Integumentary System - Notes
Integumentary System - Notes
Integumentary System - Notes
Monday, October 8, 2018 9:20 AM
5.1 The Skin Consists of Two Layers: the Epidermis and the
- Integument = covering
- Epidermis: epi- meaning "upon"; composed of
epithelial cells
- Dermis: underneath the epidermis; comp. of dense
connective tissue
○ Vascularized
○ Nutrients are diffused through tissue fluid from
blood vessels towards the epidermis
- Hypodermis: (subcutaneous tissue; superficial fascia);
is not part of the skin, below the skin
○ Consists mostly of adipose + areolar conn. Tissue
○ Stores fat
○ Anchors skin to underlying tissues
○ Fat allows it to act as shock absorber + insulator
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- Components of the skin (skin appendages): hair, hair
follicles, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous (oil) glands
○ Crucial in maintaining homeostasis
○ Extend to the dermis
5.7 Sweat Glands Help Control Body Temperature, and Sebaceous Glands Secrete Sebum
- Two types of sweat glands