Integumentary System - Notes

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Monday, October 8, 2018 9:20 AM

5.1 The Skin Consists of Two Layers: the Epidermis and the

- Integument = covering
- Epidermis: epi- meaning "upon"; composed of
epithelial cells
- Dermis: underneath the epidermis; comp. of dense
connective tissue
○ Vascularized
○ Nutrients are diffused through tissue fluid from
blood vessels towards the epidermis
- Hypodermis: (subcutaneous tissue; superficial fascia);
is not part of the skin, below the skin
○ Consists mostly of adipose + areolar conn. Tissue
○ Stores fat
○ Anchors skin to underlying tissues
○ Fat allows it to act as shock absorber + insulator

5.2 The Epidermis is a Keratinized Stratified Squamous Keratinocytes: make

Epithelium fibrous proteins for skin
- Stratum granulosum: consists of many layers of dead, protection
keratin filled cells; one-five layers
○ During keratinization, cells flatten, their
nuclei/organelles disintegrates, and they Lamellar Granules:
accumulate keratohyalin and lamellar granules contains a glycolipid that
- Stratum basale: single row of cells mainly composed of makes the epidermis
keratinocyte stem cells waterproof and prevents
○ Location: attached to underlying dermis; deepest water loss
○ Function:
- Stratum lucidum: thin trans. band consisting of few rows *thin skin lacks the
of flat, dead keratinocytes stratum lucidum (only
- Stratum spinosum: Several cell layers thick, with four layers)
intermediate filaments, keratinocytes and dendritic
(Langerhans) cells *most malignant skin
- Stratum corneum: many cell layers of dead keratinocytes cancer is present in the
filled with keratin (outermost layer) layer that is the most
○ Keratinized cells form protective barrier for exposed
- Dendritic (Langerhans) cells: ingest foreign substances +
key activators of the immune system; star-shaped
- Desmosomes: skin anchoring

5.3 The Dermis Consists of Papillary Dermis and Reticular Dermis

5.4 Melanin, Carotene, and Hemoglobin

- Melanin: composed of amino acid tyrosine; pigmentation

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- Melanin: composed of amino acid tyrosine; pigmentation
ranges from reddish yellow to brownish black
○ enzyme tyrosinase located in melanocytes utilized
in melanin synthesis
○ Skin pigmentation corresponds to geographic
○ Function: protects the DNA of skin cells from UV
radiation (suffer photodamage, photo = light)
 Form of homeostatic imbalance, in which
excessive sun exposure results in clumped
elastic fibers (leathery skin)
- Carotene: yellow-orange pigment found in certain plant
products (i.e. carrots) that can be converted to vit. A;
accumulates in the stratum corneum + fat of the

Check Understanding
- Components of the skin (skin appendages): hair, hair
follicles, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous (oil) glands
○ Crucial in maintaining homeostasis
○ Extend to the dermis

5.5 Hair Consists of Dead, Keratinized Cells

- Distributed across the body, exempting palms, soles, lips,
nipples, and parts of genitilia
○ Structural units: hair (long filaments) and hair  Hair follicle:
follicles - Folli = bag
○ Hair (pili); flexible, produced by hair follicles, - Folds down from
consisting of dead keratinized cells epidermal surface into
 Hard keratin: tough, durable; found in hair dermis
and nails; individual cells don't flake off - Deep end expands to form
 Soft keratin: found in typical epidermal cells hair bulb, surrounded by
- Three layers of keratinized cells: sensory nerve endings
○ Medulla: central core consisting of large cells + air called hair follicle receptor
space; contains soft keratin, absent in fine hairs (root hair plexus)
○ Cortex: surrounds the medulla, bulky; several layers ○ "tactile epithelial
of flattened cells cells"
○ Cuticle: single layer of overlapping cells, which helps ○ Spec. merkel disc
separate neighboring hairs to prevent matting;
contains the most keratin, providing strength and
keeping inner layers compact
- Dermal and epidermal components of hair follicle wall:
○ Peripheral conn. tissue sheath (fibrous sheath) -
derived from the dermis; forms the external layer of
the follicle wall
○ Glassy membrane: junction of fibrous sheath +
epithelial root sheath; essentially basement
○ Epithelial root sheath: derived from epidermis;
composed of external root sheath (cont. of
epidermis) and internal root sheath (from matrix

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- Hair matrix: consist of dividing cells within the hair bulb
○ New produced cells push old cells out, which
become heavily keratinized and die
○ Matrix cells replenished by stem cells migrating to
bulb from the hair bulge
- Arrector pili: a muscle in which its contraction pulls the
hair upright
○ Produces goosebumps response in cold temp.
○ Forces sebum out of hair follicles which act as a
- Types of hair:
○ Vellus - fine, pale; found in children's body hair and
adult females
○ Terminal - coarse, long; located in eyebrows, lashes,
 Appears in axillary and pubic regions during
puberty of both sexes

5.6 Nails are scale-Like Modifications of the Epidermis

*each nail is made of hard keratin; each having proximal root, nail plate/body, and free

- The nail matrix is responsible for growth

○ Cells prod. are heavily keratinized
- Nail folds overlap the proximal and lateral borders of the nail
○ Proximal fold projects as a cuticle (eponychium)
○ Beneath the free edge lies the hyponychium

5.7 Sweat Glands Help Control Body Temperature, and Sebaceous Glands Secrete Sebum
- Two types of sweat glands

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