12th Phy Project Final
12th Phy Project Final
12th Phy Project Final
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This simple experiment demonstrates that Nikola Tesla's vision of the future
isn't so distant anymore, and the principles behind it will be the foundations
of all electrical inventions in the near future.
1. Introduction 1
2. Experiment 3
3. Applications 7
4. Limitations 9
5. Future Scope 10
6. Conclusion 12
7. Webliography 13
Wireless power techniques mainly fall into two categories, near field and
far-field. In near field or non-radiative techniques, power is transferred
over short distances by magnetic fields using inductive coupling between
coils of wire, or by electric fields using capacitive coupling between metal
electrodes. Inductive coupling is the most widely used wireless technology;
its applications include charging handheld devices like phones and
electric toothbrushes, RFID tags, induction cooking, and wirelessly
charging or continuous wireless power transfer in implantable medical
devices like artificial cardiac pacemakers, or electric vehicles.
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laser beams. These techniques can transport energy longer distances but
must be aimed at the receiver. Proposed applications for this type are solar
power satellites, and wireless powered drone aircraft.
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A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light
source that emits light when current flows through it.
Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron
holes, releasing energy in the form of photons.
27K resistor:
A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component
that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. In
electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow
2N2222A transistor:
A transistor is a device that regulates current or voltage flow
and acts as a switch or gate for electronic signals.
9V battery:
An electric battery is a source of electric power consisting of
one or more electrochemical cells with external connections
for powering electrical devices.
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30 turns of wire
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1. Make a coil of 30 turns using an insulated copper wire and connect
both the ends with both the terminals of the LED.
2. Make another coil of 30 turns using an insulated copper wire but this time
make a loop after 15th turn.
3. Connect the emitter end of the transistor to the negative terminal of
the cell, the positive terminal of the cell is connected to the loop of the
4. One end of the coil is connected to the collector end of the transistor.
The other end of the coil is connected to the resistor which is connected to
the base end of the transistor.
The intensity of the light in the LED slowly increases as the receiver
gradually comes closer to the transmitter.
Wireless power transfer works on the inductive power transfer principle, as found
in the conventional transformers. The basic working principle of wireless power
transfer is, two objects having similar resonant frequency and in magnetic
resonance at powerfully coupled rule tends to exchange the energy, while
dissipating relatively little energy to the extraneous off-resonant objects.
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The technology of wireless power transmission can eliminate the use of the
wires and batteries, thus increasing the mobility, convenience, and safety
of an electronic device for all users. Wireless power transfer is useful to
power electrical devices where interconnecting wires are inconvenient,
hazardous, or are not possible.
Simple design.
User friendly.
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need to be plugged in to recharge their internal batteries, and take many
hours to do so. However, many envision that in the near future, one need
only park their car in a pre-determined spot in their driveway and the car
will charge wirelessly and automatically. Thus, a great deal of research has
been done into WPT.
There are studies about the charging of medical products such as pacemaker
while inside the body using WPT systems.
WPT systems are used in industrial equipment as work is being carried out on
the electrical supply of equipment found in dirty and difficult to connect
The solar power plant is installed on the moon and the generated energy is
sent to the earth using wireless power transmission technology as a future
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MPT has some drawbacks and limitations and even potential risks associated
with it.
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The potential scope of using wireless power transfer technology are as follows:
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Wirelessly powered train:
In this system a dual mode power receiver and transmitter will connect to
the pole. Each station will have a pole with the dual mode transmitter and
receiver. Power come from the power station that dual mode transmitter
captures the power and transmit the power. By using dual mode transmitter
power receive and transmit happen simultaneously. These powers will be
received by the receiver that fixed in the roof of the train.
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Nikola Tesla wanted to create the way to supply power without stringing
wires. He almost accomplished his goal when his experiment led him to
creation of the Tesla coil. It was the first system that could wirelessly
transmit electricity. From 1891 to 1898 he experimented with the
transmission of electrical energy using a radio frequency resonant
transformer of the Tesla coil, which produces high voltage, high
frequency alternating currents. With that he was able to transfer power
over short distances without connecting wires. However, the Tesla coil
does not have much practical application anymore, Tesla’s invention
completely transformed the way electricity was comprehended and used.
Radios and televisions still use variations of the Tesla coil today.
The focus of this project has been an overview of WPT, and its aim has been
to highlight the many benefits and applications of WPT. This project covered
things like, applications of WPT, both in practical and near future
applications and in theoretical applications for the future. The limitations
and potential safety concerns were also pointed out. WPT has the potential
to completely disrupt the way that mobile devices, from cellphones and
laptops to cars and aerial vehicles, operate and obtain energy. The future of
energy is the untethering of devices from a power cord to realize the freedom
of mobile technologies.
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