Grand Austria Hotel - Game Aid
Grand Austria Hotel - Game Aid
Grand Austria Hotel - Game Aid
6 Die – Pay 1 krone and choose ANY of the other 5 actions END OF A ROUND
(1-5). Take the action based on how many dice are on the 6 At the end of the 3rd, 5th, and 7th rounds, there is an Emperor
space and NOT the chosen action number. Scoring. After the 7th round and its Emperor Scoring, there
is a Final Scoring.
Take Additional Actions
Only the first of these is limited to ONCE per turn. All others At the end of each round:
can be done ANY number of times. On your turn you can
take the following additional actions: Turn your Staff cards face-up.
Pass you Turn Order tile to the next player in
- ONCE per turn, you can pay 1 krone to add 1 to the clockwise order.
number of dice on the chosen Action space. The new start player takes the dice and move the
- You can pay 1 krone to move up to 3 dishes/drinks from Round maker forward one space.
your Kitchen to the orders on your Guest cards.
- You can place a wooden disk on a Politics card (if able). Emperor Scoring
- You can use a Staff card you played with a “once per Each player receives VP for their disk on the Emperor track,
round” (1x with the circular arrow) effect. If you do, turn it according to the value at the BOTTOM of their space.
over, so you don’t accidentally use it again this round.
- You can move a Guest whose order is complete to a free Then each player moves their disk BACK a number of spaces
room. You IMMEDIATELY receive the printed number of VP – 3 / 5 / 7 spaces after the 1st / 2nd / 3rd Emperor Scoring.
and the reward that the Guest provides. Guests can only
move into an unoccupied room of the SAME color. Turn the If your disk ends up in the yellow area (at least space 3), you
room over and place the Guest on the discard pile. receive the Emperor Tile bonus. If your disk ends up in the
black area (the 0 space), you suffer the Emperor Tile
If you turn over the last room in a group, you penalty. If your disk ends up in the gray area (space 1 or 2),
IMMEDIATELY receive the Occupancy bonus as marked at you get neither the bonus nor suffer the penalty.
the top of your Hotel board. The Occupancy bonus is
based on the size and color of the group. GAME END & FINAL SCORING
After the 7th round, following the Emperor Scoring, there is a
After you finish your turn, the player with the lowest VISIBLE Final Scoring:
number on their Turn Order tile goes next. You receive VP for Staff cards that provide them.
You receive VP for your OCCUPIED rooms: 1 / 2 / 3 /
PASSING 4 VP for each in the 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th rows.
Instead of taking a turn, you can simply pass. You may want You receive 1 VP for each krone and leftover
to do this if there are dice left on spaces you do not want to dish/drink in your Kitchen.
use. You LOSE 5 VP for each guest remaining in your Café.
When you pass, you MUST wait until every other player has The player with the most VP is the winner. If tied, the player
either passed or taken TWO actions. with the most dishes, drinks, and krone left is the winner.