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School: BALUGO NATIONAL HIGH Grade Level: 12

Grades 1 to 12 SCHOOL
DAILY LESSON Teacher: PRECILLA Z. SOSA Learning Practical Research 2
LOG Areas:
Teaching Dates and (September 11-18, 2023 Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:
1. the range of research topics in the area of inquiry
2. the value of research in the area of interest
3. the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to: formulate clearly the statement of research problem
C. Learning Competencies The learner:
1. designs a research useful in daily life
2. writes a research title
3. describes background of research
4. states research questions, and
5. presents written statement of the problem
II. CONTENT Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
III. Learning Resources
a. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages Cabading, Jude Patrick & Brawner FG.,(2022).Practical Research 2. Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Samapaloc, Manila: Rex Bookstore,
b. Other Learning Photocopy of specific topic
A. Reviewing previous lesson Preliminary Activities/ Routines/ Checking of Attendance/ Classroom Management. Etc.
or presenting the new

B. Establishing a purpose Brainstorming …CONTINUATION OF

for the lesson GROUP ACTIVITY
Group Activity

Brainstorm about
these problems with
your group and fill out
this form:

Observation Form

Name of School:
Years in Operation:
Number of Years in

Observations in

Proposed solutions:

C. Presenting Examples/ Presentation of

instances of the new group activity about
lesson observation form
D. Discussing new concept Brainstorming
and practicing new skills Discussion about the
#1 following terms.
a. Choosing a
Research topic
b. Writing the
research Title
c. Statement of
the Problem
d. Background of
the Study
E. Discussing a new concept Brainstorming
and practicing new skills Discussion about how
#2 to write the title, SOP,
and theory
F. Developing mastery Answer the following Group Activity (Research) …CONTINUATION of Presentation of group
(Leads to Formative questions: Group activity Activity
Assessment Talk about the topic you are
 What are the things interested in pursuing in a Rubric for Chapter 1 (page
to be included in an general and specific sense. 28)
introduction? Make sure to include citations.
 What are the things
to be included in State the statement of the
the statement of the problem
 What is the This study aimed to (write
importance of your general objective)
writing these
components? Specifically, it answered the
following question:
G. Finding Practical/ GROUP ACTIVITY Make your own theoretical …CONTINUATION of Presentation of group
application of concepts framework Group activity Activity
and skills in daily living Talk about the topic
you are interested in This study underscored the
pursuing in a general theory of_______.
and specific sense. This states that (write precept
Make sure to include 1)____________. (Explain the
citations . precept in accordance with
your research.)
This states that (write precept
2)____________. (Explain the
precept in accordance with
your research.)
H. Making Generalizations DIGGING DEEPER
and Abstraction About What have you learned? Which part of the lesson would you like to clarify? Do you find it confusing or difficult to
the Lesson understand? If there’s none, let sum up the lesson.
I. Evaluating Learning Discuss what theory Make your own theoretical
will help you solve the framework
current problem.
This study underscored the
theory of_______.
This states that (write precept
1)____________. (Explain the
precept in accordance with
your research.)
This states that (write precept
2)____________. (Explain the
precept in accordance with
your research.)
J. Additional Activities
A. No. of learners who earned 80% _____ of learners who _____ of learners who earned _____ of learners who earned
in the evaluation earned 80% above 80% above 80% above
B. No. of learners who require _____ of learners who _____ of learners who required _____ of learners who _____ of learners who
additional activities for required additional additional activities for required additional activities required additional activities
remediation who scored below activities for remediation remediation for remediation for remediation
80 %
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____ Yes ________No _____ Yes ________No _____ Yes ________No _____ Yes ________No
No of learners who have caught
up with the lesson ______ of Learners who ______ of Learners who caught ______ of Learners who ______ of Learners who
caught up the lesson up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to ____of learners who ____of learners who continue to ____of learners who continue ____of learners who continue
require remediation continue to require require remediation to require remediation to require remediation

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher II Head Teacher III, A.P. DEPT. Head Principal I

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