Anaphy-Integumentary System
Anaphy-Integumentary System
Anaphy-Integumentary System
○ Reticular layer (deepest impaired blood flow to an area
skin layer) ● Jaundice bilirubin-
■ Blood vessels hyperbilirubinemia (yellow
■ Sweat and oil cast)— indicates amlover
glands disorder
■ Deep pressure ● Bruises (black and blue
receptors (lamellar marks)— hematomas
● Other dermal feature
○ Cutaneous sensory APPENDAGES OF THE SKIN
○ Phagocytes engulfs Sebaceous (oil) glands
bacteria prevents ● Located all over the skin
infection inflammation except from palms and soles
localized ● Produce sebum (oil)
○ Collagen and elastic ○ Makes skin soft and
fibers moist
○ Blood vessels ○ Prevents hair from
becoming brittle
○ Kills bacteria
SKIN COLOR ● Most have ducts that empty
into hair follicles; others open
Three pigments contribute to skin directly onto skin surface
color ● Glands are activated at
1. Melanin puberty
a. Yellow, reddish brown, or
black pigments Cutaneous glands are all exocrine
2. Carotene glands (substance)
a. Orange yellow pigment ● Sebaceous glands
from some vegetables ● Sweat glands
3. Hemoglobin Hair
a. Red coloring from blood Hair follicles
cells in dermal Nails
b. Oxygen content Sweat (sudoriferous) glands
determines the extent of ● Produce sweat
red coloring ● Widely distributed in skin
Two types of sudoriferous glands
● Redness (erythema)- due to 1. Eccrine glands
embarrassment, inflammation, 2. Apocrine glands
hypertension, fever, or allergy
/ Eccrine glands/
● Open via duct to sweat pores ○ Dermal region provides
on the skin’s surface a blood supply to the
● Produce acidic Sweat hair bulb (deepest part
○ Water, salts, vitamin C, of the follicle)
traces of metabolic ○ Arrector pili muscle
waste connects to the hair
● Functions in body temp follicle to pull hairs
regulation upright when we are cold
or frightened
/Apocrine glands/
● Ducts empty into hair follicles /Nails/
in the armpit and genitals ● Heavily keratinized, scalelike
● Begin to function in puberty modifications of the epidermis
● Release sweat that also ● Stratum basale extends
contains fatty acids and beneath the nail bed, which is
proteins (milky or yellowish responsible for growth
color) ● Lack of pigment makes nails
● Play a minimal role in body colorless
temp regulation ● Parts of a nail
○ Free edge
/Hair/ ○ Body is the visible
● Produced by hair follicle attached portion
● Root is enclosed in the follicle ○ Nail folds are skin folds
● Shaft projects from the surface that overlap the edges of
of the scalp or skin the nail; the cuticle is the
● Consists of hard keratinized proximal edge
epithelial cells ○ Root of nail is embedded
● Melanocytes provide pigment in skin
for hair color ○ Growth of the nail occurs
● Hair grows in the matrix of the from nail matrix
hair bulb in Stratum basale