The coherence
There is a strong Overall, the organization
could be improved
organization, as ideas is good, although there
as some parts are Everything falls
or scenes flow may be instances where
difficult to follow, apart, there are no
Organization seamlessly in a logical an idea or scene
and the transitions organised ideas or
progression, aided by appears disconnected.
between ideas are arguments.
clear transitions Clear transitions are
between them. employed throughout.
The student
The student
demonstrates a
demonstrates a
The vocabulary is The student repetitive and
limited range of
varied and precise, demonstrates a good limited range of
vocabulary and
the student range of vocabulary and vocabulary. The
unclear ideas.
demonstrates a fluent is very fluent when ideas are unclear
Language Use There are
and natural way to expressing ideas. There and difficult to
express ideas. are minor grammatical understand. There
grammatical errors
Grammar and syntax errors that do not are frequent
that occasionally
are correct. impede understanding. grammatical errors
that impede
The student
The student makes There are a lot of
proficient grammar The student barely
some mistakes grammar and
and spelling, ensuring makes mistakes
Grammar & regarding grammar spelling mistakes,
that the reader regarding grammar and
Spelling and spelling. The the content
remains focused on spelling. The essay can
essay can be becomes hard to
the content without be understood easily.
understood easily. enjoy.
being distracted by
A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D E
Overall Score
9.5 9 8.5 8 7 6.5 6 5 4.5 4 3