General Biology

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General Biology 2

First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis

● A large group of different tissues having dispersed cells

and large extracellular space called extracellular matrix.
● These tissues connect and support other tissues of the
Animals’ Specialized Structures body
Animal cells grow, mature, and undergo differentiation which results ○ mechanical support
in tissues. A tissue is a group of similar cells that perform a common ○ medium for the exchange of nutrients and
function. waste products.
○ energy storage and thermal insulation.
The study of animal and plant tissues is called histology. It involves
○ defensive functions
the preparation of thin tissue sections, differentially stained and
examined under the microscope. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek or the
There are three (3) types of C.T.
“father of microbiology” invented the first practical microscope.
A microtome is an instrument used to cut tissues into ultrathin
sections. 1.) Connective Tissue Proper
★ Loose C.T.
○ found beneath the epithelia of the skin
around blood vessels, muscles, and nerves.
● tightly joined closely packed cells. ★ Dense C.T.
● one side is exposed to air / internal fluid, and the other ○ less flexible but more rigid than Loose C.T.
is attached to a basement membrane. ○ found in tendons, ligaments, and the dermis
● covers outside of the body and lines internal organs and of the skin.
★ Reticular C.T.
● barrier against mechanical injury, invasive
○ give support to soft organs such as the
microorganisms, and fluid loss.
spleen, lymph nodes, and liver.
● provides a surface for absorption, excretion, and
transport of molecules. ★ Elastic C.T.
○ found in large arteries such as the aorta,
bronchial tubes, and the ligaments of the
Types of Epithelial Tissue
vertebral column.
# of Cell Layer Cell Shape ★ Adipose Tissue
○ found anywhere in the body and serves as
Simple - one layer Squamous - flat an energy reservoir.
Pseudostratified - “fake layers.” Cuboidal - cube ○
Columnar - long / tall
Stratified - more than one layer.
2.) Supportive Connective Tissue
★ Cartilage
○ found in ears, nose, and joints.

General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis

○ forms the embryonic skeleton of There are three (3) types of M.T.
vertebrates and the adult skeleton of
sharks. ★ Skeletal Muscular Tissue
○ gives strength, support, and protection to ○ attached to bones through tendons.
the soft parts of the body. ○ responsible for the movement of most body
★ Bone parts and for locomotion.
○ hardened C.T. containing cells called ★ Cardiac Muscular Tissue
osteocytes. ○ found only in the walls of the heart.
○ structural framework of the body. ○ contraction of these muscles causes the
○ together with muscles, both are needed for heart to beat.
movement and locomotion. ○ are also striated but contraction is
involuntarily controlled.
3.) Fluid Connective Tissue ★ Smooth Muscular Tissue
★ Blood ○ non-striated, spindle-shaped muscles that
○ a special type of connective tissue. are involuntarily controlled.
○ has a liquid matrix called the blood plasma. ○ found in the walls of the stomach,
○ cells in the blood include erythrocytes intestines, urinary bladder, uterus, and
(RBC), leukocytes (WBC), and thrombocytes. blood vessels.

More examples of connective tissue

tendon - connects bone to muscle
ligament - connects bone to bone
cartilage - connects bone to joint
fascia - connects muscle to muscle

● made up of nerve cells called neurons, found in the brain

and spinal cord.
● neurons are specialized cells that conduct impulses to
and from the brain.

● muscle fibers make up muscle tissue that contains

myosin and actin, and proteins involved in muscle

General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis

parts of the body.

★ Reproductive System
Tissues Form Organs and Organ Systems ○ includes an organism’s sex organs.
● a group of different tissues united to perform a common ○ play a role in sexual reproduction.
function forms an organ. ★ Immune System
○ leukocytes (WBC), bone marrow, and the
● several organs that perform together for a common
function make up an organ system. ○ organism’s defense system. (destroys and
removes invading microbes and viruses)
★ Endocrine System
○ compromised of all the glands in the body
that produce hormones. (pituitary, thyroid,
and adrenal glands)
○ relays chemical messages that help control
physiological processes.
★ Respiratory System
○ lungs, diaphragm, trachea, bronchi, and
○ used for breathing.
○ provides gas exchange between the blood
★ Integumentary System and the environment.
○ eternal organs (skin, fingernails, and hair)

protects the internal organs from damage.
(physical harm, virus, sunburns, etc.)
Plants Have Organs Too
★ Skeletal System Associated with the presence of vascular tissues is the development
○ made of all the bones in the body.
of plant organs that are specialized for essential plant functions.
(skeleton: human, endoskeleton: animal)
Organs that allow the plant to live and grow are called vegetative
○ forms the supporting structure of the body.
○ protects delicate organs. organs. Flowers, fruits, and seeds are organs involved in reproduction.
★ Muscular System
○ for movement and locomotion. root - anchors the plant to the soil.
○ maintains posture. stem - main axis of the plant.
○ produces heat. leaves - responsible for the manufacture of food by photosynthesis.
★ Circulatory System
○ also known as cardiovascular system.
○ the heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries.
○ circulates blood throughout the body.
○ transports nutrients, gases, hormones, and
wastes through the body. ● consists of undifferentiated cells that can undergo rapid
★ Digestive System cell division.
○ gastrointestinal tract. ( esophagus, stomach, ● meristems are part of the plant where growth is fastest.
liver, intestines, along w/ accessory glands)
○ breaks down, digests, and absorbs food into ★ Apical Meristems
the body. ○ found in the tip of stems (shoot) or roots.
★ Urinary System ○ allows the organs to grow longer.
○ kidneys, ureters, bladders, and urethra. ★ Lateral Meristems
○ filters out excess water or nutrients. ○ found in stems
○ when group w/ other organs that remove ○ also known as secondary meristems.
wastes (skin, lungs, and large intestine) it ○ involved in the formation of branches.
becomes the excretory system. ★ Intercalary Meristems
★ Nervous System ○ found in leaves which allows it to grow.
○ brain and spinal cord.
○ sends and interprets signals from different

General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis

There are three (3) types of P.T.

1.) Surface (Dermal)

● the “skin” of the plant that covers and protects the
surface of plant organs.
● made of tissues that are usually flattened with their top
and bottom surface parallels.
● contains a “waxy” layer called the cuticle, made up of a
substance called cutin.
● its function is to prevent water loss and protect against
bacteria and other organisms that may cause harm to
the plant.
● trichomes, appendages in plants. (cacti, fern, etc.)
● Guard cells are modified epidermal cells found on leaves
that function to open or close the stomata, the leaf
opening for gas exchange.
Examples of surface tissues are:
The cambium is a ring of meristematic tissues found inside a stem,
Epidermis of the leaf and Cork which is a surface tissue that covers
which allows growth in the diameter of stems or roots.
the outer surface of bark of woody stems.

Vascular Cambium - produces new layers of vascular tissues.

Cork Cambium - produces new layers of surface tissue called cork.

2.) Fundamental (Ground)

● form the main bulk of plants.
Cells found in meristematic tissues are usually small, thin-walled, ● fill most of the spaces in any plant organ.
and with no central vacuole and specialized features.
● support, photosynthesis, and storage.
Its main function is to undergo cell division called mitosis.

General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis

- conduction of water, food, and dissolved minerals.

Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma - strengthens and supports the plant.

- large, thin-walled - irregular thickening - thick-walled cells

cells. of cells. for structure. Types of Vascular Tissues
- simple, living, - found in pechay & - seed shells and pits.
and storage tissue. celery stalks. - support the mature Xylem
- exposed to light. - mainly for support. parts of the plant. ★ transports water and minerals from roots to leaves via
- photosynthesis the stem. (transpirataion)
takes place. ★ has two (2) conducting cells.
- capable of cell
division. - elongated, hollow, and non-living cells with tapered
Parenchyma - water and minerals can pass between tracheids
- represent a typical plant cell. through the pits or depressions found in its end walls.
- found in leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits. vessel elements
- usually contain plastids. In areas exposed to light, - also hollow and nonliving, but are larger and without
photosynthesis takes place. In areas not exposed, end walls.
colorless plastids predominate. - form a continuous pipeline of water and minerals from
the roots to the leaves.
Collenchyma ★ Capillary Action
- in the stem as part of vascular bundles just beneath the ○ liquid flowing without the assistance of any
epidermis. external forces like gravity.
- can be found in areas that are growing rapidly and need ○ adhesion - attraction between molecules of
to be strengthened. a different substance.
- leaf stalk or petiole is usually reinforced with ○ cohesion - attraction between molecules of
collenchyma cells. the same substance.

Sclerenchyma Phloem
- is impregnated with lignin, an organic substance that
★ transports organic nutrients in both directions along the
makes the cell wall tough, and hard.
length of the plant. (translocation)
- most are nonliving and function as support.
★ contains conducting cells called sieve tube members,
- Two (2) types of Sclerenchyma cells: Fibers, which are
each of which has a companion cell.
long and slender, and Sclereids, which are irregular in
sieve tube members
shape. Fibers can be made into cloth while Sclereids are - are elongated cells with few organelles and no nucleus.
responsible for the tough seed coats and nutshells. - products of photosynthesis (sugars and amino acids)
are transported through this.

companion cells
- believed to control the transport activities of the sieve
tube cells.

3.) Vascular
- complex conducting tissues that extend from the roots
to the leaves of plants.

General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis

General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis

General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis

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