Final Demo LP - Making Connections

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Foundation Inc.
Philippine-Japan Friendship Highway,Sasa, Davao City



I- Objectives
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding Anglo-American literature and other text types
serve as means of valuing other people.

Performance Standard:
The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation through
employing effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the following criteria:
Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body Movements or Gestures.

Learning Competency:
 Analyze literature as a means of valuing other people and their various
circumstances in life. (EN9LT-IIa-15)

Intended Learning Outcomes (Objectives):

At the end of the discussion, the 75% of the learners will be able to:
 recognize social issues, concerns, or existing dispositions in the present-day;
 relate the poem entitled “The Kid In The Back Of The Class by Nick” to a particular
issues, concerns, or disposition; and,
 promote on fighting social issues and concerns in the present-day through slogan

II- Subject Matter

B. Reference:
a. English CG
b. English 8 - Quarter 2 – Module 1

C. Materials: Instructional Materials

 PowerPoint Presentation
 Traditional Visual Aids

III- Procedures:
A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Attendance
c. Classroom Management
B. Activity (Motivational)
- The teacher will present the pictures to the class.

C. Analysis
- The students will answer the following questions:
1. What do you observe on the given pictures?
2. Do you observe this kind of scenario in the present-day?

D. Abstraction (discussion)
 The teacher will start to discuss the lesson.


Making Connections is a critical reading comprehension strategy that helps you

make meaning of what you are reading. When you make connections to the texts
that you are reading, it helps you to make sense of what you read, retain the
information better, and engage more with the text itself.

Keene and Zimmerman (1997) concluded that you comprehend better when you
make different kinds of connections:

Types of Connection

 Text-to-Self Connection
- These are connections where you connect what you are reading to
personal experiences or knowledge.
- Question to consider:
 What does this remind me of in my life?
 What is this similar to in my life?
 How is this different from my life?
 Has something like this ever happened to me?
 How does this relate to my life?
 What were my feelings when I read this?

 Text-to-Text Connection
- These connections are made when you can connect what you are
reading to other books that you have read or listened to before.
- Question to consider:
 What does this remind me of in another book I’ve read?
 How is this text similar to other things I’ve read?
 How is this different from other books I’ve read?
 Have I read about something like this before?

 Text-to-World Connection
- These are connections where you connect what you are reading to real
events (past of present), social issues, other people, and happenings
going on in the world.
- Question to consider:
 What does this remind me of in the real world?
 How is this text similar to things that happen in the real
 How is this different from things that happen in the real
 How did that part relate to the world around me?

- The teacher will have a review the lesson with a twist.

- The students must participate.

 The students will gather at the back of the class.
 The teacher will show a statement on the screen.
 The students will choose whether the statement is a Text-to-Self Connections,
Text-to-Text Connections, or Text-to-World Connections.
 The students will form a line to their chosen answer.
 The student will only have 5 seconds to answer each item.

1. Like Cinderella, Snow White is kind and beautiful.

A. Text-to-Self
B. Text-to-Text
C. Text-to-World
2. 'I have a stepsister like Cinderella'
A. Text-to-Self
B. Text-to-Text
C. Text-to-Word
3. As shown in the story, domestic violence is everywhere.
A. Text-to-Self
B. Text-to-Text
C. Text-to-Word
4. Family problems are present in all places.
A. Text-to-Self
B. Text-to-Text
C. Text-to-Word
5. Her stepmother is wicked just like Rapunzel's mother.
A. Text-to-Self
B. Text-to-Text
C. Text-to-Word

E. Application (Real-life situation)

 The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups.
 Each group will create a slogan that will relate to the given poem entitled “The
Kid in The Back of the Class”.
 The group will first identify what issue is being presented on the poem.
 The groups will only have 10 minutes to create their output and 1 minute to
present on how that issue they think will be solved.
 Their output will be graded base on the given rubrics.

The Kid in The Back of the Class

By: Nick

The kids pointed and the kids laughed

At the young man that sat in the back of the class.

The one with his head down

To conceal his lost frown,
The one whose face of confusion
Led to all the students' intrusion.

Him feeling miserable was the children's desire;

They most enjoyed teasing him of his attire.
From the clothing he would wear
To the weird styles of his hair.

As the children ridiculed him and called him names,

The young man hid his face in great shame.
What was he to do when it was one vs. all?
'Cause he knew what they'd do when they found him in the hall.

The bruises on his skin

We’re not punishments from his own sins.
But they were the cruelty for his differences,
And the consequence of his existence.
Rubrics for Slogan Making

CRITERIA 10 points 8 points 5 points

Clarity The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
straightforward and somewhat clear unclear and difficult
easily understood, but may be open to understand.
conveying a clear to interpretation.
Relevance to The slogan is highly The slogan is The slogan is
Theme or relevant to the theme somewhat unrelated to the
Purpose or purpose, effectively connected to the intended theme or
conveying the intended theme but lacks purpose.
message. strong relevance.
Creativity The slogan is creative, The slogan The slogan lacks
original, and stands shows some creativity and is
out, capturing attention creativity but generic or
effectively. includes common unoriginal.
or overused
Conciseness The slogan is concise, The slogan is The slogan is overly
memorable, and somewhat long, making it
effectively conveys the concise but could difficult to
message with brevity. be shortened for remember.
greater impact.
Originality The slogan is highly The slogan The slogan is
original, setting it apart shows some unoriginal,
from commonly used originality but resembling
phrases and slogans. may borrow from commonly used
existing slogans. phrases or clichés.

IV- Evaluation
Directions: On 1 whole sheet of paper, the students will answer the following questions
1. What does the word "bullying" mean to you?
2. What can you do to stop bullying?
3. Why is it important to talk about bullying?
Directions: On 1 whole sheet of paper, answer the following questions.
1. What other issues or concerns you noticed in the present-day that you think must be
addressed? Explain your answer with supporting details.

Prepared by:
CTE Intern

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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