Benazepril Adult: ACE inhibitors. Used Benazepril is General disorders Before:
Oral in the treatment of indicated for the and administration -Follow the 10 rights
10mg Once Daily cardiovascular treatment of site conditions: in administering
diseases. hypertension, to Fatigue, asthenia. medication
Maintenance dose: lower blood -Check and perform
20-40mg daily as pressure. Lowering Investigations: proper preparation
single dose or blood pressure Increased uric acid, of the right
divided into 2 doses. reduces the risk of blood glucose, serum medication and the
fatal and nonfatal bilirubin, and liver right dose
Child: cardiovascular enzymes; ECG changes. -Check if the patient
≥6 years, 0.2- events, primarily is allergic to drug
0.6mg/kg once daily strokes and Gastrointestinal -Check potassium
as needed. myocardial disorders: Nausea, levels as benazepril
infarctions. vomiting, constipation, may increase
gastritis, melaena. potassium level
-Do not give if
Metabolism and patient is pregnant
nutrition disorders:
Hyponatraemia, During:
proteinuria. -Observe if the
patient can swallow
Musculoskeletal and the right medication
connective tissue and right dose at the
disorders: Hypertonia, right time
myalgia, arthralgia, -Monitor for any
arthritis. signs ang symptoms
of allergic reaction
Nervous system
disorders: Dizziness,
headache, somnolence, After:
paraesthesia. -Monitor the client’s
vital signs
Psychiatric -Observe your
disorders: Insomnia, patient for any
nervousness, anxiety. adverse reaction
and report to
Renal and urinary physician if there is
disorders: UTI, any.
urinary frequency. -Monitor for chest
Reproductive system -Ensures client
and breast disorders: safety by putting up
Decreased libido, the side rails
impotence. - Refrain patient
from any stressful
Respiratory, thoracic activities
and mediastinal
disorders: Bronchitis,
asthma, dyspnoea,
Skin and
subcutaneous tissue
disorders: Alopecia,
syndrome, pemphigus,
Vascular disorders: