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This paper aims to develop a flipbook-based physics e-module to determine students'
critical thinking skills by applying the problem-based learning (PBL) model. The method
in the 4-D model research is qualitative descriptive. The research using a non-probability
sampling technique that is selected is subject class 10 MIPA MAN 4 Bantul. Techniques
for collecting data with test instruments and indicators are used in critical thinking, namely
analyzing facts, formulating problems, selecting, clarifying and evaluating arguments
logically, and drawing conclusions. The media and material analysis results show that the
category is feasible, with a percentage of 85.43 and 75.41. The E-Module shows the
average response in education suitable for use on critical thinking skills. The normality
value of the control class is 0.002, and the experimental class 0.156. The homogeneity of
the statistical significance level is 0.304. Therefore, the data has met the requirements to
be tested using an independent test; there is a significant difference between the control
class with lectures and experiments using e-modules.
How to cite: Rohmatin, I. A., Racmayani, A., & Jumadi, J. (2022). Development of e-
module based on flipbook learning model problem based learning (pbl) to improve critical
thinking ability. Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika, 10(3), 342-351.
Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351
Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351
classes taught with the media that is Table 1 Category of Critical Thinking
usually used. An Independent Sample t- Ability
test tested the hypothesis, if the data is Percentage (%) Category
normally distributed and homogeneous, 81 X 100 Very good
also parametric statistics so that the 61 X 80 Well
maximum or minimum value is known.
41 X 60 Average
The analysis was tested first through a
normality test with One-Sample 21 X 40 Low
Kolmogorov Smirnov and a 0 X 20 Very Low
homogeneity test with Levene Statistics
after both tests were completed, then a t- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
test through independent sample t-test to The results of this paper from the control
answer the research hypothesis. The and experimental class posttest testing on
results of critical thinking skills obtained critical thinking skills using flipbook-
are then categorized, as shown in Table based e-modules obtained descriptive
1. analysis. Statistical data are listed in
Table 2.
It is known from Table 1 that the solutions to solve problems that are
experimental class, through the e-module different from textbooks that are widely
learning media, the flipbook-PBL model used in schools. In addition to descriptive
obtained a higher mean than the control analysis, further parametric testing is
class. It is effectively applied when carried out to test the hypothesis with the
compared to conventional use. The conditions being normally distributed
research was conducted by Aufa et al. and homogeneous so that the Normality
(2021) using a quasi-experimental test and Homogeneous Test are needed,
method. seen from Levene Statistics and the
There is a difference in critical Kolomogorov-Smirnov test. Table 3
thinking skills using the PBL e-module shows the results of the homogeneous
model, which is to train students in test and the normality test.
analyzing a concept so that they get
Based on Figure (2), it can be concluded for the control, the significance of which
that the data is not normally distributed. is less than 0.05, it is stated that the data
Normality occurs only in the is not normal. Furthermore, the
experimental class because the homogeneity test was carried out, as
significance value is more than 0.05. As shown in Table 4.
Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351
Based on the table above, it can be significant difference between the two
concluded that the data is homogeneous. because the value is less than 0.05. This
The significance value indicates this in is also reinforced in the statistical group
the Levene statistic column based on the table from the experimental class; the
mean of 0.304, which means more than mean is greater than the control.
0.05. The data has met the requirements Based on the results of the post-test, it
to be tested using an independent test. was concluded that the distribution of
The data from the independent test critical thinking skills in the experimental
can be seen in the table in sig (2-tailed), and control classes. Seen in the following
where the value is 0.000; there is a Table 6.
Rohmatin et al/Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 10 (3) 2022 342-351
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