1st September

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MEN MISSIONARY UNION Yaba Baptist Church Sabo, Yaba Report of the mission activities of the M.M.

U for the year 2011. Glory be to god Almighty for his empowerment and various achievements for the year under review The achievement goes a follows: 1. Lagos East Baptist Conference. We attended all meetings of the conference and all necessary dues are paid up to date and we are rated to be in the 3rd position in giving in the conference.
2. Gideon II Association . All associational meetings were attended

and all dues paid. Also all out reaches and out of the station evangelism participated. We are in the first position in giving to the association. 3. Convention 2011 at Ogomosho. We attended convention in session at Ogbomosho and participated in all M.M.U activities in the convention and the general session when the new general secretary was selected.
4. National Congress in Delta State. We attended National Congress of

the M.M.U at Ebenezer Baptist Church Sapele in Delta State in the month of August. All meetings of congress are attended in all the three days of the congress. Baptist men centres Ibadan. The congress highly appreciated our union in respect of our contributions to the centre. We are rated to be in the 5th position of donors to centre in all Baptist Churches in Nigeria 5. Hausa Sunday School. The Sunday School is still going on undisturbed and we are very grateful for the achievement so far. A temporary Hausa Pastor is working with us at the moment doing

everything possible to get more Hausa people to join the membership of our church
6. Pole Wire Baptist Church at Kanuku Niger State. This year 2011 we

could not send anything to the church due to some financial constraints but next year God willing we shall send money to the church and go with the delegates who are going to visit Kanuku churches. 7. Membership Drive. Due to some of our members living very far from the church and some transportation problems confronting our members we could not achieve much in getting more members but we have some. By most year we shall intensify all efforts in getting more members. We thank our existing members for their steadfastness.
8. Correctional Centre. The centre is going on smoothly thanks to Pa.

Akinde who had been helping us to change the boys for better. Also our thanks goes to Deaconess Akinwande and Brother Akin Fajobi who are helping us to give lectures to the boys for the fourth coming Baptismal Service of our church. Presently, ten boys are undergoing these lectures. 9. Welfare of Members. Our welfare department continues to visit some members and some financial assistances had been rendered to the needy members.
10. M.M.U Mission Bus Project. The project is going on steadly and men

members of the church including the women are contributing to the project. We are now appealing to the remaining men and women in the church to do so accordingly. We are praying that in the year 2012 the bus will be purchased. Thanks to Rev. Dr. Marcaulay the chairman of the project for his effort. It is our prayer that God will continue to bless him and family in Jesus name (Amen). Also Engineer Ajiwobaje for his efforts in giving our donor envelopes to his co- workers. God will continue to bless him and everybody who had contributed and

those who has not contribute to the project. It is our prayer that God will bless you all in Jesus name [Amen] DETAILS OF AMOUNT RECEIVE ON 30TH OCT, 2011 Hall Income on Oct 2011 Annual Dues Total EXPENSES MADE ON 30TH OCT 2011 1. Admin Sec Salary for Oct 2011 2. Security Mans salary for Oct 2011 3. Impress A/C for Nov 2011 4. Typing & photocopy fin report 5. Musical Party Allowance for Nov 2011 6. Condolence visit to Muoneke Emeka 7. Condolence visit to Muoneke Okechukwu 8. N.E.P.A Bill for Oct & transport to Izundu office 9. Condolence visit to I.K. Ibeanu 10. Deficit Hall management for Oct 2011 11. Cost of drinks at Nnewi by members Total SUMMARY Total Income Total Expenses Bal N533,150 N230,900 N302,250

N519,500 N13,650 N533,150 N13,000 N8,000 N25,000 N1,000 N5,000 N13,000 N13,000 N15,000 N125,900 N5,000 N7000 N230,900

.. Gabriel Oruche.C Fin. Sec. U.N.W.A

1st September, 2011 The Director General NIHOTOUR H/Q Abuja Dear Sir,

BLOCK A (OLD) 1. Emulsion (cream colour) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Emulsion (white) Emulsion (brown) Gloss (white) Gloss (black) Thinner Polyfiller 21 Drums @ N6000 15 Drums @ N6000 2 Drums @ N6000 6 gallons @ N3000 2 gallons @ N3000 2 gallons @ N2000 126,000 30,000 12,000 18,000 6,000 5,000 2,000

Workmanship & Transportation Total BLOCK B (NEW) 1. Emulsion (cream colour) 2. Emulsion (white) 35 Drums @ N6000 11 Drums @ N6000 Total Thanks in anticipation of you approval. Yours faithfully H.A. BABATUNDE

85,000 284,000 210,000 66,000 95,000 371,000

Workmanship & Transportation

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