Speaking Skill:: INSTRUCTIONS: Three Questions Will Be Asked (The Teacher Chooses Any Question So

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INSTRUCTIONS: Three questions will be asked (the teacher chooses any question so
you have to be prepared), each question will be graded over 25%. At the end of the
session your grade on each question will be averaged in order to get the final grade
over 25%:


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1. Talk about an accident you had when you were a child, describe the event. (4)

(p. 31 accidents and injuries vocabulary, expressions, simple past, past


When I was a girl I played whit my dolls on the stairs at home, buy a day my

brother left his toy airplane that had wheels. I slipped on the toy airplane and

lost the consciousness

That is awful

2. Talk about any natural disaster you have seen, read about or heard. (4) (p. 31

accidents and injuries vocabulary, expressions, simple past, past progressive,

past perfect)

I remember that on April 16, 2016. the earth suddenly trembled.

My family and me were scared because the earth did not stop shaking.

The next day, we learned on television that the earthquake had as its epicenter

pedernales located in the province of Manabí

This earthquake lasted approximately more than a minute.

Unfortunately, this left much damage to the materials and many human losses

3. Describe a dramatic experience you have had. (4) (p. 31 accidents and injuries

vocabulary, expressions, simple past, past progressive, past perfect, adverbs for

telling stories)

I remember that this semester I had to stay with my partner in the university until

the night, because we were finishing the programming project.

Luckily, his father went to see her, but he had not parked near us.

So, we had to go through the middle of the university

we were really terrified because everything was dark

4. Talk about any changes of plan you had recently (5) (meant to/supposed to)

I'm supposed to go on that bike every day for exercise, but

I'm meant to get on the bus on rainy days because my suitcase could get wet

5. Talk about your future plans: already made, decision at the moment of

speaking, something you are sure will happen. (5) (Future forms)

6. Talk about something that went wrong (5) (Future in the past, p. 41)
7. Give some advices on how to save money (6) (p. 46 expressions, linking words)

8. Give advice to a problem and give reasons for your advice (6) (p. 50 linking

words for reasons)

9. Describe your personality: qualities and flaws, give reasons to support your

answer (7) (personality adjectives)


Please bring the Rubric printed the day you take the

Little or no hesitation, natural Little hesitation, natural pauses.
pauses (minimum). Responses Responses appear spontaneous. Major pauses. Memorized material
appear spontaneous. Good Good creativity and Some hesitation. Material Some hesitation. Material with little or no understanding or
creativity and personalization. personalization. Creative answers seems to be memorized. Some appears to be memorized. Little creativity. Poor answers or inability
Creative answers to questions to questions posed by the creativity. Satisfactory answer creativity. Satisfactory answer to answer questions posed by
FLUENCY posed by the professor. If student professor. If student cannot think professor. Inappropriate responses.
to questions posed by to questions posed by
cannot think of a word, he/she can of a word, he/she can describe the professor. Answers consist of professor. Answers consist of Answers are in words rather than
describe the word needed or use word needed or use another word. three to one sentence. one sentence. sentences. Major hesitation.
another word. Answers consist of Answers consist of several Communication breaks down.
several sentences. sentences.
Very good pronunciation it was Good pronunciation it was Some communication problems Communication problems arose
Excellent pronunciation, it was
clear, no serious problems clear, Some errors exist, arose due to unclear due to major pronunciation
clear; expressions were used to
arose; expressions were used to however, meaning is clear; pronunciation, considerably errors errors, little expressions were
enhance communication. Clear
PRONUNCIATION enhance communication. Clear expressions were used to exist, and some expressions were used to enhance
articulation, proper volume and used to enhance communication.
articulation, proper volume and enhance communication. communication. Unclear
enthusiasm. Shows confidence Considerably clear articulation,
enthusiasm. Shows confidence Considerably clear articulation, articulation, it was difficult to
while speaking. proper volume.
while speaking. proper volume and enthusiasm. hear.
Uses the best vocabulary related to Uses good vocabulary related to Some use of vocabulary and Little use of vocabulary and
Uses the best vocabulary related to the topic. Uses vocabulary phrases related to the topic and phrases related to the topic and
the topic. Uses vocabulary and
the topic. Uses vocabulary and learned in class or extra
expressions learned in class or studied in the course but not studied in the course, not
USE OF expressions learned in class and
extra vocabulary related to the vocabulary related to the enough variety. Substantial enough variety. Substantial
VOCABULARY extra vocabulary related to the
question. Correct use of the words
question. Correct use of the words question. Correct use of the errors. Little or no creativity. errors. Little or no creativity.
according to the context most of words according to the context Some incorrect use of words Frequently incorrect use of
according to the context.
the time. most of the time. according to the context. words according to the context.
Minor problems when applying
No problems when applying the Some problems when applying Many problems when applying Major problems in grammar.
USES OF the grammar structures.
grammar structures. Always the grammar structures. the grammar structures. Problems when using the
Student mostly used correct
GRAMMAR AND used correct grammar. Applies Applies most of the structures Applies some of the structures grammar structure required,
grammar, with no serious
ACCURACY the structures needed and
errors. Applies most of the
needed and learned but with needed and learned but with does not apply any of the
learned. many errors. many considerable errors. structured needed or learned.
structures needed and learned.
The student's speech reflects a
The student's speech reflects a The student's speech reflects The student's speech reflects basic The student's speech does not
clear understanding of the topic
clear understanding of the topic comprehension of the topic or comprehension, but with frequent reflect comprehension of the
or prompts and includes details.
or prompts. Answer is closely prompts. Answer is according errors, answer is somehow topic or prompt, answer is not
Answer is totally according to
IDEA/CONTENT according to the question, ideas to the question, ideas are according to the question, ideas according to the question, ideas
the question, ideas are well
LENGTH-PACE are organized. mostly organized. are barely organized are not organized.
organized. Speaker takes less than 50
Speaker takes from 50 seconds Speaker takes from 50 seconds Speaker takes less than 50
Speaker takes from 1 to 1 seconds to develop the answer,
to 1 minute to develop the to 1 minute to develop the seconds to develop the answer,
minute 30 to develop the in a moderated pace.
answer, in a moderated pace. answer, in a slow pace. in a slow pace.
answer, in a moderated pace.
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