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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,899,478

Ghisoni 45 Date of Patent: Feb. 13, 1990

54, DEBASED BARREL REVOLVER Assistant Examiner-Michael J. Carone
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sughrue, Mion, Zinn,
76 Inventor: Emilio Ghisoni, Via Villa Serafina, 4 Macpeak & Seas
27100 Pavia, Italy
(21) Appl. No.: 308,506 (57) ABSTRACT
22 Filed: Feb. 10, 1989 A debased barrel revolver is disclosed which comprises
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data a stock having a rear mount, a cylinder carried rotatably
on said stock close against the rear mount, a barrel
Feb. 10, 1988 IT Italy ............................... 19367 A/88 mounted on the stock in alignment relationship with a
51 Int, Cl'.......................... F41C 1/00; F41C 17/08 bottom cartridge chamber of the cylinder, and a release
52 U.S. C. ............................................ 42/6S; 42/66 and percussion mechanism, and wherein at least some of
58. Field of Search ................................ 42/59, 65, 66 the components of the release and percussion mecha
nism are supported in a chamber formed in the rear
56) References Cited mount and extending therein perpendicularly to and
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS above the barrel. By virtue of the reduced extent in the
3,027,673 4/1962 Oliver ..................................... 42/63 longitudinal direction of the release and percussion
4,041,633 8/1977 Scrufari. ... 42/.65 mechanism, substantially all of the elastic potential en
4,285,152 8/1981. Dean ..... ... 42A59 ergy stored up therein can be utilized on striking.
4,651,456 3/1987 Ghisoni ................................... 42/59
Primary Examiner-Charles T. Jordan 16 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets

7a 2326 43

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U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 1 of 14 4,899.478

U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 2 of 14 4,899,478
U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 3 of 14 4,899,478
U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 4 of 14 4,899,478

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U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 5 of 14 4,899,478
U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 6 of 14 4,899,478
U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 7 of 14 4,899,478

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U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 8 of 14 4,899,478
U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990

U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 10 of 14 4,899,478
U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 11 of 14 4,899,478
U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 12 of 14 4,899.478
U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 13 of 14 4,899,478

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U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1990 Sheet 14 of 14 4,899,478


Further features and the avantages of this invention
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION will become apparent from the following detailed de
This invention relates to a debased barrel revolver of 5 scription of an embodiment of a debased barrel revolver
a type which comprises a stock having a rear mount, a with according to the invention, to be read in conjunction
cylinder carried rotatably on said stock at a location the accompanying illustrative and non-limitative,
close against said rear mount, a barrel mounted on said drawings, where:
stock aligned to a bottom cartridge chamber of the O based barrel arevolver
FIG. 1 is longitudinal axial section view of a de
according to the invention;
cylinder, and a release and percussion mechanism. FIG. 2 is an exploded perspective detail view of the
It is a well-known fact that the recognized current revolver shown in FIG. 1;
popularity of the revolver pistol is mostly due to its FIG. 3 is an enlarged scale, exploded perspective
simplicity and reliable operation.
Also known is, however, that revolvers to traditional view of some details of the revolver shown in FIG. 1;
FIGS. 4 and 5 are enlarged scale, longitudinal axial
designs still exhibit a persistent and yet unremedied 15 section views showing some details of the debased bar
proneness to pitching from the recoil force generated rel revolver according to the invention;
on firing. FIG. 6 is an exploded perspective view of some de
In an attempt at attenuating this unfavorable procliv tails of the revolver of FIG. 1, shown to an enlarged
ity to pitching, the pertinent art recently proposed the 20 scale;
so-called upside-down revolvers fitted with a debased FIG. 7 is an elevation view of a detail of the revolver
barrel, i.e. a barrel set in line with the lowermost car of FIG. 1;
tridge chamber of the cylinder. This in order to reduce FIGS. 8, 9 and 11 are respective longitudinal axial
the distance from the line of action of the recoil force section views taken through the stock of the revolver
(barrel axis) to the pistol grip. 25 shown in FIG. 1, containing the release and percussion
In addition, the need has been strongly felt ever since mechanism;
for revolvers wherein the elastic potential energy stored FIG. 10 shows schematically a view from above of
up in the release and percussion mechanism prior to part of the stock of the revolver of FIG. 1;
firing can be wholly transferred to the striker. FIG. 12 is a side view of some details of the stock of
However, with debased barrel revolvers, the fact that 30 the revolver shown in FIG. 1, taken in the direction of
the release and percussion mechanism mainly extends in the arrow XII in FIG. 13;
the longitudinal direction makes it necessary to pivot FIG. 13 is a side view of the stock of the revolver of
the cock at a point so far away from the striker as to FIG. 1 taken in the direction of the arrow XIII in FIG.
cause the impact on each other to occur with a substan 14; v
tial tangential component. 35 FIG. 14 shows schematically a side view of some
Thus, the cock energy cannot be fully utilized, and details of the stock of the revolver of FIG. 1, taken in
there takes place an appreciable drag action of the cock the direction of the arrow XIV in FIG. 13;
over the striker resulting in mutual wear thereof. FIG. 15 is an enlarged scale, exploded perspective
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION view of some details of the revolver shown in FIG. 1;
The technical problem underlying this invention is to FIGS. 16 to 32 show in schematic form a number of
provide a debased barrel revolver the construction mechanical parts accommodated in the stock of the
whereof enables full utilization for striking of the elastic revolver of FIG. 1.
potential energy stored up in the release and percussion
This problem is solved, according to the invention, INVENTION
by a debased barrel revolver as indicated being charac With reference to the drawing views, the numeral 1
terized in that at least some of the component parts of generally designates a revolver according to this inven
said release and percussion mechanism are supported tion.
within a chamber formed in the rear mount and extend 50 This revolver includes a stock 2 carrying a release
ing therein in a perpendicular direction to and above and percussion mechanism to be described and a barrel
said barrel. 4, a sleeve 3 provided with a sight 5, and a butt or grip
This re-location of the release and percussion mecha 6.
nism brings about the added benefit of improving the The stock 2 is advantageously formed from plate steel
gun robustness and compactness, while keeping its bal 55 by some elementary machining operations commonly
listic characteristics substantially unaffected. referred to as "machining from the solid'; in this way, it
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, can be imparted higher strength and compactness char
said release and percussion mechanism comprises a acteristics than prior revolvers.
cylinder-rotating arm movable vertically within said A cylinder 7, including a number of cartridge cham
chamber and having its bottom end journalled on a bers not shown, is connected to the stock 2 by a tilting
distributor operatively linked to a trigger and its top end member 8 of substantially yoke-like configuration
engaged with the cylinder and connected mechanically, which supports it in a pivotal fashion.
by a lever plate to a rod-like safety catch lying parallel For a clearer understanding of the constructional and
to said arm and being movable vertically within said operational features of the inventive revolver, through
chamber against the bias of a first spring means carried 65 out the ensuing description the terms front and rear will
on the rear mount, said top end of the arm being linked refer to the gun as held in the hand, and the terms right
operatively to a two-stage release mechanism setting and left should be understood as referred to the fore
device. and-after axis of the barrel 4 and/or the cylinder 7 and
/or the stock 2. The latter is comprised of a rear mount away from said stock (cartridge loading/unloading
9 and a front mount 10 which are held apart by a dis position).
tance substantially equal to the length of the cylinder 7, Said first position is defined by a positive stop formed
and of a pair of upper and lower crosspieces indicated at between a flat wall 11b, provided at the bottom of the
11 and 12, respectively. upper crosspiece 11 to span a front section thereof, and
The tilting member 8 supporting the cylinder 7 is a flat wall 14a, provided at the top of the arm 14 on the
mounted detachably on the stock 2, to which it is jour tilting member 8 (see FIG. 2).
malled lengthwise around a pin 13 extending longitudi The cylinder 7, moreover, is releasably locked at the
nally through the upper crosspiece 11 (FIG. 2). firing position by a so-called "snap-action' stop ar
In particular, the tilting member 8 comprises a first 10 rangement defined by the pin 21 engaging in a confront
arm 14 journalled around the pin 13 and a second arm ing bore 30 and formed in the rear mount 9. In particu
15 attached cantilever-fashion to a small plate 16 the lar, and as brought out by FIGS. 4 and 5, said bore 30
other end whereof is attached to the first arm 14. is an axial bore through a bush 31 fitting in the rear
Said arm 14 forms, with the cylinder fully seated in 15 mount 9 and toward which the pin 21 is held biased by
the stock (firing position), a front portion 11a of the the spring 22.
upper crosspiece 11 of the stock 2 (see FIG. 10). With the cylinder 7 swung out on the upper cross
The arm 15 (FIG. 2) extends unimpeded toward the piece 11, the cylinder is prevented from slipping off the
rear mount 9 and is dimensioned to engage slidingly and arm 15 by the provision of a shoulder 33 defined trans
pivotally within a bore 7a extending axially through the 20 versely of the stock 2 by an upper portion 9a of the rear
cylinder 7. The arm 15, moreover, is bored axially to mount 9.
freely admit an ejector rod 17 therethrough. A slot 34 (FIG. 1) accommodating a rear sight 35 is
The rod 17 (FIG. 3) has a substantially cylindrical formed parallel with the shoulder 33 on this portion 9a
front portion 17a and a prismatic rear portion 17b from of the rear mount. Thus, besides improving the gun
which an integrally formed, substantially disk-shaped 25 doingconstruction strength, the added benefit is introduced of
spider ejector 18 extends to unload the cartridge cham mount,away with a protruding rear sight from the rear
to improve the gun compactness and handling
bers of the cylinder 7 of plural cartridges 19, of which
an end (bottom) portion only is shown in FIGS. 4, 5 and order convenience. It should be noted in this respect that, in
9. to permit collimation of the rear sight 35 to the
sight 5, the rear mount 9 and upper crosspiece 11 are
The rear portion 17b of the rod 17, having a larger 30 slotted longitudinally
diameter than the front portion 17a, is formed with an as at 121 (see FIGS. 2 and 10).
The rear sight
axial bore 20 (FIGS. 4 and 5) including a threaded front bush 36 which is threaded 35 is provided downwardly with a
section 20a, a smooth middle section 20b, and a rear engaged by a screw 37 (FIG.internally 10).
and threadably
section 20c having a smaller diameter than the other The line-of-sight direction adjustment is of the screw
two sections. The portion 17a of the rod 17 has a rear 35 type: by manipulating the screw 37, in fact, the rear
wardly located threaded section of short length fitting sight
threadably into the portion 20a of the bore 20. In this direction.can be correspondingly shifted in a desired
way, the bore 20 provides a seat for accommodating a That setting would be carried out "stepwise", as
pin 21 which is constantly biased leftwards (as shown in shown in FIG. 10, by means of a notch-and-ball detent
FIGS. 4 and 5) by a respective spring 22. 40 arrangement 38 acting on the head of the screw 37.
The pin 21 has a head portion 21a defining an annular The line of sight is adjusted for range by varying the
detent 21b adapted to cooperate in abutment relation setting of the sight 5 in the vertical direction.
ship with a corresponding annular shoulder 23 defined For this purpose, the last-mentioned sight (FIG. 1) is
between the middle section 20b and the rear section 20c arranged to extend integrally from a cylindrical piece
of the bore 20. 45 39 set in a corresponding matching seat 40 which is
The front portion 17a of the rod 17 (see FIG. 1) is formed forwardly in the sleeve 3, substantially aligned
also provided with a mushroom-shaped head 24 inte to the muzzle of the barrel 4 and a throughgoing hole 41
grally therewith. The front portion 17a and mushroom intended to receive an adjustment screw 42.
shaped head 24 respectively fit into substantially semi Said adjustment screw 42 has a threaded end section
circular grooves, indicated at 25 and 26, formed in the 50 42a threadably engaged in a corresponding threaded
left-hand sides of the front mount 10 and the sleeve 3, blind hole 43 formed in the sleeve 3 at the bottom of the
respectively. matching seat 40 and lying coaxially with the above
The front portion 17a of the rod 17 (FIG. 3) has a noted hole 41.
collar 27 located at the middle thereof which defines a The cylindrical piece 39 is further formed at the bot
pair of annular detents 27a, 27b, respectively front and 55 tom with a blind hole 44 which extends parallel to said
rear ones. The rear detent 27b constitutes a rest base for hole 41 and provides a seat for receiving a spring 45
a spring 28 housed within an annular portion which is effective to constantly bias the cylindrical piece up
defined between the inward wall of the arm 15 and the wards (as viewed in FIG. 1).
outward wall of the rod 17, which annular portion is Similarly to the rear sight 35, the sight 5 is also ad
closed at the rear by a bush 29 interfering with the bore justed stepwise by means of a ball detent 150 acting on
7a in the cylinder 7 (FIGS. 4 and 5). the head of the screw 42.
The spring 28 constantly biases the ejector rod 17 The front mount 10 (FIG. 1) is through-penetrated, at
against the thrust exerted thereon as the cartridges 19 a location below the groove 25, by a threaded bore 47
are ejected from the cylinder 7. which is preceded by a smooth start section 48 and has
By means of the tilting member 8, the cylinder 7 can 65 the same diameter as the barrel 4.
be moved from a first position where it locates between The sleeve 3 is also through-penetrated by a respec
the front 10 and rear 9 mounts of the stock 2 (firing tive plain bore 49 lying coaxial with the former
position) to a second position where it locates fully threaded bore 47.
5 6
At a front end of the bore 49, there is formed on the tending transversely across the grooved upper portion
sleeve 3 an annular shoulder 50 adapted to cooperate of the pusher (FIGS. 4 and 5).
with a collar 4a on the barrel 4 for the purpose of secur The revolver 1 includes a release and percussion
ing the sleeve 3 on the stock 2. That sleeve is properly mechanism 152 carried on the stock 2 within a chamber
located on the stock 2 by a set pin 51 preventing any 116 formed in the rear mount 9 and provided with an
relative rotation movement between the stock and the arm 79 for rotating the cylinder 7 which has a bottom
sleeve. end 79b pivoted to a distributor lever 81 operatively
In order to achieve as true a mating as possible of the linked to a trigger 83 and cooperating with a cock 78,
rear edge of the barrel 4 and the bottom cartridge cham and a top end 79a mechanically connected to a rod
ber of the cylinder 7, a washer 149 intervenes between O shaped safety catch 69 via a lever 63 supported pivot
the collar 4a on the barrel 4 and the sleeve 3. ally within the chamber 116, and with a device 153 for
In this way, by appropriate selection of its thickness setting a two-stage release.
dimension, the washer 149 advantageously permits of With reference to FIG. 1, it should be noted that the
variations, however slight, in the barrel length-as al chamber 116 extends in the rear mount 9 perpendicu
lowed by machining tolerances-to be accommodated. 15 larly to and above the axis A of the barrel 4.
As is well recognized in the art, such tolerances may It follows that, in accordance with a peculiar feature
lead to the gases released on firing escaping into the of this invention, at least some of the components of the
outside environment and the gun range being reduced release and percussion mechanism (see FIG. 1) will be
in consequence. supported on the stock 2, as against the teachings of the
The barrel 4 is mounted on the revolver 1 by means 20 prior art, above said axis A of the barrel 4.
of a threaded section 46 screw engaging in said bore 47 In this way, the longitudinal extent of the release and
in the front mount 10.
With reference to FIG. 1, it should be noted that the percussion mechanism can be decreased, thereby the
axis A of the barrel 4 is coincident with the axis of the pivot point of the cock 78 can be brought closer to the
bottom cartridge chamber in the cylinder 7 with the 25 striker 53.
The mutual impact of these two parts can then take
latter held at the aforesaid first position (firing position). place on a plane exactly perpendicular to the axis A of
This axis A also coincides with the axis of a bore 52
formed in the rear mount 9 and providing a seat for a (see the striker 53 with no undesired tangent components
striker 53 and its related return spring 54. FIG. 11).
Indicated at B is the axis of the cylinder 7 as held at 30 byThe distributor 81, which is journalled on the stock 2
the firing position. The axis B is coincident (FIGS. 4 ter means of a respective pivot pin 97, comprises a cen
body 81a, substantially L-shaped, and a pair of U
and 5) with the axis of a bore 55 (coaxial with the bore shaped lugs 81b and 81c extending integrally from a
30 in the bush.31) which is formed centrally in a protec
tive shield 56 removably attached to the rear mount 9 short leg 99a and a long leg 99b of said "L", respec
by means of the bush 31. For this purpose, the bush 31 35 tively (see FIGS. 26, 27 and 28).
The U-shaped lug 81b, extending from the short leg
is provided forwardly with a collar 31a arranged to abut
against a matching annular seat 56a correspondingly 99a integrally therewith, is provided with a pair of
formed at the shield center, and is in turn secured on the expansions 98a,b respectively through-penetrated by a
stock 2 by a cylindrical pin 62 which interferes there pair of coaxial holes 100a,b designed to receive a cylin
with. 40 drical peg 101 extending therebetween and being
It should be further noted that the proper location is herein adapted to cooperate with the cock 78, as best described
ensured for the shield 56 by a pin 57 preventing it from below.
turning relatively to the rear mount 9 (FIG. 9). The central body 81a is further formed, at the ends of
Inside the bore 30 of the bush 31 (FIGS. 4 and 5), said "L", with a hole 102 for receiving the pin 97 and a
there fits slidably a cylindrical pusher 58 having a 45 hole 148 for receiving a pin 80 supporting the arm 79,
grooved profile shape for cooperation with the pin 21 to respectively.
release the cylinder 7 from said first position within the The U-shaped lug on the lever 81 comprises a first
stock 2 (firing position). arm 103 and a second arm 103a lying parallel to the first
For the purpose, a small cylindrical shaft 59, accessi but made shorter.
ble and manually operable from the outside of the rear 50 Between said arms 103 and 103a of the lug 81 c, at a
mount 9, is arranged to act on the pusher 58 through a location proximate to the center body 81a, there is se
first camming profile 59a to push the pin 21 into the cured through holes 147a, 147b a pivot pin 104 on
bore 20 against the bias force of the spring 22 (FIG. 3). which a rod 82 is journalled which is also journalled, by
To allow the cylinder 7 to be unlocked, the shaft 59 means of a pin 105 at the opposite end, on the trigger 83
can be rotated by means of a cranked end 60 outside the 55 (see FIG. 1). The distributor 81 and rod 82 together
rear mount 9. constitute, as best described herein below, a kinematic
The shaft 59 is held locked, in a releasable manner, at train interconnecting the trigger 83, cock 78, and arm 79
either of two positions which are offset angularly from and being, in turn, connected mechanically, via the
each other by a predetermined amount, by a detent ball lever plate 63, to the safety catch 69 which is constantly
locking device arranged to act on it at a location close biased by a respective spring 72.
to the cranked end 60 (see FIG. 3). Thus, in accordance with a peculiar feature of this
Such positions corresponds, as will become apparent invention, both the safety catch 69 and the arm 79 are
herein below, to those taken by the shaft 59 before and made movable vertically within the chamber 116
after the release operation for releasing the cylinder 7 against the bias force of a spring means 154 including
from the stock 2, respectively. the spring 72 itself and being carried on the rear mount
In order to limit the longitudinal travel of the pusher 9.
58, the pin 62, which acts to secure the bush 31 on the The arm 79 for rotating the cylinder 7 is substantially
stock 2, is made to cooperate with a shoulder 58a ex Z-shaped and journalled, at the bottom end 79b thereof,
7 8
around the pivot pin 80 supported at 148 on the distribu side thereof. The peg 89 prevents, by cooperating with
tor 81 and fitting through a hole 79c in the arm 79. a rear face of the shield 56, the arm 79 from jumping out
A small wheel 70, carried on the lever 63, is con of the slot 87 with the cylinder moved away from the
stantly arranged to push, as best described herein be stock.
low, on the top end 79a, triangular in shape, of the arm The hole 73 accommodating the safety spring 72
79. (FIG. 11) is closed at the top, where a threaded portion
The lever plate 63, substantially rectangular in shape, thereof locates, by a cylindrical plug 74 from which a
has an eye-shaped end 63a mounted pivotally (see FIG. guide tang 74a extends downwards to guide the top end
6) around a smooth collar section 64b of a screw 64 of the spring 72.
which is threaded into a threaded blind hole 32 formed O An integral cylindrical lug 75 (see FIG. 32) extends
axially in the shaft 59 away from the cranked end 60. laterally from the safety catch. 69, at a bottom end of the
The lever 63 is therefore supported for idle pivotal latter.
movement relatively to the shaft 59 inside the chamber The cylindrical lug 75 engages slidably in a slideway
116. 76 provided on the bottom of a recess 77 formed in the
The lever 63 is formed, at an offset location from the 15 upper profile of the front side of the cock 78.
eyed end 63a and along its longitudinal axis, with two The slideway 76 (see FIG. 17) comprises a substan
holes 65, 66 (see FIGS. 6, 22 and 23) for receiving a pair tially elliptical upper section 76a adapted to receive the
of pins 67, 68 which extend from the lever 63 parallel to cylindrical lug 75 upon striking, and a lower section 76b
the shaft 59 and support the safety catch 69 and wheel (extending down toward the base of the cock 78) which
70, respectively. 20 defines a seat for accommodating that lug with the gun
With reference to FIG. 6, it should be noted that the in its inoperative state. The slideway 76 practically
shaft 59 includes, proceeding from the cranked end 60, forms a camming profile, and the cylindrical lug 75
the aforesaid first camming profile 59a and, alongside it, forms a follower of said profile.
a second camming profile 59b having a different inclina It should be noted that the sliding movement of the
tion angle from the first. 25 lug 75 across the recess 77 as far as the section 76b of the
With the gun in the firing trim and the cylinder 7 slideway 76 brings about a rearward movement of the
within the stock 2, the first camming profile 59a will cock 78 relatively to the striker 53 (gun with the safety
bear on the pusher 58 for releasing the cylinder 7 (see applied), as more clearly explained herein below.
FIG. 4), whilst the second camming profile 59b lies In accordance with a peculiar feature of this inven
vertically (see FIG. 6) parallel to the rear edge of the 30 tion, the device 153 for setting the two-stage release
safety catch 69 in substantial alignment to a recess 71. comprises said wheel 70 and a small plunger90 movable
The recess 71 is adapted to provide, as more clearly against the bias of a spring means 155 supported on the
explained herein below, a seat for receiving the second rear mount 9.
camming profile 59b during the operations to release The plunger90 fits slidably in a bush91 threaded into
the cylinder 7 from said firing position. 35 a threaded hole 92 which provides a seat 156 therefor
The safety catch 69 (see FIGS. 31 and 32) is substan formed in the rear mount 9 at a location overlying the
tially L-shaped and provided at the top with a hole 69a chamber 116 and open thereinto (see FIG. 9). Said
intended to receive the pin 67 and a lug 69b extending spring means 155 comprises a spring 93, partway re
integrally therefrom. The lug forms a guide for the ceived in a blind hole 94a, formed in a threaded plug 94
bottom end of the spring 72, positioned in a hole 73 and partway in the seat 156, which constantly biases the
extending vertically in the rear mount 9. plunger 90 to an upper edge 91a of the bush 91.
In accordance with a peculiar feature of this inven In accordance with a peculiar feature of this inven
tion, the spring means 154 including the safety spring 72 tion, the plunger 90 is arranged to act on the arm 79 at
also bias the arm 79 via the lever 63 and wheel 70. The an end portion of its travel across the chamber 116 as
arm 79, in particular, is not only biased vertically down 45 brought about on pressing the trigger 83 (see FIG. 11).
wards but also in an oblique direction toward the cylin Two holes are indicated at 95, 96 (see FIG. 1) which
der 7. Owing to the peculiar Z-shape of the arm, in fact, interfere with the threadings of the threaded plug 94
the pivotal connection of the arm 79 to the distributor and the bush 91, respectively, and are intended to ac
81 and the pressure contact: wheel 70 - top end 79a, commodate respective rotation-preventing frictional
occur on parallel planes, which results in a clockwise 50 elements, not shown.
directed (as viewed in FIG. 1) torque being developed To allow the cylinder unrestricted rotation by means
which is effective to constantly bias the arm 79 against of the arm 79, the distributor 81 is provided, at one end
the cylinder 7. of the arm 103 (see FIG. 1), with a nib 106, extending
In order to drive the cylinder rotatively, said top end integrally therefrom, which is adapted to interact with
79a of the arm 79 is terminated with a sloping bevel 85 55 a cylinder 7 retaining means. The latter comprises an
adapted to selectively engage with one from a plurality engagement member 107 having a plate-like center por
of teeth 86 on an annular face rack provided on the tion 107a and a hooked lug 107b projecting downwards
ejector spider 18 on which, as previously mentioned, integrally therewith (see FIGS. 29 and 30).
the top end 79a is constantly held pressed. With the cylinder at the firing position, and prior to
The teeth 86, which are provided in a number equal pressing the trigger 83 (gun in the inoperative condi
to the number of the cartridge chambers in the cylinder tion), the nib 106 of the distributor 81 will be resting on
7, have an outline profile matching that of the bevel 85. the hooked lug 107b into a substantially horizontal posi
To enable the top end 79a to engage with the teeth 86 tion (see FIG. 1).
and, accordingly, the cylinder 7 to be rotated, a slot 87 Formed in the center body 107a of the engagement
extends vertically across the shield 56, on the right-hand member 107 is a slot 108 in which a pin 109 attached to
side of its central bore 55 (see FIG. 7). the stock 2 at the lower crosspiece 12 is freely slidable.
A hole 88 for receiving a respective peg 89 is formed The engagement member 107, which is movable ver
in the top end 79a at a location proximate to the oblique tically through a slot 110 provided in the lower cross
\ 9
4,899,478 10
piece 12, is effective to retain the cylinder 7 by cooper portion 78c of the cock 78, constantly urges the nib 130
ating with corresponding notches 111 formed in the to perform angular movements in a counterclockwise
cylinder periphery, toward which notches it is con direction, as viewed in FIG. 1, about the axis of the pin
stantly biased by a wire spring 112. 32.
For that purpose, (see FIG. 1) the wire spring 112, Such movements are limited by a section 130b of the
which is wound around a pin 113 affixed to the left-hand nib 130 abutting a section 131a of the pawl 131.
side of the lower crosspiece 12, engages in a semicircu The nib 130 (FIG. 24) has on the front a bevel forma
lar notch 107c formed in the center body 107a, down tion 130c and a back 130d, both adapted to cooperate
wardly and laterally of the slot 108. Accordingly, the with the cylindrical peg 101 on the distributor 81, as
spring 112 will constantly urge, officentrally from the O best explained herein below.
pin 109, the engagement member 107 in a vertical direc The cock 78 has on the front a working lug 136
tion toward said notches 111. (FIGS. 11, 18) adapted to cooperate, through a straight
On the stock 2, a guard 114, attached to it by means portion 137, in abutment relationship with the short leg
of a pin 118 and a screw, not shown, engaged in a hole 99a of the center body 81a of the distributor 81 (FIG.9).
119, defines a front area where the trigger 83 locates. 15 In accordance with a peculiar feature of this invention,
That area is communicated, through a passageway 115, the
with the chamber 116, formed in the rear mount 9 of the the working
pawl 131
lug 136 on the cock is an integral part of
intervening between the arms 123a and
stock 2 and adapted to house the release and percussion 123b and secured
mechanism 152 just described. The chamber 116 is pins 120,133. Thetherein by means of the above-noted
closed on the right-hand side by a cheek piece 117 fas 20 between the straight portionof137
extent the engagement surface
and said short leg 99a
tened to the stock 2 by conventional screws 151. may be adjusted by means of a screw 138 threaded into
Inside the chamber 116 (see FIG. 1) there are secured
said pin 84 for the trigger 83, the engagement member a131 corresponding threaded hole 139 provided in the pawl
(FIG. 18).
107, the pin 97 of the distributor 81, and an additional
pin 120. The cock 78 is pivoted around the latter of 25 to Indicated at 140 is a hole extending perpendicularly
the above hole 139 and interfering with the threading
which shown clearly in FIGS. 16 and 17 are a portion thereof, it being intended to receive a rotation-prevent
78a acting on the striker 53, the slideway 76, a ridge 78b,
and a yoke-like base portion 78c. Said base portion 78c ing frictional element which is quite conventional and
comprises two parallel arms 123a,b having the same not illustrated.
length and being through-penetrated by a pair of holes 30 wheel With reference to FIG. 11, it should be noted that the
122a,b for mounting the cock 78 to the pin 120. 126 locates between the arm 123b of the cock 78
In accordance with a peculiar feature of this inven andThe the pawl 131, in a groove 141 of the latter.
numeral 142 (see FIG. 15) designates a cylindri
tion, the mainly vertical layout provided for the compo
nent parts of the release and percussion mechanism 152 cal pin which is attached to the cylindrical lug 129 by a
brings about a substantial reduction in the distance sepa 35 screw 143 effective to provide, as explained herein be
rating the pin 120 for the cock 78 from the striker 53 alow, a positive stop for the cock spring 127 by means of
cutout 144.
over revolvers according to the prior art.
Thus, their mutual impact takes place in a perpendic The cylindrical lug 129 has a yoke-like body between
ular plane to the axis A and is unaccompanied by sub the legs whereof there extend the spring 127, pin 128,
tractive tangential components, to provide for nearly and pin 142.
total utilization of the elastic potential energy stored up The cylindrical lug 129 is further formed at the top
in a spring 127. with a pair of sloping bevels 129a,b, and at the bottom,
The arms 123ab of the cock 78 are also provided, on with a threaded hole 145 to be engaged by a screw 146
opposite sides of the central holes 122a,b, with two for assembling the grip 6 to the stock 2.
more pairs of holes, an upper one 124a, b and lower one 45 OPERATION
A small wheel 126 (FIG. 8) is mounted on the cock 78 The operation of the revolver according to the inven
by means of a pivot pin 133 passed through said holes tion will be now discussed with reference to FIGS. 8, 9
125a,b. That wheel, which is grooved peripherally as at and 11.
126a, is intended to cooperate with the spring 127, 50 In the double-action mode of operation, on pressing
wound around a respective pin 128, in turn affixed to a the trigger 83, the distributor 81 is caused to rotate
cylindrical lug 129 extending from the stock 2 (see FIG. around its pivot pin 97, thereby the bevel 130c on the
15). The spring 127 acts on the groove 126a of the nib 130 is made to contact the peg 101 carried on the
wheel 126 to counteract an angular displacement of the distributor.
cock 78 to the cocked position (in a counterclockwise 55 As the rearward movement of the trigger 83 is con
direction as viewed in FIG. 1). tinued, the peg 101 will push on the nib 130 which,
A nib 130 and a pawl 131 (see FIG. 11) are mounted being prevented from pivoting relatively to the cock by
on the cock 78 between the arms 123a and 123b of the its portion 130b contacting the portion 131a of the pawl
base portion 78c respectively by means of a pin 132, 131, causes the cock to pivot around its pin 120 into the
fitted in the holes 124a,b, and of the aforesaid pins 120, cocked position against the bias of the spring 127. In
133, which fit in their corresponding holes 122a, b and accordance with a peculiar feature of this invention, the
125a,b. spring 127 will nest in the groove 126a on the wheel 126
Advantageously, the pin 133 for the pawl 131 also in the cocked condition.
provides, as previously mentioned, a mounting pin for The nib 130 is disengaged from the distributor 81 by
the wheel 126 on the cock, and the pin 120 blocks the 65 the tilting movement of the cock combining with the
pawl 131 and cock 78 against relative rotation. pivotal movement of the distributor. On the peg 101
A spring 134 (FIG. 11), fitting partway in a seat 130a moving past the top section of the bevel 130c, as shown
on the nib 130 and partway in a seat 135 on the base in FIG. 8, the cock 78 becomes disengaged from the
11. 12
distributor 81 and striking occurs by the action of the The release control is advantageously achieved as
spring 127. regards the so-called "operation time' and "operation
It follows that, in the double-action mode of opera sharpness" by varying the position taken by the bush 91
tion of the revolver 1, the nib 130 will function as the and the threaded plug 94, respectively, by either screw
cock 78 release tooth. ing them in or out.
It should be noted that, in accordance with a peculiar After the striking step, the release and percussion
feature of this invention, a stop is provided for the mechanism 152 of the revolver 1 will generally be at the
spring 127 in the path of the latter, which comprises the position shown in FIG. 11.
pin 142 in the example shown; thus, the spring 127 will In accordance with a peculiar feature of the inven
be acting on the cock 78 for a major portion of its for 10 tion, any unintentional releasing of the cylinder 7 would
ward stroke, but for an end portion where said spring be prevented, with the trigger pressed and in all cases in
127 is engaged by said stop. In particular, in the example the cocked condition, by the safety catch 69, and this by
shown, the spring 127 will move into the cutout 144 on virtue of the positive stop provided by the second cam
the pin 142, as shown in FIG. 15. It follows that the ming profile 59b on the shaft 59 in cooperation with the
cock 78 will not complete the end portion of its stroke 15 rear edge of the safety catch 69. At the position taken by
under the direct effect of its spring 127 force but rather the latter under such conditions, in fact, its recess 71 and
the camming profile 59b are no longer aligned to each
of its own inertial force propelling it toward the striker other.
Concurrently with the movements just described, the 20 On relieving the trigger 83 of the push exerted
arm 79 is raised by the distributor 81, thus causing the thereon, restoration of the whole release and percussion
cylinder 7 to rotate by virtue of the drive force of the mechanism 152 and trigger 83 to their former conditions
bevel 85 at the top end 79a onto the teeth 86 of the as drivingly brought
will only be about by the action of the spring 72
connected to the distributor 81 via the lever
ejector spider 18, thereby another cartridge chamber is 63 and arm 79.
brought into alignment with the revolver barrel 4. 25 Thus, the spring 72 advantageously serves a threefold
This rotation is allowed by the engagement member
107 being simultaneously lowered by the nib 106 of the function:
(i) safety catch spring;
distributor 81, which acts on the hooked lug 107b (ii) return spring for the release and percussion mech
against the bias force of the wire spring 112.
This downward movement is guided by the sliding 30 anism; (iii)
spring for the arm 79;
engagement of the pin 109 in the slot 108. thereby it affords best utilization of the elastic potential
It should be noted that, soon as the nib 106 moves energy stored therein as a result of the trigger 83 opera
past said hooked portion 107b, the engagement member tion.
107 is returned, by the action of the spring 112, to its During the aforesaid restoration of the release and
position of interference with the next notch 111 on the 35 percussion mechanism 152 to its initial (home) position,
cylinder 7 (see FIG. 11). as shown in FIG. 1, the following will take place:
In accordance with a peculiar feature of this inven the safety catch 69 is moved down under the urge of
tion, the upward movement of the arm 79 causes, with its spring 72, as mentioned;
the intermediary of the lever 63 journalled for idle piv the peg 101 of the distributor 81 is caused to ride the
otal movement on the shaft 59, the safety catch 69 to be back 130d of the nib 130 (release tooth) to re-position
simultaneously raised against the bias force of the spring itself beneath the bevel 130c (the nib 130 is held in the
means 154 comprising the spring 72. correct position by the spring 134 resisting any pivotal
The lever 63, which drivingly connects the arm 79 to movements thereof in the clockwise direction as caused
the safety catch 69, is a lever of the second order afford by the sliding movement of the peg 101);
ing a threefold advantage: 45 the cylindrical lug 75 of the safety catch 69 is caused
(i) decreased compression stroke of the spring 72 and, to slide along the slideway 76 in the cock recess 77
hence, of the spring length; towards the bottom section 76b of the slideway, thereby
(ii) biasing of the arm 79 toward the cylinder 7 into a the cock 78 will move away from the striker 53 (auto
constant pressure contact relationship, thanks to the matic safety system);
action of the spring 72; and 50 the arm 79 is moved down, thereby the bevel 85 on its
(iii) accomplishment, by virtue of the reduced pivotal top end 79a will be re-positioned beneath the next tooth
arm of the safety catch 69, of a beneficial reduction in 86 on the contrate rack of the ejector spider 18; and
the vertical movement of the safety catch consistently the nib 106 of the distributor 81 is re-positioned above
with the limited space available. the corresponding hooked lug 107b of the engagement
The safety catch 69, in fact, comes on striking to a 55 member 107.
position whereat its cylindrical lug 75 will fit into the In accordance with a peculiar feature of the inven
recess 77 formed in the cock 78 so as not to interfere tion, all of the above-noted movements take place with
with the working portion (78a) of the cock during the out the return spring 72 being called upon to overcome
striking step (see FIG. 11). the bias of the spring 127, by virtue of the cock 78 be
It should be noted, moreover, that the wheel 70, at all coming disengaged therefrom during the last portion of
times bearing on the top end 79a of the arm 79, will the cock forward stroke, consequently to the stopping
drive the plunger 90 against the bias force of the spring effect of the pin 142. Thus, the size of the spring 72
means 155 and during an end portion of the arm move which favors return of the trigger to its home position
ment across the chamber 116, which takes place during (FIG. 1) can be advantageously reduced.
the final portion of the rearward travel of the trigger 83. 65 It should be noted that on the cock being driven
Thus, the pressure on the trigger 83 required to bring rearwards by the movement of the cylindrical lug 75 of
it fully to the rear can be controlled along with the the safety catch 69 into the recess 77, the spring 127 will
striking action (two-stage release control). be re-positioned into the groove 126a on the wheel 126
13 14
in concurrent contact with the latter and the cutout 144 crank 60 on the shaft 59 toward the cylinder. Accord
on the pin 142 (see FIG. 1). ingly, the pusher 58, as driven by the first camming
Re-positioning of the nib 106 takes place after the profile 59a, will cause the pin 21 to move into the bore
engagement member 107 has been driven pivotally in a 20 against the bias of the spring 22 and permit the cylin
counterclockwise direction (as viewed in FIG. 1) der 7 disengagement.
around the pin 109 against the bias force of the spring It should be noted that during the shaft 59 rotation,
112. The latter will bring the member 107 back to posi the second camming profile 59b, lying parallel to the
tion by driving it pivotally in a clockwise direction by first, will fit into the recess 71 on the safety catch 69
virtue of its line of action being offset from the axis of facing it.
the pin 109 (pivot axis of the member 107). O In accordance with a peculiar feature of this inven
The single-action (manual cocking) mode of opera tion, unintentional cocking, either in the single- or dou
tion of the revolver of this invention will be now de ble-action mode, with the cylinder not fully inserted in
scribed with reference to FIGS. 9 and 11. the stock, is positively prevented by the second cam
Cocking is accomplished in this case by tilting the ming profile 59b (housed in the recess 71) of the shaft 59
cock 78 from the outside in a counterclockwise direc 15 abutting the safety catch. 69. This opposing action pre
tion (as viewed in FIG. 9) against the bias of the spring vents, in fact, the safety catch 69 from being raised on
127. cocking in the manner previously described.
This pivotal movement brings about a corresponding Rotational movement of the shaft 59 to unlock the
rearward movement of the trigger 83 within the guard cylinder 7 is instead prevented, in the cocked condition
114 as caused by the pull exerted by the pawl 131 on the 20
and in all cases with the trigger pressed, by the second
peg 101 of the distributor 81. The latteris, as previously camming profile 59b abutting the rear edge of the safety
mentioned, drivingly connected to the trigger via the catch 69, as described herein above. It should be further
rod 82. w
The cocked condition is achieved on the straight noted that the shaft 59 is locked releasably by the ball
portion 137 of the pawl 131 engaging the short leg 99a 25 detent device 61 in the positions it has taken with the
of the distributor 81, which has moved to a substantially cylinder swung into and out of the stock.
vertical position (see FIG.9) as a result of the distribu To reload the gun, the cylinder 7 is swung above the
tor pivotal movement. upper crosspiece 11 by means of the tilting member 8.
The extent of this engagement can be adjusted by Fired cartridges are ejected by driving the ejector
means of the screw 138 to make the trigger more or less 30 spider 18 rearwards by means of the ejector rod 17,
'sensitive' to the shooter's action. Also in this case, and overcoming the bias force of the spring 28 which will
as previously explained, the position taken by the safety then re-position it inside the tubular arm 15.
catch 69 is effective to prevent unintentional release of The line of sight of the revolver 1, finally, is adjusted
the cylinder in the cocked condition of the revolver in range and aim independently at the sight 5 and rear
(abutment of parts from the safety catch and the second 35 sight 35 by manipulating the above-described screws 42
camming profile 59b of the shaft 59). and 37, respectively.
Continued rearward movement of the trigger 83, I claim:
now also resisted by the second stage spring 93, will 1. A debased barrel revolver comprising a stock hav
cause-through the drive including the distributor 81, ing rear mount, a cylinder carried rotatably on said
arm 79, wheel 70, and plunger 90-the pawl 131 to stock at a location close against aid rear mount, a barrel
become disengaged from the shortleg 99a of the distrib mounted on said stock aligned to a bottom cartridge
utor 81, thus allowing the cock 78 to strike under the chamber of the cylinder, a release and percussion mech
urge of its spring 127. anism, and a chamber formed in the rear mount and
The pawl 131 here forms, as against what takes place extending therein in a perpendicular direction to and
in the double-action mode, the release tooth for the above said barrel, wherein said release and percussion
cock 78. mechanism comprises a trigger pivoted on said stock, a
In accordance with a peculiar feature of this inven distributor lever pivoted on said stock and operatively
tion, the specific construction of the distributor 81 (pro linked to said trigger, a cylinder rotating arm movable
vision of the expansion pair 98a,b), in combination with vertically within said chamber and having a bottom end
the peg 101 enables single-action cocking while drasti 50 journalled of said distributor lever and a top end en
cally limiting, over debased barrel revolvers according gaged with the cylinder, a rod-like safety catch lying
to the prior art, the difference in angular travel from the parallel to said arm and being movable vertically within
double-action operation, which difference is limited in said chamber, first spring means carried on the rear
this case to just 6. mount and biasing said safety catch, a lever connecting
On account of the constructional and operational 55 said top end to said safety catch and a two-stage release
features described herein above, the revolver of this mechanism setting device operatively linked to said top
invention affords the following advantages: end.
near-full utilization of the elastic potential energy 2. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 1,
stored up in the release and percussion mechanism 152 characterized in that said two-stage release mechanism
which now has a mainly vertical layout of reduced bulk setting device comprises a small plunger movable
in the longitudinal direction; m against the bias of a second spring means in a seat pro
improved gun trim in firing, thanks to the more com vided in said rear mount to a position overlying and
pact design of the revolver; open to said chamber, said small plunger being arranged
simpler release and percussion mechanism than in to act on said arm at an end portion of the movement
debased barrel revolvers according to the prior art: 65 thereof across said chamber.
The disengagement of the cylinder 7 from the stock 3. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 2,
(firing position) to reload with fresh cartridges is ac characterized in that said second spring means com
complished, as shown in FIGS. 4 and 5, by pushing the prises a spring partway received in a blind hole in a
15 4,899,478
threaded plug operable from the outside of said rear ming profile operative to releasably engage said rod-like
mount to allow said spring to be set. safety catch.
4. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 2, 11. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 1,
characterized in that said small plunger is mounted for characterized in that said distributor comprises a sub
sliding movement in a bush threadably fitting in said stantially L-shaped center body, U-shaped first and
seat in an adjustable manner. second lugs integrally extending respectively from a
5. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 1, short leg and a long leg of said "L", a cylindrical peg
characterized in that said safety catch comprises a cylin extending between first and second expansions of said
drical lug in sliding engagement with a slideway formed 10 first U-shaped lug.
on a cock. 12. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 1,
6. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 5, characterized in that said distributor is linked opera
tively to said trigger by a rod.
characterized in that on said slideway there is defined a 13. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 11,
camming profile whereon said lug rides. characterized in that said peg and said short leg are
7. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 1, 15 adapted to respectively cooperate with a nib and a
characterized in that said lever, said first spring means, working lug of said cock to move the latter rearwards
and said two-stage release mechanism setting device are against the bias of a spring.
supported on said rear mount above said barrel. 14. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 13,
8. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 1, characterized in that said spring is carried on the stock
characterized in that said lever has an eye-shaped end 20 to urge said cock toward a striker, a positive stop being
supported pivotally on a small cylindrical shaft extend provided for said spring at a predetermined section of
ing transversely across said chamber and projecting the travel path of said cock toward the striker.
outwards from said mount with a cranked end for its 15. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 11,
operation. characterized in that said second U-shaped lug has a
first arm provided at one end with a nib adapted to
9. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 9, 25 interact
characterized in that said shaft includes a first camming with a securing means for said cylinder.
16. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 15,
profile adapted to act on a pusher extending in said rear characterized in that said cylinder securing means com
mount perpendicularly to the shaft, operative to release prises an engagement
said cylinder from said stock. member movable vertically
through a slot provided in a lower crosspiece of the
10. A debased barrel revolver according to claim 9, stock against the bias of a wire spring.
characterized in that said shaft includes a second can k six k






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