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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 6, 10152-10160

The Relationship Of Knowledge Of Occupational Safety And Health

To The Awareness Of Occupational Safety And Health Behavior In
Students In The Laboratory

Syamsul Gultom1* , Baharuddin2* , Dina Ampera3* , Hesti Fibriasari4* ,

Nurpelita Sembiring5*

Doktor, Pendidikan Olahraga, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indomesia
Profesor, Pendidikan Teknik Elekto, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indomesia
Profesor, Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indomesia
Assistant Profesor, Pendidikan Bahasa Prancis, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indomesia
Assistant Profesor, Gizi, Universitas Islam Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indomesia
Email: 1*[email protected] 2*[email protected], 3*[email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]


Background: Awareness of occupational safety and health behavior as a preventive measure aims
to reduce and even eliminate the risk of work accidents (zero accidents). Occupational Health and
Safety in the Laboratory is very important to implement. Awareness in implementing
Occupational Safety and Health is a factor that affects the number of work accidents. This
awareness can begin before entering the world of work in the field of construction. Students have
not had much knowledge about Occupational Safety and Health in the laboratory and there is still
a lack of awareness to behave occupational safety and health.
Method: This research is necessary to determine the relationship between Occupational Safety
and Health knowledge to the awareness of Occupational Safety and Health behavior in students
in the laboratory. This study uses the Pearson Product Moment correlation method or correlation
analysis in the form of variable data to determine the relationship of free variables, namely
Occupational Safety and Health (X) knowledge, with bound variables, namely awareness of
Occupational Safety and Health (Y) behavior. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and
populations, in this study were students of the Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University
who were practicing in the laboratory totaling 129 respondents.
Result: After being tested, there is a relationship between knowledge of Occupational Safety and
Health and awareness of Occupational Safety and Health behavior in the laboratory (r = 0.482)
which is quite sufficient. The magnitude of the relationship of K3 knowledge to the awareness of
Occupational Safety and Health behavior was 23.21% and the remaining 76.79% was determined
by other variables. The level of significance (α) of 5% shows that there is a positive influence on
the relationship between Occupational Safety and Health knowledge on the awareness of
Occupational Safety and Health behavior of students of the Faculty of Engineering, Medan State
University in the laboratory as seen from the calculated value of the >t table or 7.25 >1.97.
Conclusion: After being tested there is a relationship between knowledge of Occupational Health
and Safety on awareness of Occupational Safety and Health behavior in the laboratory which is
quite adequate. Then it can be seen that there is an influence between knowledge of Occupational
Health and Safety on behavioral awareness of students in the Civil Engineering laboratory, so that
knowledge of occupational health and safety and awareness of behavior becomes an important
aspect in the application of the learning process of laboratory practicum activities.

Keywords: Occupational Safety and Health knowledge; laboratory; Students; Occupational

Safety and Health be averted awareness.

I. INTRODUCTION The Department of Civil Engineering

Education is an area of expertise found at
10153 Journal of Positive School Psychology
Medan State University that aims to produce and Safety (OHS), is defined as a program
graduates who have skills in their fields. To system created for workers and employers to
support this, a learning and training process prevent the emergence of occupational
is needed to improve various skills. The accidents and occupational diseases in the
laboratory is a place to conduct experiments work environment. Thus, it must recognize
and training that require discipline and things that have the potential to cause work
cultivate safety and security. Security and accidents and occupational diseases as well
safety in working in the laboratory are as active measures in the event of an
prioritized, this is closely related to comfort occupational accident (Sucipto, 2014).
when teaching, studying, and working in the
An accident is an unplanned, unpredictable,
laboratory. The management of safety and
and undesirable event that results in a loss,
security in working in the laboratory is the
damage, and injury Hollnagel (2016).
responsibility of everyone involved in it,
Theory after theory is put forward to analyze
both lecturers, students, and also laboratory
the causes of the occurrence of work
workers. Faithful people involved in the
accidents ranging from the theory of
laboratory must have awareness and feel of
individual causes to the more complex
belonging to the laboratory.
theory of causes Endroyo (2006). The
The Laboratory of the Department of Civil
previous theory began with The Accident
Engineering Education is a means of
Proneness Theory. The theory proposed in
implementing practical activities and
1926 states that one or several individuals
scientific research to improve skills, the
are more prone to work accidents than other
existence of a laboratory has an important
individuals even though they are exposed to
role in equipping students with a variety of
the same risk Froggatt (1964). The cause of
skills, in the laboratory majoring in civil
the accident based on this theory is the wrong
engineering education there are several work
act of labor. Accident-related theories
units such as soil mechanics laboratory,
In essence, Occupational Safety and Health
materials, and structure science laboratory,
is a multidisciplinary field of science that
material testing, material testing, soil
applies efforts to maintain and improve the
measuring science and wood workshops, of
conditions of the workplace environment,
course, in the process of practical and
preventing losses and pollution of the work
research activities in the laboratory, of
environment (Susanto, 2020). Occupational
course, will always be threatened by the risks
health can be interpreted as a form of health
and potential for work accidents due to the
insurance provided to a person when doing
interaction between labor, equipment, and
work, including in the laboratory. Thus,
the work environment situation in it.
people who work in the laboratory are
Therefore, it is necessary to have an
obliged to get health insurance. Work
understanding and awareness attitude to
accidents according to Kaming et al (2003)
anticipate and manage the potential risk of
are unexpected and unexpected events,
accidents in the laboratory by established
because there is no intentionality but results
in losses and suffering. There are a great
This high accident rate makes the prevention
many occupational health goals aimed at
and prevention of work accidents in the
those who work as officers or laboratory
construction sector something that needs to
users. In general, the purpose of
be taken seriously. Occupational accidents in
implementing health and work safety in the
the construction sector can be prevented by
laboratory according to Destari (2017) is;
knowing and adhering to the culture of
1. To protect laboratory personnel and
occupational safety and health. Based on
other laboratory users from work risks.
research by Kani (2013) and Atmaja (2018),
2. To ensure that the entire equipment and
the culture of occupational safety and health
materials in the laboratory are in a safe
can reduce the possibility of work accidents
condition for use.
among construction workers.
3. To maintain all activities in the
When carrying out activities, safe, healthy,
laboratory, both practicum, training, and
and comfortable working conditions are
research can be carried out properly.
needed, so this kind of work is very
4. To create a safe and comfortable
necessary to ensure that the work can
working environment.
achieve the desired work results.
Occupational Safety and Health, which in
Based on observations of students,
English is referred to as Occupational Health
Occupational Safety and Health have not
Syamsul Gultom 10154

received adequate attention and have not technique was taken by distributing a
been aware of Occupational Safety and questionnaire containing several statements
Health behavior, especially when in the describing the behavior of Civil Engineering
laboratory. Students feel that it is not students' awareness of Occupational Health
practical to use occupational safety and Safety.
equipment, so they underestimate things The type of research used is correlational
related to Occupational Safety and Health. research because it identifies the relationship
Likewise, the lack of socialization and not of one variable to another variable. The
fully paying attention to occupational safety method used is Pearson Product Moment
and health, and the lack of strictness in (PPM) or correlation analysis of variable
following up on students who violate. data to find out the free variable (X), namely
Awareness of Occupational Safety and K3 knowledge with bound variable (Y),
Health behavior must be instilled in all namely awareness of Occupational Safety
students, one way is by providing and Health behavior. So this study only
occupational health and safety education explains data according to facts based on
occupational Safety and Health so that they measurements from respondents. This
can be positive towards Occupational Safety Pearson correlation is usually used to
and Health. For this reason, it can be determine the relationship between two
concluded that Occupational Safety and variables, by requiring normally distributed
Health are very important to be applied data.
because they can guarantee security and
Research Variables are everything that is set
safety for laboratory workers and students as
by the researcher to be studied so that
laboratory users. Also, guarantee the security
information about it is obtained, then the
and safety of important facilities and
conclusion is drawn, Sugiyono (2017). In
infrastructure in the laboratory. The goal to
this case, the free variable is the knowledge
be achieved in this study is to determine the
of Occupational Safety and Health (X) while
relationship of Occupational Safety and
the bound variable is the behavioral
Health knowledge to the awareness of
awareness of Occupational Safety and
Occupational Safety and Health behavior in
Health (Y). If the correlation coefficient is
students in the Civil Engineering laboratory.
squared, it will be the determining
Occupational Safety and Health has not
coefficient (KP) or the coefficient of
received adequate attention from all parties,
determination, which means the cause of the
including students who still lack knowledge
change in variable Y that comes from
of Occupational Safety and Health and are
variable X, as large as the square of the
not aware of behaving occupational safety
correlation coefficient. This determinant
and health in the laboratory. So that the
coefficient explains the magnitude of the
application of Occupational Safety and
influence of the value of the variable X on
Health in the Laboratory is a form of effort
the rise and fall of the variable Y.
to create a work forging that is safe, healthy,
and free from environmental pollution, to The Place and Time of Research, this
reduce and free from work accidents and research was conducted at the Civil
occupational diseases that are in the end it Engineering Laboratory, Medan State
can affect work efficiency and productivity. University. The population that is the object
Work accidents not only cause casualties or of this study is students of batch 2021 who
material losses for practical but can also will take part in the Building Construction
interfere with the overall practicum process. practicum. The data collection technique is
carried out with a questionnaire, by giving a
set of written questions to the respondent for
The research method carried out in the study him to answer, Sugiyono (2017). The
is descriptive with a correlational type. The questionnaire in this study was used to
correlation method is a research method that determine the variables of knowledge of
seeks to connect one element with another to Occupational Safety and Health and
create a new form that is different from awareness of Occupational Safety and
before, Sugiyono (2014). The data used in Health behavior in the laboratory in students
this study was primary data taken directly of the Faculty of Engineering, Medan State
through a questionnaire distributed to Civil University with a total of 229 respondents.
Engineering students of Medan State Questions are made based on the indicators
University. In this study, the data collection
10155 Journal of Positive School Psychology
of the variables of this study in several of clean and healthy living, a culture of
question items. Occupational Safety and Health and improve
Occupational Safety and Health Knowledge physical health.
is the ability to know and obtain information
related to occupational health and safety Table 1. Percentage of Occupational Safety
obtained from the results of vision and and Health Knowledge
hearing. For the grid of making questions No. Disclosure of Average
from occupational safety and health Occupational Safety (%)
knowledge, they are given questions about and Health Knowledge
the understanding, understanding, and 1 Knowledge of 94,9
purpose of Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Safety
identifying the factors causing work and Health is very
accidents, and describing how to prevent important to know in
accidents and the importance of using the implementation of
personal protective equipment (PPE) construction work
while working in the laboratory. 2 Always prioritize 94,3
Occupational Safety and Health behavior Occupational Safety
awareness is an awareness from within a and Health in
person to implement Occupational Safety construction work
and Health procedures. For the grid of 3 The purpose of 95,2
questions of behavioral awareness Occupational Safety
Occupational Safety and Health is and Health is to
responsible behavior towards oneself, provide Safety for
behavior responsible towards the workers
environment, obeying existing regulations in 4 Accidents in 87,2
the laboratory, and behavior towards construction work
physical and psychological hazards. result from a lack of
Occupational Safety
This research discusses the knowledge and and Health by workers
awareness of Occupational Safety and 5 The occurrence of 88,9
Health behavior in the field of construction. work accidents is
The respondents used in this study were civil caused by negligence
engineering students of Medan State of workers not
University. Respondents were asked to fill complying with
out the questionnaire form that had been Occupational Safety
shared regarding knowledge and awareness and Health regulations
of Occupational Safety and Health behavior 6 Work accidents can be 87,2
with a total of 16 statements consisting of prevented by using
knowledge of Occupational Safety and Occupational Safety
Health and Occupational Safety and Health and Health equipment
behaviors. These statements are designed 7 7 Prevention of work 90,7
based on PP No. 88 of 2019 concerning accidents, namely by
Occupational Health. This regulation using tools properly
contains efforts that need to be made by and correctly
stakeholders in the workplace to achieve a 8 The use of personal 84,9
healthy life and not be affected by the protective equipment
dangers that can be caused by work. The (PPE) while working is
statements designed are a reflection of the to prevent accidents of
efforts that need to be made to achieve workers in construction
Occupational Safety and Health in the work
workplace based on the items contained in
this government regulation. Some of these
Table 2. Percentage of awareness behaving
items include that before the implementation Occupational Safety and Health
of work, we need to assess the eligibility of
No. Disclosure of Average
work, carry out standard vigilance, and
Occupational Safety (%)
occupational health surveillance and during
and Health
the work, must increase knowledge, a culture
Syamsul Gultom 10156

1 When carrying out a 91,9 implementation, procedures, processes, and

job, it isnecessary to resources needed for the development,
follow occupational recitation, and maintenance of occupational
safety and health safety and health policies to control risks
regulations to avoid related to working activities to achieve a
danger safe work environment, efficient and
2 Wearing personal 92,8 productive.
protection when Knowledge of the application of
carrying out work to Occupational Safety and Health is highly
always be safe dependent on the level of education, position
3 Not using and playing 89,5 on the project, participation factors in safety
gadgets (Mobile) training, and the application of safety
when doing work morning and the application of safety
4 Cleaning the place of 91,7 rewards (Susanto. 2020). Supporting this
work after completing statement, the level of education has a
a job relationship with the knowledge of the
5 The workplace needs 93,2 application of Occupational Safety and
to be properly Health, based on the respondent data
maintained to be safe obtained, almost most Civil Engineering
for workers students have realized and understood the
6 Always obey the rules 90,6 importance of Occupational Safety and
of work Health in the construction sector. This is
7 Make the place of 92,9 indicated by the total percentage of all
work comfortable to respondents' results reaching more than
make it more 85%. Students respond well in their level of
comfortable to work understanding of the importance of
8 Workers do not force 88,1 Occupational Safety and Health in the world
themselves to work if of work. This is due to the demographics of
they have problems students at Medan State University who
with themselves have mostly worked including students in
the Civil Engineering Study Program.
Work safety is defined as a thought or effort This factor can be the cause of students
to ensure the integrity and perfection of both responding quite well and having an
physical and spiritual labor in particular and awareness of the importance of
the head of its work and culture. According Occupational Safety and Health. So even
to Teguh (2020), occupational safety is a though students have not yet obtained
science and application related to machines, construction management courses in their
tools, materials, and work processes to education, students already have the
ensure the safety of workers and all knowledge and awareness of Occupational
production assets to avoid work accidents or Safety and Health. Students' Occupational
other losses. Meanwhile, occupational Safety and Health knowledge will be
health is a part of public health related to all enriched again when students get
work related to potential factors that affect construction management courses. Another
the health of workers. The occupational factor that becomes an indicator is the
health program is an important thing and provision of occupational safety and health
needs to be considered by employers training and certification to each student
because the existence of a health program during lecture time. Medan State University
will benefit employees materially because routinely provides occupational safety and
employees will be absent less often, work in health training and certification every year.
a more pleasant environment and so overall This training and certification is a form of
employees will be able to work longer. university concern, especially for the
According to Nur Indah (2022), the managers of the Civil Engineering study
occupational safety and health system is part program, for the readiness of prospective
of the overall management system which graduates in the world of work later.
includes the organizational structure,
planning activities, responsibilities,
10157 Journal of Positive School Psychology
Table 3. Variable results of Occupational
Safety and Health (X) knowledge 60
and awareness of Occupational 50
Safety and Health (Y) behavior 30
n ∑X ∑Y ∑X2 ∑Y2 ∑X 20
Y 0

0 20 40 60
22 101 104 4548 4766 4643
9 85 16 63 88 89

Before testing the data, it is assumed that this Figure 1. The relationship of Occupational
data meets the requirements, namely, normal Safety and Health knowledge to the
distribution, the data is randomly selected, awareness of Occupational Safety and
and the data has the same pairs. To get the Health behavior, namely a positive
value of the correlation coefficient (r) is: correlation

The positive correlation value (KP) in the

equation above shows how much the value
of the free variable, namely knowledge of
r = 0.482 Occupational Safety and Health, affects the
value of the bound variable, namely the
awareness of occupational safety and health
So, there is a relationship between behavior in students in the laboratory. The
knowledge of Occupational Safety and value (1-KP) will indicate the percentage of
Health and awareness of Occupational the magnitude of the influence of other
Safety and Health behavior in the laboratory, factors beyond the factors present in the free
where the results of the interpretation of the variable, in influencing the bound variable.
correlation coefficient (r = 0.482) are quite This means that the influence of the
strong. As for the values ranging from - 1≤ r relationship between Occupational Safety
≤ +1, the value of r = ± 1 is said to be a and Health knowledge on the awareness of
perfect correlation while r = 0 means the Occupational Safety and Health behavior is
absence of a correlation between the two 23,210% and the remaining 76,790% is
variables. The positive and negative signs of determined by other variables. To find out
a correlation value indicate the direction of whether there is a significant relationship
the correlation, If the value of r is marked between Occupational Safety and Health
positive it is said that the relationship knowledge and the awareness of
between the two variables is unidirectional occupational safety and health behavior of
or positive, while if the value of r is negative students in the laboratory with the following
it is said that the relationship between the testing steps, namely determining the
two variables is in the opposite direction or hypothesis, where:
negative, and can be seen in figure 1. Ha: There is a relationship between
After the value of the correlation coefficient knowledge of Occupational Safety and
is obtained, the value of the coefficient of Health and awareness of Occupational
determination can also be obtained by the Safety and Health behavior
equation Ho: There is no relationship between
KP = r2 x 100 % = 23.210%. knowledge of Occupational Safety and
Health and Awareness of Occupational
Safety and Health Behavior
Or Ha: r ≠ 0 and Ho: r = 0 Then determine
the significance level of the test using a
double-sided test with a significance level of
α = 5%. The degree of significance, in this
case, means that we risk being wrong in
deciding to reject the correct hypothesis as
much as 5 % or 0.05 is a standard measure
that is often used in research.
Determining t calculate based on the above
formula obtained the value is 7.25 and with
Syamsul Gultom 10158

the condition that the error rate α = 0.05, with Risk is an opportunity for accidents or losses,
a degree of freedom (dB) n - 2 or 229 - 2 = as well as the possibility of certain hazards,
227. So that (0.05, 227) is obtained for t the of course, in carrying out work there are risks
table by 1.97 (on table t) or can be searched that may be experienced by workers,
in Ms. Excel by typing = tinv (0.05, 227) including damage, eligibility or disability
then enter. From this test, Ho is rejected if t and death. Consciousness is a part of the
count < t table or t count > t table, therefore psyche that contains things that it is aware of
the value of t count > t table or 7.25 > 1.97 and knows. Consciousness is the attitude of
means that the correlation of variable X with a person who voluntarily obeys all the rules
Y or the relationship of knowledge of and is aware of his duties and
Occupational Safety and Health with the responsibilities. So it can be concluded that
awareness of Occupational Safety and consciousness is a condition in which a
Health behavior in students in civil person understands the rights and obligations
Engineering laboratories is significant. that must be carried out (Hudiro. 2021).
Knowledge of occupational health and safety Exposure to the research conducted by
Knowledge is the process of sensing a Ariyanto (2012), that this researcher and has
certain object through the five human senses, similarities with the results of previous
namely sight, hearing, smell, taste, and taste studies using different methods, the equation
by itself. At the time of sensing to produce obtained a positive influence or relationship
knowledge, it is greatly influenced by the of occupational health and safety knowledge
intensity of perceptual attention to objects. with a correlation coefficient rxy 2 of 0.757
Most human knowledge is acquired through or 57.30%. The equation is expected to then
the eyes and ears Awal (2017). The purpose foster a sense of enthusiasm to increase
of occupational health and safety as for insight into occupational health and safety
occupational health and safety itself knowledge, thus it can be concluded that the
according to Masanori (2021), namely: 1) So attitude of awareness of Occupational Safety
that every employee gets a guarantee of and Health behavior is a factor that still
occupational health and safety both needs to be improved to add insight into the
physically, socially, and psychologically. 2) attitude of caring for Occupational Safety
For every work equipment and equipment to and Health or improving behavior in
be used as well as possible, as effectively as complying with Occupational Safety and
possible. 3) So that all production products Health regulations.
are maintained safely. 4) So that there is a
A laboratory is a place where students,
guarantee for the maintenance and
lecturers, and researchers conduct
improvement of nutritional health. 5) To
experiments. Working in a Civil Engineering
increase excitement, work harmony, and
laboratory will not be separated from the
work participation. 6) To avoid health
possible dangers of the equipment in it.
problems caused by the environment and
Therefore, it is necessary to understand and
working conditions. 7) So that every
be aware of the dangers in the laboratory.
employee feels safe and secure at work.
There have been many accidents or suffered
Benefits of implementing occupational
injuries and damage to very expensive work
health and safety.
facilities. All incidents or accidents in the
According to Nur Indah (2022), there are laboratory can be avoided if they always
several important benefits in the process of follow safe work procedures in the
implementing Occupational Safety and laboratory. Furthermore, it is necessary to
Health, namely: 1) Employee protection The immediately make improvements to improve
core purpose of implementing an student professionalism. The corrective steps
Occupational Safety and Health that can be taken include a) increasing
management system is to protect workers. knowledge of occupational safety in student
how un workers are company assets that laboratories through learning, and b)
must be maintained and maintained their students show maximum performance as a
safety 2) Reduce costs By implementing an form of achieving their learning
Occupational Safety and Health achievements. In addition, it is necessary to
management system can prevent accidents, have a role for lecturers in the development
damage, or illness due to work so that there of practicum programs that emphasize
is no need to incur costs incurred as a result occupational health and safety in the
of such accidents Risk of work accidents laboratory through practicum modules and
10159 Journal of Positive School Psychology
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