Aa-12 Us4693170

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,693,170

Atchisson 45) Date of Patent: Sep. 15, 1987

(54 FIRING MECHANISM FOR FIREARM 1,444,890 2/1923 Swebilius .............................. 89/149
76 Inventor: Maxwell G. Atchisson, 6695 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Ridgemore Dr., Doraville, Ga. 1362364 4/1964 France .................................. 89/149
30360 440045 12/1967 Switzerland.......................... 89/49
(21) Appl. No.: 784,157 Primary Examiner-Stephen C. Bentley
22 Filed: Oct. 4, 1985 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Jones, Askew & Lunsford
Related U.S. Application Data 57) ABSTRACT
60 Division of Ser. No. 639,526, Aug. 8, 1984, Pat. No. A firearm having a hammer and a bolt mechanism capa
4,553,469, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 336,328, ble of recoil movement behind the hammer, so that the
Dec. 31, 1981, abandoned. bolt assembly in recoil momentarily clears the hammer.
51) int. Cl." .............................................. F41D 11/02 A timing lever senses rearward travel of the bolt assem
52 U.S.C. ...................................................... 89/149 bly and prevents the hammer from release, irrespective
58) Field of Search ........................... 42/69 B; 89/149 of trigger mechanism operation, while the bolt assembly
is momentarily behind the hammer. The hammer timing
56) References Cited lever is engaged by the forwardly-moving bolt assem
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS bly to release the hammer and return control of the
678,937 7/1901 Browning ............................. 89/149 hammer to the trigger mechanism.
1,190,653 7/1916 Hughes ..... ... 89/149
1,376,694 5/1921 Hines ................................... 42/69 B 7 Claims, 51 Drawing Figures
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U.S. Patent Sep. 15, 1987 Sheet 17 of 17 4,693,170
1. 2
capacity and relatively slow one-round-at-a-time re
FRING MECHANISM FOR FREARM loading of tubular magazines makes these magazines an
undesirable substitute for box or drum magazines, in
This application is a division of application Ser. No. autoloading shotguns designed or intended for law en
639,526, filed Aug. 8, 1984, now U.S. Pat. No. 5 forcement or combat applications.
4,553,469, issued Nov. 19, 1985, which in turn is a con
tinuation of Ser. No. 336,328, filed Dec. 31, 1981, and SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
now abandoned. Stated in general terms, the present firearm over
comes the foregoing and other problems of prior-art
automatic shotguns by substantially reducing the recoil
This invention relates in general to repeating fire impulse. Consequently, the present, firearm is more eas
arms, and relates in particular to autoloading shotguns ily controlled by the shooter, and the above-described
and other firearms.
cartridge feeding problems are eliminated in autoload
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 ing shotguns in accordance with the present invention.
Past efforts to design improved, practical autoloading Stated somewhat more particularly, the firearm of
shotguns generally have been constrained by the effects the present invention is a gas-operated locked breech
of firing recoil, or by inadequately considering the ef firearm having a long recoil path allowing the bolt and
fects of recoil when designing the gun. (The term "auto bolt carrier assembly to travel rearwardly a substantial
loading' is here used to denote a gun which, when fired, 20 distance beyond that required to extract a spent shell
automatically ejects the spent shell and loads a fresh and load a fresh round. Rearward travel all the way to
round from a magazine, and includes semi-automatic as the buttplate of the firearm is possible, yielding a longer
well as full-automatic firing modes.) Although recoil duration of recoil and thus a lower impulse. The gas
affects any firearm to some degree, the relatively heavy piston rod is supported by a single guide rod which
recoil of shotguns is recognized by most shooters. Par extends substantially the entire length of the firearm.
ticularly in larger-gauge shotguns, recoil causes discom This guide rod is secured to the buttplate at the rear of
fort to the shooter and, in the case of autoloading shot the firearm, and is rigidly connected at the front end to
guns, prevents effectively tracking a target with re the barrel. The single guide rod passes through the gas
peated fire, that is, for more than one round. piston, and the guide rod has a noncircular or radially
The undesirable effects of recoil are particularly trou 30 assymmetrical cross-section slidably fitting a mating
blesome when designing and using shotguns intended opening through the gas piston. The cross-section shape
for full-automatic fire, or so-called assault shotguns. of the single guide rod thus angularly aligns and guides
Law enforcement agencies and military applications the bolt at all times when the bolt is unlocked and with
have desired the close-range firepower and intimidating drawn from the breech of the firearm, including times
effects of a shotgun capable of selective full-auto firing, 35 when the bolt is entirely withdrawn from the receiver
but the repeated recoil of, say, a 12-gauge shotgun firing due to the long recoil stroke of the action. The gas
full-auto makes such guns very difficult for most shoot piston rod is normally biased toward a full-forward
ers to control. position, whereat the bolt is chambered and locked, by
The effects of recoil have caused other problems in an action spring extending substantially the entire
past efforts to design shotguns capable of full-automatic 40 length of the guide rod. Guns according to the present
firing. Such firearms require a substantial cartridge invention can be designed either for semiautomatic
capacity in order to be effective, and increased car closed-bolt firing, or for open-bolt semiautomatic or
tridge capacity is obtained with either a box magazine full-auto selective firing; and can be designed for shot
or drum magazine. Past efforts to design full-automatic gun or for rifle ammunition.
shotguns using either box or drum magazines have gen 45
Other novel features and aspects of the present inven
erally been unreliable, due to the relatively high recoil tion, its construction and operation, become more ap
of the conventional shotgun. As a shotgun equipped parent from the following description of preferred em
with a box or drum magazine kicks backwardly and bodiments.
rearwardly when fired, the inertia of shotgun shells in Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention
the magazine resists this movement. This inertia effect 50
to provide an improved firearm.
causes the shells to compress the magazine spring and It is another object of the present invention to pro
move downwardly relative to the magazine feed lips vide a firearm having substantially reduced recoil.
which move rearwardly during firing, or put differ It is still another object of the present invention to
ently, the shells because of their inertia momentarily provide an improved autoloading shotgun.
stay put in space while the shotgun and magazine sud 55
denly move back and up due to recoil. This inertia It is yet another object of the present invention to
effect takes place while the bolt assembly, having provide an autoloading shotgun having substantially
ejected the spent shell, is moving forward to chamber a reduced recoil, and capable of utilizing a box or drum
fresh round from the magazine. The top round in the magazine.
magazine may still be below the magazine feed lips due 60 Other objects and advantages of the present invention
to the inertia effect of recoil, so that cartridge loading will become more readily apparent from the following
from the box or drum magazine is unreliable. description thereof.
Past efforts to overcome the inertia effect on box and BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING
drum magazines have involved modifications to the
magazine, but such modifications have generally been 65 FIGS. 1A and 1B are elevation views respectively
unsuccessful. Consequently, most autoloading shotguns showing the right side and left side of a firearm accord
(whether or not capable of full-auto firing), are ing to a disclosed first embodiment of the present inven
equipped with tubular magazines. The limited cartridge tion.
4,693, 170
3 4.
FIG. 2 is a plan view of the firearm shown in FIG. FIG. 24 is a fragmentary sectioned plan view illus
1A, shown partially broken-away and with the right trating ejection of a spent shell from said firearm.
stock shell removed from illustrative purposes. FIG. 25 is a front elevation view of the bolt lock.
FIG. 3 is a right elevation view of the firearm shown FIGS. 26A, 26B, and 26C are detailed elevation
in FIG. 2, with the right receiver plate removed and 5 views showing the firing mechanism of said firearm,
portions of the firearm shown broken away and sec respectively in disconnector-engaged, sear, and ham
tioned for illustrative purposes. mer timing lever positions.
FIG. 4 is a right elevation view showing a rear por FIG. 27 is a section view of the safety member in the
tion of the firearm depicted in FIG. 3, with the bolt firing mechanism of said firearm.
carrier assembly shown in full-recoil position. 10 FIG. 28 is a fragmentary elevation view showing the
FIG. 5 is an enlarge fragmentary section view show operating lever for the safety.
ing details of the gas cylinder, gas piston, and related FIG. 29 is an exploded view showing the ejector and
parts at the forward end of the disclosed firearm. a fragmentary portion of the left receiver plate.
FIG. 6 is a pictorial view showing the guide rod tip FIG. 30 is a fragmentary view of the trigger guard
and guide rod retainer separated from the gun and ex- 15 and magazine bracket, shown exploded and partially
ploded relative to each other. broken away.
FIGS. 7A and 7B are fragmentary elevation views FIG. 31 is a detailed Section view of the barrel exten
showing the front end of the disclosed firearm, with the sion and the barrel rear end.
right stock shell respectively removed from and at FIG. 32 is a fragmentary and partially sectioned ele
tached to the gas cylinder/front sight. 20 vation view showing details of the firing mechanism
FIGS. 8A and 8B are fragmentary elevation views and bolt carrier assembly for a firearm according to an
showing the back end of the disclosed firearm, showing alternative disclosed embodiment of the present inven
the right stock shell respectively detached from and tion.
attached to the buttplate. FIG.33 is an exploded view of the firing mechanism
FIG. 9 is a fragmentary sectioned elevation view of 25 shown in FIG. 32.
the buttplate. FIG. 34 is an elevation view of the firing mechanism
FIG. 10 is a fragmentary elevation section view of the shown in FIG. 32, with the bolt carrier assembly shown
buttplate taken along line 10-10 of FIG. 3. in full-forward position.
FIG. 10A is a pictorial view showing details of the FIG. 34A is a fragmentary section view showing the
rear stock catches. 30 forward end of the bolt and firing pin of the embodi
FIG. 10B is an enlarged section view of a rear stock ment depicted in FIGS. 32-34, with the bolt forward
catch. end locked.
FIGS. 11A, 11B, and 11C are fragmentary elevation FIG. 35 is a fragmentary pictorial view showing the
sectioned views of the firearm forward end, showing firing selector lever of the embodiment shown in FIG.
the disassembly sequence. 35 32.
FIG. 12 is an exploded pictorial view showing a FIG. 36 is an exploded view of a muzzle accessory
modified guide rod retainer, including a bayonet attach adapter for the disclosed firearm according to an em
ment, bodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 13 is a partially-exploded view showing details FIG. 37 is a pictorial view showing the adapter of
of the receiver section of said firearm. 40 FIG. 36 attached to the firearm.
FIG. 14 is a section view of the assembled receiver FIG. 38 is a pictorial view of a pin installation tool
section, taken along line 14-14 of FIG. 4. useful with the present invention.
FIG. 15 is a section view showing the bolt carrier DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED
assembly with the bolt lock extended in locked position. EMBODIMENTS
FIG. 16 is an exploded view showing details of the 45
bolt carrier assembly. Turning first to FIGS. 1A, 1B, and 2, there is shown
FIG. 17 is a fragmentary top view of the assembled generally at 25 a shotgun according to a first preferred
firearm, with portions broken away for illustration. embodiment of the present invention. This shotgun 25 is
FIG. 18 is a fragmentary and partially sectioned view a gas-operated locked breech gun chambered to fire a
showing the gas piston rod and charging handle assem- 50 12-gauge round, and is configured to receive interchan
bly. FIGS. 18A and 18B are enlarged fragmentary gably either a box magazine 36 or a drum magazine for
views taken along line 18A-18A of FIG. 22. feeding rounds. However, it will become apparent from
FIG. 19 is a view similar to FIG. 18, showing the the following description that most if not all features of
charging handle assisting forward movement of the gas the present invention are not limited to shotguns, but
piston rod. 55 alternatively may be used in rifled firearms to reduce
FIG. 20 is a plan view of the extractor. recoil and provide other advantageous results.
FIG. 21A is a fragmentary pictorial view taken from The shotgun 25 has a stock comprised of hollow
the underside of the grip bracket, showing details of the stock shells 26L and 26R respectively enclosing the left
bottom stock lock. and right sides of the gun. These stock shells 26L and
FIG. 21B is a fragmentary and partially-sectioned 60 26R, which extend from the buttplate 27 to the gas
elevation view of the bottom stock lock shown in FIG. cylinder/front sight 28 at the front of the gun, are clam
21A. shell-like members which may be molded from a suit
FIG. 22 is a partially-broken elevation view along able material such s glass-reinforced plastic or the like.
line 22-22 of FIG. 4, showing details of the charging The stock shells 26L and 26R join each other along
slide. 65 parting lines 29 (FIG. 17) and 30 (FIG. 21A) on the top
FIG. 23 is a section view along line 23-23 of FIG. 4, and bottom, respectively, of the gun. The stock shells
showing details of the bolt carrier catch and related define an elongated slot 31 on the top of the gun to
parts. receive the charging handle 32 and the rear sight 33; the
5 6
stock shells are molded to define a pistol grip 34 on the nism for removably securing the stock shells to the
underside of the gun, with the structural grip bracket 35 buttplate are described below.
extending forwardly from the pistol grip toward the Referring to FIGS. 3 and 5, the forward end 55 of the
box magazine 36. Each stock shell 26L and 26R is held guide rod 43 is snugly yet slidably received in an open
in place on the gun 25 by six stock catches, two each at ing of mating cross-section in the vertically-positioned
the buttplate 27 and the gas cylinder/front sight 28, base 56 of the gas cylinder/front sight 28. The forward
another associated with the rear sight 33, and the fourth end 55 of the guide rod 43 is fitted with a guide rod tip
associated with the grip bracket 35. These stock catches 57, having a pyramidal forward end 58. The frontal
are discussed below in greater detail, but it should now profile of the pyramidal forward end 58 allows passage
be apparent that the stock shells are held in place on the 10 through the guide rod-receiving opening through the
gun 25 without fasteners extending through the stock base 56 of the gas cylinder, and the guide rod tip. 57
shells intermediate the front and back ends, and without includes a shank 59, behind the pyramidal forward end,
bands or other members encircling the stock shells. fitted a distance into the forward end 55 of the guide rod
Turning now to FIGS. 2 and 3, it is seen that the gun 43. The shank 59 is secured within the guide rod 43 by
25 includes a barrel 40 retained within the receiver 15 brazing or the like, with the pyramidal forward end 58
section 41 of the gun and extending forwardly to the spaced a distance in front of the forward end of the
muzzle 42 extending a distance in front of the gas cylin guide rod to provide a channel 59a (FIG. 6) of reduced
der/front sight 28. Several annular grooves are formed cross-section dimension for receiving the guide rod
around the barrel adjacent the muzzle 42, to facilitate retainer 60.
securing accesories to the barrel as detailed below. 20 The retainer 60 is a solid member having an inverted
Mounted above the barrel 40 is the gas piston guide rod Ushape as best shown in FIG. 6, including a pair of legs
43, in the disclosed embodiments being a hollow rod of 61 spaced apart to just slidingly fit over the reduced
rectangular cross-section extending substantially the area shank portion 59 between the front end 55 of the
entire length of the gun from the buttplate 27 to the gas guide rod 43 and the pyramidal forward end 58 of the
cylinder/front sight 28. 25 guide rod tip 57. The lower ends of the legs 61 are
The gas piston 44 (FIGS. 3 and 5), and the gas piston turned forwardly to form the lugs 62 which fit snugly
rod 46 attached thereto, are supported by the guide rod below the base of the pyramidal forward end 58 of the
43 for reciprocal movement thereon between the gas guide rod tip in assembly, FIG. 5, thus holding the
cylinder/front sight 28 and the buttplate 27. The action guide rod retainer 60 in place.
spring 45, comprising a compression coil spring loosely 30 The guide rod retainer 60 may alternatively be held in
fitting over the guide rod 43, urges the gas piston 44 and place by the alternative guide rod retainer 60a, FIG. 12,
piston rod 46 to the full-forward position (best shown in which also functions to retain a conventional bayonet
FIGS. 3 and 5) within the gas cylinder 28. The action 61 on the forward end of the gun barrel. The alternative
spring 45 at its rear end contacts the buttplate 27, and guide rod retainer 60a slides over the shank portion 59
extends forwardly to enter the hollow gas piston rod 35 of the guide rod tip 57 from the right side, with the two
and engage the gas piston 44 adjacent the front end of legs 61a spaced apart for that purpose. Each leg 61a
the gas piston rod. The action spring 45 is a loose fit includes a recessed forward portion 62a into which the
over the guide rod 43 and within the hollow piston rod guide rod tip fits, to secure the guide rod retainer 60a in
45. assembly. A finger 64 extends forwardly from the lower
The gas piston rod 46 slides through a rectangular 40 of legs 60a, and a notched member 64a projects out
hole 44a (FIGS. 5 and 11C) in the base of the gas piston, wardly from the end of the finger. It will be understood
and the complementary rectangular shapes of the gas that the notched end 64a should be appropriately con
piston hole and the guide rod 43 maintains the gas piston figured to engage the handle of a particular bayonet 61,
(including the piston rod 46 and attached bolt carrier thereby securing the bayonet above the barrel of the
149) in predetermined angular alignment as the gas 45 gun.
piston reciprocates along the guide rod. It should be The gas cylinder/front sight 28 is rigidly secured to
understood that the guide rod and piston hole can alter the barrel 40 of the gun, and supports the guide rod 43
natively have any other appropriate nonuniform cross and the front ends of the stock shells in assembly. The
section shape which maintains the desired angular align gas cylinder/front sight preferably constitutes a unitary
Inent. 50 part, having at the lower end a pair of hoops 65a and
The gun 25 is held in assembly by an arrangement 65b through which the forward end of the barrel 40
including the rigid guide rod 43, together with the stock extends. Pins 66 extend through holes in the hoops 65a,
shells 26L and 26R. As best seen in FIGS. 3 and 10, the 65b and through aligned grooves formed on a land
rear end 47 of the guide rod 43 fits within the comple around the barrel within the hoops, rigidly interlocking
mentary opening 48 formed in the forward face 49 of 55 the barrel with the gas cylinder/front sight 28. The
the buttplate 27. A retaining pin 50 extends through region above the barrel 40 between the hoops 65a and
aligned lateral pin-receiving openings in the buttplate 65b defines the gas collection chamber 67, receiving gas
face on each side of the guide rod opening 48, and from the barrel through one or more circumferentially
through an aligned lateral opening near the rear end 47 spaced gas ports 68 in the barrel immediately below the
of the guide rod, securing the guide rod to the buttplate 60 gas collection chamber. As is apparent from FIG. 5, the
27. The ends of the guide rod retaining pin 50 are flush upper end of the gas collection chamber 67 directly
or slightly recessed below the stock shell-receiving communicates with the gas cylinder 69 at the base of the
right surface 52R (FIG. 10) on the right side of the gas piston 44.
buttplate 27, and the corresponding surface on the left Because the guide rod 43 extends through the gas
side of the buttplate. It will be understood that the stock 65 cylinder 69, a pair of aligned gas holes 70 are formed in
shells 26L and 26R keep the retaining pin 50 in place the guide rod substantially in alignment with the open
within the buttplate 27, so long as the stock shells re ing of the gas collection chamber 67 into the gas cylin
main attached to the buttplate. Details of a latch mecha der. The gas holes 70 in the guide rod are aligned with
4,693, 170
7 8
the gas hole 71 in the shank 59 of the guide rod tip 57. fit snugly against the buttplate stock receiving surfaces
The gas holes 70 and 71 through the forward end of the with the stock shell back edge abutting the ledge 97
guide rod 43 enhance the flow of gas into and through extending outwardly from the buttplate surface. The
out the cylinder 69, enabling gas to circulate through ledge 97 thus covers the back edge 96 of each stock
the gas holes and act on the entire area of the gas piston shell and provides a relatively uniform and smooth
44 without first having to flow around the guide rod 43 appearance to the butt end of the gun.
extending through the piston. A slot 98 extends inwardly from the back edge 96 of
Extending upwardly at the forward side of the gas each stock shell, and each slot 98 receives the shaft 99 of
cylinder/front sight 28 is the front sight post 75, defin corresponding rear stock latches 100L, 100R mounted
ing a hollow upwardly-extending cylindrical chamber 10 on opposite sides of the buttplate 27. The stock latches
open at its upper end and threaded a distance down are shown in FIGS. 10 and 10A in greater detail, with
wardly therefrom. A patch of luminous material 80 is the typical latch 100R having a stock-engaging finger
affixed to the back of the front sight post, providing a 101 extending radially outwardly from the outer end of
front night sight which cooperates with the rear night the shaft 99, standing off a distance from the stock re
sight (FIG. 13) described below. The front sight bead 5 ceiving surface (FIG. 10) 52R of the buttplate. The
76 threads into the opening of the front sight post, and shaft 99 rotatably extends through an opening in the
terminates at an upper beaded end providing the front surface 52R, with the inner end of each stock latch shaft
sight of the gun. The lower end of the front sight bead located in the recess 102 in the forward face 49 of the
76 is notched to receive the tang 78 of the bead lock 77 buttplate below the guide rod receiving opening 43. A
slidably received within the hollow front sight post 75. 20 circumferential groove 105 is formed around the inner
A compression spring 79 within the front sight post end of each shaft 99, and the free ends 106 of the stock
urges the bead lock 77 upwardly to engage and prevent catch spring 107 engage the respective grooves 105, 105
unwanted rotation of the front sight bead 76. To adjust as best shown in FIG. 10A. The spring ends in the
elevation of the front sight bead 76, the bead lock 77 is grooves 105 prevent the stock catches 100L, 100R from
held downwardly by grasping the bead lock pin 79 25 falling out of the buttplate 27, and each groove is posi
extending through the bead lock, and through mating tioned along the length of the shaft 99 so as to locate the
slots in the sides of the front sight post 75, thereby free catch finger 101 a predetermined standoff distance out
ing the front sight bead for rotation in either direction. wardly from the stock receiving surfaces. This standoff
A pair of side walls 74L (FIGS. 1B and 5), 74R (FIG. distance is approximately the thickness of the stock shell
2) flank the front sight post 75, and the front sling swivel 30 at its back edge 96, so that the stock shell is securely
82 is attached between the side walls. The rear sling held in place on the buttplate when the slot 98 engages
swivel 83, FIGS. 2 and 3, is attached to a lug formed at the shaft 99 and the catch finger 101 is rotated in the
the top of the buttplate 27. A groove 81 is formed be forwardly-pointing position shown in FIG. 8B.
tween the side walls 74L, 74R behind the front sight A pair of flats 108, 108" (FIG. 10B) are formed 180
post 75, and a patch of luminous material 80 is affixed to 35 degrees apart in each groove 105. These flats are posi
the back of the front sight post within the groove. The tioned to engage an end 106 of the stock catch spring
luminous material 80 forms a front night sight which 107 so as to detent the stock catch either in the engaged
cooperates with the rear night sight described below. position shown in FIG. 10A, or in the disengaged posi
The side walls 74L, 74R extend behind the luminous 40 tion with the catch finger 101 extending rearwardly to
material 80, protecting the luminous material and hiding release the back edge 106 of the stock shell as shown in
it from side view. FIG. 8A. The stock catch spring 107 thus performs
The forward end of each stock shell 26R and 26L fits several functions, namely, retaining the stock catches
snugly alongside the sides 86L (FIG. 1B) and 86R (FIG. 100L, 100R in place, detenting the stock catches, and
1A, FIG. 7A) of the gas cylinder/front sight 28. The positioning each stock catch for the desired standoff
inside of each stock shell is inwardly scalloped at its 45 between the fingers 101 and the respective buttplate
front end to form a depression, as shown at 87 in FIG. surfaces 52L, 52R.
7A, which allows the stock shell front end to fit snugly The spring 107 includes a U-shaped body 109 lying
over the corresponding side of the gas cylinder/front flush against the back wall of the recess 192 in the butt
sight. The stock shell 26R has an enlarged portion 88 plate, with torsion-wound coils 100 at the bottom of the
immediately behind the scalloped depression 87, pro 50 spring body below the shafts 99 of each stock catch.
viding a shoulder which rests against the front edge 89 The spring ends 106 extend upwardly from the coils 110
of the gas cylinder. to engage the grooves 105 along the back of the shafts
A pair of mushroom-headed studs 90L (FIG. 1B) and 99, and terminate in fingers 111 bent forwardly and
90R (FIGS. 1A, 7A, and 7B) extend outwardly from the above the shafts to keep the spring from sliding down
corresponding sides 86L and 86R of the gas cylinder/- 55 wardly within the recess 102 and slipping out of the
front sight 28. Each stud engages a corresponding slot grooves 105.
91 extending rearwardly from the forward edge 92 of The disassembly of the gun 25 is now discussed with
the stock shell half. It will be understood that the en reference to FIGS. 11A-11C, to show how the stock
larged head of each stud 90L and 90R overlaps the sides shells 26L, 26R cooperate with other parts to hold the
of the slots 91, as illustrated in FIG. 7B, thereby se 60 gun in assembly. Assuming the gun 25 is assembled as
curely retaining the front ends of the stock shells in shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B, the stock shells engage the
place on the gas cylinder/front sight 28. stock catches 100L, 100R at the buttplate, and also
The back end of each stock shell 26L and 26R is engage the studs 90L, 90R at the gas cylinder/front
removably secured to the buttplate 27 against the stock sight 28. The stock shells thus prevent the buttplate and
receiving right surface 52R and the corresponding left 65 the gas cylinder/front sight from moving together.
surface, as best shown in FIGS. 8A and 10. The back (Each stock shell is also secured to the gun by the top
end 96 of each stock shell is inwardly scalloped to pro and bottom stock catches, discussed below.) The
vide the depression 95, which allows the stock shell to horseshoe-shaped guide rod retainer 60 prevents the
9 10
guide rod 43 from moving rearwardly through the gas (FIGS. 2 and 4) extending rearwardly from the bottom
cylinder/front sight at this time, and so the gun 25 is of the magazine bracket to fit within the pistol grip
maintained in its assembled configuration. portion 34 formed by the stock shells, and the rear
The gun 25 is disassembled by initially rotating the bracket leg 129 extending upwardly from the back of
rear stock catches 100L, 100R to the unlatched position the grip bracket. The magazine bracket assembly in
shown in FIG. 8A so the fingers 101 no longer extend cluding the magazine bracket 123, the grip bracket 35,
over the stock halves, and by releasing the top and and the rear bracket leg 129, preferably is a unitary part
bottom stock catches. The back edge 96 of each stock formed by stamping and bending to form the channel
half may now be laterally withdrawn from the stock shaped components, with sidewall portions cut away at
receiving surfaces 52L and 52R of the buttplate 27, O 130 to facilitate bending. As best seen in FIGS. 2 and 4,
permitting each stock half to be pulled rearwardly rela the rear bracket leg 129 is entirely concealed within the
tive to the gas cylinder/front sight 28. The front end 92 pistol grip 34 of the assembled gun.
of each stock half is thus withdrawn from respective A pair of upwardly-extending tabs 133 (FIG. 13) is
studs 90L, 90R of the gas cylinder/front sight, reversing formed at the upper end of the rear bracket leg 129.
the assembly step depicted in FIG. 7A. 15 These tabs engage mating slots 134 formed in the in
With the stock halves 26L and 26R removed from the wardly-turned flange 135 at the underside of each re
gun, the buttplate 27 and attached guide rod 43 may ceiver plate. The interconnection of the tabs 133 and
now be moved forwardly relative to the gas cylinder/- slots 134 helps maintain the spacing between the re
front sight 28. This forward movement slightly com ceiver plates, as well as the overall structural integrity
presses the action spring 45, and also moves the guide 20 of the receiversection 41. It will be understood that the
rod 43 from the normal assembled position (FIG. 11A) several mating tabs and slots in interconnecting stamped
to the position shown in FIG. 11B. Forward movement portions of the receiversection may be secured together
of the guide rod tip 57 and the guide rod retainer 60 by suitable techniques such as staking or the like.
relative to the gas cylinder/front sight 28 frees the re The rear sight 33 is shown generally in FIG. 1A, and
tainer, which may now be removed from the shank 59 includes left and right posts 138L and 138R (FIG. 13)
of the tip by lifting upwardly as illustrated in FIG. 11B. extending upwardly from the tops of the respective
With the retainer 60 removed from the guide rod 43, the receiver plates 117L and 117R. The rear sight posts
guide rod now may be separated from the gas cylinder/- 138L, 138R are integral with the respective receiver
front sight 28 by moving the guide rod rearwardly as plates, each being a suitably formed and bent extension
illustrated in FIG. 11C, wherein the guide rod including 30 of the unitary sheet metal member making up the re
tip 57 is withdrawn rearwardly through the base 56 of ceiver plate. A front spacer 139 and a rear spacer 140
the gas cylinder 69 and through the coaxial opening 44' are retained between the rear sight posts 138L and 138R
in the gas piston 44. Continued rearward movement by tabs and slots. The upper ends of the spacers 139 and
entirely withdraws the guide rod 43 from the gas piston 140 face inwardly toward each other, and define a gap
44 and from the open rear end 113 (FIG. 3) of the gas 35 at the upper ends of the sight posts to receive the rear
piston rod 46 attached to the gas piston, thus freeing the sight element 141. This rear sight element is supported
action spring 45 for removal from the guide rod. The between the rear sight posts 138L, 38R by the rear
entire gas piston rod, which forms part of the bolt car sight screw 142, extending transversely through the
rier assembly 148 described below, can now be re posts and having a threaded shank engaging a mating
moved, as becomes clear from the following description 40 transverse opening in the rear sight element 141. A
of the gun 25. compression spring 142 fits between the head of the rear
The receiver section 41 and related components are sight screw 142 and the right sight post 138R, to bias the
now discussed with particular reference to FIGS. 2, 3, screw and the rear sight element 141. A pin 145 (FIG.
13, and 14. The receiver section 41 includes a left re 17) extends through the tail 147 of the rear sight screw
ceiver plate 117L and a right receiver plate 117R, each 45 outside the left rear sight post 138L, and the pin engages
preferably formed of sheet metal. The receiver plates one of the two crossed detents 147 formed in the outside
are held in assembly at their forward ends by the rivets of the left rear sight post. The transverse position of the
118 secured in holes 119 in the receiver plates. The rear sight element 141 between the posts 138L, 138R
rivets 118 pass through mating holes in the barrel exten can be adjusted by turning the rear sight screw 142, thus
sion 120, and engage transverse grooves at the top and 50 providing a windage adjustment for the rear sight, and
bottom of the barrel 40, which extends outwardly from the pin 145/detents 147 form a click-stop for each quar
the front of the barrel extension (FIG. 32). The barrel ter-turn of the rear sight screw. It will also be under
and barrel extension, together with the forward ends of stood that the construction of the rear sight 138 rigidly
the receiver plates 117L and 117R, thus are secured interconnects the upper back ends of the receiver plates
together by the rivets 118. 55 117L, 117R, further defining the spacing between the
Spacing between the receiver plates is maintained on receiver plates.
the underside by the upper end of the magazine bracket An annular ring 144 of luminous material is affixed to
123, which extends downwardly from the receiver sec the rear spacer 140 immediately below the rear sight
tion and supports the cartridge magazine 36. Pairs of element, providing a rear night sight aligned with the
tabs 125 extend laterally from each side of the magazine 60 front night sight 80. The back edges of the rear sight
bracket 123 at its upper end, and the tabs engage corre posts 138L, 138R extend behind the ring 140, protecting
sponding pairs of slots 126 in each receiver plate 117L, that ring and hiding it from side view.
117R, immediately behind the magazine-receiving re A top stock catch 165 is slidably mounted on the
cess 127 formed in the underside of each receiver plate. backwardly-facing surface of the rear spacer 140, be
A vertical slot 128 is formed in the upper end of the 65 tween the posts 138L and 138R of the rear sight. An
magazine bracket 123 for a purpose discussed below. elongated slot 166 longitudinally extends along part of
The magazine bracket 123 is part of a unitary maga the top stock catch 165, and a detent fastener 167 ex
zine bracket assembly including the grip bracket 35 tends through the slot to engage the underlying rear
11 12
spacer 140. The detent fastener 167 is urged down The gas piston rod 46, at its underside 154 when
wardly against the periphery of the slot 166, preferably assembled in the gun, slides along the top surface 155 of
by means of a spring-loaded washer such as a tru-arc the barrel extension 120. This sliding contact between
washer or the like on the inner end of the detent fastener the barrel extension and the piston rod (FIG. 3) pro
contacting the underside of the rear spacer, so as to 5 vides bottom support and guidance for the bolt carrier
engage the enlarged upper end of slot 166 for locking assembly 148, except when the bolt carrier assembly is
the catch 165 in the lowermost stock-engaging position. in full-recoil position as shown in FIG. 4.
This arrangement may be similar to corresponding fea The arms 157 and 158 of the extractor 159, carried by
tures of the bottom stock catch, described below with the bolt 150, slide between the opposed inner surfaces of
reference to FIGS. 21A and 21B. A notch 168 if formed O the receiver plates 117L and 117R, FIG. 14, whenever
at the outwardly-turned lower end of the top stock the bolt is between the receiver plates. The extractor
catch 165, and this notch engages the upturned locking arms thus provide additional lateral guidance of the bolt
tabs 169L, 169R respectively formed on the stock shells carrier assembly 148 within the receiver plates. The
26L and 26R adjacent the top parting line 29, FIG. 17. outer surfaces of the extractor arms 157 and 158 have a
The notch 168 in the lower end of the top stock catch 15 slight inward taper extending forwardly from the con
165 engages and holds together the locking tabs 169L, necting bridge 60, as best seen in FIG. 20, and this taper
169R when the top stock catch is in the lowermost helps guide the bolt between the back ends 161L, 161R
position permitted by the slot 166. However, when the of the receiver plates at the action spring 45 returns the
top stock catch is moved to the upper position shown in bolt carrier assembly 148 forwardly from its full-recoil
FIG. 13, the notch 168 is withdrawn from the locking 20 position shown in FIG. 4. The forwardly-tapering ex
tabs, permitting removal of the stock shells as previ tractor arms also help guide the bolt into the barrel
ously described. extension 120, as becomes more apparent below.
Another pair of locking tabs 172L, 172R is formed on The tops of the two sheel metal receiver plates 117L
the bottom of the stock shells behind the grip bracket and 117R are bent inwardly toward each other as
35, as best shown in FIGS. 21A and 21B. These bottom 25 shown at 183, FIGS. 13 and 14, defining an elongated
locking tabs 172L, 172R are selectably engaged by a slot 184 (FIGS. 14 and 17) between the tops of the
notch 173 formed in the back end of the channel-shaped receiver plates. This elongated slot 184 extends for
bottom stock catch 174 which slidably fits within the wardly from the rear sight 138 to the forward end 185
downwardly-facing channel member making up the (FIG. 2) of the receiver plates, and the charging slide
grip bracket 35. A slot 175 is formed in the bottom stock 30 assembly 187 is held between the receiver plates for
catch, and a detent fastener 176 extends through that sliding reciprocal movement in the slot.
slot and through a mating hole in the grip bracket 35, The charging slide assembly 188 includes the elon
FIG. 21.B. A spring-loaded washer 177 engages the gated slide 189 and the charging handle 190 pivotably
inner end of the detent fastener 176, resiliently urging attached at the front of the slide. The slide 189 is fabri
the detent fastener and the bottom stock catch 174 into 35 cated from elongated upper plate 191 and lower plate
engagement with the underside of the grip bracket 35. 192 (FIG. 22) of substantially equal width along the
The head of the detent fastener 176 is beveled on its majority of their length, with a substantially narrower
underside, providing a detent engagement with the intermediate plate 193 interconnecting the upper and
enlarged forward end (same as the upper end of slot 166 lower plates to define the elongated channels 194 along
in the top stock catch 165) of the slot 175 and thus 40 both sides of the slide 189. The entire slide, including
detenting the bottom stock catch 174 in the rearward the upper and lower plates and the intermediate plate
position engaging the locking tabs 172L, 172R, FIG. 193, can be a weldment of sheetmetal members. The
21A. channels 194 of the slide 189 fit within the confronting
The bottom stock catch 174 and the top stock catch receiver plates edges defining the slot 184, with suffi
165, together with the locking stubs 90L, 90R at the 45 cient play to allow the slide to reciprocate within that
front of the gun and the rear stock catches 100L, 100R, slot.
provide an eight-point engagement of the stock shells The forward end of the charging slide upper plate 191
on the gun. The stock shells thus are held in assembly on is bent to form the upwardly-facing U-shaped channel
the gun without any bolt or other fastener passing 197, and the charging handle 32 is pivotably mounted
through the gun or encircling the gun to hold together 50 within that channel by the pin 198. A compression
the stock shells, and the stock shells are easily remov spring 199 (FIG. 18) fits within a vertical cavity in the
able from the gun without requiring any takedown underside of the charging handle 32 behind the pivot
tools. pin 198, and presses downwardly against the upper
The spaced-apart receiver plates 117L, 117R receive plate 191 so as to bias the charging handle forwardly. A
and guide the bolt carrier assembly 148, as best shown 55 finger 200 is formed at the back of the charging handle
in FIGS. 13 and 14. The bolt carrier assembly includes 32, and a lug 201 projects downwardly from the under
the gas piston 44 and piston rod 46, the bolt carrier 149 side of that finger. The lug 201 is aligned with the hole
secured to the bottom of the piston rod at rear end 113, 202 through the slide 198, and with the hole 203 at the
and the bolt 150, as described below in greater detail. A top of the gas piston rod 46 in forward position, as best
ridge 151 is formed along the entire length of each 60 seen in FIGS. 3 and 18. The spring 199 normally main
receiver plate 117L and 117R and the ridges extend tains the lug 201 out of the holes 202 and 203, although
substantially alongside and parallel to the guide rod 43. downward finger pressure directed against the finger
The lateral spacing within the receiver plates between area 204 at the back of the charging handle moves the
the two ridges 151 provides sliding clearance of the lug 201 downwardly through the opening 202 in the
diameter of the piston rod 44, as best seen in FIG. 14, so 65 slide to engage the piston rod through the opening 203
that the piston rod (and thus the entire bolt carrier as (FIG. 19).
sembly 148) is guided on either side for reciprocal A charging finger area 207 is formed on the front of
movement along the guide rod 43. the charging handle 32, above the handle head 208
4,693, 170
13 14
which extends downwardly below the forward end of spaced above the finger 223. The front surface 226 of
the slide upper plate 191. An angled locking surface 209 the impact plate 225 provides a bolt carrier stop surface
is formed at the back of the handle lug 208, and this which impacts the barrel extension 120 and arests for
locking surface engages the angled front edge 210 of ward movement of the bolt carrier 149.
each receiver plate immediately in front of the slot 184. 5 The main body 221 of the bolt carrier has an arcuate
The entire charging slide assembly 189 thus can be bottom 230 providing a bearing surface complementary
locked in the full-forward position by pivoting the han to the bottom surface of the longitudinal hole 231
dle forwardly to engage the receiver plate front edges formed in the bolt 150. The top surface of the hole is
210 by the locking surface 209, FIG. 18A, and this removed from the rear of the bolt to define a slot be
locking engagement is assisted by the acute angle of the O tween the open-topped sidewalls 232. The slot between
locking surface and by the force of the spring 199 acting the sidewalls 232 receives the main body 221 of the bolt
on the charging handle. FIG. 18B shows the charging carrier 149. The relative lateral dimensions of the bolt
handle 32 unlocked. carrier body 221 and the slot in the bolt permit sliding
The head of the charging handle 32 is enlarged to a movement of the bolt relative to the bolt carrier.
hammer-head shape 211 as best seen in FIGS. 13 and 17. 15 The bolt 150 is held in assembly on the bolt carrier
This enlarged hammer head portion contacts the for 149 by sliding contact between the top and bottom of
ward end 212 of the slot 213 formed by the stock shells the hollow interior 235 at the forward portion of the
to accommodate reciprocal movement of the charging bolt, which is an extension of the longitudinal hole 231
slide assembly, and the enlarged hammer head configu in the bolt, and the radius at the top 227 and bottom 228
ration cushions the impact of the charging handle of the locking finger 223 behind the bolt lock 255; and
against the stock slot forward end 212 when the bolt by the extractor 159 which engages both bolt and bolt
assembly is allowed to carry the slide assembly forward. carrier in assembly. The bridge end 160 of the extractor
Rearward movement of the charging slide assembly fits within the slot 236 extending forwardly from the
188 is limited by the laterally-extending ears 214 formed back end 222 of the bolt carrier body 221, and also
on the upper plate 191 a short distance behind the extends into the slots 237 in the sidewalls 232 of the bolt
charging handle channel 197. These ears 214 extend 150. The extractor bridge 160 thus interconnects the
laterally outwardly above the slot 184 in which the back ends of the bolt and bolt carrier, and holds those
charging slide 189 travels, and the ears engage the rear parts in assembly.
sight posts 138L, 138R to limit rearward movement of The arms 157 and 158 of the extractor fit in the slots
the slide. w 30 238 (FIG. 24) and 239 (FIG. 16) formed along the left
The front end of the lower plate 192, making up the and right sides of the bolt 150. A lug 240 on the inside
charging slide 189, is laterally enlarged and bent down of the extractor left arm 157 engages a notch 241 (FIG.
wardly to form the two fingers 215, FIG. 22. These 24) on the corresponding side of the bolt 150, retaining
fingers 215 extend downwardly at approximately 45 the extractor 159 in assembly. The forward ends 242 of
degrees from horizontal, and are closely spaced apart 35 the extractor arms 157 and 158 are provided with an
from the gas piston rod 46. A pair of studs 216 extend inwardly-facing hook on the right arm, and an inclined
outwardly from the gas piston rod 46 closely behind the plane on the left arm, sized to engage and extract the
fingers 215, with each stud nominally centered on a rim 243 of a shell 244.
45-degree radial relatively to vertical. When the charg Longitudinal travel of the bolt 150 relative to the bolt
ing slide assembly 188 is moved rearwardly in the slot 40 carrier 149 is partially limited by the crossbar 249
184, after disengaging the locking surface 209 from the (FIGS. 15 and 16) which extends transversely through
front edges 210 of the receiver plates, the fingers 215 the rectangular window 250 in the bolt carrier body
engage corresponding studs 216 and move the gas pis 221. A rectangular slot 251 extends across the top of the
ton rod 46 rearwardly with the charging slide assembly. bolt 150, and the crossbar 249 fits lengthwise in the bolt
This rearward movement of the charging slide assembly 45 slot. The crossbar has an enlarged lower portion 252
loads and cocks the gun, as becomes apparent below. which extends downwardly into the channel 231 be
Details of the bolt carrier assembly 148, including the neath the slot 251, locating and retaining the crossbar
bolt carrier 149 and bolt 150, are best seen in FIGS. 13, along the lateral dimension of the bolt 150. The width of
15, and 16. The bolt carrier 149 preferably is a solid the crossbar 249 and the window 250 are substantially
member welded to the rear end of the gas piston rod 46. 50 the same, so that the crossbar is a snug sliding fit in the
The bolt 150 fits onto the bolt carrier 149 and may window. The width of slot 251 across the bolt 150 is
selectably undergo a limited extent of longitudinal substantially greater than the width of the crossbar, as
movement relative to the bolt carrier; the bolt includes best seen in FIG. 15, allowing the bolt to slide back and
a bolt carrier catch 220 which selectably locks the bolt forth relative to the bolt carrier. The rearward limit of
to the bolt carrier. 55 this relative sliding movement is defined as the crossbar
The bolt carrier 149 has a main body portion 221 249 impacts the back surface of the slot 251 in the bolt.
extending forwardly from the back end 222, substan Forward movement of the bolt is determined as de
tially aligned with the rear end 113 of the gas piston rod scribed below.
46, and has a bolt locking finger 223 extending for A bolt lock 255, FIGS. 15, 16, and 25, is mounted in
wardly from the front end 224 of the main body. The 60 assembly with the bolt carrier 149 and bolt 150, and
bolt carrier main body 221 and the finger 223 are inte functions to selectably lock the bolt to the barrel exten
gral, and as best seen in FIG. 23, the finger is narrower sion 120 for firing the gun. The lock 255 is cylindrical
than the body so that the front shoulder 224 on the right on the vertical axis, and a rectangular window 256 ex
side of the bolt carrier provides a stop surface for the tends through the lock to accommodate the finger 223
back end 285 of the bolt carrier catch 220 as described 65 of the bolt carrier 149. The finger 223 slidably fits
below. An impact plate 225, an integral part of the bolt within the lock window 256, and the cylindrical lock
carrier 149, extends forwardly from the front end 224 of itself slides in the vertical hole 259 through the bolt 150.
the main body 221, beneath the gas piston rod 46 and The upper end 257 and lower end 258 are rounded as
15 16
shown in FIG. 25, conforming to the top and bottom body. The bolt 150 thus is unlatched from the bolt car
radii of the bolt 150 at the intersection of the hole 259. rier 149, permitting further forward travel of the bolt
The top and bottom of the bolt carrier finger 223 carrier to cam the bolt lock 255 upwardly through the
include camming surfaces and locking surfaces which bolt and into the locking hole 274 in the barrel exten
engage mating surfaces at the top and bottom ends of 5 sion. The slight inward taper of the extractor arms 157
the window 256 through the lock 255. The first ramp and 158 helps guide the bolt 150 into the barrel exten
surface 262 on the top of the finger 223 constitutes a sion opening 284 at this time, with the extractor right
locking cam which engages the locking cam surface 263 arm 158 entering the barrel extension slot 282R the
at the upper end of the lock window. The locking cam front end 220 of the bolt carrier catch engages the cam
surface 263 slopes downwardly from the rear of the O surfafce 283. The extractor left arm 157 likewise enters
window, to join the horizontal holding surface 264 at the slot 282L, FIG. 23, extending within the left side of
the front of the window upper end. This holding surface the barrel extension.
264 engages the horizontal lock supporting surface 265 The rearwardly-angled slot 277 for receiving the
at the top of the finger 223, behind the first ramp surface pivot pin 276 allows the bolt carrier catch to be assem
262. 15 bled or removed from the bolt without requiring a sepa
The lower end of the lock window 256 forms an rate removable pin. The bolt carrier catch, with its back
unlocking cam surface 268, extending rearwardly from end 285 engaging the shoulder 224 of the bolt carrier,
the front of the window and confronting the unlocking holds the bolt forward on the bolt carrier while the bolt
ramp surface 269 on the underside of the finger 223. A carrier assembly is unlocked and out of the barrel exten
horizontal unlock holding surface 270 joins the upper 20 SOI.
end of the unlocking cam surface 268, extending rear The firing pin 288, FIG. 15, extends longitudinally
wardly to the back of the lock window. The locking through the firing pin passage 289 in the bolt carrier
finger 223 has a horizontal holding surface 271 adjoin 149. The firing pin passage is counterbored at 290, from
ing the lower end of the unlocking ramp surface 269. the back end of the bolt carrier, and the firing pin com
The bolt lock 255 is either raised to the locked posi pression spring 291 fits between the bottom of the coun
tion (FIGS. 3 and 15) where the upper end 257 of the terbore and the enlarged head 292 of the firing pin. A
lock moves about the bolt hole 259 to engage the hole retaining pin 293 extends transversely through the bolt
274 in the top surface 155 of the barrel extension 120, carrier, engaging an elongated notch 294 in the firing
thereby locking the bolt in the breech of the gun; or pin head 292. The back end 295 of the firing pin pro
moves downwardly into the bolt hole 259 to withdraw 30 trudes outwardly from the back end 222 of the bolt
from the barrel extension hole 274 and unlock the bolt carrier.
from the breech, by travel of the bolt carrier 149 rela The firing pin 288 extends through the length of the
tive to the bolt 150. The bolt carrier catch 220, best bolt locking finger 223, and the forward end 296 of the
shown in FIGS. 16 and 23, controls the timing of this firing pin protrudes outwardly a short distance from the
relative travel during back-and-forth movement of the 35 front end of the finger. The firing pin forward end 296
bolt carrier assembly. - is aligned with the firing pin opening 297 in the front
The bolt carrier catch 220 is a lever which nests in the face 28 of the bolt 150, and with the bolt carrier assem
elongated window 275 formed in the right side of the bly 148 in the forward-locked position shown in FIG.
bolt 150. A pivot pin 276 extends vertically through the 15, the firing pin spring 291 keeps the firing pin forward
bolt carrier catch 220, and the ends of the pivot pin 40 end retracted within the firing pin opening in the bolt
loosely fit in the rearwardly-angled vertical slot 277 face. When the hammer strikes the back end 295 of the
intersecting the window 275 (FIG. 16) in the bolt. The firing pin as discussed below, the firing pin moves for
catch 220 is retained within the window 275 by the right wardly a distance determined by the firing pin notch
arm 158 of the extractor 159, which fits over the catch 294, moving the firing pin forward end 296 through the
and passes through the forked opening 278 at the for 45 bolt hole 297 to strike the primer of a cartridge. The
ward end of the catch. A compression spring 279 fits straight firing pin 288 is angled within the bolt carrier,
within the recess 279a (FIG. 23) of the catch 220 and with the rear end of the firing pin being elevated suffi
rides against the bolt carrier finger 223, biasing the ciently to clear the extractor slot 236 in the back of the
forward end 280 of the catch outwardly from the bolt bolt carrier.
Slot 275. 50 The hammer 302 and the trigger mechanism 303 of
The forward end 280 of the bolt carrier catch 220 the gun 25 are pictorially shown in FIG. 13, and in
forms an oblique angle complementary to the beveled various operational stages in FIGS. 3, 4, 26A, and 26B.
cam surface 283 (FIGS. 13 and 23) at the right side of The hammer 302 pivots on a pin 304, an end of which
the bolt opening 284, at the back end of the slot 282R fits in the hole 305 at the front of each gusset plate 306
extending within the right side of the barrel extension 55 secured to the exterior of the receiver plates 117L,
120. The back end 285 of the bolt carrier catch 220 117R. The hammer is urged forwardly by the hammer
normally abuts the front shoulder 224 of the bolt carrier spring 307, whose legs 307, 307a extend behind the
main body 221, thereby latching the bolt and preventing hammer and engage the top sides of retaining grooves
the bolt from traveling rearwardly relative to the bolt 308 formed around the rotatable safety 309. The safety
carrier. It will be recalled that the crossbar 249 and slot 60 309 extends through holes 310 formed in the receiver
251 limits the maximum forward travel of the bolt rela plates, and has a safety operating lever 311 (FIG. 1B) on
tive to the bolt carrier. the left side of the gun, above the pistol grip 34. The
When the bolt carrier assembly 148 travels forwardly hammer 302 has a firing pin engaging surface 312 (FIG.
along the guide rod 43 so that the forward end 280 of 26A) which engages the back end 295 of the firing pin
the bolt carrier catch engages the can surface 283 on 65 288 when the hammer swings to the full-forward posi
the barrel extension, the bolt carrier catch pivots about tion, FIG. 3, under power of the hammer spring. Near
the pin 276 to disengage the back end 285 from the its outer end 313, the hammer is cut away to form a
shoulder 224 at the front end of the bolt carrier main radius 313 for engaging the front end of the bolt 150,
17 18
when the bolt is returning from overtravel as described Further precaution against premature hammer re
below. A hook 314 on the underside of the hammer 302 lease is provided by the hammer timing lever 322,
engages the disconnector 315 of the trigger mechanism which pivots about the trigger pin 323 and extends
303. A lateral notch 316 extends the width of the broad forwardly within the forked forward end 330 of the
ened circumferential surface 317 at the base of the ham disconnector and within the channel 321 of the trigger.
mer, and this notch provides a sear surface for engaging A hammer engaging notch 336 is formed on the upper
either the trigger or the hammer timing lever of the side of the hammer timing lever 322, approximately
trigger mechanism. beneath the hammer pivot pin 304. The hammer timing
The trigger mechanism 303 includes the trigger 320 lever curves upwardly in front of the base 317 of the
having an elongated longitudinal channel 321 defining O hammer, loosely fitting slidably in the slot 128 (FIG. 13)
an upwardly-facing slot for receiving the disconnector at the top of the magazine bracket 123, and terminates at
315, and the hammer timing lever 322. The trigger, the bolt contacting surface 337. A compression spring
disconnector, and timing lever are pivotably mounted 338 (FIG. 26A) fits within a recess 339 formed in the
on the trigger pin 323 which extends through the back trigger channel 321 forwardly of the trigger pin 323,
hole 324 in each gusset plate 306 attached to the re 15 and urges upwardly the hammer timing lever 322 rela
ceiver plates. A trigger spring 325 fits beneath the for tive to the trigger 320.
ward end of the trigger channel 321 and biases the trig The bolt contacting surface 337 of the hammer timing
ger mechanism in the counterclockwise direction, as lever normally rides against the bottom surface 230 of
viewed in FIG. 13. The legs 325a of the trigger spring the bolt 150, keeping the hammer timing lever de
extend behind the trigger mechanism and engage the 20 pressed against the force of the spring 338 and maintain
underside of the grooves 308 in the safety 309. Flat ing the hammer engaging notch 336 out of possible
surfaces 326a and 326b (FIG. 27) are formed in the engagement with the sear notch 316 of the hammer.
safety grooves 308 to detent the safety in either the Whenever the bolt carrier assembly overtravels the
"safe" or "fire" positions, FIG. 28. The grooves 308 in hammer as shown in FIG. 4 and 26C, the spring 338
the safety thus function to retain the legs of both the 25 moves the hammer timing lever upwardly so that the
hammer spring 307 and the trigger mechanism spring hammer engaging notch 336 contacts the hammer. The
325, and to detent the safety. hammer engaging notch of the disconnector is posi
The disconnector 315 is powered forwardly in the tioned to engage the sear notch 316 of the hammer
trigger channel 321 by the disconnector spring 329 slightly ahead of sear notch engagement by the sear
(FIG. 26A) located behind the trigger pivot pin 323. 30 edges 333 of the trigger 320, if the trigger remains
The forward end 330 of the disconnector is forked, pulled at this time. The timing lever always holds the
providing a slot to receive the hammer timing lever 322, hammer in the position shown in FIG. 26C while the
and the disconnector forward end abuts the narrowed bolt carrier assembly has overtraveled the hammer,
forward portion 331 of the trigger channel 321 to limit even if the trigger is released and then repulled while
maximum forward rotation of the disconnector. The 35 the bolt carrier assembly is behind the hammer. For
disconnector 315 has a hook 332 approximately above ward rotation of the hammer thus is arested behind the
the trigger pin 323, in position to engage the hook 314 of disconnector position (FIG. 26A) while the bolt carrier
the hammer 302 when the hammer is pushed back by assembly remains in overtravel position behind the
rearward travel of the bolt carrier assembly. It will be hammer. The timing lever 322 also holds down the
understood that the disconnector hook 332 is rotated 40 hammer for installing the bolt carrier assembly in the
forwardly into position for engaging the hammer hook gun.
314 only when the trigger 320 is held back by finger Subsequent forward movement of the bolt carrier
pressure, as illustrated in FIG. 26A. The disconnector assembly to a position where the bolt carrier assembly
hook 332 is rotated rearwardly out of possible engage no longer overtravels the hammer returns the bottom
ment with the hammer hook 314 when the trigger is 45 surface 230 of the bolt 150 into engagement with the
released, shown in FIGS. 4 and 26B. Thus, when the hammer timing lever 322, thereby disengaging the ham
trigger 320 is released after rearward travel of the bolt mer engaging surface 36 from the sear notch 316 of the
carrier assembly has moved the hammer 302 back to hammer. The hammer 302 can now rotate forwardly an
engage the disconnector 315 as shown in FIG. 26A, the additional small amount to the sear position, shown in
hammer 302 is allowed to rotate forward to sear posi 50 FIG. 26B. It will thus be understood that the hammer
tion as illustrated in FIG. 26B, where the forward edges timing lever 322 positively prevents premature release
333 of the trigger channel 321 engage the sear notch 316 of the hammer while the bolt carrier assembly is behind
of the hammer. The hammer 302 thus is held in sear the hammer and trigger mechanism.
position by the trigger 320, ready for forward move The ejector 343 is shown in detail in FIG. 29, and also
ment (FIG. 3) toward the firing pin when the trigger is 55 appears in FIGS. 4 and 24. The ejector 343 includes an
pulled. elongated member 344 having a forward end 345 and a
Because the bolt carrier assembly 148 of the gun can back end 346 bowed slightly inwardly in the free state
overtravel the hammer and trigger mechanism during (FIG. 29) relative to the central portion 347.
recoil, as illustrated in FIG. 4, a shooter who quickly Extending inwardly from the ejector member 344 are
releases and repulls the trigger while the bolt carrier 60 upper leg 348 and lower leg 349. The lower leg 349
assembly is behind the hammer can cause premature extends inwardly from the central portion 347 a greater
rotation of the hammer to the firing position, ahead of distance than the upper leg 348. A rearwardly-facing
the bolt. The radius 313 at the outer end of the hammer notch 350 lies between each leg of the ejector, and the
302 engages the underside of the gas piston rod 46 if extractor member 344. The entire ejector 343 can be
premature hammer release occurs, jamming the gas 65 fabricated by stamping and bending from sheet metal or
piston rod to prevent further forward movement, so the like.
that the bolt cannot slam into the hammer and damage Referring to FIGS. 4 and 29, the left receiver plate
parts of the gun. 117L has a rear window 353 and a front window 354
4,693, 170
19 20
substantially aligned with the recoil travel path of the safety lever 311 is readily engaged by the shooter to
bolt 150, and transversely aligned with the cartridge place the gun in either "safe" or "fire" condition.
ejection port 355 (FIGS. 2 and 13) formed in the right The magazine' bracket 123 is shown in greater detail
receiver plate 117R. The longitudinal spacing between in FIG. 30. The magazine bracket includes a forwardly
windows 353 and 354 allows the upper and lower legs 5 facing channel member 371 extending vertically down
348 and 349 of the ejector to be pressed inwardly wardly from the receiver section at the forward end of
through the rear window 353, with the forward end 345 the trigger 320 and trigger guard 372, terminating at the
of the ejector body to be slightly ahead of the front bottom of the cutaway portion 130 (FIG. 2) between
window 354. To mount the ejector in the gun, the ejec the magazine bracket 123 and the grip bracket 35. The
tor body 344 is pushed in toward the left receiver plate O channel member 371 may be a separate C-shaped mem
with the legs 348, 349 extending into the rear window ber attached to the upright plate forming the front leg
353. This inward force elastically straightens the nor 373 of the unitary member also forming the grip bracket
mally-bowed ejector body 344. By sliding the ejector 35 and the rear bracket leg 129. The trigger guard 372
body to the rear, the notches 350 of the upper and lower is a separate part extending between the rear bracket leg
legs 348, 349 engage the back wall 356 of the rear win 129 and front bracket leg 373, and is secured to those
dow 353 (FIG. 24), and at this time the forward end 345 two legs by staking or the like.
of the ejector body snaps into the front window 354, The magazine channel member 371 slidably receives
effectively locking the ejector in place on the left re the magazine lug 374 on the back of the magazine 36.
ceiver plate 117L. The ejector forward end 355 is pro The upper ends of the magazine lug 374 are preferably
vided with an inwardly-projecting foot 357 which en beveled as at 375 (FIG. 30), and a latching notch 376 is
gages the front wall 358 of the front window 354 in the formed in the right edge of the magazine lug. The left
left receiver plate, thereby further securing the ejector upper end of the magazine lug 374 strikes the underside
in place against unwanted movement. of the tab 378, bent inwardly from the bottom of the left
The front surface 361 of the ejector lower leg 348 25 receiver plate 117L, to stop upward movement in the
constitutes the ejection surface, as best illustrated in channel 371. When the magazine 36 is attached to the
FIG. 24. As the bolt 150 travels rearwardly in recoil, gun by sliding the lug 374 fully into the magazine lug
the extractor hooks 242 engage the rim 243 of the spent channel 371, the latching notch 376 engages the for
shell 244, extracting that shell from the chamber end ward end 379 of the magazine latch 380 pivotably at
362 (FIG. 3) of the barrel. A longitudinal notch 363 30 tached to the trigger guard 372. The forward end 379 of
(FIG. 14) is formed in the left side of the bolt 150, below the magazine latch fits within a slot 381 (FIG. 13)
the extractor left arm 157, providing clearance for the formed in the right side of the magazine bracket 123,
ejector lower leg 349; the ejector upper leg 348, being and this slot is aligned with the latching notch 376 in the
shorter, does not interfere with bolt travel. magazine lug 374 when the magazine is fully attached to
Rearward movement of the bolt 150 and the ex 35 the gun. A compression spring 382 (FIGS. 17 and 30)
tracted shell 244 continues until the shell rim 243 strikes fits between the magazine latch 380 and the notch 382a
the ejection surface 361 of the ejector lower leg 349, in the trigger guard 372 behind the pivot of the maga
ejecting the shell to the right through the ejection port zine latch, and urges the forward end 379 of the maga
355 in the right receiver plate and the aligned ejection zine latch into engagement with the slot 381 and the
opening 364 (FIG. 1A) in the right stock shell 26R. 40 latching notch 376 of the magazine lug. The beveled
The ejector 343 thus is fabricated from a single piece upper end 375 of the magazine lug cams aside the for
of metal, and is easily installed or removed from the gun ward end 379 of the magazine latch as the magazine lug
from the outside of the left receiver plate. A shallow slides up the channel 371. The magazine is disengaged
depression 365 (FIG. 24) may be formed on the inside of from the gun simply by pressing inwardly on the un
the left stock shell 26L to accommodate the added 45 latching button 383 at the back end of the magazine
thickness of the ejector body 344. latch 380. The magazine channel member 371 and mag
The operation of safety 309 is best understood with azine latch 380 thus provide a positive yet simple means
respect to FIGS. 3, 4, 13, 26A, and 26B. The safety 309 for retaining a magazine on the gun.
is rotatably held between the receiver plates 117L and The magazine 36 herein disclosed is a box magazine
117R above the back end 369 of the trigger channel 321, 50 including a cartridge follower 386 (FIG. 3) urged up
and the legs of the trigger and hammer springs in the wardly by the magazine spring 387, so as to hold the top
grooves 308 retain the safety between the receiver cartridge 388 (FIG. 4) urged upwardly against the lips
plates and detent the safety. A notch 309a is formed in 389 of the magazine, ready to be stripped from the
the safety 309 between the spring-receiving grooves cartridge and chambered by forward movement of the
308, and this notch is sufficiently deep to accommodate 55 bolt carrier assembly 148. It should be understood that
upward movement of the trigger channel back end 369 a suitable drum magazine can be substituted for the box
when the trigger is pulled, as illustrated in FIG. 26A. magazine 36 disclosed herein, in which case the drum
However, when the safety is rotated approximately a magazine would include a lug comparable to magazine
half-turn, the groove 309a is rotated out of alignment lug 374 for engaging the magazine bracket 123.
with the back end 309 of the trigger, as seen in FIG. 4. 60 A complete loading and firing sequence for the gun
The ungrooved portion of the safety 309, in this posi 25 is now described. Assuming a cartridge-containing
tion, effectively blocks the back end 369 of the safety, magazine 36 is in place as described above, the charging
preventing trigger movement. handle 190 is pulled back by finger pressure applied to
The safety 309 is operated by the integral safety lever the charging finger area 207. This backward movement
311, FIGS. 1B and 2B, on the left side of the gun. The 65 of the charging handle moves the fingers 215 into
safety 309 extends outwardly through the left receiver contact with the studs 216 extending outwardly from
plate and through a nating opening in the left stock the gas piston rod 46, moving the gas piston rod and
shell 26L, there terminating in the safety lever 311. The attached bolt carrier assembly 148 to the rear.
4,693, 170
21 22
As rearward movement of the bolt carrier assembly the barrel 40. This tapered surface forms a funnel to
commences, the bolt 150 remains locked in full-forward guide the relatively blunt-nosed shotgun shells into the
position by the bolt lock 255 (FIG. 15) extending up chamber 392.
wardly through the bolt and engaging the hole 274 in Continued forward movement of the bolt carrier
the top surface of the barrel extension 120. This locked assembly returns the forward end of the bolt 150 into
breach condition is shown in FIG. 3. Rearward move the barrel extension 120, where the beveled surface 394
ment of the gas piston rod 46 moves the bolt carrier 149 (FIGS. 13 and 16) surrounding the front face 298 of the
back relative to the still-locked bolt 150, and this rela bolt 150 confronts the tapered surface 393 within the
tive rearward movement causes the bolt iock 255 to be barrel extension. A cylindrical land 394 within the bar
cammed downwardly, thereby unlocking the bolt. This 10 rel extension, between the inclined ramp 391 and the
downward camming movement of the bolt lock 255 tapered surface 393, supports the diameter of the bolt
takes place as the unlocking ramp 269 of the bolt carrier 150 in locked position within the barrel extension. The
finger 223 engages the unlocking cam surface 268 at the inner end of the barrel 240 is reamed as shown at 395 to
lower end of the window 253 in the bolt lock. The bolt accommodate a 12-gauge shotgun shell, in the disclosed
lock 255 moves downwardly until its upper end 257 is 15 embodiment of the gun.
substantially flush with the top of the hole 259 in the The bolt carrier catch 220, which engaged the shoul
bolt, at which time the holding surface 271 of the bolt der 224 of the bolt carrier as the bolt carrier assembly
carrier finger rests on the unlocking holding surface 270 initially moved rearwardly, keeps the bolt 150 from
within the window of the bolt lock. The bolt is now moving rearwardly relative to the bolt carrier 149 as the
unlocked and can be withdrawn from the breach by 20 bolt carrier assembly travels forwardly in the gun. After
further rearward travel of the gas piston rod and bolt the front of the bolt 150 reenters the barrel extension
carrier. 120, the angled front end 280 of the bolt carrier catch is
Continued rearward movement of the charging han cammed inwardly by the cam surface 293 at the back of
dle draws the gas piston rod back between the receiver the barrel extension, moving the back end 285 of the
plates until the ears 214 of the charging slide assembly 25 bolt carrier catch out of engagement with the bolt car
188 contact the left and rear posts 138, 139 of the rear rier shoulder 224. The bolt carrier 149 may now move
sight. During rearward travel, the gas piston rod is forward relative to the bolt 150, and this relative move
laterally guided by the ridges 151 formed in the receiver ment occurs as the shoulders 281 at the top of the bolt
plates 117L, 117R; and is vertically guided from above impact the backwall 398 of the barrel extension to arest
by the underside of the charging slide lower plate 192, 30 forward movement of the bolt. Continuing forward
and on the underside initially by the top surface 155 of movement of the bolt carrier moves the locking finger
the barrel extension 120 and by the upward bias of the 223 forwardly within the bolt, causing the locking ramp
hammer 302 pressing against the bottom of the bolt 150. surface 262 to engage the locking cam surface 263 of the
As the bolt 150 becomes partially withdrawn from bolt lock 255 so that the bolt lock is cammed upwardly
the barrel extension 120, the forward end 280 of the bolt 35 from the bolt to enter the hole 274 in the top wall 155 of
carrier catch 220 (FIG. 23) is freed, allowing the back the barrel extension 120.
end 285 of the bolt carrier catch to move inwardly and Forward movement of the bolt carrier 149 is arested
engage the shoulder 224 at the front of the bolt carrier as the bolt carrier stop surface 226 (FIG. 16) impacts the
main body 221. Continued rearward movement of the backwall 398 of the barrel extension. At this time, the
bolt carrier 149 engages the bolt 150 through the cross 40 bolt carrier has moved forwardly relative to the bolt
bar 249, withdrawing the bolt from its fully-seated posi 150 to place the lock supporting surface 265 beneath the
tion within the barrel extension. holding surface 264 of the bolt lock 255. The bolt car
When the charging slide assembly 188 reaches its rier assembly is now locked in full-forward position,
full-back position, the bolt 150 is substantially at the and the gun is ready to be fired.
position shown in FIG. 24 with the extractor hooks 242 45 Pulling the trigger 320 releases the hammer 302 from
withdrawn behind the front surface 361 of the ejector its sear position, FIG. 26B, allowing the hammer to fall
348. The bolt 150 at this position has cleared the top against the back end 295 of the firing pin 288. The firing
cartridge 388 (FIG. 4) in the magazine, while remaining pin thus moves forwardly within the bolt carrier 149 to
over the surface 312 of the hammer 302 at this time. It the extent permitted by the notch 294 and retaining pin
will be understood that rearward travel of the bolt has 50 293, forcing the firing pin forward end 296 through the
moved the hammer back to the position shown in FIG. opening 297 in the front face 298 of the bolt 150. The
26A, and except that the hammer timing lever 322 re firing pin thus strikes the primer of the previously
mains disengaged from the hammer due to engagement chambered shell, firing the gun.
with the bolt. The top cartridge 388 moves up in the As the gun is fired, gas pressure within the barrel
magazine in the position shown in FIG. 4, awaiting 55 flows through the gas ports 68 to enter the gas cylinder
forward bolt movement. 69, flowing around the guide rod 43 and through the
The charging lever 190 may now be released, allow aligned gas holes 70 in the guide rod in the process. The
ing the previously-compressed action spring 45 to move gas pressure forces the gas piston 44 and piston rod 46
forwardly the gas piston rod and bolt carrier assembly. rearwardly on the guide rod 43, unlocking the bolt 150
The studs 216 on the gas piston rod carry the charging 60 as previously described and moving the bolt carrier
slide 188 forwardly at this time. The forwardly-moving assembly rearwardly. The spent shell 244 is extracted
bolt 150 engages the top cartridge 388 in the magazine, by the extractor hooks 244 and carried rearwardly with
stripping that cartridge from the magazine and moving the bolt until the shell strikes the front surface 361 of the
the cartridge forwardly to contact the inclined ramp ejector, whereupon the spent shell is ejected as shown
391 (FIG. 31) of the barrel extension 120, chambering 65 in FIG. 24.
the cartridge in the breech end 392 of the barrel 40. The The present gun is designed to permit the bolt carrier
interior of the barrel extension is counterboard to pro assembly 148 to recoil rearwardly all the way to the
vide the tapered surface 393 adjoining the inner end of buttplate 27, as illustrated in FIG. 4, whereat the bolt
4,693, 170
23 24
150 has overtraveled well behind the hammer and firing 479R may be distinctively shaped so as to identify the
mechanism of the gun. The noncircular cross-section “left" and "right" adaptor shell. The barrel grooves 470
shape of the guide rod 43, in concert with the mating have further utility in addition to cooperating with the
guide rod travel hole 44a in the gas piston, maintains the adaptor shells. If a conventional rifle grenade is
bolt carrier assembly 148 in angular alignment while the 5 launched with the grooved barrel, the external grooves
bolt and bolt carrier travel behind the back ends 161 of 470 act as a gas labyrinth during firing. The barrel
the receiver plates. The slight inward angular alignment grooves 470 thus tend to impede the unwanted escape
of the extractor arms 157 and 158 helps guide the bolt of gas between the grenade tube and the barrel, without
carrier between the receiver plate back ends 161, as the providing any physical barrier impeding forward travel
compressed action spring 45 moves the bolt carrier O of the moving grenade. r
assembly 148 forwardly. The relatively long recoil The full-automatic embodiment of the present inven
travel of the bolt carrier assembly, as discussed above, tion depicted in FIGS. 32, 33, 34, and 34A fires from an
spreads the recoil force over a longer time and thus open bolt, and is selectably capable of full-automatic or
reduces the impulse of that force. Moreover, gas pres semi-automatic firing at the shooter's choice. Apart
sure within the gas cylinder produces a reaction force 5 from a different firing mechanism and certain modifica
on the gas cylinder/front sight 28, and this reaction tions to the bolt and firing pin, the disclosed full
force is mechanically coupled to the buttplate and the automatic gun 25 is substantially similar to the semi
rest of the gun by the guide rod 43, thereby further automatic version 25 previously described. For this
reducing the recoil force felt by the shooter. reason, identical numerals in the following description
If it should become necessary for any reason to assist 20 denote parts common to both disclosed embodiments,
the forward movement of the bolt carrier assembly and primed numerals indicate corresponding parts mod
during cocking or otherwise, the charging handle 32 ified for use with the full-automatic embodiment. It
can be moved forwardly by pressing downwardly on should be apparent, however, that details of the full
the finger area 204 to move the lug 201 into engagement automatic embodiment are not limited to use only in
with the hole 203 in the gas piston rod 46. The gas 25 connection with a gun exactly as previously described
piston rod may now be pushed forwardly with the herein, or to use only with a shotgun.
charging handle 190. Referring to FIG. 32, the full-automatic gun 25 in
The several annular grooves 470 adjacent the muzzle cludes a bolt carrier assembly 148 including a gas piston
42 of the barrel 40 accommodates the accessory adaptor rod 46 and a bolt carrier 149 secured to the underside of
system illustrated in FIGS. 36 and 37. This accessory 30 the gas piston rod at its rear end. A bolt 150' is slidably
adaptor system allows chokes or other threaded acces carried by the bolt carrier 149, and a lug 410 projects
sories to be attached to the front of the barrel, without downwardly from the bottom surface 411 of the bolt at
requiring relatively fine and easily-damaged threads on its back end. As described below in greater detail, this
the barrel. Referring to FIG. 36, the adaptors include a lug 410 engages the rear surface 412 of the sear 413
pair of adaptor shells 471L and 471R, each shell being 35 (FIG. 33) to retain the bolt 150' (and the entire bolt
the shape of a half-cylinder. The inner surfaces of each carrier assembly 148) in the open-bolt cocked position
adaptor shell have alternating lands 472 and grooves shown in FIG. 32.
473, which complement in width and spacing the A firing pin 288" extends through the bolt carrier 149
grooves 470 on the gun barrel 40. Two adjacent lands at an angle to clear the bridge 160 of the extractor. The
are interconnected by the bridge 475, which mates with 40 firing pin 288 is nonmovably affixed within the bolt
the groove 476 (FIG. 1B) joining two adjacent barrel carrier 149 by the retaining pin 293", extending trans
grooves. The nominal inside diameter of each adoptor versely through the bolt carrier and engaging a mating
shell is the same as the outside diameter of the gun notch 414 formed in the firing pin. The firing pin 288
barrel adjacent the muzzle end, so that the adaptor thus is fixed in place relative to the bolt carrier 149, with
shells closely confront one another along longitudinal 45 the firing pin forward end 296' projecting in front of the
edges 474 when the shells are placed over the gun barrel bolt locking finger 223 as shown in FIG. 32. This for
with corresponding lands 472 of each shell snugly fit ward extension of the firing pin end 296' causes that end
ting in opposite sides of an annular grooves 470 around to protrude through the firing pin opening 297 in the
the barrel. front face 298 (FIG.34A) of the bolt 150' whenever the
The exterior surface of each adaptor shell 471L and 50 bolt carrier moves forward, relative to the bolt, to the
471R is threaded as shown at 477, with the threads of locked-breech position described above. The fixed fir
each shell being mutually aligned with the shells are ing pin 288" thus contacts the primer of a chambered
fitted on the barrel grooves 470 with the bridge 475 on cartridge (not shown) immediately after the bolt 150' is
shell 471L locating the left shell on the left side of the locked and ready for firing.
barrel. Thus, an internally-threaded accessory such as 55 The firing mechanism of the full-automatic gun em
the choke 478, FIG. 37, is readily screwed onto the bodiment 25' includes the trigger 418 pivotably sup
external threads 477 of the adaptor shells 471L, 471R, in ported on the trigger pin 323", which extends through
place on the barrel grooves 470. The internally mounting holes comparable to the holes 324 (FIG. 13)
threaded choke 478 imparts inwardly-directed radial formed in the receiver plates and the gusset plates, al
force to each adaptor shell, thereby forcing the lands 60 though as pointed out below, the gusset plates used with
472 of the shells into tight engagement with the barrel the full-automatic embodiment are modified from the
grooves 470 as the choke is screwed onto the shells. The gusset plates 306 shown in FIG. 13. A torsional trigger
back edge of each adaptor shell may be provided with spring 325' extends on each side of the trigger surround
a corresponding notch 478L, 479R to accommodate a ing the trigger pin 323", the trigger spring forming a
flat-edged tool such as a screwdriver or the like, to hold 65 loop extending beneath the nose 419 of the trigger. The
the adaptor shells against rotation as the choke or other two trigger spring legs 325a' extend back along either
accessory is screwed or unscrewed relative to the shells. side of the trigger, and fit within grooves 420 at either
As seen in FIG. 36, the bottom of each notch 479L, end of the firing selector 421, FIG. 33, which is the
25 26
counterpart of the safety 309 in the semi-automatic 421 is rotated to the semi-automatic firing position
embodiment described above. 'semi', FIG. 35, by manipulating the selector lever 311"
A disconnector 424 is pivotably mounted within a extending outside the left stock shell of the gun 25".
slot extending inwardly from the tail 425 of the trigger When the firing selector is rotated to the “full" firing
418. The disconnector 424 includes a spring bearing 5 position, the disconnector-engaging finger 464 is ro
surface 423 (FIG. 32) which engages the lower end of tated to the position shown in FIG. 34, out of possible
the disconnector compression spring 426 fitting within engagement with the disconnector surface 430.
the recess 427 formed in the trigger behind the trigger Moving the firing selector to the "safe' position
pivot pin, and the disconnector spring urges the discon places the safety lock surface 465 over the tail 425 of the
nector forwardly relative to the trigger. The disconnec O trigger 418, blocking forward movement of the trigger
tor 424 has an arm 428 extending upwardly to terminate so that the gun cannot be fired.
at the sear engaging surface 429. The disconnector fur Operation of the full-automatic embodiment 25' is
ther has a selector bearing surface 430 on another arm now considered. Assuming a cartridge magazine has
extending behind the pivot pin 431 of the disconnector. been inserted as described previously, the charging
The selector bearing surface 430 is positioned beneath 15 handle is pulled back to engage and move the bolt car
the firing selector 421, described below in greater detail. rier assembly 148' rearwardly. This rearward move
Located above the trigger 418 is the sear carrier 435, ment unlocks the bolt 150' in the manner described
best seen in FIG. 33. The sear carrier is an annular above for the semi-automatic embodiment, and the bolt
box-like part open at the top and bottom, with the bot moves rearwardly until the lug 410 on the bottom of the
tom edges cut away at 436 to allow the sear carrier to fit 20 bolt rides over the back end 412 of the spring-biased
over the trigger 418 in assembly. A lug 437 extends sear 413. The sear rocks forwardly to engage the lug
forwardly from the front end of the sear carrier 435, 410, locking the bolt 150' and the remainder of the bolt
forming a guide for the heavy buffer compression carrier assembly 148' in the open-bolt position shown in
spring 438 positioned between the sear carrier and the FIG. 33. The gun is now ready for firing in either the
confronting surface 439 of the magazine bracket 123. 25 semi-automatic or full-automatic mode, depending on
The sear carrier 435 is supported between the receiver the position of the firing selector 421.
plates by two searcarrier pins 440, 441 which slidably If full-auto firing is desired, the firing selector is ro
extend through longitudinal elongated slots 442, 443 in tated to the position shown in FIG. 34. When the trig
the sides of the sear carrier near its front and back ends. ger 418 is pulled, the disconnector 424 moves upwardly
The front sear carrier pin 440 extends through holes 444 30 and forwardly with the trigger to engage the sear sur
(FIG. 13) extending through the receiver plates near the face 460 with the sear engaging surface 429 of the dis
upper apex of each gusset plate, and through the rear connector. This engagement by the disconnector ro
wardly-located hole 445 formed in each receiver plate. tates the sear 413 counterclockwise about the sear pin
It should be understood that the gusset plate hole 444, 449, moving the sear back end 412 downwardly to re
although disclosed in FIG. 13, is required only for the 35 lease the lug 410 on the bolt 150'. The action spring 45
full-automatic gun 25"; likewise, the previously pushes the bolt carrier assembly 148' forward at this
described hole 305 in the gusset plates 306 is required time, causing the bolt to strip the top round (not shown)
only for the semi-automatic embodiment, and not for from the cartridge magazine and chamber that round in
the presently-described full-automatic embodiment. the manner described above for the semi-automatic
The sear 413 includes a flat bar 447 extending from 40 embodiment 25. Because the bolt 150' is latched in the
back end 412, which extends behind the back end 452 of position shown in FIG. 32 at this time, the forward end
the sear carrier 435 as shown in FIG. 32, to the front 296 of the firing pin 288 is held behind the front face
end 448 located over the lug 453 extending inwardly 298 of the bolt and cannot strike the primer of the round
from one side of the sear carrier. The sear pin opening being chambered.
450 extends through the cylindrical portion of the sear 45 As the bolt 150' enters the barrel extension, the bolt
below the flat bar 447, and the sear pin 449 extends carrier catch is unlatched in the previous manner and
through the searpin opening and through aligned open the bolt carrier 149 moves forwardly relative to the bolt
ings 451 on each side of the sear carrier 435, pivotably to cam upwardly the bolt lock 255 and lock the bolt 150'
supporting the sear within the sear carrier. A sear com in the breach of the gun 25". After the bolt is thus
pression spring 457 fits over the lug 458 at the back end 50 locked, the final increment of bolt carrier 149 move
452 of the sear carrier, and extends upwardly to contact ment relative to the bolt 150' moves the forward end
the underside of the sear bar 447 behind the pivot point 296 of the firing pin 288’ through the firing pin opening
of the sear. The sear spring 457 thus biases the sear 413 297 in the bolt, FIG. 34. The chambered round thus is
forwardly within the sear carrier 435, and the lug 453 fired, causing the gas piston rod 46 to move rearwardly
provides a forward motion stop (FIG. 34) for the sear. 55 in recoil as mentioned above.
A foot 459 extends downwardly from the underside Assuming the trigger 418 remains pulled, the sear 413
of the sear bar 447, a short distance behind the front end remains pivoted rearwardly and the back end 412 of the
448 of the sear bar. The lower end of the sear bar foot sear cannot engage the lug 410 on the underside of the
459 provides a disconnector engaging surface 460 bolt as the bolt carrier assembly 148' returns forwardly
which engages the sear engaging surface 429 of the 60 from its recoil position. The next cartridge in the maga
disconnector 424, in certain circumstances described zine thus is loaded and fired, and this full-automatic
below. firing cycle continues until the trigger is released, al
The firing selector 421, mounted independently of the lowing the sear back end 412 to engage the bolt lug 410,
floating sear carrier 435, has a notched center region or until the magazine is emptied.
463 positioned above the tail 425 of the trigger 418. A 65 If the firing selector 421 is moved to the "semi' posi
finger 464 extends outwardly from the center region tion, the finger 464 is positioned over the back surface
463, and this finger is aligned with the rear bearing 430 of the disconnector 424. When the trigger 418 is
surface 430 of the disconnector 424 when the selector pulled with the firing selector thus positioned, the fin
4,693, 170
27 28
ger 464 contacts the rear surface 430 of the disconnec trigger mechanism means operative to hold said ham
tor as the trigger moves the disconnector upwardly to mer in a cocked condition, and selectably operative
engage the sear surface 460. After the sear 413 is rocked to release the hammer;
counterclockwise to disengage the lug 410 of the bolt means normally in a forward position for firing
cocked bolt, further trigger movement rotates the dis 5 and movable in a recoil direction, said bolt means
connector counterclockwise about the disconnector being operative to engage and cock said hammer in
pivot pin 431, moving the disconnector arm 428 behind response to recoil movement;
the sear foot 459 and thus allowing the sear spring 457 said bolt means being capable of recoil movement
to return the sear 413 forwardly to its bolt-engaging behind said hammer so that the bolt means in recoil
position even though the trigger 418 remains pulled. O momentarily overtravels the hammer, wherein the
The back end 412 of the sear thus can engage the bolt hammer if released by premature operation of said
lug 410 and retain the bolt 150' in cocked open-bolt trigger mechanism means could be struck by subse
position after a single round is fired. The buffer spring quent forward movement of the bolt means;
438, together with the floating mounting of sear carrier 15
hammer timing means operative to engage said ham
435 provided by pins 440, 441 through slots 442, 443 in mer while the bolt means is in overtravel behind
the sear carrier, cushins the impact of the forwardly the hammer, and prevent the hammer from release
traveling bolt striking the sear. When the trigger 418 is irrespective of trigger mechanism means operation;
released, the disconnector spring 426 returns the discon and
nector 424 to its initial position, ready for firing another 20
said hammer timing means being responsive to said
single round when the trigger 418 is pulled. bolt means returning forwardly from recoil to a
In order to assist assembling a gun such as the guns 25 position behind said forward position, but no
and 25, the assembly tool shown in FIG. 38 has been longer overtraveling the hammer, to disengage the
devised for inserting pivot pins such as the hammer pin, hammer and return control of the hammer to said
trigger pin, or the like. The assembly tool comprises the 2 5. trigger mechanism means, whereby the hammer is
pin inserting tool 486, shown with the pin 491 which under control of the trigger mechanism means as
represents the actual pin being installed. The tool 486 the bolt means returns to the forward position.
has an elongated shank 487 with a point 488 at one end, 2. Firearm apparatus as in claim 1, wherein:
and with a tail 489 of reduced diameter at the other end. said hammer has a sear surface and said trigger mech
The tail 489 fits into the hole 490 in one end of the pin 30 anism means has a sear surface selectably engaging
49. said hammer sear surface to hold the trigger
To install a pivot pin such as the trigger pin in assem cocked; and
bly with related parts including the trigger, disconnec said hammer timing means has a timing sear surface
tor, timing lever, and trigger spring, those parts first are which engages said hammer sear surface to hold
assembled and manually held in their working relation 35 the hammer sear surface behind said trigger mecha
nism means sear surface while said bolt means is in
ship between the receiver plates. Pointed end 488 of the overtravel behind the hammer, so that said sear
inserting tool can be temporarily inserted through the surface of the hammer when released by the timing
parts to assist alignment. The tool 486 and pin 491 now sear can move forward to engage the trigger mech
are interconnected by inserting the tail 489 in the hole anism means sear surface in cocked condition when
490, and the other end of the pin is inserted through the 40
trigger pin hole 324 in one of the receiver plates and the bolt means returns from recoil to the position
attached gusset plates. The pin 491 is worked into posi no longer overtraveling the hammer.
tion through the aligned trigger pin holes in the trigger 3. Firearm apparatus as in claim 1, wherein:
assembly parts and the receiver plates, with the con said hammer timing means comprises a timing lever
nected tool 486 extending outside one receiver plate to 45 having a first surface contacting said bolt means in
assist in manipulating the pin through the parts. With predetermined relation to the position where the
the pin 491 fully installed so as to hold the trigger and bolt means no longer overtravels the hammer, and
thereby maintaining said timing lever in a first
related parts in assembly within the receiver plates, the position;
tool 486 is withdrawn from the pin. Of course, the as 50 means moving said timing lever to a second position
sembly tool may be used for other applications. when said bolt means moves in recoil behind said
It should now be apparent to those of ordinary skill timing lever first surface; and
that the present invention, as exemplified in the two said timing lever havin a second surface positioned to
disclosed embodiments, meets the objectives recited engage and hold said hammer only when said tim
above. Although both disclosed embodiments pertain to 55 ing lever is in said second position, thereby pre
shotguns, it should also be apparent that most if not all venting the hammer from moving in front of the
of the disclosed novel features are readily adaptable to bolt means in recoil overtravel notwithstanding
guns designed for firing rifled ammunition, particularly premature operation of said trigger mechanism
heavier calibers for which a locked-breach bolt is 2S,
needed or preferred. Similarly, it should be apparent 60 4. Firearm apparatus comprising:
that the foregoing relates only to preferred embodi a hammer
ments of the present invention, and that numerous a trigger mechanism operative to hold said hammer in
changes and modifications may be made therein with a cocked position and including a trigger selec
out departing from the spirit or scope of the invention as tively operative to release the hammer for firing;
defined in the following claims. 65 bolt means normally in a forward position for firing
What is claimed is: and movable in a recoil direction, said bolt means
1. Firearm apparatus comprising: engaging and cocking said hammer in response to
a hammer; said recoil movement;
4,693, 170
29 30
said bolt means in recoil momentarily moving behind forward position, where the bolt means no longer
said hammer so that the hammer, if then released overtravels the hammer;
by premature operation of said trigger mechanism, whereby control of the hammer is restored to said
could move in front of the bolt means and be struck trigger mechanism for firing when the bolt means is
by subsequent forward movement of the bolt in said forward position.
means; 5. Firearm apparatus as in claim 4, wherein:
said trigger mechanism having a sear operative to said hammer timing means comprises a lever having a
engage a complementary sear surface on said ham surface engaging said complementary sear surface
on said hammer in response to said overtravel of
mer when said trigger is released, thereby main said bolt means.
taining the hammer cocked until said trigger is 6. Firearm apparatus as in claim 5, wherein:
pulled to release the hammer for firing; said surface of said lever is located in predetermined
said trigger mechanism having disconnector means relation to said trigger mechanism sear so that said
operative to engage said hammer when cocked by complementary surface on said hammer moves
movement of said bolt mechanism while the trigger 15 beyond the trigger mechanism sear and into en
is pulled, and further operative to disengage the gagement with said lever surface, when the ham
hammer for engagement by said sear when the mer is cocked by rearward movement of said bolt
trigger is thereafter released; means; and
hammer timing means operative in response to rear said lever in responsive to forward movement of said
ward movement of said bolt means to engage said 20 bolt means to move said surface out of engagement
cocked hammer while the bolt means is in recoil with said complementary sear surface, allowing the
behind the hammer, thereby preventing release of hammer to move forwardly into engagement by
the hammer irrespective of trigger mechanism op said trigger mechanism.
eration; 7. Firearm apparatus as in claim 6, wherein:
said hammer timing means being operative to engage said lever has an operating surface responsive to said
said cocked hammer only in response to said rear bolt means only when the bolt means returns for
ward movement of said bolt means where the bolt
wardly to the position behind said forward position
no longer overtraveling the hammer; and wherein
means is in overtravel position behind said cocked said lever places said surface in position to engage
hammer; and 30 said complementary sear surface only in response
said hammer timing means being operative to disen to rearward travel of said bolt means to overtravel
gage said hammer in response to said bolt means the hammer.
returning from recoil to a position, behind said k k 2: : k








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