Dark Darker Darkest

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Dark Darker Darkest

My rules summary rev 5 (latest edit on Google Docs )

From official revised rules 1.1, official FAQ 2.0, this excellent summary & BGG rulz forum clarifications thru 29-Dec-2022

Objective = Unlock the Lab to get the Cure & trigger the Final Showdown, then stay alive to defeat the Nemesis before Darkness Marker runs out. Win by killing Nemesis (reduce to

0 HP). Lose if EITHER Darkness Marker reaches last space OR Nemesis or Fire destroys all 3 Corner Tiles OR Survivor with is killed.

1. Build the House:
Take 20 Room Tiles from supply in mix below: Arrange facedown in a 5x4 grid ● Faceup all Tiles:
as follows, with all but Lab &
(for easier game, minimize Tiles with [see MOVE]) ● Orient all so windows face out / shadows point in.
Entrance randomly oriented:
● 1 LAB (faceup) & 1 Entrance Hall (faceup) ● For std diff, orient as needed to minimize “choke
● Separately shuffled facedown : ● If any blocked Doorways or “no northbound move
○ The 3 Corners paths”, must fix via orient or swap as needed.
○ Random 9 of 13 Outer
○ Random 6 of 19 Inner (for std diff, limit to 0-2 “enwalled”).

a. Take Cure Token and place on Lab tile over the icon.

b. For each Tile with , take a Camera Token & place on Tile, orienting for max # Room Tiles it can trace LOS thru (if tied directions, players choose).
2. Setup these supplies & draw piles:

a. Take Equipment Cards. Separate out 7 Starting (darker back, star on front, bagged with homemade Survivor Skill Reference cards). Shuffle rest facedown and
place nearby.

b. Pile nearby these Tokens ( Virus, Entrap, Fire, Burn) + the black & gray Cubes. <<todo:make Virus cards to better show loss of Inventory slot>>

c. Take 23 Spawn Tokens. Shuffle facedown & stack nearby (these are boxed not discarded, so yes you might run out)..
i. For std diff, only use tokens with 1-4. To increase diff, add tokens w/ 5-6 and/or replace some with 1 type of Special (Chunk, Disco Doll, Guts, Tuff Guy).
Only use 1 type of Special unless ok with “stacking” Specials’ abilities. See Expansion insert for how to use.
ii. Take homemade Zombie unit stats cards for Zombie types in play & place nearby.

d. Take Creature Boards+Minis (note Gorilla/Guard board errata fixes) & Nemesis Boards+Minis, separately shuffle facedown and stack nearby.
e. Place Dice nearby (6 red Creature, 1 black Terror d6, 1 black pips d6, 1 black d4; rest are Survivor d6, set of 4 for each of 6 Survivor colors wht/org/yel/grn/blu/purp).

3. Setup Locked Doors & Security Board (use 7-slot side for std diff, 8-slot side for hi-er diff).

a. Take all / & / Code Chips. Separately shuffle facedown the and . Randomly draw 1 &2 & faceup.
b. Take all Code Tokens. For each icon on the 3 Code Chips drawn, place corresponding colored Code Token in any empty slot on Security Board (for hi-er difficulty
on 7-slot board side, don’t try to match Code Chips / just draw 7 random Code Tokens).

c. Facedown the and Code Chips drawn. Count how many on Room Tiles & draw facedown that many less 3 additional Code Chips (e.g. if 9 total in
House, then you already have 3 so draw 6 more).

i. At least two other (so you have at least enough for the 3 Corner Tiles), otherwise Players choose # &# . If 3 Survivors, pick more than

; else if 4-5 Survivors, pick ~equal amounts. For hi-er diff, pick more and/or fewer colors (= same color >2 on Security Board).

ii. Box leftover .

d. Shuffle facedown all the drawn Code Chips. Place a facedown on each of the 3 Corner tile’s . Then place remaining on any other uncovered ’s
as you see fit.

4. Setup Multitracker Board

a. Make sure red side is facedown.
b. Take 2 gray cubes. Place 1 as Event Marker on Event Cycle’s red space (bottom spot of left edge) and 1 as Darkness Marker on Darkness Track’s leftmost space
(leftmost spot of bottom edge).
5. Setup 3-5 Survivors (for hi-er difficulty just 2): each Player controls 1 or more Survivors. For each Survivor, take corresponding...

a. Survivor Board (flipped to “4 AP” side if <4 Survivors, else to “3 AP” side; if Nina or Chuck, also take homemade board errata fixes).
b. House rule: homemade Survivor Skill Reference Card.
c. Mini w/ colored base & place on Entrance Hall tile (the #’s are for Spread Fire, not for Survivors).
d. Starting Equipment Card (per rulebook or homemade Survivor Skill Reference card; box leftover cards) and place to right of Survivor Board (taking black cubes if it
has Ammo, e.g. Gun or Chainsaw).

e. 4 Skill Tokens, pile nearby for later.

f. (if you have them) a set of colored Survivor dice, and 7 colored cubes (of same color as mini’s base) placed as follows:
i. Place #AP (4 or 3) in Survivor Board’s leftmost Action Box.
ii. Place 1 in leftmost space of Survivor Board’s Health Track..
iii. Place 1 in “0” space of Survivor Board’s Experience Track.
iv. Place 1 in leftmost Team Slot of Multitracker Board.
6. For even higher difficulty, use other expansions: Victims, Radioactive, Heli Escape. See Expansion inserts for how to use.

● Adjacent will sometimes be orthog-only, other times orthog+diag (rule will specify). Rules will specify when Walls/Locked Doors block Adjacency.
● LOS = orthogonal only. Blocked by Walls, Locked Doors (w/ Code Chips), Destroyed Rooms (flipped to burnt; can see out of Destroyed Room)
● Locked Door = Code Chip on Doorway. Locked Room if all Doors are Locked Doors.
● Room = an area in the house that is bordered by Walls and/or Adjacent Tiles. Some Tiles are “enwalled” & have two Rooms (a hallway and a “room”); each is separately
searchable. Fire affects whole Tile though.
Cheatsheet Round & Turn Summary

Until Final Showdown... During Final Showdown...

(follow numbered steps on Multitracker)

- +1 Event Marker, then Resolve Event (1 of 1. ↘ Survivor uber-Team performs up to 6AP of Actions

Spawn Zombies
2. → All cubes shift right 1 space. Recover cubes shifted out of rightmost.
Spread any active Fire

Grow Darkness) II.-REACTION (if cubes entered middle sp)

(follow numbered steps on Multitracker)
-↔ Re-Team Survivors & recover Action cubes
- +1 Event Marker, then Resolve Event (either “none” or )
- Check Cameras
- Spread any active Fire per
- Spawn Zombies
- Zombify Survivors with 2
- Zombify Survivors with 2
- Activate Nemesis, then Zombies, then Creature.
II-ACTIONS - by Team:

1. ↓ Survivor(s) in Team perform Actions.

2. Then Reaction by Zombies / Creature

3. Then Spread any active Fire






CREATURES & NEMESES ICON GUIDE ( on Creature Board = Fire-resistant)

Giant Snake (only if can pair Reinforcement w/ Undead Bird 1 Survivor in Bird’s Room (Players’ Helen Kronen Immune to Knockback. Inflict
Damage) 1 Survivor in Snake’s Room (Players’ choice) choice) is Entrapped until the Bird is dead. 2 Dmg to all adjacent Diagonals (LOS not required). Plus,
during Reaction after Movement, resolve Attack vs. each
takes 1 . Walls don’t block Snake’s movement. Survivor within LOS and Range 2.

Gorilla If Gorilla Adjacent to a Wall, inflicts 2 Zombie Dog Players pick 1 Survivor in Dog’s Lisa Mortimer Add a Burn Marker to each
Dmg. Room. They must discard 1 Equipment card if they have non-Destroyed Room Adjacent to Lisa’s Room.

Security Guard Moves d4 Rooms. Immune Doc Mortimer Spawn a Horde in a Room Rachel Mortimer 1 Survivor in any
to Knockback. During Reaction, resolves an Attack vs. Adjacent to a Survivor (Player’s choice). ortho/diag adjacent (Players’ choice) is Entrapped (LOS not
EVERY Survivor in its LOS and 2-Room Range. required).


Automatic x2 hits. Dynamite or Grenade Discard & spend Shotgun Treat Aims as Hits instead of for Range.
● Reload with Magazine. 1 AP to discard & inflict indicated # Hits in ● Laser Sight grants +1 Range, and will allow using Aims for Range, if Equipped.
Adjacent Room w/in LOS. ● Reload with Shotgun Shells.

Baseball Bat
Flamethrower Only1 use! Place 4 Burn Shuriken Each one is an automatic Hit.
1 Knockback sides Zombie mini.
Markers, 1 in each non-Destroyed ortho Adj
2nd Knockback from any source in
same Turn kills Zombie. Else Room (LOS not required). Reload with
stand it up during Reaction. Gasflasks.

Chainsaw: reload with Gas Can. Handgun

Sniper Rifle Each Aim paired with a Hit = +1 Hit as well as Range.
● Handgun Scope grants +1 Range if
Reload with Rifle Bullets.
● Reload with Handgun Bullets.
MISC. ITEMS ICON GUIDE (for Gear, don’t forget handedness & must be Equipped to get its Power e.g. Armor)

Antidote Discard to remove 2nd First Aid Kit Heal 2 Wounds. Map Discard to reroll the Terror die.
(recall 1st is permanent).

Armor Reroll 1 Defense roll. First Aid Spray Heal 1 Wound. Monkey Wrench Discard to swap a Revealed Code Chip in your Room
with any other that has same #icons. Reveal it.

Energy Drink Discard for +2 AP. Flare Gun Discard to reroll 1 or both Night Vision Discard to: when checking for Spawn Creature in Room
Spawn Zombies dice.
with Lurking , may reroll (once) as many dice desired.

Fire Alarm Discard to reroll Spread Fire Flashbang Discard to remove 1 Smoke Grenade Discard to prevent 1 check in your Room.
direction die. Entrapment from you or any Survivor in your

Fire Axe If Equipped, spend 1 AP to remove 1 Flashlight Reveal a Code Chip w/in Wirecutter Discard to box 1 in your Room.
Burn Marker from your Room. Range 2.

Fire Extinguisher Spend 1 AP to Gas Mask When using, ignore Damage from Burning or Destroyed Rooms.
remove 1 Burn Marker.

Fire Helmet When used w/ Fire Landmine Discard to place a black cube your Room w/o Foes. If Foes enter, discard cube and allocate 3 Damage first to
Extinguisher, remove 2 Burn Markers instead of 1. foes as you wish, and then to Survivors.
Round & Turn Sequence Detail

Until Final Showdown triggered:

1. Upkeep (follow numbered steps on Multitracker)

a. Goto Multitracker’s Event Cycle. Move Event Marker down +1 & resolve (1 of Spawn Zombies, Spread any active Fire Grow Darkness (if start on

, goes back to ).

b. ↔ Re-team Survivors. Each group of Survivors in same Room forms a Team for rest of this Round (even if later separated).
i. Survivors recover their action cubes … on Survivor Boards, slide cubes back to leftmost Action Box. Don’t forget Entrapped impact!
ii. On Multi-tracker place Survivor cubes of same Team in same Team Space.
iii. Player’s choose order of Teams and order of Survivors within a Team (on a per AP basis). During Action Phase, Teams will activate left to right.

c. Check Cameras: each Tile that contains Survivors AND is in LOS of Camera Token(s) must check for EACH Camera with LOS:

i. That Tile rolls #(Survivors-in-Tile) Survivor Dice and the Terror Die. If any , must Resolve Terror Die result.
ii. If multiple Tiles, players choose resolution order, but must fully resolve one Tile (including Terror Die result) before checking the next Tile.

d. Spawn Zombies (regardless of where Event Marker is).

e. Zombify any Survivors with 2 Virus tokens.

2. Action Phase … in left to right order, each Team on Multi-tracker becomes Active Group & resolves Actions, Reactions & Spread any Active Fire.

a. Actions (see separate sheet for detail)

i. each un-Entrapped Survivor in current Team / Active Group may spend AP on Actions (see table way below). Pass is allowed, repeat Actions allowed. Can
use any Survivor order and interleaves AP spend (e.g. A does 1 action, B does 2 actions, B does action, etc.). If AP modded up/down, discard or take extra
colored cubes as needed from Survivor’s supply. On Survivor Board, move cubes for spent AP to rightmost Action box.

ii. Entrapped Survivors can’t leave their Room & only get 1 AP that must be used for Escape/Rescue. If all players Entrapped, game over ! Become
un-Entrapped if Escape/Rescue succeeds or foes gone (all Dead / Knockbacked).

b. Reactions from Zombies & Creatures to the Target Survivors = the “Triggering Team” that just took Actions.
i. Any Zombie Hordes & Creature (in that order) already in a Tile+Room with ANY Survivors resolve a Foe Attack. If multi Tiles w/ fights, players choose
resolution order), but all Zombies resolve before the Creature.
ii. Spawn Tokens & Zombie Hordes in “Triggering Zone” attempt a Foe Move-and-Foe Attack.
1. “Triggering Zone” = Tile of each Survivor in Triggering Team + ortho/diag Adj tiles (regardless of Walls/Locked Doors)!
iii. Any Creature in a Tile w/o Survivors attempts a Foe Move-and-Foe Attack.
1. At end of move, resolve a Foe Attack if possible (any Zombies already there participate even if attacked before!)

c. Spread any Active Fire.

Setup Final Showdown:

● First Survivor to enter the Lab takes Cure Token (doesn’t require Item Slot). Must stay w/ this Survivor; if they are killed, endgame/lose.
● Discard all remaining Camera Tokens & Code Chips (no more Camera Checks, no more UNLOCK Actions as all Doors now Unlocked).
● Convert any outstanding Spawn Tokens into Hordes, per Spawn Zombies.
● Start Fire if one isn’t in House yet.
● Setup Nemesis.
○ Draw random Nemesis Board & place its mini in the Lab.
○ Take #gray cubes = #Survivors + Total Survivor AP. Distribute as evenly as possible among Nemesis Board’s crosshair areas. <<why diff from Creatures?>>
● Update Multitracker: flip to red side and…
○ Box Survivor colored cubes used in the Team Spaces. Survivors keep their Action cubes, but will will “play” them to Multiracker instead of to their Action Boxes.
○ Relocate Event Marker gray cube to bottom icon of new Event Track.
○ Relocate Darkness Marker gray cube to leftmost spot of new Darkness Track

During Final Showdown:

1. No Re-Teaming. Survivors now form a single big uber-Team and perform Actions in any order and even interleaved.
a. When a Survivor resolves an Action,

i. Resolve Actions per except with these rule changes:

1. MOVE upgraded to 2 Tiles; can no longer perform SEARCH, UNLOCK, EXTINGUISH.

2. can’t be discarded via any means (Actions, Corner Room Sprinkler, Fire Axe, etc.)
ii. Place action cube for spent AP on Multi-tracker leftmost action track space (Survivor Board Action Boxes no longer used).
iii. When 6 cubes in leftmost space (or sooner if players choose), immediately shift the action track.
1. Any cubes in rightmost space return to players.

2. Any cubes in left/middle shift right 1 space. If any cubes enter middle space, triggers below.

2. Reaction (follow numbered steps on Multitracker)

a. Move Event Marker down +1 & resolve Event (will be either none or ).
b. Spread any active Fire .

c. Zombify any Survivors with 2 .

d. Activate Nemesis:
i. If starts in non-Destroyed Tile, it instantly Destroys it instead of moving. Flip Tile & inflict 3 Fire Dmg on all Survivors, Zombies & Creatures in Room.
ii. Else if starts in Tile that is Destroyed or not a , it moves via shortest path directly to closest, non-Destroyed Tile, halting when reaches.

iii. Thru-out activation, if starts / enters / ends in Room with Survivor(s), pause, resolve 1 Foe Attack as in , then if not in a , resume move if possible.

e. Activate Zombies as in but with these variant rules:

i. Hordes that start in Room with Survivors resolve a Foe Attack.
ii. ALL other Hordes resolve a Foe Move then Foe Attack (to any nearest Survivor - assume entire House is the “Triggering Zone” / all Survivors are Targets).
f. Activate Creature as Hordes above.
MOVE (1 AP): (thru-out move, any Spawn Tokens in your LOS convert to Horde per Spawn Zombies)

Survivor Move: Can NOT exit tile if Foes present (must instead get from someone’s ATTACK); BLOCKED by Walls & Locked Doors.
1. Move mini to either a “sub-Room” on enwalled Tile, or to orthogonally adjacent Tile (may move 2sp if During Final Showdown).
2. Note & trigger any special FX of destination Tile / Room:

Lab tile: entering (after unlocked via CORNER ROOM FUNCTION) Secure/Guard icon: Survivor(s) Camera token (covering tile icon ) … these are
immediately interrupts Turn & triggers Setup of Final Showdown. here get buffed Defense vs. Foe Attacks. only resolved during Upkeep->Check Cameras phase.

Lurking Creature icon: on each entry: if no Active Creature roll Optimum Range icon: Survivor(s) Code Chip tokens (Doors): entering Tile/Room
here get buffed Range to their Attacks. = faceup for free (see UNLOCK for what to do next).
(#Surv-on-Tile) Surv Dice & if any , resolve Spawn Creature from
Resolve Terror Die.

Gas Leak icon: if Fire token enters, buffs Spread Fire. Storage icon: Survivor(s) here get Burn token (Tile is Burning) or Tile on side
buffed Search. (Tile is Destroyed), take Fire Dmg.

Foe Move:
1. Move a # of adjacent Tiles = Move stat on Creature Board or homemade Zombie unit card . E.g. d4 Security Guard, 3 Disco Doll, 2 regular Zombies.
2. Path = towards closest reachable Target Survivors (players tiebreak if multi equal paths).
a. BLOCKED by Walls, dead ends, Locked Doors and (unless Creature Board has Fire-Resistant) Burning/Destroyed Rooms.
b. Try other Survivors for reachability, but do NOT move or STOP move if en route next step won’t take Foe closer (i.e. next Reaction will take more move points to
reach) or would take Zombies outside the Triggering Zone.
c. If en route enter a Tile with ANY other Survivor(s), they will re-target to those Survivor(s).

SEARCH (1 AP): Only if Room has no gray cube for “already searched” AND not Destroyed AND not Final Showdown.
CAN be done in Room with foes. Roll #Survivor dice = #Survivors-in-Room (max 4) + Terror Die. Enwalled tiles can be Searched twice.
1. For each Success ( = + if tile has , then also ), draw 1 Equipment Card.
2. If can draw #cards > #Survivors, optional to draw the “extras”. Players choose card allocation, max 1 / Survivor, discarding leftovers. See INVENTORY for other rules.
3. If roll multiple of any icons that are not Success, must Resolve Terror Die.
4. If Success, place grey cube on room to mark “already SUCCESSFULLY searched” (if tile is enwalled, only place on the area/portion Searched).

BUY SKILL (0 AP): MUST do this if you have 10 XP. Pick a Skill Slot on Survivor Board, pay the XP cost, take the Skill Token. You now have that “power”.

USE ITEM (0 AP unless card says otherwise): At any time during your Actions. Resolve FX then discard. Consumable cards w/ grant black ammo cubes (to max of 8).

EXTINGUISH FIRE (2AP): Only if NOT Final Showdown. Discard 1 Burn Token from your Tile. If no left in the House, for free discard Fire Token.
Survivor Attack vs. Zombies or Creature within Weapon Range , in same Room or within LOS.
1. Roll Weapon’s # of Survivor Dice + any Skills, to max of 4. If no Weapon, 1 die. Only attack with 1 Weapon. Resolve FX:

Each Failure must be used to cancel another die (even another ). Attacker decides.

Each Success inflicts 1 hit. Assign to…

● Zombies: kill with 2 for Tuff Guy, else 1. Can’t kill Special until all Stds dead. You gain 1XP / kill.
● Creature: put grey cube(s) on their Board’s crosshairs. Kill if fill all w/ indicated #cubes (all Survivors gain 2XP), else debuff by color:

Creature Att Results are -1 (orange bite icon just means it CAN bite). Creature is -1 . Creature is -1 . Creature Att Results are -1 (white zap icon
just means has Power Attack).

Each Aim grants +1 to Ranged Weapon , or +2 if attacking from Room with

Each optionally Knockbacks 1 foe in your Room into orthogonally Adjacent accessible Room.
● Can allocate multi to same foe if LOS from you maintained.

● If pushed into/thru Burning/Destroyed Room, assign Fire Dmg. If foe(s) killed, gain XP like with .

Each Retreat optionally allows 1 un-Entrapped Survivor in your Room to move to orthog Adj accessible Room even through Foes. Can assign multi to same Survivor.

Foe Attack vs. Survivor during Reaction or certain Terror Die results.

1. Foe attacks with # Creature Dice = {either #Zombies in Horde (max 6) or Creature Board’s stat }.

2. Survivors defend with # Surv Dice = (#un-Entrapped Survivors in Tile/Room) or (4 if Room has Secure/Guard). Each cancels 1 Creature die (ignore other icons).

3. Players choose how to allocate remaining dice to Survivors. Must allocate as many dice as possible. Must resolve last & before .

one Survivor must lose 1 or 2 Health if HTH attacker, a Survivor has an Entrap
If Zombie: activate any one Spawn Token placed under their mini (max 1 token). Forfeit any
(if hits , resolve Survivor Death). Token or Horde that is exactly 2 Rooms unspent AP.
away. Move to Tile following normal
if HTH attacker, a Survivor takes 1 , Move rules. Will enter but not Attack.
which loses any 1 Inventory slot (discard Items <<add to homemade Zombie unit card?>> an un-Feared, un-Entrapped Survivor must move to
if needed to free up a slot). Max 2 . any unblocked Adjacent Room (which does NOT trigger
If Creature: resolve white Power Attack Reaction). Ignore if Entrapped.
on their Board.
UNLOCK DOOR (1AP/contributing Survivor): Only if NOT Final Showdown.
● Check security code icons of Equipment Cards of all Survivors in your Room and in your Team.
● If match a revealed Code Chip in your Room, the Survivor(s) contributing Code Chips(s) must each spend 1AP.
○ If missing code(s), may Force the Lock … for each missing color, resolve Grow Darkness.

● If successfully Unlocked, you take Code Chip and everyone earns 1XP. Take this to Corner Room’s .

ESCAPE/RESCUE (1AP): Roll # of Survivor Dice = sum of from participating Active un-Entrapped Survivors spending 1AP to help.Each = free 1 Survivor (remove
Entrapped token). Regain AP less 1. If fail, can spend AP again to retry.

INVENTORY: 0 AP to rearrange your Equipment cards between Carried/Wielded, and can be done at any time. 1AP to give/take Equip card or Code Chip with any other Survivor in
same Room regardlesss of Team (or 2AP to “trade”, give 1 & take another).
● Unlimited Code Chips
● Max 5 Inventory Slots for Equipment cards (2 “Wield” + 3 “Carry”), less 1 per (it occupies the slot).

○ Max 2 Wield (right of board). Max 2 Hands, Gear card will specify #hands required (not to be confused with #AP icon on other Gear cards).
○ Max 3 (2 if 5 Survivor) Carry (left of board unless house rule right of board but sided).
○ May drop Cards, but they are discarded. Gear can be Carried or Wielded. Consumables may only be Carried.

○ Found Wpns come with #rounds (black cubes), can reload up to max 8 rounds via other game FX.


Take 4 black Ammo cubes for any 1 Wpn (max/weapon = 8). Only if NOT Final Showdown. Pick a single non-Destroyed Room. Remove all Burn/Fire Tokens, if any.

Heal +2 Health. EITHER:

● Place a Code Chip on Security Board and discard matching Code Tokens.
Remove 2nd .
● OR if Darkness Marker not on , resolve Grow Darkness & remove any 1 Code Token.
Lab is unlocked when all Code Tokens removed ! Moving into Lab triggers Final Showdown!
Spawn Zombies Spread (any active) Fire Survivor Death
1. If >0 Spawn Tokens left, randomly draw one 1. If had Cure Token, game over!
facedown. Skip if not in House.
1. Roll direction (d4 vs. Entrance Hall tile lookup) 2. If killed before Final Showdown, resolve Grow
2. Determine Target Tile:
a. If Terror die , then if possible 2. Try to move in that direction to Adj. tile. 3. Remove mini & stop gaining XP. If Zombified,
un-Locked Room orthog/diag Adjacent to replace with a Std. Zombie mini.
Team of Terror Die roller. a. moves thru Walls / Locked Doors. 4. Discard all cubes, Skill Tokens, Code Chips,
b. Else random Tile (d6, d4). CAN enter Destroyed Rooms, can NOT
non-Starting Equipment Cards and any or
i. If roll 6 and/or rolled Tile is enter Lab or exit House.
Entrap Token.
completely Locked (like Lab) or 5. If killed after Final Showdown starts, out of game
Destroyed, place in a 3. If ’s current tile not Destroyed, place 1
there. & can NOT respawn. Else at next
non-Burning Tile Adjacent to Upkeep->Re-team phase, may follow Setup
and in LOS of any Survivor a. “Enwalled” Tile with split areas counts
as “whole Tile burning”. Survivors instructions to respawn with new/same
(spawn into Burning ok). Survivor.
ii. If no eligible Tile, then choose b. If new Room has Gas Leak, must
any non-Burning Tile.
3. Place Token facedown to un-enwalled portion of take 2 more and place on any 2
Tile. Unlimited Spawn Tokens / Tile. Adjacent Tiles (players’ choice)..
4. If placed Token is in LOS of a Survivor, convert Zombify any Survivors with 2
to Horde:. 4. Any Tile with 3 gets Destroyed: 1. If no gray cube on their Survivor Board, place one
a. Faceup Spawn Token a. Flip on rightmost Skill Slot. Can never be removed.
b. If Std Zombie, take # of Std minis. b. relo any Spawn tokens (to any 1 2. Else move existing gray cube left 1 Skill Slot.
c. Else if Special Zombie, take 1 Special non-Burning tile Adjacent to & w/in a. If reaches leftmost of purchasable Skill
mini & d4 Std minis. LOS of tile w/ Survivor(s), converting to Slots, resolve Survivor Death.
d. Place minis on unenclosed space on the Horde as needed; if no eligible Tile, b. Else discard Skill Tokens under or right of
Tile & discard Spawn Token. place facedown on any non-Burning Tile grey cube. Can’t be kept, used, bought, or
e. House rule: take homemade Zombie unit in House ). regained for rest of game.
stats card. c. Discard any other Tokens (e.g. Camera,
f. Box the Spawn token. Locks/Code). 3. NOTE: Antidotes or Virus Cabinets can only
g. Reminder: if spawned in Burning Room,
remove 2nd . 1st is permanent.
Spawn Tokens don’t take Fire Dmg. d. Resolve Grow Darkness.
5. Inflict Fire Dmg on Survivors, Hordes &

Creatures w/o Fire Resistance = #

(Destroyed counts as 3). Players choose Dmg
distro. No XP for Fire kills unless Knockbacked
into Fire. Note Fire Dmg only happens if you
Move into it, or it Spreads to you, not if you
Spawn on it.
Grow Darkness Start Fire
1. Ignore if during Final Showdown, and was because of Survivor Death or Room Destroyed (via Fire or other means).
2. Else on Multitracker’s Darkness Track, move Darkness Marker 1 space right. Skip if already in House.
1. Roll random Tile (d6, d4 .. reroll 6).
3. If reaches , then if no in House Start Fire, else Spread Fire.
2. Place and 1 in Tile.
4. If reaches , Final Round begins. If Survivors don’t enter Lab by end of Final Round, game over & lose.

Resolve Terror Die (from Check Camera or SEARCH Action)

try to resolve Spawn Zombies.

Start or Spread Fire based on if in House.

Creature either Spawn (if none) or Heal (if one already in House).
● Spawn = draw a random Creature Board (note Gorilla & Security Guard board errata fixes), take its mini & randomly place (like Spawn Zombies, but re-roll if 6 or Locked
Room). Unlike Zombie Spawn tokens, if Creature Spawns into Burning/Destroyed Room and lacks Fire-resistant, immediately take Fire Dmg per Spread Fire .
● Heal = players choose 3 gray cubes to remove from Creature’s Board.

Resolve a special variant Reaction Phase:

● If there’s a Creature,
○ “Triggering Zone” = Tile of the Terror die roller. Creature resolves a Foe Move to get closer to Target Survivors in Triggering Zone.
○ At end of move, resolve a Foe Attack if possible.
● Else if no Creature, then instead activate Zombies:
○ “Triggering Zone” = Tile of the Terror die roller + all ortho/diag adjacent.
○ Pick 2 Spawn Tokens /Hordes (players choose, and in what order) in Trigger Zone and each resolves a Foe Move to get closer to Target Survivors in Triggering Zone.
○ At end of move, resolve a Foe Attack if possible.
● Otherwise follow rules in .

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