotate the rotors. It will be seen below that the
corporate a reduction of a double column of cartridges rotor comprises two wheels. The front wheel 16 is seen
to a single column. However, such box magazines do in FIG. 3. Each wheel has teeth 18 which provide a
not have the gap between cartridges at the start of the partial arc between each pair of teeth within which a
transition from a double row to a single row, and, there 50 cartridge may be seated. The magazine has a generally
fore, tend to bind, which inhibits smooth acceleration of cylindrical wall 19 concentric with the circumference
the cartridges. of the rotor wheels. A space 20 is provided between the
The simplicity of the design of the internal mecha rotors and the inside of the drum which forms a channel
nism of the invention lends itself to less costly manufac around the circumference of the rotor. This channel is
turing since the magazine may be constructed with 55 optimally of a width just sufficient to hold two offset
modern production methods and materials, such as by concentric rings of cartridges. FIG. 4 shows the maga
metal stampings or plastic molds. Such a magazine may zine of FIG. 3 fully loaded with cartridges and shows
be lightweight and disposable, and such features will be the two concentric rings of cartridges within the chan
especially beneficial for military use. nel space 20. The cartridges 21 in the inner ring of
In summary, it is an object of this invention to pro 60 cartridges are located in the spaces between the teeth of
vide a magazine that will hold a large number of ammu the rotor wheels and the cartridges 22 in the outer ring
nition rounds, which may function on any unmodified are each located in a recess 23 formed between two
magazine gun or rifle and which, therefore, does not adjacent cartridges in the inner ring.
require a special gun for its operation. With further reference to both FIGS. 3 and 4, it is
It is a further object of this invention to provide a 65 seen that a cam blade 24 is provided which gradually
magazine for an automatic gun or rifle which can feed a reduces the width of the channel 20 from that of the two
large number of cartridges to the weapon without re offset rows of cartridges at the rotors to a single row of
tarding the weapon mechanism. cartridges at the exit 25 from each drum portion 12. The
4,658,700 6
connection 26 between the two drum portions 12 di teeth of the rotor, by the force applied directly to the
rects the two single cartridge rows from each of the rotor. Cartridges may be loaded until the rotors make a
drum portions towards one outlet 27 which is only wide complete revolution and the cartridge end of the fol
enough to allow the two rows of cartridges to pass lower arm comes into contact with the back of the cam
through if they are staggered. An extension 28 is at blade 24.
tached to the connection 26 which carries the two stag With reference to FIGS. 4 and 5, it is seen that as the
gered rows of cartridges to a standard double lip feed cartridges enter the cam area during unloading the cam
throat 29. blade 24 squeezes the two rings of cartridges into one
The motion of the cartridges out of the magazine is row. By reference to the right cam blade 24 in FIG. 5,
caused by coiled springs 30 located at the center of each 10 it is seen that the cam blade is generally centrally lo
drum portion. Each spring is tensioned between a tab cated between the ends of the cartridges so that each
extension 31 of the cam blade 24 and a connection 32 to cartridge from the inner ring is cammed into the space
the rotor wheels, thereby forcing the rotors to turn in between adjacent cartridges in the outer ring by the
the direction that will move the cartridges into the cam relatively thin cam blade 24 as a fulcrum. Since car
area and out of the drum. Thus, it can be seen that as the 15 tridges may be tapered, the thin cam blade acts as a
lead cartridge 33 is removed from the feed throat 29 the fulcrum point contact allowing either end of the car
spring force on the rotors will cause the rotors to rotate tridge to go deeper into the path of the outer ring as
and all of the cartridges to move in the direction of the room allows so that any slack at the front or rear of the
feed throat until the top cartridge 34 from the other single column is taken up. Furthermore, as seen in FIG.
staggered row is stopped by the lip of the feed throat. 20
5, the drums 12 are tilted slightly forward, as is the
A follower arm 35 is attached to a pivot 36 on each central box extension 28, to compensate for the accumu
rotor. As the last cartridge 37 on the rotor is cammed lated angles of taper of the cartridges in the cam area,
away from the rotor teeth by the can blade 24, the connection and extension.
follower arm 35 continues to transfer the force of the Cartridges roll during the transition from double
spring to the last cartridge to cause the cartridges to 25 column to single column in the cam area, and, therefore,
continue to move out of the magazine as cartridges are rolling friction applies, not sliding friction. However, in
removed from the feed throat. The follower arm is order to have the cartridges cam smoothly the camming
shaped to fit within the inner ring of cartridges when should be gradual. In this embodiment, an angle of
the magazine if fully loaded. The push end of the fol about 15 degrees is made between the can blade 24 and
lower arm has a dummy cartridge 38 attached thereto 30 the tangential portion 42 of the inside face of the drum,
which occupies a space in the outer ring of cartridges. which is about the maximum angle that will cam
As the dummy cartridge 38 enters the area of the cam smoothly. Also, for smooth camming, it is important for
blade 24 when the magazine is being unloaded, it natu the camming process to begin before the gap 43 be
rally moves toward the exit passage of the drum por tween two adjacent cartridges in the outer ring begins
tion, which causes the follower arm 35 to swing out 35 to close, which will occur when each cartridge in the
ward and into the exit passage. As can be seen in FIG. outer ring reaches the tangential drum portion 42. In the
3, the follower arms 35 are of sufficient length to push embodiment shown in FIG. 4, the angle 44 formed
the cartridges out of the drum, through the connection
26 and the outlet 27. However, the follower arm 35 does between adjacent cartridges in either the inner or outer
ring is 15 degrees, and therefore the angle 45 between a
not extend into the extension 28, and as seen in FIG. 3, cartridge
it is necessary that this space be filled with cartridges, ring in the inner ring and a cartridge in the outer
which may be dummy cartridges. Even with such begin camming is 7 degrees. Therefore, the cam blade should
dummy cartridges 39, the number of which is depen degrees before the a cartridge in the inner ring at least 7
dent on the length of the extension 28, this embodiment 42 of the drum. In general, beginning of the tangential portion
of the magazine is capable of carrying and delivering 45 the angle between the cam
one-hundred rounds to a weapon. A link 40 is provided blade 24 and the tangential portion 42 of the drum may
between the dummy cartridge that is the lead cartridge be chosen as being about equal to the angle 44 formed
when the magazine is completely unloaded and the between adjacent cartridges in the inner ring.
cartridge in its row immediately behind it, to prevent It is also important that the teeth 18 of the rotors 16,
the weapon from loading the dummy cartridge and to 50 17 do not extend so far that they will impede an inner
indicate that the magazine is empty. ring cartridge from moving forward in the cam area as
The magazine may be loaded by inserting cartridges necessarily caused by the camming of cartridges behind
into the feed throat 29. Each time a cartridge is loaded it.
the cartridges within the extension 28 will be pushed andFIG. 5 also shows in greater detail the front wheel 16
rear wheel 17 of the rotor on their axel 15. The
downward toward the dividing point 41 in the connec 55
tion, which naturally causes the two staggered rows to spring 30 is seen to be two inverse coiled spring portions
be split and directed into each of the drums. During 46, 47, which may be formed with a single wire with the
loading the follower arm dummy cartridge 38 is natu center of the spring anchored to the cam blade.
rally caused to be pushed to a position in the outer ring FIG. 6 is an exploded drawing of the elements inside
since the angle of the force applied to the dummy car the drum, showing the parts in greater detail. The part
tridge 38 causes it to rotate outward on its arc of travel. numbers are the same as previously used, with a cut
The succeeding cartridges entering the drum will natu away portion of the front face 48 and rear face 49 of the
rally alternate moving into the inner ring or outer ring drum shown through which the screws 50 and washers
of cartridges due to the position of the preceding car 51 attach to the axel 15. Spacers 52 are provided to
tridge. The loading of cartridges will cause the rotor 65 support the spring 30 and reduce the friction of rotation
wheels 16 to turn against the spring force, first by the of the wheels 16, 17. The can blade 24 is mounted
force applied to the follower arm, and after the car around the axel and is anchored to the drum by means
tridges in the inner ring begin to be located within the of a screw 53.
4,658,700 8
The follower arm 35 is seen to have a U-shape with (c) cam means within said housing means defining,
cylindrical extensions 54 which fit into the pivot holes with said housing means, a passage from the car
36 of the front and rear wheels. The follower arm tridge space to the exit opening of said housing
dummy cartridge comprises an appropriately shaped means, for urging two offset concentric rings of
head 55 and tail 56 portion attached to a pin 57 through 5 cartridges alternately together into a single row as
a hole 58 through the push end of the follower arm. The said cartridges are moved out of said magazine.
hole 58 is slightly larger than the pin and tapered out 2. The drum magazine of claim 1, further comprising:
ward at both openings to allow the dummy cartridge to (d) extension means associated with said housing
rotate and tilt as it moves through the cam area. means and defining a cartridge feeding channel in
The U-shaped opening of the follower arm is neces 10 communication with the exit opening of said hous
sary to allow the arm to fit around the cam blade 24 ing means; and
both when fully loaded (see FIG. 4) and fully unloaded (e) drive means to rotationally urge said cartridge
(see FIG. 3). FIG. 7 is a perspective view which more carrying means in the direction which will move
clearly shows the interaction of the follower arm 35 and cartridges within said drum magazine into the pas
the cam blade 24. A portion of the push end of the 15 sage defined by said cam means and said housing
follower arm is cut away 59 where the follower arm eas.
will come into contact with the cam blade when the 3. The drum magazine of claim 2, wherein said drive
drum is fully loaded, to provide room for an additional means comprises a spring.
cartridge to be loaded into the magazine. 4. The drum magazine of claim 1, wherein said means
FIG. 8 shows a single drum embodiment 112 of the 20 for individually defining the positions of the inner ring
present invention. The parts and operation of this em of cartridges and for individually urging the cartridges
bodiment are essentially the same as described above, comprises teeth on the outer circumference of said rota
with a rotor 116 on an axel 115 moving an inner ring of tional cartridge carrying means.
cartridges 121 and an outer ring of cartridges 122 5. The drum magazine of claim 4, wherein said drum
around the drum 112 and directing the cartridges 121 25 shaped housing means comprises a front face and a rear
and 122 into a single row by means of the cam blade 124 face and wherein said rotational cartridge carrying
as the lead cartridges 133 are removed. A follower arm means comprises:
135 is utilized to push out the last cartridge as described (a) a shaft located at the central axis of said housing
for the double drum configuration. However, no con means, attached to the front and rear faces of said
nection (such as 26) is required and the extension 128 30 housing means;
carries a single row of cartridges. (b) a front wheel rotationally mounted on said shaft;
The magazine of the present invention may be made and
of any suitable materials, such as metals and plastics. (c) a rear wheel rotationally mounted on said shaft.
Ideally, the drums and connections will be formed as a 6. The drum magazine of claim 1, wherein said drum
one piece plastic in a molding process, with as many 35 shaped housing means comprises a front face and a rear
other parts as appropriate made of plastic, to produce face and wherein said cam means comprises a blade
the lightest possible product consistent with durability connected to said housing means having an edge which
and reliable operation. Any implementation of the in defines the passage with said housing means, said blade
vention should be appropriately sized based on the di located between the front and rear faces of said housing
mensions of the cartridges to be stored therein. means such that the edge of said blade comes into
While the invention has been described in detail with contact with a cartridge exiting from the inner ring at a
particular reference to the preferred embodiments point significantly away from either end of the car
thereof, it will be understood that variations and modifi tridge.
cations can be effected within the spirit and scope of the 7. The drum magazine of claim 6, wherein said means
invention as previously described and as defined by the 45 for individually defining the positions of the inner ring
claims. of cartridges and for individually urging the cartridges
What is claimed is: comprises teeth on the outer circumference of said rota
1. A drum magazine for successively feeding a plural tional cartridge carrying means.
ity of cartridges to a firearm, comprising: 8. The drum magazine of claim 7, wherein said rota
(a) a drum shaped housing means having a cartridge 50 tional cartridge carrying means comprises:
exit opening extending from the side of said hous (a) a shaft located at the central axis of said housing
ing means; means, attached to the front and rear faces of said
(b) rotational cartridge carrying means within said housing means;
housing means which defines a cartridge space, (b) a front wheel rotationally mounted on said shaft;
between said cartridge carrying means and the 55 and
inner wall of said housing means, for two offset (c) a rear wheel rotationally mounted on said shaft.
concentric rings of cartridges, wherein each of the 9. The drum magazine of claim 8, which further com
cartridges of the outer concentric ring are nested in prises a spring to rotationally urge said cartridge carry
the recess formed by two adjacent cartridges in the ing means in the direction which will move cartridges
inner concentric ring of cartridges and are urged to within said drum magazine into the passage defined by
revolve around said drum by the rearward of said said cam means and said housing means.
adjacent cartridges in the inner ring of cartridges, 10. The drum magazine of claim 9, which further
said rotational cartridge carrying means compris comprises a follower means attached to said cartridge
ing means for individually defining the positions of carrying means for pushing out of the magazine the last
each cartridge of the inner ring of cartridges and 65 cartridge after it has left said rotational cartridge carry
for individually urging each of said cartridges of ing means during unloading of the magazine.
the inner ring of cartridges to revolve around said 11. The drum magazine of claim 10, wherein said
drum as said cartridge carrying means rotates; and follower means comprises:
(a) a cylindrical leading projection which has approx means and merging the two rows of cartridges into
imately the same external dimensions as a cartridge a staggered double row of cartridges as they exit
and which occupies a position in the outer ring of said connecting means;
cartridges when the follower means is not ex (c) extension means extending from said connecting
tended; and 5 means for placement in round-feeding relation with
(b) an arm which is attached at one end to said lead a firearm, said extension having a round-feeding
ing projection, is pivotally attached at the other opening and having a passage from said connecting
end to the cartridge carrying means at a point inte means to the round-feeding opening approximately
rior of the inner ring of cartridges, and is curved to the width of a staggered double row of cartridges;
fit within the inner ring of cartridges when the 10 (d) rotational cartridge carrying means within said
magazine is loaded and to extend into the exit pas housing means which defines a cartridge space,
sage when the magazine is empty. between said cartridge carrying means and the
12. The drum magazine of claim 11, wherein: inner wall of said housing means, for two offset
(a) said cam blade is also supported by said shaft and concentric rings of cartridges, wherein each of the
is located between said front and rear wheels; and 15 cartridges of the outer concentric ring are nested in
(b) said spring is a double torsion spring, the center of the recess formed by two adjacent cartridges in the
said spring being U-shaped to engage said cam inner concentric ring of cartridges and are urged to
blade, and the front half of said spring being con revolve around said drum by the rearward of said
nected to drive said front wheel and the rear half of adjacent cartridges in the inner ring of cartridges,
said spring is connected to drive said rear wheel. 20 said rotational cartridge carrying means compris
13. The drum magazine of claim 12, wherein: ing means for individually defining the positions of
(c) said follower means is connected at its non-leading each cartridge of the inner ring of cartridges and
end to said front and rear wheels thereby coordi for individually urging each of said cartridges of
nating the movement of said wheels; and the inner ring of cartridges to revolve around said
(d) said follower means arm is split along its length, 25 drum as said cartridge carrying means rotates; and
except for said leading projection end thereof, to (e) can means within said housing means defining,
accommodate said cam blade as the wheels rotate. with said housing means, a passage from the car
14. The drum magazine of claim 10, wherein: tridge space to the exit opening of said housing
(a) said follower means is connected at its non-leading means for urging two offset concentric rings of
end to said front and rear wheels, thereby coordi 30 cartridges alternately together into a single row as
nating the movement of said wheels; and said cartridges are moved out of said magazine.
(b) said follower means arm is split along its length, 20. The drum magazine of claim 19, wherein said
except for said leading projection end thereof, to means for individually defining the positions of the
accommodate said cam blade as the wheels rotate. inner ring of cartridges and for individually urging the
15. The drum magazine of claim 6, wherein the blade 35 cartridges comprises teeth on the outer circumference
of said cam means forms one side of an exit passage of said rotational cartridge carrying means.
having an angle of 15 degrees or less with respect to the 21. The drum magazine of claim 20, wherein said
other side of the exit passage. drum shaped housing means comprises a front face and
16. The drum magazine of claim 6, wherein the blade a rear face and wherein said rotational carrying means
of said cam means forms one side of an exit passage 40 comprises:
having an angle equal to the angle between the car (a) a shaft located at the central axis of said housing
tridges in the inner ring with respect to the other side of means, attached to the front and rear faces of said
the exit passage. housing means;
17. The drum magazine of claim 6, wherein the blade (b) a front wheel rotationally mounted on said shaft;
of said can means is tangential to the inner circumfer- 45 and
ence of the inner ring of cartridges, and the inner face of (c) a rear wheel rotationally mounted on said shaft.
said housing means at the exit passage is tangential to 22. The drum magazine of claim 21, which further
the outer circumference of the outer ring of cartridges. comprises a spring to rotationally urge said cartridge
18. The drum magazine of claim 17, wherein the carrying means in the direction which will move car
blade of said cam means is positioned with respect to the 50 tridges within said drum magazine into the passage
tangential portion of the inner face of said housing defined by said cam means and said housing means.
means such that each cartridge of the inner ring reaches 23. The drum magazine of claim 19, wherein said
said cam means prior to either of the respective adjacent drum shaped housing means comprises a front face and
cartridges of the outer ring reaching the tangential por a rear face and wherein said cam means comprises a
tion of the inner face of said housing means, thereby 55 blade connected to said housing means having an edge
causing each cartridge of the inner ring to be cammed which defines the passage with said housing means, said
into the gap between the adjacent cartridges of the blade located between the front and rear faces of said
outer ring before the gap would begin to close. housing means such that the edge of said blade comes
19. A magazine for successively feeding a plurality of into contact with a cartridge exiting from the inner ring
cartridges to a firearm, comprising: 60 at a point significantly away from either end of the
(a) two drum shaped housing means, each having a cartridge.
cartridge exit opening extending from the side of 24. The drum magazine of claim 23, wherein said
said housing means; means for individually defining the positions of the
(b) connecting means for joining each of said housing inner ring of cartridges and for individually urging the
means at the exit openings of each of said housing 65 cartridges comprises teeth on the outer circumference
means, said connecting means having passages of said rotational cartridge carrying means.
within for receiving single rows of cartridges exit 25. The drum magazine of claim 24, wherein said
ing from the exit openings of each of said housing rotational cartridge carrying means comprises:
4,658,700 12
(a) a shaft located at the central axis of said housing 34. The drum magazine of claim 23, wherein the
means, attached to the front and rear faces of said blade of said cam means is tangential to the inner cir
housing means; cumference of the inner ring of cartridges, and the inner
(b) a front wheel rotationally mounted on said shaft; face of said housing means at the exit passage is tangen
and tial to the outer circumference of the outer ring of car
(c) a rear wheel rotationally mounted on said shaft. tridges.
26. The drum magazine of claim 25, which further 35. The drum magazine of claim 34, wherein the
comprises a spring to rotationally urge said cartridge blade of said cam means is positioned with respect to the
carrying means in the direction which will move car tangential portion of the inner face of said housing
tridges within said drum magazine into the passage O means such that each cartridge of the inner ring reaches
defined by said cam means and said housing means. said cam means prior to either of the respective adjacent
27. The drum magazine of claim 26, which further cartridges of the outer ring reaching the tangential por
comprises a follower means attached to said cartridge tion of the inner face of said housing means, thereby
carrying means for pushing out of the magazine the last causing each cartridge of the inner ring to be cammed
cartridge after it has left said rotational cartridge means 15 into the gap between the adjacent cartridges of the
during unloading of the magazine. outer ring before the gap would begin to close.
28. The drum magazine of claim 27, wherein said 36. The drum magazine of claim 19, wherein said two
follower means comprises: drum shaped housing means and said connecting means
(a) a cylindrical leading projection which has approx comprise one unified piece.
imately the same external dimensions as a cartridge 20 37. A method of storing cartridges and feeding car
and which occupies a position in the outer ring of tridges into a firearm comprising the steps of:
cartridges when the follower means is not ex (a) storing said cartridges in two staggered concen
tended; and tric rings within a cylindrical drum, such that a
(b) an arm which is attached at one end to said lead cartridge of the outer concentric ring is nested in
ing projection, is pivotally attached at the other 25 each of the recesses formed by two adjacent car
end to the cartridge carrying means at a point inte tridges of the inner ring of cartridges;
rior of the inner ring of cartridges, and is curved to (b) individually urging each of the cartridges in the
fit within the inner ring of cartridges when the inner ring of cartridges such that said staggered
magazine is loaded and to extend into the exit pas rings of cartridges revolve together around the
sage when the magazine is empty. 30 cylindrical drum;
29. The drum magazine of claim 28, wherein: (c) directing the leading end of said two staggered
(a) said cam blade is also supported by said shaft and rings of cartridges towards an exit of said cylindri
located between said front and rear wheels; and cal drum; and
(b) said spring is a double torsion spring, the center of (d) camming said two staggered rings of cartridges
said spring being U-shaped to engage said cam 35 together into a single row of cartridges as said
blade, and the front half of said spring being con cartridges exit said cylindrical drum.
nected to drive said front wheel and the rear half of 38. The method of claim 37, wherein the step of cam
said spring being connected to drive said rear ming said two staggered rows is initiated for each car
wheel. - tridge of the inner row prior to the point where the two
30. The drum magazine in claim 29, wherein: 40 adjacent cartridges in the outer row leave the circle
(c) said follower means is connected at its non-leading originally formed by said outer ring, so that each car
end to said front and rear wheels, thereby coordi tridge of the inner ring is cammed into the gap between
nating the movement of said wheels; and the adjacent cartridge of the outer ring before the gap
(d) said follower means arm is split along its length, would begin to close.
except for said leading projection end thereof, to 45 39. The method of claim 37, which further comprises
accommodate said cam blade as the wheels rotate. the step of directing said cartridges exiting said cylindri
31. The drum magazine of claim 27, wherein: cal drum into the firearm.
(a) said follower means is connected at its non-leading 40. The method of claim 39, which further comprises
end to said front and rear wheels, thereby coordi the steps of:
nating the movement of said wheels; and 50 (a) directing the single rows of cartridges exiting
(b) said follower means arm is split along its length, from two of said cylindrical drums so that they
except for said leading projection end thereof, to reform as staggered rows of cartridges prior to
accommodate said can blade as the wheels rotate. feeding said cartridges into a firearm;
32. The drum magazine of claim 23, wherein the (b) directing said two staggered rows of cartridges
blade of said cam means forms one side of an exit pas 55 into the firearm; and
sage having an angle of 15 degrees or less with respect (c) repeatedly lifting the leading cartridge of said two
to the other side of the exit passage. staggered rows of cartridges into the feed position
33. The drum magazine of claim 23, wherein the of a firearm.
blade of said cam means forms one side of an exit pas 41. The method of claim 37, wherein the cartridges
sage having an angle equal to the angle between the 60 exiting said cylindrical drum move about twice the
cartridges in the inner ring with respect to the other side distance as the cartridges within k k
said cylindrical drum.
of the exit passage.


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