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E-ISSN: 2548-7892 & P-ISSN: 2527-4449

Volume 8, Number 1, June 2023

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate

Material to Improve Creative Thinking Skills High School Student

Rr Tasya Noor Nabila, Agus Kamaludin*

Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[email protected]*
The lack of creative thinking skills causes students to be less optimal in
facing challenges in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore,
efforts are needed to improve students' creative thinking skills through
the learning process in the classroom. This study aims to develop and
ARTICLE INFO determine the quality of E-Worksheet loaded with STEAM-PjBL on
Article history:
reaction rate material to improve students' creative thinking skills.
January 16, 2023
Research conducted using 4D models (Define, Design, Development, and
Revised Disseminate). The instrument used is in the form of product quality
July 18, 2023 assessment sheets and student responses. The results of the E-Worksheet
Accepted assessment based on the assessment of material experts, media experts,
August 28, 2023 reviewers, and student responses received an ideal percentage of 93%,
97%, 90%, and 93% in the excellent category. Based on the assessment
results, the developed E-Worksheet can be used as an alternative
learning medium to improve students' creative thinking skills.

Keywords: STEAM-PjBL, Development Worksheet, Creative Thinking

How to cite Nabila, R., & Kamaludinm A., 2023). Development of E-Worksheet Based on
STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative Thinking Skills
High School Student. Jurnal Iqra’ : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan, 8(1). 299-317
Journal Homepage http://journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id/index.php/ji/
This is an open-access article under the CC BY SA license

21st-century skills are the key to student success in facing life's challenges in
the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 (Purnama &; Suparman, 2020). 21st-century
skills are known as 4C skills which consist of communication, collaboration, critical
thinking, problem-solving skills, and creative and innovative thinking (Framework
for 21st Century Learning, 2006). Students' 21st-century skills can be achieved by
improving the quality of 21st-century learning (Jayadi et al., 2020). The increasing
quality of 21st-century learning is influenced by the latest skills and innovations to
face 21st-century learning (Mahjatia et al., 2021). However, the current 21st-century
learning does not seem to provide optimal results for students, which impacts the
lack of 21st-century skills students possess (Pratiwi, 2019). According to the results
of the Global Creativity Index (GCI) study in 2015, one of the 21st-century skills,
namely students' creative thinking skills, in Indonesia still lacks. Indonesia is
ranked 115 out of 139 countries worldwide (Florida et al., 2015).
One of the government's policies was to improve 21st-century skills in
students by enacting the 2013 curriculum (Andrian &; Rusman, 2019). The 2013
curriculum provides opportunities for students to master the skills needed in

Jurnal Iqra’ : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan 8(1): 299-317

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

present and future life (Permendikbud, 2018). The 2013 curriculum is a curriculum
whose implementation emphasizes more on attitude-based competencies, skills,
and knowledge (Madrasah & Negeri, 2022; Refitaniza, 2022). The learning system
of the 2013 curriculum is student-centered so that teachers act as facilitators in
developing students' critical thinking, creative skills, and active participation in
learning (Rahayu &; Sutarno, 2021). The 2013 curriculum uses a scientific approach
that makes it easier for students to recognize and understand the material through
the scientific method (Mahjatia et al., 2021). In addition, the 2013 curriculum can
also increase student creativity and learning innovation because students play a
dominant role in their learning (Halek, 2019). However, the reality shows that
implementing the 2013 curriculum still isn't optimal. The lack of optimal
implementation of the 2013 curriculum is due to the lack of learning media
available in schools (Ainurrofiq, 2020).
Teachers are required to be able to create learning media so that the
learning process can take place effectively (Abdullah, 2017). Learning media is
everything that is used to deliver learning material so that learning objectives can
be achieved properly (Cahyono et al., 2021; Suhono et al., 2022; Tulasih et al., 2022;
Hamid et al., 2020). The use of learning media can make it easier for teachers to
deliver material to make it easier for students to understand (Pradilasari et al., 2019
;Istanto et al., 2021; Pramesti & Amelia, 2022; Rohibni et al., 2022). In addition,
learning media can also provide new knowledge and understanding to students
and improve students' ability to analyze and create (Cahyadi, 2019; Nurrita, 2018).
Therefore, the use of learning media is very important to improve the quality of
learning to be better (Sundayana, 2016). One of the learning media that is often
used in schools is the printed Student Worksheet (Noprinda &; Soleh, 2019).
However, school worksheet print has not been able to make students enthusiastic
about learning (Sari et al., 2020). The worksheet’s print is usually colorless, with
few illustrations or pictures, and the questions used also do not attract students to
do (Prasetia &; Suparman, 2019).
Efforts to increase student enthusiasm for learning can be made by
developing E-Worksheet (Junita &; Yuliani, 2022). An E-worksheet is a form of
systematically presenting digital teaching materials consisting of animation,
images, videos, and navigation to make it easier for students to use them (Sholehah
et al., 2021). Teachers can develop an E-Worksheet according to student needs in
learning that can be accessed via smartphones (Lathifah et al., 2021). The ease of
access to E-Worksheet via smartphone can make it easier for students to learn
(Zahroh &; Yuliani, 2021). In addition, students are facilitated in the process of
independent learning and communicate with teachers effectively (Ayuni &;
Tressyalina, 2020). The existence of an E-Worksheet can improve students'
cognitive abilities and make the learning process more effective and efficient
(Ahmadi et al., 2018; Suryaningsih et al., 2021). However, the existing E-Worksheet
does not train students' creative thinking skills (Putri, 2015).
Students' creative thinking skills can be improved through learning Science,
Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) (Rahman et al., 2020).
STEAM is a learning approach that integrates various disciplines (Irawan, 2022).
The STEAM approach comes from developing a STEM approach involving
elements of art (Oner et al., 2016). The involvement of art in STEAM learning is
essential to bring out students' creative side so that students can think "outside the
box" in solving complex problems in the 21st century (Zubaidah, 2019). STEAM

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

learning can be a means for students to create ideas or ideas based on science and
technology through thinking and exploring activities in solving problems based on
the integration of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics
disciplines (Nurhikmayati, 2019). With this integration, STEAM learning will be
more connected, focused, meaningful, and relevant for students (Stohlmann et al.,
2012). STEAM learning can develop cognitive abilities, foster long-term memory,
improve socialization skills, reduce stress, foster learning appeal, and increase
student creativity (Sousa &; Pilecki, 2013). Another benefit of STEAM learning can
be training students' creativity and problem-solving skills to produce a product
(Katz-Buonincontro, 2018). Thus, the benefits of STEAM make the STEAM
approach suitable for use in this development research as an effort to improve the
creative thinking ability of Indonesian students.
The implementation of STEAM learning can be combined with the Project
Based Learning (PjBL) learning model so that all STEAM components can be
integrated (Priantari et al., 2020; Rahman et al., 2020). PjBL is a learning model
whose implementation system is project-based (Refitaniza, 2022). Implementing
the PjBL learning model requires students to complete a project through problem
presentation, planning, monitoring, assessment, and evaluation (Oktaviani et al.,
2022). Several challenges in Project-based learning such as student responsibility,
dependency among students, individual accountability, activeness, and social
skills (Santos et al., 2023). That PjBL model’s challenges can make students more
flexible and dynamic in realizing planned project solutions (Arsena et al., 2022). In
addition, applying project-based learning models can also increase students'
creativity in applying their knowledge in everyday life (Ma'sumah &; Mitarlis,
2021). This is in accordance with research conducted by Annisa (2018), which states
that students' creative thinking skills increase after applying the project-based
learning model to classroom learning. Therefore, the STEAM-PjBL learning model
suits for project-based learning (Aprilia et al., 2018).
One of the suitable project-based subjects is chemistry (Kamal, 2019).
Chemical project experiments involve chemistry to produce real work in the form
of innovative products with economic value (Astuti, 2015). Creative products
resulting from project experiments are expected to equip students for
entrepreneurship. One of the chemicals that can apply to project experiments is
reaction rate. Reaction rate material can be applied in project experiments because
the material is applicable (Putri, 2015). The example of the reaction rate project
experiment in previous research is like the salted egg-making project with the dry
method (Primadi, 2022). That project's experiments only involved science,
engineering, and mathematical aspects, but did not involve art and technology
aspects. Though the involvement of aspects of art and technology is important for
students to develop their creativity and adaptability to technological developments
in the IR 4.0 era. Therefore, in this study, researchers tried to develop an
experimental model of the reaction rate project that combines aspects of
technology, art, science, engineering and mathematics.
The development of the experimental model needs to be packaged in E-
Worksheet teaching media so that the project learning process runs smoothly.
Thus, the existence of an E-Worksheet is significant for presenting learning steps
based on the STEAM project. In addition, the existence of an E-Worksheet is also
expected to help students understand the abstract concept of reaction rate material.
Because abstract concepts in reaction rate material can make it difficult for students

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

to understand, students usually only memorize theories without understanding

the concepts (Herawati, 2013). Research by Marthafera et al. (2018) stated that the
average percentage of students' understanding of concepts on the reaction rate
material is still relatively low, with a percentage reaching KKM of 40%. The lack of
understanding of concepts causes students to have difficulty relating chemical
concepts to everyday life (Jansoon et al., 2009). Thus, an E-Worksheet is
indispensable to make it easier for students to apply their knowledge to everyday
life (Soniya, 2022).
Based on the description above, this study aims to develop STEAM-PjBL-
based electronic learner worksheets on reaction rate material and determine the
quality of the products produced. The existence of an E-Worksheet is expected to
help students understand the reaction rate material and help improve students'
creative thinking through STEAM-PjBl project activities. In addition, the E-
Worksheet product developed is expected to be useful for teachers as a reference in
teaching project-based reaction rate material.

This research is an R&D (Research and Development) research. The
research model used is 4D which includes the stages of definition, design,
development, and dissemination. The flow of this research can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. 4D Development Model

In the define stage, researchers conduct an analysis of needs, availability,

concepts, and tasks. Needs and availability analysis was conducted through
interviews with three chemistry teachers and several students grade XI. Concept
analysis is carried out by analyzing the curriculum, which includes core
competencies and basic competencies. Task analysis is carried out by elaborating
from concept analysis into several indicators of achievement of competencies and
learning objectives.
At the design stage, researchers design learning media products that will be
developed through several stages. The first stage is in the form of media selection,
namely the selection of learning media in accordance with the needs analysis. The
second stage is in the form of format selection, which is the preparation of a media
format consisting of the flow of the material presented and student activities. The third
stage is in the form of the reference collection, which is the collection of material from
several reference sources, such as high school chemistry books, worksheets, and
modules. The fourth stage is in the form of the initial design, which is to make a
product design that includes material arrangement, image layout, text, video,
experimental activities, and media layouting to be loaded in flipbook maker and live
worksheet. In addition, the preparation of research instruments is also carried out at
this stage.
At the development stage, researchers produce the final form of learning
media after going through revisions based on experts and data from field trials
(Trianto, 2012). The products developed are adjusted to the results of the needs

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

analysis. The developed products are then validated and assessed by one material
experts, one media experts, and four reviewers and responded by ten students of
grade XI high school. The instruments used in the research were product
validation sheets, product quality assessment sheets, and student response sheets.
Product quality assessment instruments are arranged using the Likert scale while
student responses use the Guttman scale. The compiled research instruments are
validated by instrument experts. Then, the product is assessed for quality by one
media expert, one material expert, and four teachers as reviewers. The data obtained
are then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods and presented in
descriptive form.
Data analysis techniques are carried out by converting the assessment
results of media experts, material experts, and reviewers in the form of qualitative
data into quantitative data based on a Likert scale with Very Good (SB), Good (B),
Sufficient (C), Less (K), Very Less (SK) answer options, each of which has a score of
5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Furthermore, the average score of each aspect and the overall
assessment aspect of the score that has been obtained are calculated. The
calculation of average score using the following formula:

Keterangan :
X = Average score
Σx = Total score of each rater
n = Number of appraisers
Next, the average score is converted into a qualitative score based on ideal scoring
criteria. References to ideal assessment criteria can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Ideal Assessment Criteria
Score range Category
Xi + 1,8 SBi < x̅ Very Good
Xi + 0,6 SBi < x̅ ≤ Xi + 1,8 SBi Good
Xi - 0,6 SBi < x̅ ≤ Xi + 0,6 SBi Enough
Xi – 1,8 SBi < x̅ ≤ Xi – 0,6 SBi Less
x̅ ≤ Xi - 1,8 SBi Very Less

The student response data obtained were converted into quantitative data using the
Guttmann scale in the form of a score 1 and 0 in positive statements and negative
statements.Then calculated as a percentage of product ideality. The calculation of the
percentage of ideality is used the following formula:


This research aims to develop products in the form of electronic student
worksheets containing STEAM-PjBL reaction rate material combined with a flipbook
maker and live worksheet. The research stages carried out are as follows:
Define Stage

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

The define stage includes an analysis of needs, availability, concepts, and tasks.
The needs and availability analysis was conducted through interviews with four
chemistry teachers from SMA N 5 Yogyakarta, SMA N 3 Surakarta, SMA N 1 Sewon,
and MA Mafaza Bantul, and ten students of 11th grade. This interview aims to find out
the problems and products needed in schools. Based on the results of interviews with
high school chemistry teachers, information was obtained that the implementation of
learning on reaction rate material is still limited to using conventional methods such as
lectures and reaction rate practicum in the laboratory. Students were also informed
that the learning process of reaction rate material only listening to the teacher explain
the material contained in the textbook and doing practice questions, thus making
students feel bored and bored. Students need active activities in learning so as not to be
sleepy, especially in the last class hour. Therefore, an interesting learning model is
Analysis of concepts or materials is carried out through material analysis on
the core competencies and basic competencies of reaction rate materials. Next,
researchers compiled the concept and sequence of reaction rate material for E-
Worksheet. In the task analysis, researchers describe the results of the concept
analysis into several indicators of achievement of competencies and learning
objectives and compile assignment activities in accordance with learning

Design Stage
The design phase is prepared based on the needs analysis from the define
stage. Based on needs analysis, a learning model is needed that can improve
students' critical thinking skills, such as project experiments packaged through
interactive learning media. The STEAM-PjBL model is expected to improve students'
creative thinking skills and learning interests. The learning media chosen to package
the learning model used is the electronic student worksheet (E-Worksheet). E-
Worksheet has several advantages, such as ease of access and practicality, supports the
smooth learning process, and attract students' learning interests. The next activity is
the preparation of the E-Worksheet media format, including cover, foreword, table of
contents, instructions for using the E-Worksheet, basic competencies, learning
objectives, material summary, student activities/exercises, bibliography, appendices,
and discussion. The E-Worksheet design was created using Canva and then combined
with a flipbook using flip builder software. Student activities compiled in Canva are
also inputted into the live worksheet platform so that students can work on E-
Worksheet online.
The initial stage in making E-Worksheet is to create various forms of design
elements, including coloring, header footers, and layouts in Canva. Then, enter a
summary of the material, drawings, and calculation formulas. Video sample questions
are uploaded on youtube and linked in E-Worksheet through images linked to the
video link. Furthermore, upload student activities into the live worksheet platform so
that students can work on E-Worksheet online by clicking the image connected to the
live worksheet link. After all the E-Worksheet components are compiled, next
download the E-Worksheet file from Canva in .pdf format and convert it into flip
builder software. The design of the conversion results can be seen in Figure 1.

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

Figure 1. Display of E-Worksheet Flipbook

The final product of the E-Worksheet has an integration of the STEAM-PjBL

model in reaction rate material, which consists of fundamental questions, preparation
of project schedules, project design, supervision of project progress, analysis of results
analysis, and project evaluation. The integration is in accordance with research
(Refitaniza &; Effendi, 2020) that e-worksheet with STEAM-PjBL-based consists of
containing assignments, work steps, analysis of assessment and evaluation results. The
integration is expected to improve students' creative thinking skills, such as fluency,
originality, flexibility, and elaboration. This is in accordance with the research of
Khamhaengpol et al., (2021) that STEAM project activities help students to find
creative solutions to problems
The basic question contains questions about how to maintain the resistance of
raw materials such as fruits and vegetables so that they do not rot quickly. The
fundamental questions are adjusted to the basic competencies on the reaction rate
material in the 2013 curriculum. Fundamental questions can improve students' creative
thinking skills, such as originality, fluency, and flexibility. Increasing the ability of
originality in terms of originating unique or original ideas in finding problem
solutions, fluency in providing various solutions, and flexibility in generating ideas
from various points of view to maintain the resilience of raw materials. The following
basic questions on the STEAM-PjBL project can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Basic Questions

The implementation of project activities is carried out for 2-3 days, which
begins with a discussion on the preparation of project schedules between teachers and
students so that the implementation of the project runs in a structured manner. The
project activities carried out are in the form of making mini coolboxes. The project
schedule view can be seen in Figure 3.

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

Figure 3. Project Schedule

At the project design stage, aspects of creative thinking skills are developed in
the form of fluency, originality, and flexibility in determining various ideas based on
several sources to create creative projects and elaboration in making mini coolboxes.
The project design contains the tools and materials needed in the creation of the
Coolbox mini project. The project design display can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Project Design

The working steps for making a mini coolbox consist of 3 parts, namely
assembling the Peltier cooler system, making a mini coolbox, and connecting electricity
to the mini coolbox. When assembling the Peltier cooling system involves STEAM
elements in the form of technology and engineering. The technological element is
found in the Peltier cooling technology as the main coolant and the engineering
element in assembling the Peltier cooling system. The working steps of assembling the
Peltier cooling system can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Steps to assemble the system cooler peltier

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

Making mini coolboxes from Styrofoam involves STEAM elements in the form
of mathematics, art, and engineering. Mathematical elements are found in making mini
coolboxes with precise and neat sizes, art elements in the creation of making attractive
mini coolboxes, and technical elements in assembling neat mini coolboxes. The
working steps of making a mini coolbox can be seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Steps for making a cooling box

Mini coolbox electric connection aims to turn on and produce cold

temperatures. Mini coolbox electric connection involves STEAM elements in the form
of technology and engineering. The technical element is found in how to connect the
cable from the Peltier cooler system to the power source, and the technological element
is in the way the Peltier cooler system converts the temperature of hot air outside the
mini coolbox into cold air in the mini coolbox. The working steps of the mini coolbox
electric connection can be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Steps of cooling box electric connection

As students work on projects, teachers are encouraged to supervise or

monitor the progress of the project every day. Then write it down on the worksheet.
Here's a look at the student project progress monitoring table that can be seen at
Figure 8. Monitoring Project’s Sheet

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

The results analysis and discussion sheet contain several questions about
the results of the Coolbox mini project. The questions of result analysis involve STEAM
aspects in the form of aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
The aspects of science is contained in the question of the reaction rate factor used in
making the mini coolbox, the aspects of technology and engineering in the question of
the working system of the Peltier cooler in the mini coolbox project, and the aspect of
mathematics in the lowest temperature measurement achieved by the mini coolbox
The technological aspects of mini coolbox product is contained in the
research of Shi et al., (2023) that the cold temperature produced by the peltier module
comes from the heat absorption flow on one side of the peltier and the heat release
flow on the hot side of the peltier. In addition, the scientific aspects of mini coolbox
product is also found in the research of Lawal &; Chang, (2021) which applies a low
temperature reaction rate factor to maintain food security.
Figure 9. Analysis and Discussion Sheet

Project evaluation is prepared based on the project implementation process.

Students are asked to evaluate the obstacles experienced during the project process.
This evaluation is expected to be a matter of consideration and improvement for
students and teachers. Here's what the project evaluation sheet looks like, which can be
seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Project evaluation sheet

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

Development Stage
The developed E-Worksheet is then validated and assessed for quality.
Assessment is carried out using product quality assessment instruments and student
responses. Aspects used in product quality assessment include content, language,
presentation, graphics, STEAM-PjBL, and creative thinking. While the assessment
aspect of student response consists of material presentation, STEAM, ease of use,
creative thinking, and PjBL. The assessment was carried out by one media expert, one
material expert, four high school chemistry teachers, and 10 Class XI high school
students. The results of the assessment of product quality and student response can be
seen in Table 3.
Table 3. Results of Product Quality Assessment and Student Response.
∑ Ideal
Assessment Assessment 𝑿 Ideal
Maximum Category
/response Aspect Score Percentage
Material Material 19 20
expert Language 20 20
STEAM 4 5 Very
PjBL 4 5 Good
4 5
Media expert Serving 14 15 Very
Graphic 20 20 Good
Material 17,5 20
Language 18,5 20
Serving 13 15
Graphic 18,75 20 Very
Reviewer 90%
STEAM 4,5 5 Good
PjBL 4,5 5
Creative 4,5 5
Material 1,9 2
STEAM 1,7 2
1,9 2 Very
Student Friendly 93%
1,9 2
PjBL 1,9 2
Based on Table 3, the quality of the E-worksheet based on STEAM-PjBL in
reaction rate material gets a very good category with a percentage of ideality by
material experts of 93%, media experts of 97%, and reviewers of 90%. The results of the
quality assessment showed that the E-Worksheet developed has an interesting
presentation, the language used is communicative and can increase student motivation
and understanding of the reaction rate material. The serving and graphic media aspect
have very good result so it can attract students for learning chemistry. This is
accordance with research (Ayva, 2012) that the use of worksheets improves students'
understanding and analysis of science. E-Worksheet can be used anywhere and
anytime so that students can learn independently. In addition, there is an user friendly
aspect of flipbook e-worksheets such as navigation features and images connected to
video links, making it easier for students to access learning videos. The existence of

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

projects using the STEAM-PjBL method can improve students' creative thinking skills
in facing challenges in everyday life (Pratiwi et al., 2019).
The next stage, the E-Worksheet developed, was responded to by ten high
school students in 11th grade. Based on the results of student responses, the quality of
the E-Worksheet developed received an ideal percentage of 93% with a very good
category. The results of student responses show that E-worksheet, which was
developed with the STEAM-PjBL project, can increase students' enthusiasm for
learning and creative thinking. These results show that E-Worksheet can improve
creative thinking skills. The results of this study are in accordance with Herlina's (2021)
research which states that E-Worksheet based on PjBL can improve students' creative
thinking skills.
The results showed that the STEAM-PjBL-based e-worksheet media developed
was able to improve students' creative thinking skills. The results of this study received
a positive response from students that students felt happy learning chemistry using the
developed e-worksheet media. Because the material presented is coherent, easy to
understand, as well as has various illustrations, images, and videos that can attract
students' learning interest. E-worksheets presented in the form of flipbooks are
considered in accordance with today's developments where students can learn to use
mobile phones anywhere and anytime, so students do not have to bother carrying
books to understand the material. The results of this study also received a positive
response from teachers that teachers are interested in implementing the STEAM project
as a learning model in the classroom. This is because the STEAM project in the reaction
rate material is considered relevant to the independent curriculum which is a
development of the 2013 curriculum. The creative thinking skills developed through
the STEAM project are flexibility, originality, elaborate, and fluency. These capabilities
can be improved through the process of discussion answering fundamental questions,
project design, elaboration of project work and analysis of project results.
The results of this study are in line with the research of Pan et al. (2023) that in
the applied experimental group, project learning resulted in creative thinking skills
and high learning motivation. The application of the STEAM project learning model is
in accordance with the results of Gomez-del Rio & Rodriguez's research, (2022) that
project learning is able to help students to integrate various knowledge and improve
student skills. In addition, the results of this study are also in accordance with
Beneroso & Robinson's research, (2022) that online packaged project learning is
considered more effective in developing engineering design skills. The STEAM project
implemented is in accordance with the research of Ju et al., (2022) that the application
of STEAM can develop students' creative and critical thinking. In another study by
(Albar &; Southcott, 2021) that investigative activities in project-based learning can
significantly improve students' creative thinking skills, which is in accordance with the
results of this study in fundamental questions and result analysis sheets. The project
learning model packaged in an electronic worksheet is in accordance with the research
of Zen et al., (2022) that project learning through online media can improve students'
entrepreneurial abilities through experience gained during project learning. In
addition, the results of this study are also in accordance with the research of Malele &
Ramaboka, (2020) that students' creativity in designing products is honed through
STEAM project activities. The results of this study are also in accordance with the
research of Thuneberg et al., (2018) that students' cognitive abilities and creativity
increased after using the STEAM module. In addition, according to Perignat &; Katz-
Buonincontro's research, (2019) that STEAM learning practices demand students' art of

Development of E-Worksheet Based on STEAM-PjBL in Reaction Rate Material to Improve Creative
Thinking Skills High School Student

creativity in producing products. Finally, this STEAM project activity is in accordance

with Bui et al.'s research, (2023) that the implementation of the STEAM project applies
several activities such as asking questions, organize activities/project, process
assessment, and product evaluation.
The e-worksheet developed can be an alternative learning medium for students
as well as the reaction rate material presented in the e-LKPD can make it easier for
students to understand chemical materials. In addition, the STEAM project contained
in this e-worksheet can be a reference for chemistry teachers to carry out a project-
based chemistry learning process on reaction rate material. The existence of the
STEAM project in the e-worksheet is expected to improve students' 21st century skills
such as creative and innovative thinking, and collaboration.
This research is limited to reaction rate materials. The material used in the
STEAM project is limited to the basic competencies of the 2013 curriculum namely 3.6
and 4.6 where students explain the factors that affect reaction rates using collision
theory. and students present information search results on ways of organizing and
storing raw materials to prevent uncontrolled physical and chemical changes. For
further research, it is recommended to test the effectiveness of the developed E-LKPD
on student learning outcomes. In addition, it is expected that research on STEAM-PjBL
be extended to other chemicals.

This study aims to develop electronic student worksheets of STEAM-PjBL
charged reaction rate material to improve students' creative thinking skills. The
development model used is a 4D model. Based on the results of the study, the
percentage of ideality by media experts, material experts, reviewers, and student
responses was 97%, 93%, 90%, and 93%, respectively, with very good categories.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the resulting E-Worksheet can improve
students' creative thinking and is worthy of being used as an alternative learning
medium in the learning process. The suggestion for further research, it can be
carried out to determine the effectiveness of developed e-worksheet on learning
outcome in the classroom. Another that the research on STEAM-PjBL be extended to
other chemicals.

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