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Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Vol 10 No 3 2022

ISSN : 2337-604X (print) https://ppjp.ulm.ac.id/journal/index.php/bipf

ISSN : 2549-2764 (online) page 342-351

Development of E-Module based on Flipbook Learning Model Problem

Based Learning (PBL) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability

Iza Alfi Rohmatin*, Arimbi Racmayani, and Jumadi Jumadi

Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*[email protected]


Received: 16 June 2022 Accepted: 2 December 2022 Published: 30 December 2022

This paper aims to develop a flipbook-based physics e-module to determine students'
critical thinking skills by applying the problem-based learning (PBL) model. The method
in the 4-D model research is qualitative descriptive. The research using a non-probability
sampling technique that is selected is subject class 10 MIPA MAN 4 Bantul. Techniques
for collecting data with test instruments and indicators are used in critical thinking, namely
analyzing facts, formulating problems, selecting, clarifying and evaluating arguments
logically, and drawing conclusions. The media and material analysis results show that the
category is feasible, with a percentage of 85.43 and 75.41. The E-Module shows the
average response in education suitable for use on critical thinking skills. The normality
value of the control class is 0.002, and the experimental class 0.156. The homogeneity of
the statistical significance level is 0.304. Therefore, the data has met the requirements to
be tested using an independent test; there is a significant difference between the control
class with lectures and experiments using e-modules.

Keywords: 4-D Model; Critical Thinking; Qualitative Descriptive; Problem Based

Learning (PBL)

© 2022 Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika

How to cite: Rohmatin, I. A., Racmayani, A., & Jumadi, J. (2022). Development of e-
module based on flipbook learning model problem based learning (pbl) to improve critical
thinking ability. Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika, 10(3), 342-351.

INTRODUCTION students actively realize the learning

Skills to put forward a student from process and develop their potential to
various aspects of life in the realm of achieve learning goals (Di et al., 2017;
education in the 21st century (Prabasari Perdana et al., 2019; Putra et al., 2019).
& Wahyuningsih, 2021) need to gain The transformation process of the
insight, explore potential and reach their 21st-century era of science and
goals (Tiruneh et al., 2017). A quality technology is rapidly developing,
nation can be seen as one of them through resulting in free and tight competition
the good and bad education and human (Abidin et al., 2019). Students directly
resources owned by the state. Therefore, impact daily life, and with the application
in human life, education is something of scientific concepts in science, students
important (Maknun, 2020), carried out in can solve problems expected in real life
a planned and conscious manner so that in the 21st-century era (Budiarti & Tanta,
This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license
Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351

2021). One of the educational an increase in student-centered critical

innovations towards changing ideas or thinking, a model that can accommodate
bright ideas to solve problems and also one of the problem-based applications or
improve mindsets in understanding PBL (Makkonen et al., 2021) through
lessons (Putri & Istiyono, 2017), of them group discussions aimed at training to
is physics, which is said to be a boring exchange ideas between individuals and
and difficult subject (Kurniawati, 2019); groups of friends to build knowledge the
negative perceptions indirectly affect material being taught (Prabasari et al.,
students in thinking (Perdana et al., 2021). This model leads to more
2019). responsibility and freedom in learning
Learning physics is a contextually with sources such as the internet and
understanding knowledge (Presley et al., library books (Harefa & Gumay, 2021;
2021) which requires a scientific Khairunnisa, Abdullah, Khairil,
approach to develop knowledge and Hasanuddin, 2022). The application of
improve it (Wulansari & Admoko, 2021). problem-based learning activities, in
Education is always changing and addition to being able to stimulate
improving in all aspects of life (Wardani students' critical thinking skills, is also
& Jatmiko, 2021). One is providing oriented to mathematical learning skills
supplies for social life to find a solution to develop thinking skills in solving
(Samosa, 2021). In dealing with a problems related to everyday life through
problem and facing the challenges of various activities following intellectual
globalization, which is advancing development to produce good abilities
rapidly, students are expected to have the (Aufa et al., 2021; Fathurohman et al.,
ability to think critically (Putra et al., 2021; Zulfa et al., 2022). Simple
2019) for the 21st century, these skills are harmonic motion (GHS) material is one
no longer just a desired outcome of of the materials contained in the physics
education, but as competencies for life in learning curriculum, that material there is
the 21st century (Asysyifa et al., 2019). still a link between daily life events and
Education in Indonesia regarding the other authentic problems (Samsudin et
national qualifications framework al., 2020), which causes students to be
requires that the curriculum for physics required to think critically so that it will
teachers be competent in various skills affect learning outcomes (Sani & Aulia,
(Marsa & Desnita, 2021), including 2018).
technology, problem-solving, critical In addition, problems were found the
thinking and independent learning activities of the physics learning process,
(Hartini et al., 2020; Jatmiko et al., 2018; the teacher's more active role in
Yani et al., 2021; Yuberti et al., 2019). delivering the material (Juan &
Critical thinking skills need to be instilled Sulaiman, 2020), so that students only
as technology and science advance accept without being directly involved
(Suprapto et al., 2020) so that it plays an (Zarvianti & Sahida, 2020), The
important role in all aspects of human interview results show that problem-
life; the learning process continues to be solving skills are not optimal (Rozal et
implemented with an appropriate model al., 2021).
(Christian et al., 2021). It can affect the Independent and interesting learning
learning process, and the final result is resource facilities are needed to practice
determined by increasing students' problem-solving and improve critical
critical thinking skills (Wartono et al., thinking skills (Munzil et al., 2022). lack
2018). of encouragement for the development of
Learning orientation gets used to critical thinking skills in understanding
solving problems so that it can stimulate concepts.

Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351

Thus the PBL module is very suitable, METHOD

especially for physics, as it can provide The development procedure proposed by
more understanding of concepts than just Thiagarajan et al. (1974) researches R&D
memorizing formulas or equations (Research and Development) model is
(Baran et al., 2018). The opportunity to descriptive through the steps followed to
apply concepts to solve problems directly produce a product with maximum and
and independently is more widely used higher quality (Saniyyah et al., 2021).
(Ngadimin et al., 2021). The research was conducted to produce
One of the efforts to develop thinking useful educational products that
skills in the active learning process effectively solve problems in the field
requires an appropriate media or tool to with a more concise syntax but
teach physics material to support containing the overall stages (Supartini et
achieving basic competencies; based on al., 2020). The models are Define,
observations at MAN 4 Bantul still using Design, Develop, and Disseminate with
conventional teaching materials such as the stages of defining (student analysis,
print media, there have not been concepts and curriculum), design
maximized facilities. Internet and (making flipbooks with posttest only
computers, especially in the digital-based control groups), development (validation
learning process in schools. and testing of flipbooks), and
Components that support 21st-century dissemination (given to students). Seen in
skills in the field of education are the the Figure 1.
innovation of new teaching materials or
containers in the form of learning media Design
that support the process of student Define (create
4D (concept flipbook
learning activities in order to achieve analysis, with
learning goals independently and Models students and posttest
maximally digitally in the form of curriculum) only control
electronic modules (e-modules)
(Prabasari et al., 2021). The advantages
of e-modules are that they are equipped
development/Develop Dissemination
with interactive media so that they are (flipbook validation (given to
innovative, increase interest in learning and trial) students)
and can motivate and realize
improvements in critical thinking and Figure 1 4D Development Model Flow
learning outcomes. While the book
flipbook contains various images from The use of the posttest-only control
one page to the next, pictures are group is because the critical thinking
animated by a simulated motion. When ability data is only obtained from the
flipped quickly. posttest conducted, because the sample is
One of the e-modules developed in not determined at random, but describes
this innovation practicum contains the academics of all classes equally,
simple harmonic motion material conducted at MAN 4 Bantul class X
regarding the revised 2013 curriculum. MIPA totalling 84 students. The
This E-Module is intended for students of descriptive analysis technique aims to see
class X SMA/MA and contains text the data's mean, standard deviation,
related to simple harmonic motion median and mode. The analysis was
material with animation, video links, and carried out using an independent t-test to
sound recordings, along with supporting determine the difference in critical
images to explain the material. Anytime thinking accompanied by the flipbook e-
use anywhere. module in the experimental and control

Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351

classes taught with the media that is Table 1 Category of Critical Thinking
usually used. An Independent Sample t- Ability
test tested the hypothesis, if the data is Percentage (%) Category
normally distributed and homogeneous, 81  X  100 Very good
also parametric statistics so that the 61  X  80 Well
maximum or minimum value is known.
41  X  60 Average
The analysis was tested first through a
normality test with One-Sample 21  X  40 Low
Kolmogorov Smirnov and a 0  X  20 Very Low
homogeneity test with Levene Statistics
after both tests were completed, then a t- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
test through independent sample t-test to The results of this paper from the control
answer the research hypothesis. The and experimental class posttest testing on
results of critical thinking skills obtained critical thinking skills using flipbook-
are then categorized, as shown in Table based e-modules obtained descriptive
1. analysis. Statistical data are listed in
Table 2.

Table 2 Group Statistics

Std. Error
Class N Mean Std. Deviation
Critical Mean
Thinking Experimental Class 24 83.83 3.547 0.724
Control class 24 63.00 3.270 0.668

It is known from Table 1 that the solutions to solve problems that are
experimental class, through the e-module different from textbooks that are widely
learning media, the flipbook-PBL model used in schools. In addition to descriptive
obtained a higher mean than the control analysis, further parametric testing is
class. It is effectively applied when carried out to test the hypothesis with the
compared to conventional use. The conditions being normally distributed
research was conducted by Aufa et al. and homogeneous so that the Normality
(2021) using a quasi-experimental test and Homogeneous Test are needed,
method. seen from Levene Statistics and the
There is a difference in critical Kolomogorov-Smirnov test. Table 3
thinking skills using the PBL e-module shows the results of the homogeneous
model, which is to train students in test and the normality test.
analyzing a concept so that they get

Table 3 Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Class Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Critical Experimental
0.152 24 0.160 0.939 24 0.156
Thinking Class
Control class 0.237 24 0.001 0.843 24 0.002

Based on Figure (2), it can be concluded for the control, the significance of which
that the data is not normally distributed. is less than 0.05, it is stated that the data
Normality occurs only in the is not normal. Furthermore, the
experimental class because the homogeneity test was carried out, as
significance value is more than 0.05. As shown in Table 4.

Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351

Table 4 Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Based on Mean 0.304 1 46 0.584
Based on Median 0.195 1 46 0.661
Based on Median with adjusted df 0.195 1 45.694 0.661
Based on trimmed mean 0.301 1 46 0.586

It shows that the significance is 0.523, so distributed, the Independent Sample t-

it is stated that it is 0.523 > 0.05 with the test was carried out to know the results of
homogeneity of Levene Statistics data. the hypothesis with the data that had been
While the One-Sample Kolmogorov- obtained previously, the conditions were
Smirnov used in table 6 functions as a met. The Independent Sample t-test was
normality test, the normal distribution is carried out. The results of the
proven to be sig > 0.05; in the experiment independent sample t-test are listed in
sig 0.200 and control 0.142, it is Table 5.
concluded that both are normally

Table 5 Independent Sample T-Test

Equal Variances Assumed Equal Variances not Assumed
Levene’s Test for Equality f 0.304
of Variance Sig. 0.584
t 21.155
df 46
T-Test for Equality of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
Means Mean Difference 20.833
Std. Error Difference 0.985
Lower 18.851
Upper 22.816

Based on the table above, it can be significant difference between the two
concluded that the data is homogeneous. because the value is less than 0.05. This
The significance value indicates this in is also reinforced in the statistical group
the Levene statistic column based on the table from the experimental class; the
mean of 0.304, which means more than mean is greater than the control.
0.05. The data has met the requirements Based on the results of the post-test, it
to be tested using an independent test. was concluded that the distribution of
The data from the independent test critical thinking skills in the experimental
can be seen in the table in sig (2-tailed), and control classes. Seen in the following
where the value is 0.000; there is a Table 6.

Table 6 Obtaining Critical Thinking Ability Score

Value Critical Thinking Skills
Class type Very low Low Average Well Very good Category
Experiment - 3L 2L 7L 10 L Well
Control - 6L 9L 5L 2L Average
Information: L= Learners

Based on Table 6, the average improvement test results obtained in the

experimental value is higher than the learning process, seen from students'
control on all indicators of critical ability to master the material and to apply
thinking ability. The average their responses, tend to be more active in

Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351

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