Er Drugs Study
Er Drugs Study
Er Drugs Study
Acena, Jobelle C.
Union Christian College
Inhibits sodium and Edema associated Contraindicated to Vertigo Monitor serum glucose,
Generic Name: chloride reabsorption at with CHF patients hypersensitive Headache and electrolyte
FUROSEMIDE the proximal and distal to drug or any of its Paresthesia
tubules and the Cirrhosis with components and in orthostatic Diet- K+ for all except
Brand Name: ascending loop of ascites or renal those with anuria. hypotension aldactone
Apo-Furosemide Henlen dysfunction thrombophlebitis
Furoside Use cautiously in abdominal pain Intake and Output, daily
Lasix For hypertension or patient with hepatic weight
Lasix Speacial in combination with cirrhosis. Anemia
Novosemide other Undesirable effects;
Uritol muscle spasm Fluid and electrolyte
antihypertensive Patients with allergies
medications. to sulfonamides may imbalance
Classification: also be allergic to
Loop Diuretics ICP, nephritic furosemide. Review HR, BP and
syndrome, hepatic electrolytes
Dosage: cirrhosis In pregnant woman, use
0.5-1 mg/kg slow IVP only if benefits Elderly-Careful
over 1-2 min, may outweighs the risk to
repeat once at 2 mg/kg the fetus. Take with or after meals
slow IVP over 1-2 mins. and in AM
In breast feeding
woman, do not use Increase risk of
drug. orthostatic hypotension;
move slowly
Cancel alcohol
Acts as an anesthetic by Ventricular Contraindicated in patients CNS: Confusion, Monitor EKG, BP, pulse,
Generic Name: stabilizing the neuronal arrhythmias caused by hypersensitive to amide-type tremor, lethargy, rhythm, continuously.
LIDOCANE membrane by inhibiting MI, cardiac local anesthetics and in those somnolence, stupor,
the ionic fluxes manipulation or with Adams –Stoke restlessness anxiety, Monitor serum lidocaine
Brand Name: required for the cardiac glycosides syndrome. Wolff-Parkinsons- hallucinations, levels throughout theraphy;
Xylocaine initiation and White Syndrome, or severe nervousness, seizure. therapreutic range 1.5-5
conduction of impulses, degrees of SA, AV, or mcg/ml
Classification: thereby effecting local intraventricular block in the CV: hypotension,
Antiarrythmic and anesthetic action. Also absence of pacemaker. bradychardia, new or Monitor intake and output
Anesthetic acts as an worsened arrhythmias
antiarrhythmic by Do not mix in the same
Dosage: decreasing the EENT: tinnitus, syringe with amphoterin B
1-1.5 mg/kg IVP depolarization, blurred or double or cefazolin
or ETT (double automaticity, and vision.
dose if giving via excitability in the Administer Lidocaine TIV.
ET tube), may ventricles during the Respiratory:
repeat q 5-10 min. diastolic phase by a Respiratory In case of circulatory
max direct action on the depression and arrest depression have dopamine
3 mg/kg; If tissues, especially the available
conversion Purkinje network, Skin: soreness at
successful start an without involvement of injection site
infusion of 2-4 the autonomic system.
mg/min Neither contractility, Other: anaphylaxis,
systolic arterial blood
atrioventricular (AV)
conduction velocity,
nor absolute refractory
period is altered by
usual therapeutic doses
Inhibits the sodium- V-fib, V-flutter, CHF, Contraindicated in patients CNS: hallucinations, Monitor K+, Mg++,
Generic Name: potassium ATP phase. pulmonary edema, atrial hypersensitive to the drug paresthesia, stupor, ECG, liver/renal function
DIGOXIN fibrillation and or flutter, or any of its components vertigo. tests, drug level
and paroxysmal atrial and in those with digitalis- CV: Arrythmias, heart (therapeutic level 0.5-2.0
Brand Name: contractions induced toxicity, failure, hypotension. mg/ml, toxicity is >2.0
Lanoxin, Digoxin, ventricular fibrillation, or EENT: blurred vision, mg/ml).
Lanoxicap ventricular tachycardia diplopia, light flashes,
unless caused by heart photophobia, yellow- Before each dose assess
Classification: failure. green halos around apical pulse for full
Cardiac Glycosides visual images. minute, record and report
Dosage: Use cautiously in patients GI: anorexia, diarrhea, changes in rate or
Adults: For rapid with acute MI, in complete nausea, vomiting. rhythm.
digitalization, give 0.4 Av block, sinus
to 0.6 mg I.V. initially, bradycardia, PVCs,, Withhold drug and
followed by 0.1 to 0.3 chronic constrictive contact provider if pulse
mg I.V. every 4 hours, pericarditis, hyperthropic is < 60/min. or >100
as needed and tolerated, cardiomyopathy, renal (adults) or < 110/minute
for 24 hours. insufficiency, severe (children)
pulmonary disease, or
Children: digitalizing hypothyroidism. Weigh daily
dose is based on child’s Monitor I&O and signs
age and is given in three of CHF
or more divided doses
over the first 24 hours.
First dose is 50% of
total dose; subsequent
dose are given q 4 to 8
hours as needed and
Acidosis decrease
effectiveness of
Relaxes the vascular Angina pectoris Contraindicated in patients CV: orthostatic Record characteristics
Generic Name smooth system CHF associated with hypersensitive to nitrates hypotension, flushing, and precipitating factors
NITROGLYCERIN AMI and in those with early MI. fainting. of anginal pain.
Myocardial oxygen (S.L. form), severe anemia, EENT: sublingual
Brand Name consumption Cardiac load reducing increase ICP angle-closure burning. Monitor BP and apical
Nitrostat agent glaucoma, IV Skin: Cutaneous pulse before
left ventricular nitroglycerine is vasodilation, contact administration and
Classification workload Hypertensive Crisis contraindicated in patients dermatitis (patch) periodically after dose.
Antianginal, Nitrate, arterial BP with hypovolemia,
Vasodilator, Coronary hypotension, orthostatic Have client sit or lie
venous return hypotension, cardiac down if taking drug for
Dosage: tamponade restrictive the first time.
0.3-0.4 mg SL q 5 min, cardiomyopathy,
max 3 doses. constrictive pericarditis. Client must have
continuing EKG
monitoring for IV
defibrillator must not be
discharged through
paddle electrode
Nitro-Bid ointment or
the Transderm-Nitro
Patch. Assist with
ambulating if dizzy.
To overcome severe
carotid sinus reflex
Antidote for
collapse from the
injudicious use of a
cholinergic drug.
Enhancing the force of Short term treatment of Contraindication in patients CV: angina, Monitor CVP to assess
Generic Name myocardial contraction cardiac decompensation hypersensitive to drug or hypertension, vascular volume and
DOBUTAMINE in organic heart disease any of its components and hypotension, increased cardiac pumping
HYDROCHLORIDE HR, CO, and of cardiac surgical in those with idiopathic heart rate, nonspecific efficiency.
SV with minor effects to pressures. hypertrophic subaortic chest pain, phlebitis,
Brand Name HR. stenosis. PVCs. (Elevated CVP may
Dobutrex elevated ventricular GI: nausea and indicate disruption on
filling pressure and vomiting. CO, as in pump failure or
Classification helps AV node Respiratory: asthma Pulmonary edma; low
Inotropic, Adrenergic conduction attacks, shortness of CVP may indicate
breath. hypovolemia)
Dosage Others: anaphylaxis.
Adults individualized: Monitor ECG and BP
2.5-15 mcg/kg/min. continuously during drug
Rate of administration
and duration of therapy Record I&O
depend on the response
of client as determined Monitor glucose in
by HR, presence of diabetes patients
activity, BP and urine
flow Drug is administered IV
to improve cardiac
function thus increasing
BP and improving urine
GI Disturbances
Adult: PO 520–975 mg p.c.
up to 5 g/d
Aminophylline is a To prevent and Hypersensitivity to xanthine CNS: Nervousnes Assessment & Drug Effects
Generic Name salt of theophylline relieve symptoms derivatives or to s, restlessness,
AMINOPHYLLINE with effects similar of acute bronchial ethylenediamine depression, Monitor for S&S of toxicity
(theophylline to those of other asthma and component; cardiac insomnia, (generally related to
ethylenediamide) xanthines (e.g., treatment of arrhythmias. Safety during irritability, theophylline serum levels over
caffeine and bronchospasm pregnancy (category C) or headache, 20 mg/mL). Observe patients
Brand Name theobromine). associated with lactation is not established. dizziness, muscle receiving parenteral drug
Phyllocontin, Somophyllin, Action is dependent chronic bronchitis hyperactivity, closely for signs of
Somophyllin-DF, on theophylline and emphysema. Cautious Use convulsions. CV: hypotension, arrhythmias, and
Truphylline, Corophyllin, content Cardiac convulsions until serum
Paladron (approximately 80%) Unlabeled Uses Severe hypertension, arrhythmias, theophylline stabilizes within
and is measured as cardiac disease, tachycardia (with the therapeutic range.
Classification theophylline in the As a respiratory arrhythmias; impaired rapid IV), Note: High incidence of
Bronchodilator (respiratory serum. stimulant in hepatic function; diabetes hyperventilation, toxicity is associated with
smooth muscle Cheyne-Stokes mellitus; hyperthyroidism; chest pain, severe rectal suppository use due to
relaxant); xanthine respiration; for glaucoma; prostatic hypotension, erratic rate of absorption.
treatment of hypertrophy; fibrocystic cardiac Monitor & record vital signs
Dosage apnea and breast disease; history of arrest. GI: Nausea and I&O. A sudden, sharp,
Bronchospasm bradycardia in peptic ulcer; neonates and , vomiting, unexplained rise in heart rate
Adult: IV Loading Dose 6 premature infants; young children, patients anorexia, may indicate toxicity.
mg/kg over 30 min IV as cardiac over 55 y; COPD, acute hematemesis, Lab tests: Monitor serum
Maintenance stimulant and influenza or patients diarrhea, theophylline levels.
Dose nonsmoker, 0.5 diuretic in receiving influenza epigastric pain. Note: Older adults, acutely ill,
mg/kg/h; smoker, 0.75 treatment of CHF. immunization. and patients with severe
mg/kg/h; CHF or cirrhosis, respiratory problems, liver
0.25 dysfunction, or pulmonary
mg/kg/h PO nonsmoker, 0.5 edema are at greater risk of
mg/kg/h times 24 h in 4 toxicity due to reduced drug
divided doses; smoker, 0.75 clearance.
mg/kg/h times 24 h in 4 Note: Children appear more
divided doses; CHF or susceptible to CNS
cirrhosis, 0.25 mg/kg/h stimulating effects of
times 24 h in 4 divided xanthines (nervousness,
doses restlessness, insomnia,
Child: IV Loading Dose 6 hyperactive reflexes,
mg/kg IV over 30 min IV twitching, convulsions).
Maintenance Dose 1–9 y, 1 Dosage reduction may be
mg/kg/h; >9 y, 0.75 indicated.
mg/kg/h PO 1–9 y, 1
mg/kg/h times 24 h in 4 Patient & Family Education
divided doses; >9 y, 0.75
mg/kg/h times 24 h in 4 Note: Use of tobacco tends to
divided doses increase elimination of this
Infant: PO/IV 6–11 drug (shortens half-life),
mo, 0.87 g/kg/h; 2–6 necessitating higher dosage or
mo, 0.5 mg/kg/h shorter intervals than in
Neonate: PO/IV 0.16 nonsmokers.
mg/kg/h Report excessive nervousness
or insomnia. Dosage reduction
Neonatal Apnea may be indicated.
Neonate: PO/IV Loading Note: Dizziness is a relatively
Dose 5 mg/kg PO/IV common side effect,
Maintenance Dose 5 particularly in older adults;
mg/kg/d divided q12h take necessary safety
Do not take OTC remedies for
treatment of asthma or cough
unless approved by physician.
Do not breast feed while
taking this drug without
consulting physician.
Analog of Narcotic overdosage; Respiratory depression due Body as a Assessment & Drug Effects
Generic Name oxymorphone. A complete or partial to nonopioid drugs. Safety Whole: Reversal of
NALOXONE HCL "pure" narcotic reversal of narcotic during pregnancy (other analgesia, tremors, Observe patient closely;
antagonist, essentially depression including than labor) (category B) or hyperventilation, duration of action of some
Brand Name free of agonistic respiratory depression lactation is not established. slight drowsiness, narcotics may exceed that of
Narcan (morphine-like) induced by natural sweating. CV: Incr naloxone. Keep physician
properties. Thus, it and synthetic Cautious Use eased BP, informed; repeat naloxone
Classification produces no narcotics and by tachycardia. GI: Na dose may be necessary.
Central nervous significant analgesia, pentazocine and Neonates and children; usea, May precipitate opiate
system agent; narcotic respiratory propoxyphene. Drug known or suspected vomiting. Hematol withdrawal if administered to
(opiate) antagonist depression, of choice when nature narcotic dependence; ogic: Elevated a patient who is opiate
psychotomimetic of depressant drug is cardiac irritability. partial dependent.
Dosage effects, or miosis not known and for thromboplastin Note: Narcotic abstinence
Opiate Overdose when administered in diagnosis of suspected time. symptoms induced by
Adult: IV 0.4–2 mg, the absence of acute opioid naloxone generally start to
may be repeated q2– narcotics and overdosage. diminish 20–40 min after
3min up to 10 mg if possesses more potent administration and usually
necessary narcotic antagonist Unlabeled Uses disappear within 90 min.
Child: IV 0.01 mg/kg, action. Monitor respirations and other
may be repeated q2– Shock and to reverse vital signs.
3min up to 10 mg if alcohol-induced or Monitor surgical and obstetric
necessary clonidine-induced patients closely for bleeding.
coma or respiratory Naloxone has been associated
Postoperative Opiate depression. with abnormal coagulation test
Depression results. Also observe for
Adult: IV 0.1–0.2 mg, reversal of analgesia, which
may be repeated q2– may be manifested by nausea,
3min for up to 3 doses vomiting, sweating,
if necessary tachycardia.
Child: IV 0.005–0.01
mg/kg, may be
repeated q2–3min up
to 3 doses if necessary Patient & Family Education
Leucovorin Rescue
for Methotrexate
PO/IM/IV 10mg/m
followed by 10
mg/m followed by
10 mg/m q6h for 72
h, further doses
based on serum
Leucovorin Rescue
for other Folate
Antagonist Toxicity
PO/IM/IV 5-15
Although its exact Analgesic and Hypersensitivity to Headache, dizziness, Monitor for therapeutic
Generic Name: mechanism of action antipyretic effects in diclofenac, patients in somnolence, insomnia, effectiveness. Up to 3 wks
has not been fully symptomatic treatment whom asthma, urticaria, fatigue, tiredness, may be needed for beneficial
elucidated, it appears of rheumatoid arthritis, angioedema, tinnitus, effects with rheumatoid
SODIUM to be a potent osteoarthritis, and bronchospasm, severe ophthalmologic arthritis or osteoarthritis.
inhibitor of ankylosing spondylitis. rhinitis, shock, or other effects, Rash, pruritus, Observe and report signs of
Brand Name: cyclooxygenase, Also, acute gout; sensitivity reaction is sweating, dry mucous bleeding (e.g., petechiae,
Voltaren thereby decreasing juvenile rheumatoid precipitated by aspirin or membranes, stomatitis, ecchymoses, bleeding gums,
the synthesis of arthritis; various other NSAIDS, pregnancy Nausea, dyspepsia, GI bloody or black stools, cloudy
Classification: prostaglandins. rheumatic conditions (category B), lactation. Pain, diarrhea, or bloody urine).
Anti-inflammatory . including bursitis, vomiting, constipation, Monitor BP for hypertension
myalgia, sciatica, and flatulence. Dysuria, and blood sugar for
Dosage: tendinitis; acute soft renal impairment, hyperglycemia.
50 mg tissue injuries Bleeding, platelet Monitor diabetics closely for
including sprains and inhibition with higher loss of diabetic control.
strains; dysmenorrhea; doses Monitor for increased serum
headache, migraine, sodium and potassium in
and dental, minor patients receiving potassium-
surgical, and sparing diuretics.
postpartum pain; and Monitor weight and report
renal or biliary colic. gains greater than 1 kg.
Ophthalmic: Cataract Monitor for signs and
surgery; photophobia symptoms of GI irritation and
associated with ulceration.
surgery. Topical: Treat
ment of actinic
Stimulates beta o Asthma Contraindicate in patients Nervousness Monitor V/S. and check for
Generic Name: receptors in lung. o Bronchitis with angle-closure Tremor cardiac dysrhythmias
EPINEPHRINE o Emphysema glaucoma, shock (other Vertigo Drug increases rigidity and
Relaxes bronchial o All cardiac than anaphylactic shock), Pain tremor in patients with
smooth muscle. arrest, organic brain damage, Widened pulse Parkinson’s disease
Brand Name: anaphylaxis cardiac dilation, pressure Epinephrine therapy interferes
Injection, OTC Increases vital o Used for arrhythmias, coronary Hypertension with tests for urinary
nasal solution: capacity insufficiency, or cerebral catecholamine
symptomatic nausea
Adrenaline BP, HR, PR bradycardia. arteriosclerosis. Also Avoid IM use of parenteral
Chloride o Relief of contraindicated in patient suspension into buttocks. Gas
Decreases airway receiving general gangrene may occur
Ophthalmic resistance. anesthesia with Massage site after IM injection to
occurring during
solution: halogenated hydrocarbons counteract possible
Epifrin, Glaucon or cyclopropane and in vasoconstriction.
o Exercised-
patients in labor (may Observe patient closely for
Insect sting delay second stage) adverse reactions. Notify doctor
emergencies: if adverse reaction develop
EpiPen Auto- Some products containing
If blood pressure increases
Injector sulfites and are
sharply, rapid-acting vasodilators
(delivers contraindicated in patients
such as nitrates or alpha blockers
0.3 mg IM with sulfite allergies
can be given to counteract
adult dose) except when drug is used
EpiPen Jr. for serious allergic
Auto-Injector reactions or in other
(delivers emergency situations.
0.15 mg IM for
children) In conjunction with local
anesthesia, epinephrine is
OTC solutions for contraindicated for use in
nebulization: finger, toes, ears, nose, and
AsthmaNefrin, genitalia.
Nephron, S2 Use cautiously with long-
standing bronchial asthma
Classification: and emphysema, who have
Sympathomimetic developed degenerative
Beta2 Adrenergic heart disease and in those
Agonists with hyperthyroidism, CV
disease, hypertension,
Dosage: psychoneurosis, or
Cardiac arrest: diabetes.
1 mg IV of 1:10,000
solution q 3-5 min; In pregnant woman, drug
double dose if is contraindicated.
via ET tube In breast feeding do not
use the drug or stop breast
Anaphylaxis: 0.1- 1 feeding.
mg SQ or IM of
1:1000 solution.
Asthma: 0.1-0.3 mg
SQ or IM of
1:10,000 solution
bradycardia and
hypotension: 2-