United States Patent (19) : (75) Inventor: Nahemia Sirkis, King County, Wash
United States Patent (19) : (75) Inventor: Nahemia Sirkis, King County, Wash
United States Patent (19) : (75) Inventor: Nahemia Sirkis, King County, Wash
U.S. Patent Sep. 10, 1985 Sheet 2 of 3 4,539,771
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U.S. Patent Sep. 10, 1985 Sheet 3 of 3 4,539,771
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tion of the revolver firmly in place relative to the frame
HANDGUN OF THE REVOLVERTYPE of the gun when the gun is in condition for firing;
FIG. 3 is a partial vertical cross-section of the latch
DESCRIPTION mechanism of the revolver of FIG. 1 illustrating the
1. Technical Field manner in which the mechanism compensates for wear
This invention relates to a break-top handgun of the occurring during repeated opening and closing of the
revolver type, and more particularly, to improvements barrel section relative to the frame section of the gun;
in the latch mechanism, means for retaining the ammu FIG. 4 is a partial vertical cross-section of the ammu
nitionholding cylinder with the barrel while allowing nition-holding cylinder of the gun of FIG. 1 illustrating
10 the linkage between the trigger and cylinder which, on
easy removal, and an improved mechanism for intermit
tently freeing rotation of the ammunition-holding cylin movement of the trigger rearwardly by the operator of
der. the gun, frees the cylinder for rotation;
2. Background Art FIG. 5 is an end view along section line 5-5 of FIG.
Break-top handguns of the revolver type have been 15
known for many years; however, the latch mechanism FIGS. 6-9 illustrate movement of the linkage as the
holding the barrel section to the frame when the gun is trigger is moved rearwardly to fire the gun; and
in the firing position has presented a problem in com FIG. 10 is a partial vertical cross-sectional view of
pensating for wear due to repeated opening and closing the gun of FIG. 1 illustrating the manner in which the
of the barrel section. The latch mechanisms of the prior 20
ammunition-holding cylinder is caged in place to the
art also have not had sufficient strength to provide for barrel section, yet allowing easy removal.
safe use, particularly when high-powered ammunition is BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE
utilized. INVENTION
DISCLOSURE OF INVENTION FIG. 1 depicts a break-top revolver handgun which
This invention relates to a break-top, hand-held re includes a frame 10 of conventional design, which in
volver and to improvements in the latch mechanism, cludes a handle 12, a pivotally mounted trigger 14, and
means for holding the cylinder in place with the barrel a hammer 16 operated by the trigger to engage a firing
section of the revolver, and improved means for inter pin (not shown), all of conventional design. A barrel
mittent release of the cylinder for revolution after fir 30 section 20, including an ammunition-holding cylinder
ing. The latch assembly is pivotally mounted to the 22, is secured to a forward extension of the frame 10 by
frame and includes an upside-down U-shaped latch, pivot pin 18.
with the legs of the “U” pivotally attached to the frame The latch assembly 30 for holding the barrel section
adjacent an upwardly inclined plane which is integral 20 in fixed relation to the frame 10 contacts a rearward
with the rear end of the barrel section. An annular rotat 35 extension of the barrel section, as will be described.
able pin having a flat surface intermediate its ends ex Referring to FIGS. 1 and 3, the barrel section 20 in
tends between the legs of the U-shaped latch member, cludes an integral rearward extension 32 extending be
the flat surface contacting the surface of the inclined yond the rear entrance end of the cylinder 22. This
plane of the barrel section when the barrel section of the rearward extension includes an upwardly inclined sur
gun is locked in place on the frame for firing. The U 40 face 34, which cooperates with the latch member
shaped latch is biased forwardly and, together with the shown in FIG. 2 to lock the barrel section to the frame
rotatable pin whose flat surface engages the inclined 10 of the revolver for firing.
plane, adjusts for any wear of the inclined plane surface Referring to FIG. 2, the latch member is an upside
or the pin caused by repeated opening and closing of the down U-shaped member 36 having integral rearward
barrel section relative to the frame of the weapon. 45 extensions 38 provided with pads 40 of greater width
The gun also includes an improved linkage activated for engagement by the thumb or other finger of the
when the trigger is moved rearwardly by the operator operator of the gun to pivot the latch member rear
of the gun to release the ammunition-holding cylinder wardly to allow the barrel section to be broken away
for rotation and lock the cylinder in place prior to firing from the frame 10 about pivot pin 18. The latch member
of the gun. 50 36 is pivotally secured to the frame below the rearward
Also disclosed is a caging mechanism for holding the extension 32 of the barrel section, as illustrated in FIG.
cylinder of the handgun in fixed position relative to the 1, by pivot pin 42. An annular bore 44 extends the width
barrel of the gun, yet allowing the cylinder to be easily of the latch member 36, as illustrated in FIG. 2, for
removed. The cylinder includes a central internal bore receiving an annular pin 46 having a flattened surface 48
extending partway therethrough. The bore is slipped 55 intermediate the ends of the pin, this annular surface
over a shaft extending parallel to and below the barrel engaging the inclined plane surface 34. The pin 46 is
of the gun. The rear of the barrel section of the gun rotatably mounted in bore 44. When the barrel section is
extends over the cylinder and includes a downwardly latched to the frame 10, the flat surface 48 of the pin
extending lip portion which engages the butt or rear end engages the inclined surface 34 of the rearward exten
of the cylinder to prevent it from disengaging from the 60 sion of the barrel section 32. The latch member 36 and
barrel section when the barrel and frame sections are pin 46 are biased forwardly by two wire springs 50
unlatched. which terminate at one end in openings 52 drilled in pin
46, as illustrated in FIG. 2. The openings are sufficiently
large to allow the pin 46 to rotate within bore 44 a small
FIG. 1 is a side view of the break-top revolver of this 65 amount in either direction. The wires 50 extend down
invention; the interior sides of each of the legs of the latch member
FIG. 2 is a partial perspective view of the latch mem 36, around the pivot pin 42, down the underside of the
ber of the latch mechanism for holding the barrel sec latch member extensions 38, and are terminated at
4539,771 4
points 54 in the frame of the gun, as illustrated in FIG. the frame of the gun to pivot about pivot 18 for clean
1. ing, loading or unloading ammunition. The cylinder 22
The forward bias of the latch member 36 and pin 46 is easily removable, however, by removing shaft 82,
against the inclined plane surface -34 of the rearward thus allowing the cylinder 22 to be easily removed.
extension 32 of the barrel section provides a secure, These improvements to a break-top handgun of the
tight lock between the barrel section and the frame at all revolver type provide the gun with greater accuracy,
times and eliminates any play or looseness that may greater safety, and smoother operation.
develop due to wear of the inclined surface 34 and the I claim:
surface 48 of the pin 46 due to repeated opening and 1. A latch mechanism for a break-top handgun of the
closing of the gun. As the surfaces wear, the pin 46 and O revolver type, comprising:
latch member 36 adjust and compensate for such wear. a frame including an integral handle, hammer, firing
In addition, the forward bias of the latch member 36 pin, and trigger operatively attached to the ham
against the inclined plane surface 34 always keeps the mer;
barrel section 20 and frame 10 in secure locking ar a barrel section including a rotatable ammunition
rangement. 15 holding cylinder pivotally attached to the frame
FIGS. 4-9 illustrate an improved linkage activated by for movement between a first position for firing of
the trigger 14 of the gun to allow the cylinder 22 to the gun and a second position exposing the rear end
revolve to the next adjacent opening holding ammuni of the cylinder for loading ammunition, unloading
tion prior to firing of the round of ammunition in the ammunition and cleaning of the cylinder or gun
cylinder. Referring to FIG. 5, the cylinder includes a 20 barrel;
series of spaced notches 60 adapted to receive detent 62 an upwardly inclined planar surface extending rear
of the linkage. One sidewall 64 of each of the notches is wardly from the entrance end of the barrel section;
dished out to allow the detent to slide into the notch as a latch assembly pivotally mounted to the frame for
the cylinder is rotate in the direction of the arrow movement between a first position holding the
shown in FIG. 5. The detent is an integral part of the 25 frame and barrel section in fixed position relative to
linkage which includes a forward body portion 66 con one another when the gun is to be fired and a sec
taining an elongated slot 68 (see FIG. 4). The linkage is ond position where the barrel is broken away from
mounted to both pivot about pivot pin 70 as well as slide the frame, the latch assembly including a pivotable
horizontally in slot 68. The pivot pin 70 is dead-ended to latch member having a separately rotatable planar
the frame of the gun. A spring 72 has one end biased 30 surface positioned for engaging the upwardly in
against surface 74 of the linkage, is wrapped about the clined planar surface on the barrel section when in
pivot pin 70, and is dead-ended in the frame of the gun. the first position to prevent separation of the barrel
The detent 62 is biased upwardly through an opening in section from the frame during firing and to com
the frame beneath the cylinder 22. The trigger 14 is pensate for wear of the upwardly inclined planar
mounted to pivot about pivot point 14a and includes a 35 surface or the latch assembly caused by repeated
finger 76 which engages a slot 78 of the detent, as illus opening and closing of the barrel section relative to
trated in FIG. 4. As the trigger is moved rearwardly the frame of the gun; and
about its pivot point 14a, it pulls the linkage and detent means biasing the latch member forwardly to engage
62 downwardly, as illustrated in FIG. 6, to free the the separately rotatable planar surface against the
cylinder 22 for rotation. As the trigger is moved further 40 upwardly inclined planar surface.
rearwardly, as illustrated in FIG. 7, the terminal edge of 2. The latch mechanism of claim 1 wherein the latch
the finger slips out of the slot 78 and engages surface 80 member is an upside-down U-shaped latch member
of the detent, as illustrated in FIG. 7, to exert an upward whose respective legs are pivotally attached to each
and forward force on the linkage. As the cylinder re side of the frame and wherein the base of the “U” of the
volves, the detent 62 lodges in the next adjacent notch 45 latch member includes the separately rotatable planar
60, as illustrated in FIG. 8. As the trigger is further surface for engaging the upwardly inclined planar sur
moved rearwardly, the gun fires. Then, when the trig face on the barrel section.
ger is released and is moved forwardly, as illustrated in 3. The latch mechanism of claim 1 wherein the latch
FIG. 9, the linkage 66 and detent 62 are moved horizon member includes a support member pivotally attached
tally in the direction of the upper arrow of FIG. 9 until 50 to the frame and wherein the rotatable planar surface
the terminal edge of the finger 76 again engages the slot includes a member separately rotatable relative to the
78, whereupon the spring 74 urges the linkage 66 rear pivotable support member and having a planar surface
ward to the position illustrated in FIG. 4. portion adapted to engage the inclined planar surface of
FIG. 10 illustrates a further improvement of the re the barrel section.
volver-type handgun in caging or trapping the cylinder 55 4. The latch mechanism of claim 3 wherein the means
22 so that it will remain with the barrel section 10 whenbiasing the latch member against the inclined planar
the barrel section is pivoted away from the frame 10 surface includes a spring biasing the the rotatable planar
about pivot pin 18 on release of the latch. Referring to surface of the rotatably member against the upwardly
FIG. 10, the cylinder 22 includes a bore opening in the inclined planar surface on the barrel section.
forward end thereof which receives the terminal end of 60 5. A latch mechanism for a break-top handgun of the
the shaft 82. The cylinder 22 is rotatably mounted on revolver type, comprising:
the rear end of the shaft 82 for free rotation; however, a frame including an integral handle, hammer, firing
the cylinder would disengage from the shaft without pin, and trigger operatively attached to the ham
something to hold it in place. In this regard, the upper mer;
portion of the barrel section 10 includes a downwardly 65 a barrel section including a rotatable ammunition
extending lip 84 which engages the rear peripheral edge holding cylinder pivotally attached to the frame
of the cylinder 22, preventing it from disengaging from for movement between a first position for firing of
the shaft on breaking away of the barrel section from the gun and a second position exposing the rear end
5 6
of the cylinder for loading ammunition, unloading ammunition and cleaning of the cylinder or gun
ammunition and cleaning of the cylinder or gun barrel;
barrel; an upwardly inclined planar surface extending rear
an upwardly inclined planar surface extending rear wardly from the entrance end of the barrel section;
wardly from the entrance end of the barrel section; 5 a latch assembly pivotally mounted to the frame for
a latch assembly pivotally mounted to the frame for movement between a first position holding the
movement between a first position holding the frame and barrel section in fixed position relative to
frame and barrel section in fixed position relative to one another when the gun is to be fired and a sec
ond position where the barrel is broken away from
one another when the gun is to be fired and a sec 10 the frame, the latch assembly including a support
ond position where the barrel is broken away from member pivotably attached to the frame and an
the frame, the latch assembly including an upside engagement member rotatably supported by the
down U-shaped latch member whose respective Support member, the engagement member having a
legs are pivotably attached to each side of the planar surface for engaging the upwardly inclined
frame, the base of the “U” of the latch member 5 planar surface on the barrel section when the latch
having a rotatable planar surface for engaging the assembly is moved into the first position to prevent
upwardly inclined planar surface on the barrel separation of the barrel section from the frame
section in the first position to prevent separation of during firing, the engagement member planar sur
the barrel section from the frame during firing and 20 face being separately rotatable relative to the pivot
to compensate for wear of the latch assembly able support member to compensate for wear of the
caused by repeated opening and closing of the upwardly inclined planar surface or the latch as
barrel section relative to the frame of the gun, the sembly caused by repeated opening and closing of
rotatable planar surface including a rotatable pin the barrel section relative to the frame of the gun;
having a planar surface adapted to engage the in 25 means biasing the latch assembly forwardly to engage
clined planar surface on the barrel section; and the engagement member planar surface against the
means biasing the latch member forwardly against the upwardly inclined planar surface.
upwardly inclined planar surface engaged by the 8. The latch mechanism of claim 7 wherein the sup
latch member. port member has an upside-down U-shape with the
6. The latch mechanism of claim 5 wherein the means 30 respective legs of the support member pivotally at
biasing the latch member against the inclined planar tached to each side of the frame and with the base of the
surface includes a spring biasing the planar surface of “U” of the support member rotatably supporting the
the pin and the latch member against the upwardly engagement member and positioning the separately
inclined planar surface on the barrel section. rotatable planar surface for engaging the upwardly
7. A latch mechanism for a break-top handgun of the 35 inclined planar surface on the barrel section.
revolver type, comprising: 9. The latch mechanism of claim 8 wherein the en
a frame including an integral handle, hammer, firing gagement member is a pin rotatably disposed in a bore
pin, and trigger operatively attached to the ham extending through the U-shaped support member and
the engagement member planar surface is positioned on
mer; 40 the pin between the legs of the support member.
a barrel section including a rotatable ammunition 10. The latch mechanism of claim 9 wherein the
holding cylinder pivotally attached to the frame means biasing the latch assembly forwardly includes a
for movement between a first position for firing of spring biasing the planar surface of the pin against the
the gun and a second position exposing the rear end upwardly inclined planar surface on the barrel section.
of the cylinder for loading ammunition, unloading 45 k is