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186 393 2 Ed
Nadratul Ulya 1 , Ermi Girsang 2 , Ali Napiah Nasution 3 , Sri Lestari Ramadhani
Nasution 4
Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Prima Indonesia Medan
Department of Public Health, University of Prima Indonesia Medan
Department of Tropical Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia Medan
Department of Public Health Megister, University of Prima Indonesia, Medan
Table 1 Measurement Aspects Of The Independent Variable And The Dependent Variable
Variable Definition Tool Measuring Results Scale
Socio- Characteristics or Questionnaire 20-25 years
demographic characteristics of 25-30 years
a. Age individuals 30-35 years old
> 35 years old
SPK, D3, SI Nursing Ordinal
b. Education Male Female Nominal
c.Gender Islam, Hinduism Nominal
Buddhist, Catholic,
d. Religion Christian
5. Data Analysis
To test the associative hypothesis
between the independent variable
and the dependent variable. The
data in this study will be analyzed
using the correlation test
(Correlation test). The limit of
significance used is the level of
significance (α) = 0.05 or in the 95%
confidence interval table. Data were
processed using SPSS 20.00 For
Windows (Notoatmojo, 2010b).
After the research data were
obtained, several analyzes were
carried out, namely: Univariate
Analysis, Bivariate Analysis, and
Multivariate Analysis.
Study instrument
Research Ethics
1. Bivariate Analysis
Bivariate analysis is used with the chi
square test which aims to find
variables related to compliance.
Table 2. Influence between Knowledge and Compliance with the use of
Personal Protective Equipment
Source: Primary Data , 2019
Periodontal Disease
OR p
Variable No Yes
N % N %
Oral Hygiene
Poor 62 67.4 30 32.6
0.47 0.033
Good 88 81.5 20 18.5
Smoking behaviour
No 77 86.5 12 13.5
3.34 0.001
Yes 73 65.8 38 34.2
No 74 85.1 13 14.9
2.77 0.007
Yes 76 67.3 37 32.7
No 80 79.2 21 20.8
1.57 0.221
Yes 70 70.7 29 29.3
Based on the results of the chi (B) is 21,029 which means that nurses
square test, it is known that motivation with good knowledge will increase
and knowledge variables have a compliance by 21 times compared to
significant correlation with compliance nurses with less knowledge.
with the use of personal protective The most influential variable on
equipment, this can be seen from the the variable of compliance with the use
value of probability below 0.05 (p of personal protective equipment is the
<0.05), so that both of these variables knowledge variable with the result of the
can proceed to multivariate analysis odds ratio = 21,029.
with logistic regression . From the
results of logistic statistics, it can be
seen that the Exp (B) value of the DISCUSSION
motivation variable is 19.721 which The results of this study indicate
means that nurses with good motivation a P-value of 0.009 shows a significant
will increase compliance by 19.7 times result of p <0.05, so it can be interpreted
compared to nurses with less that there is an influence between
motivation. And for the results of the respondent knowledge and compliance
varibel knowledge of the value of Exp in the use of personal protective
equipment. This is in accordance with equipment of the respondents and their
the safety triad theory in (Notoatmojo, compliance with the use of personal
2010b), Geller revealed that to form a protective equipment. This study is in
safety culture there are three line with (Rizka Ayu, Z, 2017) research
components that are interconnected which
with one another and must be achieved, shows that there is no significant
namely people (people), behavior relationship between equipment
(behavior) and environment availability and worker compliance in
(environment). . The person component using personal protective equipment.
is knowledge, ability, motivation and The researcher assumes that
personality. basically the hospital has provided
The assumption of the researcher personal protective equipment for its
is that someone who has good workers because this personal protective
knowledge and understanding of equipment is one of the operational
personal protective equipment and its standards that must be applied in the
use will have a high level of awareness so hospital. The personal protective
that they can be obedient in applying it equipment provided does not affect the
so as to create a safety culture. This is compliance level of workers in using it
shown by the results of the study that while in the hospital environment
the respondents who obeyed using because the availability of personal
personal protective equipment and had protective equipment does not have a
good knowledge were as many as 20 direct effect on compliance with its use.
people, while respondents who obeyed
but had less knowledge were 2 people.
This study shows that there is an
influence between respondents'
motivation and compliance with the use
of personal protective equipment. The
assumption of researchers is that there
is a relationship between motivation and
compliance with the use of personal
protective equipment because
motivation has a direct effect on the use
of personal protective equipment.
Based on the safety triad theory
in (Notoatmojo, 2010a), Geller revealed
that to form a safety culture there are
three components that are
interconnected with one another and
must be achieved, namely people
(people), behavior (behavior) and
environment (environment). The person
component is knowledge, ability,
motivation and personality.
The results of this study indicate
that there is no effect between the
availability of personal protective
Kartika Dyah S, D. (2014) ‘Analisis
Faktor yang Berhubungan
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION Dengan Kepatuhan Menggunakan
Nadratul Ulya was the main researcher Alat Pelindung Diri. The Indonesian
who chosethe topics, tracked, and Jounal of Occufational Safety’, p.
collected research data. Ermi Girsang, universitas airlangga.
Ali Napiah Nasution , and , Sri Lestari Notoatmojo (2010a) Ilmu Perilaku
Ramadhani Nasution played a role in Kesehatan. Jakarta: PT Rineka
analyzing data and reviewing research Cipta.
documents Notoatmojo (2010b) Metodologi
Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta:
SPONSORSHIP Rizka Ayu, Z, D. (2017) ‘Kepatuhan
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Menggunakan Alat Pelindung
Diri Ditinjau Dari Pengetahuan dan
CONFLICT OF INTEREST Perilaku Pada Petugas Instalasi
There was no conflict of interest in this Pemeliharaan Sarana dan
study Prasarana Rumah Sakit
Suyati, D. dan T. (2015) Prinsip-Prinsip
REFERENCE K3 Lingkungan Hidup. malang:
Djatmiko, R, D. (2016) Keselamatan Gunung Samudra.
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