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Nadratul Ulya 1 , Ermi Girsang 2 , Ali Napiah Nasution 3 , Sri Lestari Ramadhani
Nasution 4
Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Prima Indonesia Medan
Department of Public Health, University of Prima Indonesia Medan
Department of Tropical Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia Medan
Department of Public Health Megister, University of Prima Indonesia, Medan


Background: Hospital health between the availability of personal

personnel have a high hazard impact. In protective equipment and compliance
the Ministry of Health of the Republic of with the use of personal protective
Indonesia in 2010 related to hospital equipment (P = 0.555). personal
occupational health and safety protection (P = 0.009).
programs, one of which is the Conclusion: Good knowledge and
development of emergency response understanding of personal protective
management, one of the equipment and its use will have a high
implementations that must be done is to level of awareness so that they can be
provide personal protective equipment obedient in applying it so as to create a
to officers in risky places. Work accident safety culture.
cases in 2017 were 80,392 cases, Keywords: Behavior, Availability Of
meanwhile in North Sumatra in 2017 Tools, Motivation, Complience,
there were 6,271 cases. Protective Equipment.
Subject and Method: This research Correspondence: Nadratul Ulya,
was conducted using the observation Masters Program in Public Health,
method in the Emergency Unit and Universitas Prima Indonesia Medan.
Intensive Care Unit of the Royal Prima Email: [email protected].
General Hospital. The population of this
study were 46 nurses who worked in the
Emergency Unit and officers in the
Intensive Care Unit of the Royal Prima
General Hospital. The sample size used
was 32 people. The analysis was carried
out to test the associative data
hypothesis, in this study it will be
analyzed using the correlation test using
SPSS 20.00 For Windows.
Results: There is an influence between
respondent motivation and compliance
in using personal protective equipment
(P = 0.004), There is no influence
several factors including knowledge,
attitudes, motivation and the availability
of personal protective equipment.
Health care is the right of every
Occupational Health and Safety is
person guaranteed in the 1945
one form of effort to create a safe and
Constitution of the Republic of
healthy workplace, free from
environmental pollution, so that it can
protect and be free from workplace
accidents which can ultimately improve
efficiency and work productivity.(Irzal,
which must be realized with efforts to 2016)
increase the highest degree of public Work accidents are accidents that
health. Hospital is a health service occur related to work relationships,
facility that aims to conduct individual including diseases that arise due to work
health services in a comprehensive relationships, as well as accidents that
manner, more focused on health occur on the way to leave from home to
promotion efforts (promotive) and work, and return home via the usual or
prevention (preventive) without reasonable road through. (Suyati, 2015)
neglecting curative and rehabilitative
efforts that provide inpatient, outpatient Behavior is an action, activity,
and emergency services. response, reaction, movement and
process carried out by an organism.
Work accident cases in 2017 were (Kartika Dyah S, 2014)
80,392 cases, meanwhile in North
Sumatra in 2017 there were 6,271 cases. Safety culture is a part of organizational
Hospital health workers are considered culture that is influenced by the
to have sufficient knowle dge so that behavior of its members in the safety
they are able to protect themselves from performance framework. Personal
all potential hazards that exist in their protective equipment is a set of safety
workplaces. Laboratory staff and tools used by workers to protect all or
Radilogy as workers of one of the units part of their body from the possibility of
in the Hospital with high potential exposure to potential environmental
hazards also have the possibility to hazards to work-related accidents and
experience the risk of the hazard. In diseases.(Tarwaka, 2008)
order to overcome these risks, proper
Personal Protection Equipment
efforts to control hazards should always
or personal protective equipment is a
be carried out by the workplace
tool used to protect themselves from all
possible accidents due to an activity.
Based on the results of the
This is very adapted to the type of
preliminary survey of researchers with
garden that is being implemented and
the method of observation carried out in
the potential hazards that exist. Hazard
the Emergency Unit and Intensive Care
is something that has the potential to
Unit of the Royal Prima General
cause harm.(Djatmiko, R, 2016)
Hospital to health workers in the field
that is still found nurses and who have Subject and Method
not been compliant in using personal
protective equipment. This happens by 1. Study design
This research was conducted using sample size based on each level is 32
the observation method which people.
lasted 2 months (February - March
2019), at the Emergency Unit and 3. Study Variables
Intensive Care Unit of the Royal Variable yang digunakan dalam
Prima General Hospital. penelitian ini adalah Kepatuhan
2. Population and Sample penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri
The number of nurses working in sebagai variable dependen. Sosio-
the Emergency Unit and Intensive demografi, pengetahuan, motivasi,
Care Unit is 46 people. Sampling dan ketersediaan alat pelindung diri
was carried out by Proportional sebagai variable independen.
Staratified random sampling
(Sastroasmoro, 2008). So the 4. Operational Defenition of

Table 1 Measurement Aspects Of The Independent Variable And The Dependent Variable
Variable Definition Tool Measuring Results Scale

Socio- Characteristics or Questionnaire 20-25 years
demographic characteristics of 25-30 years
a. Age individuals 30-35 years old
  > 35 years old
  SPK, D3, SI Nursing Ordinal
b. Education Male Female Nominal
c.Gender Islam, Hinduism Nominal
  Buddhist, Catholic,
d. Religion Christian

Knowledge The level of information Questionnaire Less

and knowledge that ≤ 50%
nurses have about PPE. Good ≥50%
Motivation Drivers in individuals who Questionnaire Less: ≤ 62.5%
can be in the form of Good:> 62.5%
desire, attention, will,  
which leads to the use of
PPE individuals.

Availability of Completeness of PPE Questionnaire None <50%

personal provided by the Hospital. There is :
protective > 50%

Dependent Obedience of nurses in Questionnaire Not compliant Ordinal 

Compliance carrying out regulations ≤50%
with the use of regarding the use of
Variable Definition Tool Measuring Results Scale

Personal personal protective

Protective equipment as an initial
Equipment as effort to minimize
an effort to workplace accidents
prevent work

5. Data Analysis
To test the associative hypothesis
between the independent variable
and the dependent variable. The
data in this study will be analyzed
using the correlation test
(Correlation test). The limit of
significance used is the level of
significance (α) = 0.05 or in the 95%
confidence interval table. Data were
processed using SPSS 20.00 For
Windows (Notoatmojo, 2010b).
After the research data were
obtained, several analyzes were
carried out, namely: Univariate
Analysis, Bivariate Analysis, and
Multivariate Analysis.

  Study instrument

 Research Ethics

1. Bivariate Analysis
Bivariate analysis is used with the chi
square test which aims to find
variables related to compliance.
Table 2. Influence between Knowledge and Compliance with the use of
Personal Protective Equipment
Source: Primary Data , 2019

Table 3. Determinants of Periodontal Disease (an analysis by Chi Square)

Periodontal Disease
OR p
Variable No Yes
N % N %
Oral Hygiene
Poor 62 67.4 30 32.6
0.47 0.033
Good 88 81.5 20 18.5
Smoking behaviour
No 77 86.5 12 13.5
3.34 0.001
Yes 73 65.8 38 34.2
No 74 85.1 13 14.9
2.77 0.007
Yes 76 67.3 37 32.7
No 80 79.2 21 20.8
1.57 0.221
Yes 70 70.7 29 29.3

Based on the chi square statistical

means the level of correlation of
test results obtained P-value = 0.009 variables in the category is very weak.
showed a significant result p <0.05 so it This is consistent with the theory of
can be interpreted that there is an safety triad in (Notoatmojo, 2010b),
influence between respondents'
Geller said that to establish a culture of
knowledge with compliance in the use of
safety, there are three components that
personal protective equipment. are interconnected with each other and
The closeness of the relationship must be achieved, namely people
between the two variables can be known( people) , behavior (behavior) and
by using the spearman correlation testenvirotment (environment) . The person
(r) = 0.008 in the range of 0.00 - 0.199
component is knowledge, ability,
motivation and personality.
Table 3. Influence between Motivation and Compliance with the Use of
Personal Protective Equipment
Motivation Obedie (% ) Not obedient (%) Total (%) P value
Well 18 85.7 3 14.3 21 (100) 0.004
Less 4 36.4 7 63.6 11 (100)  
Total 22 68.8 10 31.2 32 (100)  
Source: Primary Data , 2019
Based on the results of the chi means the level of correlation of
square statistical test P-value = 0.004 variables in the category is very weak.
shows a significant result p <0.05 so it Based on the theory of safety
can be interpreted that there is an triad in (Notoatmojo, 2010a),Geller said
influence between the motivation of that to establish a culture of safety, there
respondents with adherence in the use are three components that are
of personal protective equipment. The interconnected with each other and
closeness of the relationship between must be achieved, namely people
the two variables can be known by using ( people) , behavior (behavior) and
the spearman correlation test (r) = envirotment (environment). The person
0.003 in the range of 0.00 - 0.199 component is knowledge, ability,
motivation and personality.

Table 4 Effect between Availability of Tools and Compliance with Use of

Personal Protective Equipment

Availability Obedi (% ) Not (%) Total (%) P value

Tool ent obedient

There is 18 66.7 9 33.3 27 (100,) 0.555

There is no 4 80.8 1 20.0 5 (100)  

Total 22 68.8 10 31.2 32 (100)  

Source: Primary Data , 2019

Based on the results of the chi the availability personal protective
square statistical test P-value 0.555 equipment has no direct effect on
showed insignificant results p> 0.05 so compliance with its use.
that it can be interpreted that there is no
influence between the availability of
respondent's personal protective
equipment with compliance in the use of
personal protective equipment.
Researcher's assumptions are
basically that the hospital has provided
personal protective equipment for its
workers because this personal protective
equipment is one of the operational
standards that must be applied in
hospitals. The personal protective
equipment provided does not affect the
level of compliance of workers in using it
while in the hospital environment due to
2. Multivariate Analysis

Table 5 Logistic Regression Effect of Motivation and Knowledge of the Use

of Personal Protective Equipment
N Independent B Value P value Exp (B) 95% CIforExp (B)
o Variables
          Lower Upper
1 Motivation 2,982 0.013 19,721 1,876 207,291
2 Knowledge 3,049 0.022 21,029 1,599 283,689
3 Constant -8,945 0.005 0.00  
Source: Primary Data , 2019

Table 7. The result of multiple logistic regression analysis

95% CI
Independent Variables OR p
Lower limit Upper limit
Perceived Seriousness 27.01 2.04 357.91 0.012
Perceived Benefits 26.95 2.20 329.95 0.010
Perceived Barriers 0.021 0.00 0.90 0.044
User Behavior 21.37 1.94 235.92 0.012
N observation= 80
-2 log likelihood= 24.98
Nagelkerke R2= 83.7%

Based on the results of the chi (B) is 21,029 which means that nurses
square test, it is  known that motivation with good knowledge will increase
and knowledge variables have a compliance by 21 times compared to
significant correlation with compliance nurses with less knowledge.
with the use of personal protective The most influential variable on
equipment, this can be seen from the the variable of compliance with the use
value of probability below 0.05 (p of personal protective equipment is the
<0.05), so that both of these variables knowledge variable with the result of the
can proceed to multivariate analysis odds ratio = 21,029.
with logistic regression . From the
results of logistic statistics, it can be
seen that the Exp (B) value of the DISCUSSION
motivation variable is 19.721 which The results of this study indicate
means that nurses with good motivation a P-value of 0.009 shows a significant
will increase compliance by 19.7 times result of p <0.05, so it can be interpreted
compared to nurses with less that there is an influence between
motivation. And for the results of the respondent knowledge and compliance
varibel knowledge of the value of Exp in the use of personal protective
equipment. This is in accordance with equipment of the respondents and their
the safety triad theory in (Notoatmojo, compliance with the use of personal
2010b), Geller revealed that to form a protective equipment. This study is in
safety culture there are three line with (Rizka Ayu, Z, 2017) research
components that are interconnected which
with one another and must be achieved, shows that there is no significant
namely people (people), behavior relationship between equipment
(behavior) and environment availability and worker compliance in
(environment). . The person component using personal protective equipment.
is knowledge, ability, motivation and The researcher assumes that
personality. basically the hospital has provided
The assumption of the researcher personal protective equipment for its
is that someone who has good workers because this personal protective
knowledge and understanding of equipment is one of the operational
personal protective equipment and its standards that must be applied in the
use will have a high level of awareness so hospital. The personal protective
that they can be obedient in applying it equipment provided does not affect the
so as to create a safety culture. This is compliance level of workers in using it
shown by the results of the study that while in the hospital environment
the respondents who obeyed using because the availability of personal
personal protective equipment and had protective equipment does not have a
good knowledge were as many as 20 direct effect on compliance with its use.
people, while respondents who obeyed
but had less knowledge were 2 people.
This study shows that there is an
influence between respondents'
motivation and compliance with the use
of personal protective equipment. The
assumption of researchers is that there
is a relationship between motivation and
compliance with the use of personal
protective equipment because
motivation has a direct effect on the use
of personal protective equipment.
Based on the safety triad theory
in (Notoatmojo, 2010a), Geller revealed
that to form a safety culture there are
three components that are
interconnected with one another and
must be achieved, namely people
(people), behavior (behavior) and
environment (environment). The person
component is knowledge, ability,
motivation and personality.
The results of this study indicate
that there is no effect between the
availability of personal protective
Kartika Dyah S, D. (2014) ‘Analisis
Faktor yang Berhubungan
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION Dengan Kepatuhan Menggunakan
Nadratul Ulya was the main researcher Alat Pelindung Diri. The Indonesian
who chosethe topics, tracked, and Jounal of Occufational Safety’, p.
collected research data. Ermi Girsang, universitas airlangga.
Ali Napiah Nasution , and , Sri Lestari Notoatmojo (2010a) Ilmu Perilaku
Ramadhani Nasution played a role in Kesehatan. Jakarta: PT Rineka
analyzing data and reviewing research Cipta.
documents Notoatmojo (2010b) Metodologi
Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta:
SPONSORSHIP Rizka Ayu, Z, D. (2017) ‘Kepatuhan
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Menggunakan Alat Pelindung
Diri Ditinjau Dari Pengetahuan dan
CONFLICT OF INTEREST Perilaku Pada Petugas Instalasi
There was no conflict of interest in this Pemeliharaan Sarana dan
study Prasarana Rumah Sakit
Suyati, D. dan T. (2015) Prinsip-Prinsip
REFERENCE K3 Lingkungan Hidup. malang:
Djatmiko, R, D. (2016) Keselamatan Gunung Samudra.
dan Kesehatan Kerja. yogyakarta. Tarwaka (2008) Keselamatan dan
Irzal (2016) Dasar-dasar Kesehatan Kesehatan Kerja: Manajemen
dan Keselamatan Kerja. Jakarta: dan Implementasi K3 di Tempat
Kencana. Kerja. Surakarta: Harapan Press.

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