Development of Canva-Based Electronic Student Worksheet (E-LKPD) To Improve Student Biology Learning Outcomes

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JPPIPA 10(3) (2024)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Journal of Research in Science Education

Development of Canva-Based Electronic Student Worksheet

(E-LKPD) to Improve Student Biology Learning Outcomes
Musdalifah1*, Sonja Verra T. Lumowa1, Vandalita M. M. Rambitan1
1 Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia.

Received: January 14, 2024 Abstract: This study aims to make and develop electronic worksheet students (E-
Revised: March 17, 2024 LKPD) that can be used by teachers in implementing learning in using IT-based
Accepted: March 25, 2024 learning media. This type of research is research and research and development (R&D)
Published: March 31, 2024 with a 4D development model (Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination). The
sample in this study was biology teachers and students of SMA Negeri 1 Kaliorang.
Corresponding Author: The results of the validation of media, material, and language experts respectively are
Musdalifah 84.41% (very feasible), 82.35% (very feasible), and 69.41% (feasible). The results of the
[email protected] Biology Teacher Repson related to product practicality obtained a percentage of 92.50%
(very practical), while the results of the trial to see the response of students obtained a
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v10i3.6929 percentage of 82.50% (very practical). The results of the effectiveness test using the
paired sample t-test test showed that there was an effect of the use of canva-based e-
© 2024 The Authors. This open access LKPD in improving the learning outcomes of high school students in East Kutai on
article is distributed under a (CC-BY biotechnology material.
Keywords: Biotechnology material; Canva media; Development research; E-LKPD;
Learning media

Introduction objectives are to place students as a student center

(Fatimah et al., 2020; Sandria et al., 2022). One alternative
Education has a very large role in creating quality that can be used to increase student participation and
human resources and superior individuals (Nurhayati et interest in learning is to use various multimedia (Aftiani
al., 2020). In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 et al., 2021; Rahmat, 2015; Rizaldi et al., 2020).
accompanied by a very rapid technological The use of multimedia is an implementation of the
development so that the world of education must also development of technology, information, and
innovate and must be able to adapt to the development communication (ICT). The development of multimedia
of current technology (Octavia et al., 2022). In line with applications is considered to be in line in the 21st century
the demands of the 21st century, where students are learning characteristics by integrating technology in
expected to be able to answer the challenges of learning media with the aim of training learning skills in
globalization and advances in information technology. order to increase significantly (Muliastrini, 2020).
One of the efforts that can be done is to study and master Learning experiences that are meaningful with the use
the various 21st century skills namely, life and career of Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
skills, innovation skills, and information media and both as physical (concrete) and non -physical tools
technology skills (Muhali, 2019; Yulianisa et al., 2018). (abstract) which are used as intermediaries between
These three skills are often referred to as 21st century teachers and students to better understand or
knowledge-skill rainbow (Yusri, 2021). understand the contents of the subject matter effectively
The 21st century learning policy system is a and efficiently meaningful learning activities. This is in
curriculum that is centered on students from previously line with the characteristics of 21st century learning
centered on educators (Cholilah et al., 2023). The steps including learning that should be directed at the
that educators can take to be able to create these learning activities of encouraging students to find out from

How to Cite:
Musdalifah, M., Lumowa, S.V.T., & Rambitan, V.M.M. (2024). Development of Canva-Based Electronic Student Worksheet (E-LKPD) to Improve
Student Biology Learning Outcomes. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(3), 1105–1114.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) March 2024, Volume 10 Issue 3, 1105-1114

various learning resources, so that the process that Straight Motion material, Alhikma (2021) by developing
occurs is not as an ordinary learning activity without REACT-based e-LKPD on side space building materials,
meaningfulness in students (Komara, 2018; Zubaidah, Rohma et al. (2023) by developing e-LKPD based on
2016). One of the technology-based learning media is question prompt scaffolding to improve students'
electronic worksheet of students (E-LKPD). critical thinking skills; Zahroh et al. (2021) developed e-
Electronic Student Worksheets (e-LKPD) are a form LKPD based on scientific literacy to train critical
of learning media that is more practical to use, can be thinking skills, and Azizah et al. (2022) developed e-
studied anywhere, with flexible time, allowing students LKPD based on think pair share on movement system
to more easily learn, understand and discover concepts material to train critical thinking skills.
compared to printed learning media (Puspitasari & Based on the background of the problem that has
Handziko, 2018). Electronic Student Worksheets (e- been described, researchers are interested in conducting
LKPD) can support the academic activities of teachers research related to the development of Canva-based
and students across the boundaries of traditional school electronic student worksheets (e-LKPD) to improve the
spaces (classrooms, tutorial rooms, laboratories and learning outcomes of high school students in East Kutai.
multimedia rooms) (Puspitasari, 2019). Apart from that, The importance of developing e-LKPD in this research
it can also increase flexibility and provide the latest is, of course, to create modernization in the use of
interaction capabilities (Yustanti & Novita, 2019). learning approaches that are more adapted to the
Electronic student worksheet (e-LKPD) bridges learning conditions and characteristics currently developing in
in various situations and conditions, accommodates the the student environment, namely the students' intense
diversity of student learning variations and individual use of technology.
learning, directs student centered learning (Rahmat,
2015). Method
In fact, in real conditions, there are still many
students who put aside learning when teachers provide The research design carried out is development
material using distance learning policies, where teachers research or commonly known as Research &
only provide conventional and less innovative material Development (R&D). The development research model
and assignments. This is supported by the results of used refers to the 4D model, starting from defining,
researchers' observations regarding real conditions in planning, developing and disseminating (Tanjung &
the field, where in general students' worksheets contain Nababan, 2019). This model helps researchers adapt the
material based on basic competencies, activity material development of media in the form of electronic student
according to the competencies that must be achieved in worksheets (e-LKPD) based on the research objectives,
Basic Competencies. It's just that the student worksheets namely the development of Canva-based electronic
(LKPD) that have been used are sometimes too student worksheets (e-LKPD) for high school students in
monotonous where too much material appears, as a East Kutai and testing the feasibility, practicality, and its
result, students only seem to copy answers directly effectiveness. The research design developed by the
without going through the literacy results. The student researcher is as in Figure 1.
worksheet (LKPD) should contain questions or The subjects of this research were biology teachers
questions and answers that require answers resulting and students of SMA Negeri 1 Kaliorang. Consisting of
from the discovery of experimental activities, and also a biology teacher and two class XII. In the small class
be equipped with questions whose answers are the product research, it consisted of 21 students from class
result of analysis of the relationship between XII MIPA 1, and the treatment class was class XII MIPA
experimental activities. 2. The product test results were then analyzed, using
With the rapid development of technology today, pre-test and post-test. This is done to see whether the
of course teachers must be able to take advantage of this product being developed can make learning media
by coming up with an approach that integrates student effective. The research subjects were students and
worksheets with technology that is widely known by biology teachers who provided responses and input on
students today. One of them is related to the use of the media developed during the experiment by filling in
learning media, namely starting to change student student questionnaires and teacher reviews. Meanwhile,
worksheets (LKPD) into electronic or digital form which the research object used was the feasibility, practicality
can be accessed via the internet with electronic media, and effectiveness of Canva-based electronic student
smartphones or computers, or also commonly referred worksheets (e-LKPD) on Biotechnology material for
to as internet enabled learning (Mukhtar et al., 2020). The class XII students at SMA Negeri 1 Kaliorang.
use of technology as a learning medium has been carried
out by many previous researchers in various learning
materials and contexts, such as that done by England et
al. (2017) by developing STEAM-based e-LKPD on
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) March 2024, Volume 10 Issue 3, 1105-1114

Table 3. N-Gain Categories

Score Categories
(g) < 0.30 Low
0,7> (g) < 0.3 Medium
(g) > 0.7 High
(Adapted from Hakke in Irhamna et al., 2017)

Result and Discussion

Development Results
This research was carried out with a research and
development (R&D) design. Researchers are trying to
create a learning media design, namely electronic
student worksheets (e-LKPD) on Biotechnology material
so that it can be used as one of the learning media choices
for teachers in improving the learning outcomes of high
Figure 1. 4D Model R&D research design school students in East Kutai. The biotechnology
material taught to class XII students has a material
The data instruments in this research are divided context that can provide learning experiences for
into three groups, namely to measure 1) the suitability of students to actively explore.
the media using observation sheets and expert
questionnaires, 2) the practicality of the media using
observation sheets and questionnaires, and 3) the
effectiveness of the media by giving tests in the form of
pre-test and post-test questions for obtain the N-gain
value. Feasibility and practicality test data are obtained
using the following equation (Ihwanudin et al., 2018).
𝑃= 𝑥 100% (1)
P = Percentage from questionnaire data
F = The number of respondents' answers
N = The number of highest scores

All validity and practicality test data obtained are

then analyzed and a conclusion process is carried out
referring to the following categories.

Table 1. Percentage Range of Expert Team and Figure 2. Display of canva-based electronic student
Qualitative Criteria for Feasibility and Practicality of E- worksheet (e-LKPD) design
Percentage Range (%) Qualitative Criteria
The electronic student worksheet development
80.00 – 100.00 Very Feasible/Practical (Not Revised) model (e-LKPD), refers to the concept of problem-based
70.00 - 80.00 Feasible/Practical (Not Revised) learning or known as Problem Based Learning (PBl) and
60.00 – 70.00 Fairly Feasible/Practical (Revised) Discovery Learning (DL), discovery-based learning, is
50.00 - 60.00 Less Feasible/Practical (Revised) based on the idea that students when studying
< 50% Not Feasible/Practical (Revised) Biotechnology material, it is hoped that it can help
(Adapted from Sudjana, 2010) students develop thinking skills, problem solving skills,
Table 2. Teacher and Student Response Questionnaire and at the same time improve their intellectual skills.
Criteria Problem-based learning activates students to participate
Score Criteria in finding solutions and solving problems through
5 Very good scientific methods, so that students can find out and
4 Good learn knowledge that can be related to the problem being
3 Enough solved and can increase students' skills in solving
2 Less
problems (Angga et al., 2022; Rosnaeni, 2021).
1 Very less
(Adapted from Suharsimi, 2021)
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) March 2024, Volume 10 Issue 3, 1105-1114

Researchers in this case really hope that the learning media experts, before the media was tested in
learning process will always lead to better schools. Validation of learning media was carried out by
improvements and ultimately improve students' lecturers at the Faculty of Computer Science and
cognitive abilities, make the learning atmosphere Information Technology, Mulawarman University.
enjoyable and more meaningful. Media validation is carried out to obtain input in the
form of information, suggestions and criticism with the
Validity Test Results hope that the participant worksheet electronic learning
Media Aspect media (e-LKPD) will be developed into a product that is
In the next stage, after the initial development of the suitable for use in schools, especially class XII. The
Canva-based Electronic Student Worksheet (e-LKPD) following are the results of expert validity assessments
media, a validation process was first carried out by on media aspects.

Table 4. Media Expert Validator Assessment Results

Statement Assessment Items Value Score Total Score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=(3) x(4)
1 In accordance with the lesson material 0.05 4 0.20
2 In accordance with learning objectives 0.05 4 0.20
3 Create competencies that are in accordance with Basic Competencies 0.05 5 0.25
4 Easy to understand 0.10 5 0.50
5 The language used complies with the Enhanced Spelling rules (EYD) 0.05 4 0.20
6 Has good completeness (there is a foreword, instructions for using e- 0.10 4 0.40
LKPD, for teachers and students, KD, KD achievement indicators,
learning objectives, e-LKPD activity materials, author's biodata,
7 e-LKPD contains problem-based learning (PBL) syntax and learning 0.05 4 0.20
8 e-LKPD contains Discovery Based Learning (DBL) syntax and learning 0.05 5 0.25
9 Integration of two learning models (Problem Based Learning (PBL) and 0.05 5 0.25
Discovery Based Learning (DBL) are contained in e-LKPD
10 e-LKPD contains basic competencies and objectives 0.05 4 0.20
11 Includes all material 0.05 4 0.20
12 According to the actual situation 0.05 4 0.20
13 Easy to understand (Illustration) 0.05 4 0.20
14 The material and illustrations are easy to read/follow 0.07 4 0.30
15 The printed material and illustrations are clear 0.07 4 0.30
16 The print appearance of the material is attractive 0.05 4 0.20
17 Illustration print view 0.05 4 0.20
Total score 72 4.25
Percentage (%) 84.71

The results of the analysis show that the average Material Aspects
score obtained is 4.25 with a very appropriate category Validation of the material was carried out by a
for the assessment carried out by media experts Master of Biology Education lecturer who has an expert
regarding the suitability of subject matter, material background in Biotechnology, so that it is in accordance
coverage, competencies that are in accordance with basic with the material contained in the electronic student
competencies and learning plans. Several elements of worksheet (e-LKPD). Validation by material experts
media validation, namely from the aspects of aims to obtain information, suggestions and criticism so
illustration, quality and appearance of the media, and that the electronic learning media for student
attractiveness have been fulfilled very well in the worksheets (e-LKPD) is developed into a quality
electronic design of student worksheets (e-LKPD). Based product in terms of the readability aspect of
on the scores obtained, the development model is biotechnology material with the electronic learning
classified into the very feasible category (not revised) media for student worksheets (e-LKPD ). The following
with a percentage value of 84.71%. are the results of expert validity assessments on material

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) March 2024, Volume 10 Issue 3, 1105-1114

Table 5. Material Expert Validator Assessment Results

Statement Assessment Items Value Score Total score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=(3) x(4)
1 In accordance with the lesson material 0.05 5 0.25
2 In accordance with learning objectives 0.05 4 0.20
3 Create competencies that are in accordance with Basic Competencies 0.05 5 0.25
4 Easy to understand 0.10 4 0.40
5 The language used complies with the Enhanced Spelling rules (EYD) 0.05 4 0.20
6 Has good completeness (there is a foreword, instructions for using e-LKPD, for 0.10 4 0.40
teachers and students, KD, KD achievement indicators, learning objectives, e-
LKPD activity materials, author's biodata, bibliography
7 e-LKPD contains problem-based learning (PBL) syntax and learning models 0.05 4 0.20
8 e-LKPD contains Discovery Based Learning (DBL) syntax and learning models. 0.05 4 0.20
9 Integration of two learning models (Problem Based Learning (PBL) and 0.05 4 0.20
Discovery Based Learning (DBL) are contained in e-LKPD
10 e-LKPD contains basic competencies and objectives 0.05 4 0.20
11 Includes all material 0.05 4 0.20
12 According to the actual situation 0.05 4 0.20
13 Easy to understand (Illustration) 0.05 4 0.20
14 The material and illustrations are easy to read/follow 0.07 4 0.30
15 The printed material and illustrations are clear 0.07 4 0.30
16 The print appearance of the material is attractive 0.05 4 0.20
17 Illustration print view 0.05 4 0.20
Total score 70 4.10
Percentage (%) 82.35

The results of the analysis show that the average background in accordance with the grammar used in
score obtained was 4.10 for the assessment carried out electronic student worksheets (e-LKPD). Language
by material experts regarding the suitability of lesson validation focuses more on aspects of readability and
material, material coverage, competencies in accordance use of language presented in the media. Linguist experts
with KD and learning plans. Based on the scores assess that the suitability of the language and readability
obtained, the model is classified as very feasible (not stated in the electronic media of student worksheets (e-
revised) with a percentage value of 82.35%. LKPD) has been fulfilled. The following are the results
of expert validity assessments on language aspects.
Language Aspects
Language validation is carried out by Master of
Indonesian Language Education lecturers who have a
Table 6. Linguistic Expert Validator Assessment Results
No. Assessment Items Value Score Total score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=(3) x(4)
1 In accordance with the lesson material 0.05 4 0.20
2 In accordance with learning objectives 0.05 4 0.20
3 Create competencies that are in accordance with Basic Competencies 0.05 3 0.15
4 Easy to understand 0.10 3 0.30
5 The language used complies with the Enhanced Spelling rules (EYD) 0.05 4 0.20
6 Has good completeness (there is a foreword, instructions for using e-LKPD, for teachers and students, 0.10 3 0.30
KD, KD achievement indicators, learning objectives, e-LKPD activity materials, author's biodata,
7 e-LKPD contains problem-based learning (PBL) syntax and learning models 0.05 4 0.20
8 e-LKPD contains Discovery Based Learning (DBL) syntax and learning models. 0.05 3 0.15
9 Integration of two learning models (Problem 0.05 3 0.15
Based Learning (PBL) and Discovery Based Learning (DBL) are contained in e-LKPD
10 e-LKPD contains basic competencies and objectives 0.05 4 0.20
11 Includes all material 0.05 3 0.15
12 According to the actual situation 0.05 4 0.20
13 Easy to understand (Illustration) 0.05 4 0.20
14 The material and illustrations are easy to read/follow 0.07 4 0.30
15 The printed material and illustrations are clear 0.07 3 0.23
16 The print appearance of the material is attractive 0.05 4 0.20
17 Illustration print view 0.05 4 0.20
Total score 59 3.37
Percentage (%) 69.41
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) March 2024, Volume 10 Issue 3, 1105-1114

The results of the analysis show that the average responses in the practicality test show good criteria and
score obtained is 3.37 for the assessment carried out by the results of the media practicality test can be used by
language experts according to the subject matter, teachers and students in the learning process at school
material coverage, competencies in accordance with KD (Dwijayani, 2017; Nabila et al., 2021; Puspitasari, 2019).
and learning plans. Learning linguist experts concluded Practicality is measured from the assessment of two
that the electronic student worksheet (e-LKPD) was response questionnaires, namely the teacher response
suitable for testing after a few minor revisions, namely questionnaire and the student response questionnaire.
changing from using bright colors to softer ones and also The teacher response questionnaire consists of 8
paying attention to the use of terms in italics. statement items, comments and suggestions in response,
Based on the scores obtained and grouped into as well as conclusions. Meanwhile, the student response
categories, the model is classified as quite feasible questionnaire consists of 8 statements, notes, criticism
(revised) with a percentage value of 69.41%. and suggestions. The teacher response questionnaire
was filled in by 1 Biology subject teacher for class XII
Practicality Test Results MIPA and the student response questionnaire was filled
Teacher Response in by 42 students in class XII MPA. The following is a
Learning media is said to be practical if the results summary of teacher responses regarding the Canva-
of the teacher response questionnaire and student based e-LKPD that has been developed.

Table 7. Teacher Response Questionnaire Sheet

Statement Assessment Items Value Score Total score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)= (3)x(4)
1 Learning e-LKPD helps understand problems in everyday life 0.25 5 1.25
2 e-LKPD is useful in studying Biotechnology 0.05 5 0.25
3 e-LKPD provides new knowledge 0.10 5 0.50
4 e-LKPD has a relationship with Biotechnology 0.05 5 0.25
5 Pictures/illustrations in e-LKPD make it easier/helping to understand the material 0.15 5 0.75
6 The order of material on e-LKPD is easy to implement 0.05 4 0.20
7 e-LKPD contains steps that make it easier to carry out learning activities 0.20 5 1.00
8 The proposed steps for learning using e-LKPD do not create a burden 0.15 4 0.60
Total Score 37 4.80
Percentage (%) 92.50

The results of the analysis show that the average terms of meaning for students. In general, the material
score obtained was 4.80 for the assessment carried out displayed is not much different, but by utilizing
by expert practitioners regarding the suitability of lesson technology, the editorial display of the material certainly
material, material coverage, competencies in accordance provides its own characteristics for students (Lestari et
with KD and learning plans. Learning practitioner al., 2015). Apart from that, learning with e-LKPD
experts concluded that electronic student worksheets (e- provides students with the opportunity to decide
LKPD) are suitable for testing after improvements have various problems both related to the scientific field and
been made. contextual problems in everyday life related to
Innovative learning media is very necessary, Biotechnology.
especially those that can be integrated with various
learning models (Irwan et al., 2019; Wijaya & Student Response
Arismunandar, 2018). This is because it can stimulate Practicality tests for students were carried out in
students to be active in learning (Putra et al., 2019; classes XII MIPA 1 and XII MIPA 2. The average
Yunita & Wijayanti, 2017). Apart from that, learning percentage of practicality tests for students can be seen
with this technology-based model provides students in the following table.
with the opportunity to decide on various problems both
related to scientific fields and contextual problems in Table 8. Recap of Student Practicality Tests
everyday life. Student Practicality
According to research conducted by Pratiwi et al. Percentage (%)
(2022), it is confirmed that the use of digital XII MIPA 1 (Control Class) 70.20
technological developments in the current era makes it XII MIPA 2 (Experiment Class) 94.80
easier for teachers to integrate digital-based learning Average Percentage of Practicality of
media with the learning approaches used. Of course, the
Categories Very Practical
information obtained by students using conventional
learning media, in this case handbooks, is different in
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) March 2024, Volume 10 Issue 3, 1105-1114

Based on the table above, it shows the results of the Based on the table above, it shows that the average
practicality test by students of XII MIPA 1 and based on pre-test and post-test scores of students are 47.14 and
the scores obtained and grouped into categories, 86.70 respectively. There is a significant difference,
electronic student worksheet (e-LKPD) is classified into namely 39.59, so learning using electronic student
the very practical category with 82.50%. So referring to worksheets (e-LKPD) is very effective for students to use
these conditions, electronic student worksheets (e- in learning at school because it can improve the
LKPD) are very practical to use in student learning at cognitive learning outcomes of class XII students on
school. Biotechnology material. According to research
This is in line with research that has been conducted by Amthari et al. (2021), it was found that
conducted previously by several researchers which scientific-based e-LKPD media can significantly
illustrate that the level of practicality of a learning media improve student learning outcomes on human
can be measured based on the ease of use in learning respiratory system material.
activities and in accordance with the objectives of Data from students' pre-test and post-test results
developing learning media (Fitra & Maksum, 2021; before the t test is carried out requires prerequisite tests
in the form of data homogeneity and normality tests.
Fridayanti et al., 2022).
Then, to measure the effect of e-LKPD learning media on
improving students' cognitive learning outcomes, it is
Effectiveness Test Results
shown by the results of the t test, namely the results of
The effectiveness test of Canva-based learning
calculations using the help of the SPSS application which
media was carried out to see its effect on improving
are proven to have an influence because tcount < ttable,
students' cognitive learning outcomes by conducting a t
namely 0.00 < 0.05. Canva-based learning media has an
test on the pre-test and post-test results. A recap of the
influence on the effectiveness of learning in the control
average pretest and posttest scores of students can be
class as evidenced by the N-Gain test scores, namely 0.72
seen in the following table.
(high) and 0.73 (high).
Table 9. Recap of Pretest and Posttest Results
Table 10. Canva Based Paired Sample T-test E-LKPD
Average score
Class N-gain Categories Test Results
Pretest Posttest
t df Sig.(2-tailed)
XII MIPA 1 47.14 86.70 0.72 High
Pair 1 pretest experiment-
XII MIPA 2 47.14 86.60 0.73 High -11.608 20 0.000
posttest experiment

Table 11. Canva Based Independent Sample t-test e-LKPD Test Results
Levene’s test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Cognitive Equal variances assumed 0.889 0.351 -2.407 40.00 0.021
Equal variances not
-2.407 39.16 0.021

The use of Canva as a technology to support the will of course indirectly have an impact on increasing
development of learning media has been proven to have student learning outcomes.
an influence on the expected research results, as carried
out by several previous researchers, namely by Alfian et Conclusion
al. (2022), it was found that Canva-assisted audio-visual
learning media is suitable for application in learning The Canva-based e-LKPD product on
activities because it appears to be effective. Its use is not Biotechnology material was successfully developed
only during the offline learning process but can also be using a 4D development model consisting of define,
applied in online conditions. Apart from that, according design, development and dissimilation stages. The
to Wahyu et al. (2020), the aim of using Canva in the media, material and language expert validation results
learning process is to clarify and emphasize important were respectively 84.41% (very feasible), 82.35% (very
parts of the subject matter. By providing a variety of feasible) and 69.41% (decent). The results of the biology
learning alternatives, especially in science classes, it is teacher's response regarding the practicality of the
able to increase students' motivation in participating in product obtained a percentage of 92.50% (very
each stage of learning in class (Mu’minah, 2021; Rizaldi practical), while the results of trials to see students'
& Fatimah, 2020). This can be seen from the increase in responses obtained a percentage of 82.50% (very
several skills in students such as processing thought practical). The results of the effectiveness test using the
stimuli, feelings, will, attention, and of course increased paired sample t test show that there is an influence of
learning motivation. The growth of these various skills using Canva-based e-LKPD in improving the biology
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) March 2024, Volume 10 Issue 3, 1105-1114

learning outcomes of high school students in East Kutai Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi (BioEdu), 11(2), 405–417.
on Biotechnology material.
Cholilah, M., Tatuwo, A. G. P., Komariah, & Rosdiana,
Acknowledgments S. P. (2023). Pengembangan Kurikulum Merdeka
The authors would like to thank all parties who have helped in Dalam Satuan Pendidikan Serta Implementasi
this research process. Kurikulum Merdeka Pada Pembelajaran Abad 21.
Author Contributions
Sanskara Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran, 1(02), 56–67.
Musdalifah conceptualized the research idea, designed of
methodology, management and coordination responsibility; Dwijayani, N. M. (2017). Pengembangan Media
Sonja Verra T. Lumowa analyzed data, conducted a research Pembelajaran ICARE. Kreano, Jurnal Matematika
and investigation process; Vandalita M. M. Rambitan Kreatif-Inovatif, 8(2), 126–132.
conducted literature review and provided critical feedback on /10.15294/kreano.v8i2.10014
the manuscript. England, B. J., Brigati, J. R., & Schussler, E. E. (2017).
Student anxiety in introductory biology
This research received no external funding.
classrooms: Perceptions about active learning and
persistence in the major. PLOS ONE, 12(8),
Conflicts of Interest e0182506.
The author declared no conflict of interest. .0182506
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