General Biology
General Biology
General Biology
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis
General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis
○ forms the embryonic skeleton of There are three (3) types of M.T.
vertebrates and the adult skeleton of
sharks. ★ Skeletal Muscular Tissue
○ gives strength, support, and protection to ○ attached to bones through tendons.
the soft parts of the body. ○ responsible for the movement of most body
★ Bone parts and for locomotion.
○ hardened C.T. containing cells called ★ Cardiac Muscular Tissue
osteocytes. ○ found only in the walls of the heart.
○ structural framework of the body. ○ contraction of these muscles causes the
○ together with muscles, both are needed for heart to beat.
movement and locomotion. ○ are also striated but contraction is
involuntarily controlled.
3.) Fluid Connective Tissue ★ Smooth Muscular Tissue
★ Blood ○ non-striated, spindle-shaped muscles that
○ a special type of connective tissue. are involuntarily controlled.
○ has a liquid matrix called the blood plasma. ○ found in the walls of the stomach,
○ cells in the blood include erythrocytes intestines, urinary bladder, uterus, and
(RBC), leukocytes (WBC), and thrombocytes. blood vessels.
General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis
General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis
General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis
Sclerenchyma Phloem
- is impregnated with lignin, an organic substance that
★ transports organic nutrients in both directions along the
makes the cell wall tough, and hard.
length of the plant. (translocation)
- most are nonliving and function as support.
★ contains conducting cells called sieve tube members,
- Two (2) types of Sclerenchyma cells: Fibers, which are
each of which has a companion cell.
long and slender, and Sclereids, which are irregular in
sieve tube members
shape. Fibers can be made into cloth while Sclereids are - are elongated cells with few organelles and no nucleus.
responsible for the tough seed coats and nutshells. - products of photosynthesis (sugars and amino acids)
are transported through this.
companion cells
- believed to control the transport activities of the sieve
tube cells.
3.) Vascular
- complex conducting tissues that extend from the roots
to the leaves of plants.
General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis
General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis
General Biology 2
First Semester ★
Week 3 | 2023-2024 12 - V. Panamensis