Name of Mechanism of Adverse Special
Frequency Indication Nursing Responsibilities
Drug Action Reactions Precautions
Generic: Dosage: Carvedilol is a non- Carvedilol is used to Significant: Patients with salt Observe 10 rights of drug
selective beta treat high blood Hypotension with and volume administration.
Carvedilol 6.25 blocker. It reduces pressure and heart Monitor blood pressure,
or without syncope, depletion,
mg/tab peripheral vascular failure heart rate, BUN, blood
bradycardia hypotension,
resistance by glucose, renal and liver
Route: selective a1 receptor ischemic heart function.
Brand: Cardiac disorders:
blockade. Carvedilol disease,
PO Dyspnea,
Carvibloc has weak membrane Prinzmetals’s variant Advise patient not to drive
pulmonary edema
Frequency: stabilizing properties angina, diabetes or operate heavy machinery
and has no intrinsic Infections: mellitus, since this drug may cause
½ tab BID sympathomimetic thyrotoxicosis, syncope.
peripheral vascular
Timing: Metabolism and Monitor BP and pulse
disease and psoriasis frequently during dose
8 am, 6 pm nutrition: Edema,
adjustment period and
hypervolemia, Avoid abrupt
periodically during
hyperglycemia, withdrawal therapy. Assess for
MIMS Philippines hypoglycemia orthostatic hypotension
Renal and mild to
(2019) when assisting patient up
Musculoskeletal moderate hepatic
from supine position. If
disorders: impairment heart rate decreases below
Arthralgia 55 beats/min, decrease
Elderly and pregnant
Classificati and lactating
Contraindications Side Effects
on mothers Monitor intake and output
ratios and daily weight.
Functional: Patient with Dizziness, fatigue,
Assess patient routinely for
decompensated hypotension,
Beta-blocker evidence of fluid overload
heart failure weight gain, high (peripheral edema, dyspnea,
requiring IV inotropic
Chemical: blood sugar, rales/crackles, fatigue,
treatment, bronchial
nausea weight gain, jugular venous
asthma or related
distention). Patients may
bronchospastic experience worsening of
conditions, 2nd- or symptoms during initiation
3rd-degree AV block of therapy for HF.
without permanent
pacemaker, severe
bradycardia, sick
sinus syndrome,
cardiogenic shock,
severe hepatic