This document contains a daily lesson log for a Practical Research I class in senior high school. Over the course of the week, students worked on formulating a clear statement of a research problem by presenting written statements of their problem each day. On Monday, the teacher reviewed identifying an inquiry and stating a problem. Students created a bubble map of causes of their assigned problem. The rest of the week involved discussing writing an introduction, rationale, theoretical framework, and definition of terms for their research. Students were assigned to write the first chapter of their research and present their proposed research title focusing on a qualitative research problem. The teacher reflected on using student freedom of expression and localized materials to engage learners.
This document contains a daily lesson log for a Practical Research I class in senior high school. Over the course of the week, students worked on formulating a clear statement of a research problem by presenting written statements of their problem each day. On Monday, the teacher reviewed identifying an inquiry and stating a problem. Students created a bubble map of causes of their assigned problem. The rest of the week involved discussing writing an introduction, rationale, theoretical framework, and definition of terms for their research. Students were assigned to write the first chapter of their research and present their proposed research title focusing on a qualitative research problem. The teacher reflected on using student freedom of expression and localized materials to engage learners.
This document contains a daily lesson log for a Practical Research I class in senior high school. Over the course of the week, students worked on formulating a clear statement of a research problem by presenting written statements of their problem each day. On Monday, the teacher reviewed identifying an inquiry and stating a problem. Students created a bubble map of causes of their assigned problem. The rest of the week involved discussing writing an introduction, rationale, theoretical framework, and definition of terms for their research. Students were assigned to write the first chapter of their research and present their proposed research title focusing on a qualitative research problem. The teacher reflected on using student freedom of expression and localized materials to engage learners.
This document contains a daily lesson log for a Practical Research I class in senior high school. Over the course of the week, students worked on formulating a clear statement of a research problem by presenting written statements of their problem each day. On Monday, the teacher reviewed identifying an inquiry and stating a problem. Students created a bubble map of causes of their assigned problem. The rest of the week involved discussing writing an introduction, rationale, theoretical framework, and definition of terms for their research. Students were assigned to write the first chapter of their research and present their proposed research title focusing on a qualitative research problem. The teacher reflected on using student freedom of expression and localized materials to engage learners.
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School Grade Level 11- STEM/HUMSS
DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area Practical Research I
LOG Senior High School Teaching Date February 26- March 1, 2024 Quarter 3rd -Week 5
The learner demonstrates understanding of: 1. the range of research topics in the area of inquiry; 2. the value of CONTENT research in STANDARD(s) the area of interest; and 3. the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed. PERFORMANCE The learner is able to formulate clearly statement of research problem. STANDARD(s) The learner presents The learner presents The learner presents The learner presents The learner presents LEARNING written statement written statement of written statement of written statement of written statement of COMPETENCIES/Cod of the problem. the problem. the problem. the problem. the problem. es (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-7) (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-7) (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-7) (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-7) (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-7) 1.Differentiate quantitative from qualitative research; SPECIFIC 2.Give example of qualitative research in area of interest; OBJECTIVE(s) 3. Writes a research title. II. CONTENTS: Identifying Identifying Identifying Identifying Identifying the Inquiry the Inquiry the Inquiry the Inquiry the Inquiry and and and and and Stating the Problem Stating the Problem Stating the Problem Stating the Problem Stating the Problem III. LEARNING https:// https:// https:// https:// https:// RESOURCES how-to- to-write-an- to- to- to- write-an-introduction introduction write-an-introduction write-an-introduction write-an-introduction Braceros,E.2016, Practical research 1- Additional learning https:// Materials: PowerPoint Practical research 1, Department of materials: presentation, References Rex Book store pp.10- Education -Teachers http:// qualitative research. projector,laptop 13 Guide /lounge/importance of research The teacher Review the previous The learners give The learners give The learners give A. Reviewing previous reviews the lesson updates on their updates on their updates on their lesson or presenting the learners about the research writing. research. research. new lesson ( Elicit) past lesson. Just Give Me Reasons (5 minutes) Directions: As a group, create a B. Establishing a bubble map about purpose for the lesson / Motivation/ (Engage) the causes of the problem assigned. Use manila paper and marker for this activity. Tell to the class that in creating C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new statement of the lesson problem of your research. Discuss about Give additional making your information about statement of the Chapter problem. D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Also discuss the (Explore) following: Rationale Theoretical Framework Definition of Terms E. Discussing new The groups start The groups write the The groups write the The groups write the concepts and practicing writing the first remaining parts. remaining parts. remaining parts. new skills #2 chapter of their (Explore) research The learners study F. Developing mastery samples of (Explain) Statement of the Problem The learners Ask: G. Finding practical synthesize the applications of concepts concepts they How this activity will and skills in daily living (Elaborate) learned. help you to write your research properly? The learners present I. Evaluating Learning their outputs. Think of a problem ( e.g Societal issue) which you can relate to, Then, formulate one qualitative J. Assignment research title that will seek to answer the problem being perceived. Write your proposed research title on your notebook. V. Remarks Practical Research I is taken four times a week by the learners with one (1) hour per meeting. VI. Reflection Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students, progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask relevant questions. Handled Sections A. No. of learners who B. No. of learners C. No. of learners who Total earned 80% on the require additional continue to require formative assessment activities for remediation remediation D. Did the remedial lessons work well? E. Which of my teaching If my learners are given the freedom to express their ideas about the lesson, I find it very effective, at the same time strategies worked well? entertaining. My learners are not bored this way. Why did these work F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor G. What innovation or localized materials/ discover which I wish to share with other