GS LUCKY 7 MANUAL v1.2 2021-12-31
GS LUCKY 7 MANUAL v1.2 2021-12-31
GS LUCKY 7 MANUAL v1.2 2021-12-31
Document History
Version Prepared by Approved by from Remark
(Has not been placed on the table yet)
BURNED CARD BEFORE ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will instruct dealer to:
TIME ➢ Card will be used in the game. o wait till betting time will be
✓ not scanned. ➢ Record in report. over.
✓ not revealed. o use this card as a burned
Back to Lucky 7 content o be more attentive.
BURNED CARD BEFORE ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will:
TIME ➢ Card will not be used in the game round. o place card into the card
➢ Card will be placed in card holder. holder, because has been
✓ not scanned ➢ Record in report. revealed during the betting
✓ revealed ➢ WhatsApp notification. time.
o instruct dealer to proceed
Back to Lucky 7 content the game when betting time
will be over.
BURNED CARD BEFORE ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will instruct:
TIME ➢ Card will be used in a game. o dealer to proceed game
➢ Proceed the game without burned card. without burned card.
✓ Card which supposed to be ➢ Record in report. o be more attentive.
burned card was scanned ➢ WhatsApp notification.
EXTRA CARD ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will instruct dealer to:
➢ Extra card will be used for the next game round as o proceed the game.
✓ not revealed. a burned card. o use extra card as a burned
➢ Record in report. card for the next game
Back to Lucky 7 content round.
FORGOT TO CONFIRM THE ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will:
“RESULT” ➢ SM will restore cards. o restore (replace) cards ir
➢ SM will press RESULT. order as the system shows.
✓ proceed to collect cards. ➢ Record in report. o press RESULT.
✓ placed cards into the card o instruct dealer to:
holder. ▪ collect cards.
▪ Press START
Back to Lucky 7 content GAME.
FORGOT TO PRESS “START ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will:
GAME” ➢ SM will press START GAME. o press START GAME.
✓ started new game round ➢ Record in report. o Instruct dealer to proceed
and burned card has been the game when betting time
placed on the table. will be finished.
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DROPPED CARD ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will:
➢ Change shoe. o pick up card and place face
✓ When collecting cards ➢ If possible, change the dealer. down on the table below
(result has been ➢ Record in report. gaming boxes.
confirmed). ➢ WhatsApp notification. o instruct dealer to place
cards as per required for
Back to Lucky 7 content the shoe change.
o change shoe.
DROPPED CARD ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will:
➢ Change shoe. o pick up dropped card and will
✓ When placing burned card. ➢ Change 8 decks. place on the table face down
Back to Lucky 7 content ➢ If possible, change the dealer. below gaming boxes.
➢ Record in report. o instruct dealer to collect cards
➢ WhatsApp notification. as per required for shoe
o Perform change shoe
procedure as per required.
• SM will change 8 decks.
DROPPED CARD ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will:
➢ Change shoe. o pick up dropped card and
✓ During dealing ➢ If possible, change the dealer. will place on the table face
✓ Card has not been ➢ Record in report. down below gaming boxes.
scanned/scanned. ➢ WhatsApp notification. o instruct dealer to collect
Back to Lucky 7 content cards as per required for
shoe change.
o change shoe.
DROPPED CARD ➢ Cancellation of game. • SM will:
➢ Change shoe. o pick up dropped card and
✓ During dealing. ➢ If possible, change the dealer. will place on the table face
✓ Card has not been ➢ Record in report. down below gaming boxes.
scanned/has been scanned. ➢ WhatsApp notification. o press “Cancel Round” and
Back to Lucky 7 content “Start Game”.
o instruct dealer to collect
cards as per required for
shoe change.
o change shoe.
DROPPED CARD ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will:
➢ Change shoe. o pick up dropped card (-s);
✓ During shoe change ➢ If possible, change the dealer. o instruct dealer to proceed
procedure. ➢ Change 8 decks. to change shoe;
Back to Lucky 7 content ➢ Record in report. o change 8 decks.
➢ WhatsApp notification. o Used 8 decks must be
checked on shuffle/cards
counting table.
DROPPED CARD ➢ No game cancellation. • SM will:
➢ Change 8 decks. o pick up dropped card (-s);
✓ During shuffle/loading ➢ Record in report. o change 8 decks.
cards into the ➢ WhatsApp notification.
shoe/removing cards from
the shoe
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