Edes 361 Rubric Joseph Simon

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Periodical Video Journal - Joseph Simon

Learning Opportunity description:

This learning opportunity involves creating four individual video journals lasting 5 minutes.

These videos will be done once a week over the course of a month. In them, students will reflect on the

concept of justice, applying it to two texts that will be seen and read during the classroom: the movie 12

angry men and extracts from the Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams’ memoir Blue Rage, Black Redemption.

The movie portrays a jury composed of white men who must decide the fate of an Hispanic boy

who is accused of murdering his father, and the internal conflict they live. The memoir is a story of a

former gang leader who later renounced violence and chose a path of redemption, becoming a famous

activist who tried to help youth escape gang activity. He was convicted with the murder of four persons,

but always maintained his innocence.

The students will have to, each week, respond to one of the guiding questions provided by the

teacher and create a video essay that will reflectively answer the question. The questions are the


Week 1. Is death penalty just? In your own words and based on the memoir by Stanley ‘Tookie’

Williams, reflect on whether the justice system was right to decide to end his life.

2. Is there space for redemption in our society? Think about the Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams story.

3. Do you think Stanley Williams is right when he talks about the “unending nightmare of racial

minorities”? For your response, lean on the Tookie Williams case and the Hispanic boy from the 12

angry men movie.

4. Do you agree with the resolution of the jury in 12 angry men? If so, why? Or why not?

The students, through the use of the English language, are exposed to important elements of

culture that will enrich their personal views and capacity for reflection. The students will respond to

different texts while producing their own.

4- Excellent 3- Good 2- Acceptable 1- Poor

Arguments Arguments show Arguments show Arguments show Arguments are not
depth and clear depth and clear depth and clear strong and
engagement with engagement with engagement with superficial, as the
the content. The the content. The the content. reflection only
arguments are arguments are However, they are shows opinion.
authentic and authentic and not exactly a They also do not
original. In original, however, personal reveal a personal
addition, the the student reflection, as they reflection and are
student explains struggles with draw heavily on vague overall.
them in their own communicating in what was said
words. the English during class
language. and/or other
Coherence The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection
provided in the provided in the provided in the provided in the
video essay is video essay is video essay is video essay is not
well structured, well-structured, somewhat very well
coherent, and coherent, and structured, structured and is
cohesive. The cohesive. The coherent, and not coherent or
different different cohesive. The cohesive. The
arguments are arguments are different arguments are not
interconnected, interconnected, arguments are interconnected,
and the student and the student interconnected; and the student
doesn’t deviate doesn’t deviate however, the has issues to stay
from the guiding from the guiding students deviate a on track and focus
question, showing question. While little from the on the guiding
capacity to focus the student shows guiding question, question.
and stay on track. a capacity to focus hence the work is
on the guiding a little unfocused.
question, they
could benefit from
a smoother
transition between
Language The use of The use of The use of The use of
English is English is English is good, English is poor,
excellent, making excellent, making although the since the student
few to no few to no student makes makes a lot of
mistakes. mistakes. some discernible errors. Grammar
Grammar rules are Grammar rules are errors. Grammar rules are constant
respected, and respected, and rules are almost and oral
oral oral always respected, communication is
communication is communication is and oral hard to understand
easily understood. easily understood, communication is overall.
albeit with some possible to
difficulty. understand, albeit
with some

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