Church Board Meeting September 26TH 2023-1

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1. Dcn. Jonathan Olaonipekun LCC Chairman
2. Pastor Praise Olufemi Resident Pastor
3. Dcn. Segun Ogundeji DB Chairman / CB Secretary
4. Bro. Michael Odewumi FMC Chairman
5. Dcn Ohi Oyakhire Member
6. Bro. Oyewale Oyeleke Audit Committee Chairman
7. Pst. SPO
8. Pst. Christopher State Accountant

1.0 COMMENCEMENT: The meeting started at exactly 3:05 pm. The opening
prayer was said by Elder Bayo Shittu. The Praise and Worship was led by
Dcn. Ohi Oyakhire. Thanksgiving prayer was taken by Bro. Michael
Odewumi . Intersession Prayer 1. was taken by Dcn. Jonathan Olaonipekun
while Intercession 2. was taken by Dcn. Segun Ogundeji.
The State Pastor charged the meeting on “Power of Unity”. He said heaven
recognized the power of oneness. Though we have the Trinity, all are in one
operation. Taken from the book of Genesis. 1:1-3(“In the beginning God created
the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the
face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”)
He said the three are together, though they all have their assignment but still in
one unity. Genesis . 11:3 & 6 (“And they said one to another, Go to, let us make
brick ,and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime they
had for mortar.
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language
and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which
they have imagine to do”
). The SP said that “The people is one” is a mystery. He said they could be many
but purpose made them one. – Unity.
Coming in with different ideas, with one end result in mind. With One language,
nothing can stop us to achieve our goal when we are one. Nehemiah 4:6 (
so built we the wall due to one mind”)
SP further said that , there must be oneness. God is depending on us to move this
Church forward.
He concluded by paying for strange move of God to advance the Church and
grace for oneness of purpose.


The LCC Chairman, representing the Church Board Chairman welcomed everyone
to the meeting. He stressed on team work and said summarized it on four points
1. Learn to be assertive without being aggressive.
2. Learn how to comfort issue without being confrontational.
3. Learn to solve problem without being problematic.
4. Learn to discuss matter without being disgusting.
The minutes of the last meeting was read by the Secretary.
Dcn. Ohi Oyakhire suggested that soft copy of the minutes of the meeting can be
posted on the platform before the meeting to save time.
State Pastor observed and said Absenteeism space should be added to
attendance column.
The motion for the adoption of the minutes of the meeting was moved by Bro.
Michael Odewumi and seconded by Dcn.Ohi Oyakhire .


4.1 State Pastor’s Report:
The LCC Chairman representing the CB Chairman asked the State pastor on any
latest information on Localization policy?. The State Pastor replied that
Localization Policy came into existence for the local station to generate any
developmental project and fund it because finance will no longer come from
anywhere to fund project but from same station. This is to encourage self
generating project and self financing.

4.2 Ongoing projects in the Church

4.2.1 Toilet facility
The SPO reported that the Toilet construction is 80% completed awaiting
disbursement from MHO to the contractor being an ongoing project before the
advent of the localization policy. The LCC chairman asked the possibility of the
toilet ready for Shiloh 2023? And the SPO responded in affirmation.
4.2.2 CCTV
LCC Chairman asked for the update of the CCTV / contractor. SPO responded
that the a meeting was scheduled with the contractor handling the CCTV and
he was mandated to write an apology letter for deviating from the initial
agreement to install wireless CCTV instead of running cables system.
Meanwhile, the Church had agreed to get the Android Television compatible
for the wireless installation system.
SP responded that, not having the CCTV on time is a bridge and threat to
security. SPO suggested that the Church should procure the Television ready
before the contractor get set for the installation.
The meeting resolved to procure the Android TV to fast track the installation.
4.2.3 Inverter
SPO reported that inverter at Church office and mission house is working
LCC Chairman asked if the Solar light for Church premises is part of the
arrangement? But SPO said that work is ongoing to get that into the budget.


5.1. Budget .
SP said that Annual budget was flagged off today being 13th September,2023.
SP mentioned that diesel consumption and cost is higher than our ROF being 6.6
million. And said that from the last pastoral meeting held at Lagos, the
commission insisted no review will be made to the ROF in general.

5.2 Welfare
LCC Chairman asked the FMC on welfare account. FMC replied that he is yet to
know the channel the regular fund by an individual goes to.
He said since our ROF is insufficient, why cant we make open other income
5.3 Asset Register
FMC Chairman said that work had commenced on service unit level. And also
awaiting the AO to get that of Church office and all mission houses ready. Then
collation will be done thereafter.
5.4 Disposal of obsolete and unserviceable equipments/ items.
The accountant replied that work is ongoing to that effect.
5.5 Report from Residential Quarter
SPO reported that it is only Bishop Court that is okay. All other residence are
not fit due to poor maintenance culture. He also said that the houses at New
Jerusalem can accommodate many staff.
FMC Chairman suggested that we should capture all abandoned buildings as
capital project and gradually start repairing them.
SPO said they are working on rebuilding the New Jerusalem so that they can
create 3bedroom flats from it.
5.6 Dedicated line for studio
Accountant reported that the office is working on that.
5.7 Maintenance of Church Vehicles
Observation was raised on the state of the Church vehicles not been well
5.8 Welfare committee and funding
The meeting agreed that all welfare matter should come through the home
FMC Chairman said that accountability is required, the previous fund released
should be properly accounted for (retired) before qualifying for another
5.9 Audit Report
Audit Chairman charged the state accountant to work on the station
accountant to be effective in his assignment. He stated that August report is
still outstanding till date.
Deacons’ Board Chairman reported on just concluded Workers’ Advance. He
appreciated the State Pastor for his support to making the training programme
a huge success.
He also craved the indulgence of the SP/ meeting to attend to the Gilead unit
in need of fund to procure some basic drugs for their operation.
He reported further on the Teens’ Church in need of Drum set, Keyboard and
Amplifier to create enabling worship atmosphere for them, because some are
finding their way out of the Church to other places and returned before we
close service. The meeting agreed to arrange a palliative measure to that
DB Chairman suggested that the SP can find a day to recognize, celebrate and
pray or the Elders in the congregation as a way of rejuvenate life into them.
More so, he suggested that a day should be set aside to address all parent.
The State Pastor responded that he will look into that though there is a
teaching guideline he must follow at every service.

6.00 AOB
6.1 Time Management:
Audit Chairman applauded the state pastor for keeping to time with impactful
SP observed and said that our meeting time should not be prolong beyond
necessary .
6.2 Security matter
FMC Chairman pointed out that we need to beef up our security system.

The motion for adjournment of the meeting was moved by SPO and seconded by
Bro. Michael Odewumi.
The State Pastor said the closing prayer and the meeting came to a close at

____________________ __________________
Elder Ayo Ojeniyi Dcn. Segun Ogundeji
Chairman Secretary

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