Wireless Power Transmission in Electric Vehicle Applications
Wireless Power Transmission in Electric Vehicle Applications
Wireless Power Transmission in Electric Vehicle Applications
Electronics Engineering (ERTE’19) | May 2019
e-ISSN: 2455-5703
For energy, environment, and many other reasons, the electrification for transportation has been carrying out for many years. In
railway systems, the electric locomotives have already been well developed for many years. A train runs on a fixed track. It is easy
to get electric power from a conductor rail using pantograph sliders. However, for electric vehicles (EVs), the high flexibility
makes it not easy to get power in a similar way. The problem for an electric vehicle is nothing else but the electricity stor age
technology, which requires a battery which is the bottleneck today due to its unsatisfactory energy density, limited life time and
high cost. Wireless power transfer (WPT) using magnetic resonance is the technology which could set human free from the
annoying wires. In fact, the WPT adopts the same basic theory which has already been developed for at least 30years with the t erm
inductive power transfer. WPT technology is developing rapidly in recent years. The advances make the WPT very attractive to
the electric vehicle (EV) charging applications in both stationary and dynamic charging scenarios. Here uses reviews of the
technologies in the WPT area applicable to EV wireless charging. By introducing WPT in EVs, the obstacles like charging time,
range, and cost can be easily mitigated thus battery technology will no longer be relevant in the mass market penetration of EVs.
It is hoped that researchers could be encouraged by the state-of-the-art achievements, and push forward the further development
of WPT as well as the expansion of EV.
Keyword- Electric Vehicles, Wireless Power Transfer, Inductive Power Transfer, Static and Dynamic WPT
In an EV, the battery is not so easy to design because of the following requirements: high energy density, high power density,
affordable cost, long cycle life time, good safety, and reliability, should be met simultaneously. To challenge the 300-mile range
of an internal combustion engine power vehicle, a pure EV needs a large amount of batteries which are too heavy and too expensive.
Advances in wireless communication and semiconductor technology have enabled a wide variety of portable consumer electronic,
medical, and industrial devices. However, users are still required to manually plug in these mobile devices, limiting ultimate
mobility and disrupting use when charge is depleted. Wireless power offers the possibility of connector-free electronic devices,
which could improve both size and reliability. With wireless charging technique the battery capacity of EVs could be reduced to
20% or less compared to EVs with conductive charging. This seminar mainly discusses on two types of charging stationary and
dynamic charging. For a stationary WPT system, the drivers just need to park their car and leave. For a dynamic WPT system,
which means the EV could be powered while driving; the EV is possible to run forever without a stop. Also, the battery capacity
of EVs with wireless charging could be reduced to 20% or less compared to EVs with conductive charging. Stationary WPT for
EV charging has better market acceptance and lower implementation cost compared to dynamic WPT.
There are two basic coupling methods used to complete the connection between the utility power grid, the battery charger,
and the vehicle connector. The first is the traditional plug (called conductive coupling). With this connection, the EV opera tor
plugs his vehicle into the appropriate outlet (i.e. 110 or 220 volts) to begin charging. This type of coupling can be used with the
charger in the car (onboard) or out of the car (offboard).
The second type of coupling is called inductive coupling. This type of coupling uses a paddle which fits into a socket on
the car. Rather than transferring the power by a direct wire connection, power is transferred by induction, which is a magnet ic
coupling between the windings of two separate coils, one in the paddle, the o ther mounted in the vehicle.
Fig. 3 shows that a wireless EV charger consis ts of the following main parts:
1) The detached (or separated, loosely coupled) transmitting and receiving coils. Usually, the coils are built with ferrite and
shielding structure, in the later sections, the term magnetic coupler is used to represent the entirety, including coil, ferrite, and
2) The compensation network;
3) The power electronics converters.
The main difference between a wireless charger and a conventional conductive or wired charger is that a transformer is replac ed
by a set of loosely couple coils.
To give a quick Idea of the WPT principle, the coil and the compensation network are pulled out separately, as shown in Fig.4.
power source. The receiver is noticeably smaller than the length o f the track. Segmented coil array-based designs have multiple
coils connected to high frequency power sources as shown in Fig.5 Transmitter track based systems are easier to control as th e
track is powered from a single source. Coupling coefficient along t he track is nearly constant when the vehicle moves along the
track. The transmitter track can be few meters to several tens of meters long. Usually ferromagnetic materials have been used to
guide the magnetic flux and increase the efficiency. Relative rang e of track-based systems are much smaller than unity.
Stationary WPT for EV charging has better market acceptance and lower implementation cost compared to dynamic WPT.
A. Advantages
– Completely eliminates the existing high-tension power transmission cables, towers and sub stations.
– The power failure due to short circuit and fault on cables never exist in this transmission
– The cost of transmission and distribution become less and the cost of electrical energy for the consumer also would reduced.
– Zero environmental pollution.
– Loss of transmission is negligible level in the Wireless Power Transmission; therefore, the efficiency of this metho d is very
much higher than the wired transmission.
B. Disadvantages
– The Capital Cost for practical implementation of WPT seems to be very high.
– Radiation.
This study gives a review of wireless charging of electric vehicles. It is clear that vehicle electrification is unavoidable because of
environment and energy related issues. Wireless charging will provide many benefits as compared with wired charging. In
particular, when the roads are electrified with wireless charging capability, it will provide the foundation for mass market
penetration for EV regardless of battery technology. With technology development, wireless charging of EV can be brought to
fruition. Further studies in topology, control, inverter design, and human safety are still needed in the near term.
[1] Alanson P. Sample, David A. Meyer “Analysis, Experimental Results, and Range Adaptation of Magnetically Coupled
Resonators for Wireless Power Transfer” Alanson P. Sample, Student Member, IEEE, David A. Meyer.
[2] D.M. Vilathgamuwa and J.P.K. Sampath Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) for Electric Vehicles (EVs)—Present and Future
[3] Benjamin L. Cannon,, James F. Hoburg, , Daniel D. Stancil, and Seth Copen Goldstein Magnetic Resonant Coupling As a
Potential Means for Wireless Power Transfer to Multiple Small Receivers.
[4] Challenges in the development of advanced Li-ion batteries by Marom, R. Elazari, G. Salitra, and D. Auerbach