Us 6772548
Us 6772548
Us 6772548
(54) TRIGGER ASSEMBLY FOR AK47 TYPE 5,274.939 A * 1/1994 Scaramucci et al. ....... 42/69.03
RFLE 5,501,134 A 3/1996 Milazzo et al. ............... 89/139
5,881,485. A 3/1999 Milazzo ..................... 42/70.08
(76) Inventor: Ronald Power, 29739 Highway J, 5,900,577 A * 5/1999 Robinson et al. ........ 89/191.01
Gravois Mills, MO (US) 65037 6,131,324 A * 10/2000 Jewell ....................... 42/69.03
2 s
U.S. Patent Aug. 10, 2004 Sheet 1 of 3 US 6,772,548 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 10, 2004 Sheet 2 of 3 US 6,772,548 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 10, 2004 Sheet 3 of 3 US 6,772,548 B1
US 6,772.548 B1
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TRIGGER ASSEMBLY FOR AK47 TYPE mounted trigger assembly yield a trigger action that is loose,
RIFLE crude and lacks any components which would allow adjust
ement of the aspects of trigger pull to the individual marks
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional man's requirements. The trigger provided with conventional
Application No. 60/374,792 filed Apr. 22, 2002. AK-47 rifles and its derivitives is a simple pull and shoot
FIELD OF THE INVENTION device where pulling the trigger activates the hammer which
communicates with adjacent parts to fire the weapon. It lackS
This invention relates to the field of trigger activated any ajustment for overtravel, tension or trigger pull, or the
rifles. More particularly it relates to an adjustable trigger engagement of the trigger with the hammer.
mechanism for use in combination with the AK47 family of AS Such, there exists a need for a trigger mechanisim that
is easily installed in the AK-47 type rifle and its derivitives
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION that easily replaces the original trigger. Such a device should
The Kalashnikov assault rifle, also known as the AK-47 be easily installed in the receiver of the rifle by removing the
(Avtomat Kalashnikova-47, Kalashnikov automatic rifle, Stock trigger mechanism and replacing it. Such a trigger
15 mechanism should allow for easy adjustment of the over
model of 1947), and its derivatives, also known under the travel of the trigger, the engagement of the trigger with the
common name of AK, is the most prolific Small arm of the hammer communicating with the firing pin, and the trigger
2" half of the 20th century. It had been and still is (in more pull force required to actually rotate the trigger to the firing
or less modified forms) manufactured in dozens of countries, position.
and used in hundreds of countries and conflicts Since its
introduction. The total number of the AK-type rifles made SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
worldwide during the last 50 years is estimated at 90+
millions. This is a true legendary weapon, known for its The device herein disclosed is an improved and adjustable
eXtreme ruggedness, Simplicity of operation and trigger mechanism that is easily installed and Submitted for
maintenance, and unsurpassed reliability even in worst con 25 the factory provided receiver mounted trigger mechanism in
ditions possible. It is used not only as a military weapon, but the AK-47 family of rifles. The operation of conventional
also as a platform for numerous Sporting civilian rifles. AK-47 rifles is well known to those skilled in the art and
The AKM is a gas operated, selective fire assault rifle. The need not be described in detail other than that Such rifles
gas operated action has a bolt carrier permanently attached control fire of the bullets from the cartridge using a trigger
to a long Stroke gas piston. The gas chamber is located above assembly that cooperatively engages with a hammer which
the barrel. The bolt carrier rides on the two rails, machined communicates the firing action to the firing pin when
in the receiver, with the significant clearances between the released by the trigger mechanism. The hammer once
moving and Stationary parts, allowing the gun to operate released by the receiver mounted trigger mechanism rotates
even when its interior is severely fouled with sand or mud. to causes the weapon to fire with the weapon then re-cocking
The rotating bolt has two massive lugs that lock into the 35 the hammer using the power of the discharge to place it in
receiver. This bolt is So designed that on the unlocking position to fire again once the hammer is released.
rotation it also makes a primary extraction movement to the The herein disclosed adjustable trigger assembly is manu
fired case. This results in a very positive and reliable factured to mount directly into the conventional receiver
extraction even with dirty chamber and cases. The rotation used to operatively engage the trigger assembly with the
of the bolt is ensured by the curved cam track, machined in 40 hammer in the AK-47 family of rifles. It is provided with a
the bolt carrier, and by the appropriate stud on the bolt itself. two-piece trigger assembly and can be used with the con
The return Spring and a Spring guide are located behind the ventional hammer or in the preferred mode with a provided
gas piston and are partially hidden in its hollow rear part hammer which better cooperatively engages with the trigger
when bolt is in battery. The return Spring base also serves as assembly. It is best manufactured by machining the compo
a receiver cover lock. The cocking handle is permanently 45 nents from Steel bar Stock and in order to insure long and
attached to the bolt carrier (in fact, it forms a single trouble free operation the components So manufactured are
machined Steel unit with carrier), and does reciprocate when then heat treated and finished with black oxide. In a final step
gun is fired. the parts are hand polished with Special attention being made
The receiver of the AKM is made from the stamped sheet to the hammer and Sear engagement areas to allow for a
Steel, with machined Steel inserts riveted into the place 50 Smooth trigger pull. When operatively assembled in place of
where required and houses the trigger mechanism. The the original trigger components mounted in the receiver, the
relatively simple trigger/hammer mechanism features a disclosed device provides a major improvement in both the
hammer with two Sears. A first or main Sear mounted on the basic function of the trigger as well as the ability for multiple
trigger eXtension. A Second Sear for the Semi-automatic fire and minute adjustments to their operation to Satisfy any
intercepts the hammer in the cocking position after the shot 55 markSmans concerns and desires. Both the finger-activated
is fired and until the trigger is released. trigger and the disconnector pivot as a trigger assembly on
The AKM trigger unit also featured a hammer release the trigger pivot pin which mounts them both into the factory
delay device, which is served to delay the hammer release in provided original receiver.
the full auto fire by few microseconds. This does not affect The trigger assembly composed of the engaged trigger
the cyclic rate of fire, but allows the bolt group to settle in 60 and disconnector cooperatively engage with a hammer and
the forward most position after returning into the battery. A provide a plurality of adjustment Set Screws which may be
combined Safety and fire Selector Switch is located on the user adjusted to achieve the desired trigger adjustments. A
right Side of the receiver and varies in operation as a Safety first set screw provides for adjustment of the overtravel or
to prevent fire of the weapon and also to allow Semi and fully free travel the trigger has once it has disengaged the factory
automatic operation by changing position. 65 provided hammer which fires the round. A Second Set Screw
While built to be a reliable performer even in dirty adjusts the area of engagement of Surface between the
environments, the large tolerances built into the receiver trigger and hammer thereby adjusting the amount of travel
US 6,772.548 B1
3 4
the trigger will have in the first Stage of the two stage trigger is seen in FIG. 1 depicts the disclosed trigger assembly 10
operation. A third aljustment Set Screw adjusts the position of which is provided and has a plurality of means for adjust
the disconnector in relation to the rotation of the trigger ment of trigger pull aspects to allow the user to change the
thereby determining whether the trigger has two stages of manner and operation of the trigger assembly 10 during
pull or a Single Stage of pull if So desired. Finally, a fourth operation engaged with an AK-47 Style of rifle. AS depicted,
adjustment Set Screw determines the tension of the internally the disclosed 10 provides a plurality of means of adjustment
mounted disconnector biasing Spring away from the trigger of the trigger mechanism which may be used together or
and toward the hammer. If a two-stage trigger is Selected, individually to provide an infinite amount of adjustment to
this adjustment provides a means to adjust the pull required the user. While provision of all four adjustment points is the
in the Second Stage. current preferred mode of the trigger assembly 10, it is
An object of this invention is the provision of an adjust anticipated that in Some instances less than four means for
able trigger mechanism for the AK-47 family of rifles, which adjustment might be provided and Such is anticipated within
is easily mounted into the factory-provided receiver to the Scope of this invention.
thereby Substitute for the original non adjustable trigger. AS shown in figure one the trigger 12 is rotationally
Another object of this invention is the provision of a 15
engaged on pin 14 which engages with the Sidewalls of the
trigger mechanisim that is user adjustable for over travel. receiver 16 which operatively engages into the AK-47 rifle
An additional object of this invention is the provision of and communicates the action of the trigger to the firing pin
an adjustable trigger mechanism for the AK-47 family of to fire the weapon. Rotationally engaged in a Slot in the
rifles that provides for adjustment of the Surface area of trigger is the disconnector 18 such that the disconnector 18
engagement between the hammer which fires the round in will rotate in the same direction of the trigger 12 in the
the chamber and trigger. receiver 16 when the trigger is pulled. However the discon
nector 18 will also rotate in the slot inside the receiver 16
A further object of this invention is the provision of an independent of the rotation of the trigger 12 and using the
adjustment for the disconnector component of the trigger provided adjustment screws 20 and 21 mounted in the
assembly. disconnector 18 the amount and rate of the rotation of the
Yet another object of this invention is the provision of a 25 disconnector 18 in relation to the rotation of the trigger 12
tension adjustment for adjusting the pull required of the can be adjusted yielding the user configurable adjustability
trigger to fire an AK-47 style of a rifle. described below.
Still another object of this invention is the provision of FIG. 2 shows a Side View of the disclosed trigger assem
multiple means of trigger adjustment that may be individu bly 10 engaged with the hammer 22 of an AK-47 rifle in the
ally adjusted in relation to each other to yield a highly cocked position before firing of the rifle. A means for
customizable trigger operation for the user. adjustment of the amount of overlap of the hook portion 24
Yet an additional object of this invention is the provision of the trigger 12 over the ledge 26 is provided by adjustment
of Such multiple adjustments of a trigger mechanisim to screw 28 which is located at the rear of the trigger 12 and
allow the user to choose a single Stage or two Stage trigger may be rotated to project from the trigger 12 and contact the
pull to discharge the rifle. 35
receiver 16 thereby providing a stop for the trigger's rear
These together with other objects and advantages which ward rotation. AS can be seen, the further the adjustment
will become Subsequently apparent reside in the details of screw 28 projects from the bottom of the rear of the trigger
the construction and operation as more fully hereinafter 12, the more the trigger 12 is rotated forward at it furthest
point rotated toward the rear and the less the hook portion 24
described and claimed, reference being had to the accom overlaps the ledge 26 of the hammer 22. This means to
panying drawings forming a part thereof, wherein like 40 adjust the area of overlap of the hook portion 24 with the
numerals refer to like parts throughout. ledge 26 of the trigger 12 provides the user a means to adjust
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the amount of force required to fire the weapon. The less the
overlap, the leSS force required by the trigger finger to fire
The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in the weapon. The user can thus adjust the adjustment Screw
and form a part of this Specification, illustrate embodiments 45 28 to achieve a hard pull requirement to fire the weapon or
of the invention and together with the description, Serve to a hair trigger, with infinite different points of force
explain the principles of this invention. in-between.
FIG. 1 depicts a side view of the disclosed trigger A means for adjustment to the overlap of latch portion 30
assembly of an AK-47 rifle with four points of trigger the disconnector 18 and the rear ledge 32 which occurs when
adjustment. 50 the trigger assembly 10 is being re-cocked by the action of
FIG. 2 shows a Side View of the disclosed trigger assem the rifle after firing is provided by the adjustment screw 21
bly engaged with the hammer of an AK-47 rifle in the mounted in the front portion of the rotating disconnector.
cocked position before firing. This adjustment screw is biased into contact with a ledge 36
FIG. 3 shows the trigger assembly at the time of firing formed adjacent to the slot 38 in the trigger 12 which the
allowing the hammer to rotate to fire the rifle. 55 disconnector occupies. Since the disconnector is rotationally
FIG. 4 depicts a perspective view of the components of engaged in the slot 38 and is biased by spring 41 toward the
the trigger assembly in cooperative operational engagement. ledge 36, translating the adjustment Screw 21 outward from
FIG. 5 depicts an exploded view of the trigger and the disconnector 18 will cause the adjustment screw 21 to
disconnector components making up the trigger assembly. contact the ledge 36 Sooner during rotation of the discon
FIG. 6 depicts a prior art rendition showing a conven 60 nector 18 thereby limiting the total forward rotation. This
tional AK-47 trigger mechanism mounted in a receiver for provides the means for limiting the forward travel of the
activating the firing of the rifle. disconnector 18 in its rotational engagement in the trigger 12
and the resulting adjustment of the overlap of the latch
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE portion 30 with the rear ledge 32 and its contact time with
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS 65 the arched portion 40 by Simply Screwing the adjustment
Referring now to the drawings, wherein Similar parts of Screw 21 in or out to provide more leSS or more overlap
the invention are identified by like reference numerals, there respectively.
US 6,772.548 B1
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FIG. 3 shows the trigger assembly at the time of firing the latch portion 24 of the disconnector 18 pushing it in it
allowing the hammer 22 to rotate upward and communicate rotational engagement in the Slot 38 of the trigger 12 to the
with other components to fire the rifle. A means to adjust the rear. The amount and duration of this contact is of course
over travel or rearward travel of the trigger 12 is provided by also adjustable using adjusting Screw 21 to rotate the dis
adjusting Screw 42 which may be adjusted into and out of its connector to varying default portions biased forward by the
engagement in the bottom forward portion of the trigger 12 spring 41. The arched portion 40 of the hammer 22 then
Such that it contacts the receiver 13 earlier or later during the slides down the face 48 of the disconnector 18 pushing it to
rotation of the trigger 12. If the adjusting Screw protrudes the rear and compressing the Spring 41. Of course a means
more from the trigger 12 it will contact the receiver 16 to adjust the forward bias of the disconnector 18 and also its
earlier and shorten the amount of rearward travel of the force against the sliding hammer 22 is provided by adjusting
trigger 12 and the trigger lever 44. screw 20 which may be turned to compress the spring 41
FIG. 4 depicts a perspective view of the disconnector 18 engaged in the disconnector 18 more for more force or leSS
engaged in the Slot 38 in the trigger 12. Also shown is an for less force.
optional replacement hammer 46 which has a ledge only one When the hammer 22 has rotated enough and slides down
one side of the replacement hammer 46. In the conventional 15
past the face 48 the disconnector latch portion 30 latches
AK-47 trigger components, the hammer has two ledges 26 over the rear ledge portion 32 of the hammer 22 antholds the
projecting from both sides of the hammer which engage with hammer 22 to Stop it from firing the weapon again. The
two hook portions 24 on the trigger 12. While this is a sturdy assembly is again ready to be fired.
engagement of trigger and hammer and is probably required The device herein shown in the drawings and described in
due to the very loose tolerances of the conventional AK-47 detail herein disclose arrangements of elements of particular
trigger mechanism, it was found during lengthy testing, that construction and configuration for illustrating preferred
while the conventional hammer 22 provided with an AK-47 embodiments of structure and method of operation of the
would work well with the disclosed trigger 12 which has present invention. It is to be understood, however, that
only one hook portion 24, that using a hammer with only one elements of different construction and configuration and
ledge 26 Significantly improved the action of the trigger other arrangements thereof, other than those illustrated and
assembly 10. As such, in a preferred embodiment of the 25 described, may be employed to provide the adjustable trig
trigger assembly 10 herein disclosed, a hammer 22 with only ger mechanism for the family of AK-47 rifles in accordance
a single ledge 26 to match the Single hook portion 24 would with the spirit of this invention. Further, some adjustments
be provided. But, Since the disclosed trigger 12 with only provided by the device might be used without others and still
one hook portion 24 would still work much better than the yield a Significant performance and utility increase over
conventional trigger provided on the AK-47, an embodiment current trigger device available for Such a purpose. All Such
without the hammer 22 with one ledge 26 and using the changes, alternations and modifications as would occur to
Stock hammer is also envisioned withing the Scope of this those skilled in the art are considered to be within the Scope
patent. of this invention as broadly defined in the appended claims.
In operation, the four different means of trigger action AS Such, while the present invention has been described
adjustment are significant enhancements to the person firing 35 herein with reference to particular embodiments thereof, a
the rifle, especially target and competition shooters who rely latitude of modifications, various changes and Substitutions
on very accurate trigger pull and action. This can be under are intended in the foregoing disclosure, and will be appre
stood by reviewing FIG. 2 which shows the trigger assembly ciated that in Some instance Some features of the invention
10 in the cocked and ready to fire position engaged in the will be employed without a corresponding use of other
receiver 16. When the trigger lever 44 is pulled in the first 40
features without departing from the Scope of the invention as
Stage of the two stage trigger, it rotates the trigger 12 thereby set forth in the following claims.
Starts the disengagement of the trigger hook portion 24 with What is the claimed is:
the ledge 26 on the hammer 22. At this point the hammer 22 1. A trigger mechanism adapted for installation into the
begins to rotate and moves to the Second Stage where the receiver of an AK47-rifle comprising:
arched portion 40 contacts the front surface 48 of the spring a trigger, Said trigger adapted for rotational attachment to
biased disconnector 18 which then holds back the hammer 45 a pin engaging the receiver of Said AK-47;
22 and begins the Second Stage of the trigger action. The Said trigger having trigger lever,
amount of force required to start the first stage is directly Said trigger having a slot formed therein sized to accom
related to the amount of overlap of the hook portion 24 and modate a disconnector;
the ledge 26 which can be adjusted using adjustment Screw Said disconnector rotatable upon Said pin from a first
28 as noted above. 50
The amount of force required to trigger past the Second position to a Second position closest to a trigger hook;
Stage is affected by force of the Spring 42 in the disconnector Said trigger having a hook portion adapted for engage
18 which presses against a ledge on the trigger 12 at its ment with a ledge portion of a rotationally mounted
bottom and is compressed for adjustable forward force by hammer communicating with a firing mechanism of
the adjustment screw 20 engaged with the disconnector 18 said AK-47;
55 Said hammer rotatable from a cocked position to a firing
at the top. The more the Spring 41 is compressed, the more position activating Said firing mechanism by a means to
force will be required to pass the Second Stage of triggering bias Said hammer to Said firing position;
in which the hammer is totally released from engagement Said trigger having trigger lever,
with both the hook portion 24 and the latch portion 30. Once
So released the hammer 22 rotates to activate the firing pin Said trigger having a slot formed therein sized to accom
60 modate a disconnector;
firing the rifle. The hammer 22 is spring loaded by other
components of the rifle acting on it and therein rotates to Said disconnector rotatable upon Said pin from a first
operate the firing pin and fire the weapon. This firing position to a Second position closest to Said trigger
operation happens quickly and with the trigger 12 held to the hook portion;
rear by the trigger finger of the user the hammer 22 is rotated Said trigger having an engaged position biased toward
back past the cocked position by the bolt carrier of the rifle 65 Said disconnector with Said hook portion having a
using expended gas from the fired cartridge. At this point, Surface engaged with a ledge on Said hammer thereby
the arched portion 40 of the hammer 22 contacts the front of holding Said hammer in Said cocked position;
US 6,772.548 B1
7 8
an adjustment Screw translateably engaged in Said trigger 9. The trigger mechanism of claim 3 wherein a means to
at a position behind Said lever, Said adjustment Screw adjust the distance of rearward travel of Said trigger lever
adjustable to protrude varying distances from Said past Said disengaged position comprises:
trigger thereby providing a means for adjustment of the a Second Screw cooperatively engaged in Said trigger in
amount of Surface of Said hook portion engaged with front of Said trigger lever, and
Said ledge; Said Second Screw adjustable by rotation to contact Said
means to bias Said disconnector to rotate on Said pin receiver at varying lengths of protrusion from Said
toward Said Second position; and trigger.
Said trigger moveable from Said engaged position to a 10. The trigger mechanism of claim 2 additionally com
disengaged position by application of force to Said prising:
trigger lever thereby rotating it upon Said pin and means to adjust the distance of rotation of Said discon
disengaging Said Surface of Said hook position with Said nector toward Said Second position.
ledge, wherein pulling Said trigger lever with a finger 11. The trigger mechanism of claim 2 wherein Said means
will disengage Said trigger from Said hammer allowing to adjust the force imparted by Said means to bias Said
said hammer to rotate and fire AK-47. 15 disconnector to rotate on Said pin comprises:
2. The trigger mechanism of claim 1 additionally com a Spring cooperatively engaged in a passage in Said
prising: disconnector;
means to adjust the force imparted by Said means to bias Said Spring contacting the Surface of Said trigger through
Said disconnector to rotate on Said pin. a bottom end of Said passage;
3. The trigger mechanism of claim 2 additionally com a compression Screw engaged at a top end of Said passage;
prising: and
means to adjust the distance of rearward travel of Said Said Screw rotatable into Said passage toward and away
trigger lever past Said disengaged position. from Said bottom end to thereby adjustably compress
4. The trigger mechanism of claim 3 additionally com Said Spring.
prising: 25 12. The trigger mechanism of claim 2 additionally com
means to adjust the distance of rotation of Said discon prising:
nector toward Said Second position. a replacement hammer, Said hammer sized to operatively
5. The trigger mechanism of claim 4 wherein a means to replace Said hammer, and
adjust the distance of rearward travel of Said trigger lever Said replacement hammer having a single ledge portion
past Said disengaged position comprises: positioned to contact Single hook portion on Said trig
a Second Screw cooperatively engaged in Said trigger in ger.
front of Said trigger lever, and 13. The trigger mechanism of claim 1 additionally com
Said Second Screw adjustable by rotation to contact Said prising:
receiver at varying lengths of protrusion from Said means to adjust the distance of rearward travel of Said
trigger. 35 trigger lever past Said disengaged position.
6. The trigger mechanism of claim 4 wherein Said means 14. The trigger mechanism of claim 13 additionally
to adjust the force imparted by Said means to bias Said comprising:
disconnector to rotate on Said pin comprises: means to adjust the distance of rotation of Said discon
a Spring cooperatively engaged in a passage in Said nector toward Said Second position.
disconnector; 40 15. The trigger mechanism of claim 14 wherein said
Said Spring contacting the Surface of Said trigger through means to adjust the distance of rearward travel of Said trigger
a bottom end of Said passage; lever past Said disengaged position comprises:
a compression Screw engaged at a top end of Said passage; a Second Screw cooperatively engaged in Said trigger in
and front of Said trigger lever, and
Said Screw rotatable into Said passage toward and away 45 Said Second Screw adjustable by rotation to contact Said
from Said bottom end to thereby adjustably compress receiver at varying lengths of protrusion from Said
Said Spring. trigger.
7. The trigger mechanism of claim 3 wherein Said means 16. The trigger mechanism of claim 13 wherein said
to adjust the force imparted by Said means to bias Said means to adjust the distance of rearward travel of Said trigger
disconnector to rotate on Said pin comprises: 50
lever past Said disengaged position comprises:
a Spring cooperatively engaged in a passage in Said a Second Screw cooperatively engaged in Said trigger in
disconnector; front of Said trigger lever, and
Said Spring contacting the Surface of Said trigger through Said Second Screw adjustable by rotation to contact Said
receiver at varying lengths of protrusion from Said
a bottom end of Said passage; trigger.
a compression Screw engaged at a top end of Said passage; 55 17. The trigger mechanism of claim 1 additionally com
and prising:
Said Screw rotatable into Said passage toward and away means to adjust the distance of rotation of Said discon
from Said bottom end to thereby adjustably compress nector toward Said Second position.
Said Spring. 18. The trigger mechanism of claim 1 additionally com
8. The trigger mechanism of claim 7 wherein a means to 60 prising:
adjust the distance of rearward travel of Said trigger lever a replacement hammer, Said hammer sized to operatively
past Said disengaged position comprises: replace Said hammer, and
a Second Screw cooperatively engaged in Said trigger in Said replacement hammer having a single ledge portion
front of Said trigger lever, and positioned to contact Single hook portion on Said trig
Said Second Screw adjustable by rotation to contact Said 65 ger.
receiver at varying lengths of protrusion from Said