Drug Class
Drug Class
Drug Class
GENERIC NAME: Inhibits the transfer CNS: headache, -Monitor BP and
AMLODIPINE of calcium into the dizziness, fatigue pulse before therapy,
myocardial and CV: peripheral edema, during dose titration,
BRAND NAME: vascular smooth angina,bradycardia, and periodically
NORVASC muscle cells, hypotension, during therapy.
resulting in inhibition palpitations Monitor ECG
THERAPEUTIC CLASS: of excitation- GI: gingival hyperplasia, periodically during
Antihypertensives contraction coupling nausea prolonged therapy
and subsequent Derm: flushing
PHARMACOLOGIC: contraction. -Monitor I & O ratios
Calcium Channel and daily weight.
Blocker CONTRAINDICATION Assess signs of CHF.
ROUTE AND PATIENT -BP <90 mm Hg -May be
DOSE: administered without
PO (ADULT)5-10 mg OD Use Cautiously in: regard to meals.
-severe hepatic
INDICATION: impairment -Advise patient to
Alone or with other -geriatic patient take medication as
agents in the -aortic stenosis directed, even if
management of -Hx of CHF feeling well. Take
hypertension, angina missed dose ASAP
pectoris and vasospatic unless almost time
(Prinzmetal’s) angina. for next dose; do not
double dose. May
need to be
GENERIC NAME: Inhibits HMG-CoA CNS: insomia -before treatment,
ATORVASTATIN reductase, an early CV: stroke assess patient for
CALCIUM (and rate-limiting) EENT: nasopharyngitis, underlying causes of
step in cholesterol pharyngolaryngeal pain hypercholesterolemia
BRAND NAME: biosynthesis. GI: abdominal pain, and obtain baseline
LIPITOR diarrhea, dyspepsia, lipid profile.
flatulence, nausea
THERAPEUTIC CLASS: GU: UTI -watch for signs of
ANTILIPEMICS METABOLIC: diabetic myositis and
mellitus myopathy
DOSE: Rhabdomyolisis, -warn patient to
PO (ADULT): 80 mg OD arthralgia, myalgia, avoid alcohol.
extremity pain, muscle
INDICATION: spasm, musculoskeletal -Advise patient that
Intensive lipid-lowering pain drug can be taken at
after an ACS event SKIN: rash any time of the day,
regardless of baseline CONTRAINDICATION without the regard to
LDL; noncardioembolic -hypersensitivity to drug meals.
stroke/ Transient and pt. with active liver
Ischemic Attack disease.
(Secondary Prevention)
hypothyroidism and
renal impairment
-use cautiously to
patient with hepatic
impairment and heavy
alcohol use.
GENERIC NAME: Inhibits protein CNS:dizziness, seizures, -Assess payient for
AZITHROMYCIN synthesis at the level drowsiness, fatigue, infection at beginning
of the 50S bacterial headache of and throughout
BRAND NAME: ribosome. CV: chest pains, therapy.
ZITHROMAX, ZMAX, hypotension, -Observe for signs
AzaSite palpitations, QT and symptoms of
prolongation(rare) anaphylaxis. Notify
THERAPEUTIC CLASS: GI: pseudomemvranous the physician or
Anti-infectives colitis, abdominal pain, other HCP
Agent for atypical diarrhea, nausea, immediately if these
mycobacterium cholestic jaundice, occur.
elevated liver enzymes, -Instruct patient to
PHARMACOLOGIC dysplepsia, flatulence, take medication as
CLASS: melena, oral candidiasis directed and to finish
Macrolides GU: nephritis, vaginitis drug completely,
HEMAT: anemia, even if they are
ROUTE AND PATIENT leukopenia, feeling better. Tell
DOSE: thrombocytopenia the patient to take
PO(250, 500, 600 mg)- DERM: photosensitivity, missed dose ASAP
administered 1 hr/2 hrs Steven- Johnson unless almost time
after meal syndrome, rashes for next dose; do not
OPTHALMIC(1%) & EENT: ototoxicity double dose.
IV(500 mg) OD F and E: hyperkalemia -instruct patient not
Misc: angioedema take azithromycin
INDICATION: with food or antacids.
Treatment of the -instruct patient to
-Hypersensitivity to
following infections due notify HCP if fever
to susceptible and diarrhea
erythromycin, or other
organisms: develop, especially if
macrolides anti-
-Upper respiratory tract stools contains blood,
infection pus, or mucus. Advise
-Lower respiratory tract patient not to treat
infection diarrhea without
-Acute bacterial advise of HCP.
sinusitis and COPD in
-Acute otitis media
-Skin to skin structure