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Date: February 17, 2020

Grade Level: Grade 11
Subject: Oral Communication in Context
Core Subject Description: The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communication
in various situations.
Content Standard: The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of speech context,
speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.
Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech
At the end of the lesson the students are able to;
a. Identify nomination and restriction;
b. Simulate an interview applying nomination and restriction communicative strategy; and
c. Reflect on the importance of nomination and restriction in an interview and other real-life situations.


A. Topic: Types of Communicative Strategy: Nomination and Restriction
B. Learning Competency: Engages in a communicative situation using acceptable, polite and meaningful
communicative strategies EN11/12OC-IIab-21
C. Time Allotment: 1 hour
D. Instructional materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Projector, Speaker

Preliminaries: Opening Prayer, Checking of Attendance, Greetings.

A. Activity: Think-Pair-Share (Video Clip Analysis)

 The class will be grouped having five members and will discuss the skills and strategies essential for
the interview based on the video clip presented a given real interview scenarios.

B. Analysis:
1. Who started the interview? How did the interview go?
2. What were the limitations of the questions being asked?
3. How did the applicant respond to the questions?
4. What were the aspects considered by the applicants in answering the questions?

C. Abstraction:
 The teacher will process the activity emphasizing on the role of the employer and the applicant, and
gradually introducing the concepts of nomination and restriction as communicative strategies.
 The teacher will further discuss the meaning, guidelines and examples of nomination and restriction
communicative strategies through interactive discussion.
D. Application:
 The students will work by twos and simulate an interview applying what they have learned under
nomination and restriction communicative strategies considering language form, duration of
interaction, relationship of speaker, role and responsibilities of the speaker, and message during
communicative situation.
Performance shall be graded using the rubric below:
2 4 6 8
Clarity All questions and Questions and answers Questions or answers Questions and answers
answers were were awkward and were awkward at were clear and
awkward and incomprehensible to times but always comprehensible.
incomprehensible. understand at times. understandable.
Pronunciation Student's Student's pronunciation Student's Student's pronunciation
pronunciation was made understanding pronunciation was good enough to
incomprehensible, difficult, but with effort, understandable with understand what every
making understanding possible to guess what some error. Still word said was. "Accent"
impossible. student was trying to difficult to understand, noticeable, but not
say. but pronunciation was enough to take away
good enough to from understanding.
understand what
he/she was trying to
Fluency Student was unable to Student took a long time Student was able to Students were able to
ask or respond to to ask and respond to ask and answer the communicate clearly with
most questions. questions. A lot of questions, but with no difficulty. Student
unnatural pauses and some difficulty. Use of asked and answered
hesitations. some questions with almost no
awkward/unnatural hesitation, and no trace
pauses, but overall of unusually long pauses
speech was not or hesitation.
difficult to follow.
Comprehension Student was unable to The student showed The student The student fully
comprehend most little comprehension of understood most of understood the questions
questions. Questions questions. Questions what was asked of asked and answered
had to be repeated had to be repeated, but him/her, and correctly.
several times. Even all questions were responded in a more
very simple sentences. eventually answered. or less appropriate
Content Did not ask Asked some Gave appropriate Asked appropriate
appropriate questions inappropriate questions questions for survey questions and answered
for information, no for information or information but all questions with related
response to questions. answered question with responses were information. Did not give
very limited or off-topic limited in content. any off-topic information
answers. that did not fit the

E. Assessment:
Reflection Log: The students will reflect on the importance of nomination and restriction in an interview and
other real-life situations.
The teacher will pick some outputs to be shared in class.
Exit slip:
3 Things I’ve learned
2 Things Facts
1 Question I still have

IV. Assignment:
Research about the other types of Communicative Strategy and give a short description each of it:

 Turn-taking  Repair
 Topic control  Termination
 Topic shifting

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