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Specialty: 7M01719 - Training of foreign language teachers

Faculty of postgraduate education

Subject: Conceptual – educational basis and mechanisms of designing programs

for educating future foreign language teachers


Theme: «Modular structuring of professional education programs in innovative

professional education. Reveal the concepts “professional education”, “modular
structuring” and “educational programs” and their implementation in modern
innovative society. Specify features of designing of modular professional
education study program in competence-based model»

Done by: Skakova Aliza

Seitova Kymbat
Faizullova Satiram
Checked by: PhD G.B. Zhumabekova

Almaty, 2022

1.1 Modular learning technology
1.2 Modular structuring of professional education
1.3 Features of building a modular educational program for professional education
in the competency-based model


Relevance of the project. Historical experience shows that at each new stage in
the development of society, new demands are being made on the educational
system, aimed primarily at training qualified specialists in accordance with the
needs of the new structure of society. At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, the
main paradigm of the development of society was the informatization of almost all
spheres of its life.
This process could not bypass the educational sphere, since without
improving its development it turned out to be practically impossible to obtain the
expected results in the development of other spheres of society's life. In turn, the
informatization of the educational sphere has become the starting point for large-
scale changes and the introduction of innovative transformations at all levels of the
educational process - from primary to higher professional education. As a result, an
innovative theory of informational modular learning has taken shape as a modern
direction in the development of pedagogical theory, the main forms of practical
implementation of which have become modular learning technologies (MLT),
formed both within individual disciplines and their complex for professional
education and training of qualified specialists of various profiles.
The construction and implementation of developing learning systems can be
carried out on the basis of various ideas and approaches. A new level in solving
this problem is associated with the embodiment of the idea of the integrity of the
learning process and the study of the characteristics and mechanisms of student
The holistic nature of the learning process is an objective regularity, which is
confirmed by many fundamental pedagogical studies of such scientists as I.V.
Blauberg, E.G. Yudin, Yu.P. Mechin, I.A. Uemov, B.S. Ukraintsev, V.N. Lerner,
M.N. Skatkin and others.
These studies allow us to conclude that the nature of a student's development
is determined by the characteristics of the learning process as an integral system.
Therefore, to create a new type of learning system, it is necessary to rebuild all its
One of the options for solving this problem can be considered the construction
of a modular learning system.
A lot of works are devoted to the problems of modular education, which
describe a wide variety of didactic systems based on modules (T.V. Vasilyeva,
K.N. Volkova, V.I. Lapchinskaya, Z.A. Malkova, E.M. Durko, S. N. Kulikova).
At first, the interests of the authors were concentrated in the field of modular
education in primary and secondary schools (P.A. Yutsyavichene, G.V. Lavrentiev,
N.B. Lavrentyeva, T.I. Tsaregorodtseva, K.Ya. Vazina and others. ), recently there
have been more and more studies studying the methods of transferring to a
modular system and its features within the framework of professional education
(T.I. Shamova, A.P. Tryapitsyna, M.D. Mironova, I.B. Sennovsky, E.V. .Skovin,
V.Okon, A.De Caluve, E.Marx, M.Petri and others).

Modular learning has certain characteristic features that are manifested
regardless of the particular model in which the learning process is implemented
based on modules. This is confirmed by the results of the research, although the
authors often consider individual aspects and dependencies of the modular learning
process. Various variants of modular systems are covered at the level of facts,
specific proposals, through a description of real pedagogical experience and the
development of guidelines for the use of modular technology in teaching a
particular subject.
The dynamism of modular learning is determined by the design features of the
module and allows it to implement the developmental function as a natural
manifestation of the integrity of the learning process in this system. It can be
assumed that modular learning is one of the most effective solutions to the problem
of growth and advancement of students in learning. A systematic study of a
complex, polystructural, polyfunctional object - modular education, will reveal the
conditions and mechanisms that ensure the development of the student in it.
These provisions explain the relevance of the study on the topic: "Modular
construction of professional education programs in innovative professional
The object of the project: the process of professional education
The subject of the project: modular learning technology in the context of
professional education
The aim of the project is development of a theoretical justification for the
modular construction of professional education programs.
The goals/objectives of project:
1) To reveal the concepts of "professional education", "modular structuring" and
"educational programs" and their implementation in a modern innovative society.
2) To determine the structure of the development of methodology for designing
modular educational programs;
3) To indicate the features of building a modular educational program for
professional education in a competency-based model.
Methods of research: the method of studying and critical analysis of
literature, studying and summarising the positive experiences of scientists,
comparative analysis.
The presented work includes an introduction, one chapter, a presentation, a
conclusion, and references.



1.1 Modular learning technology

Over the past three decades, the prerequisites for the individualization of
education, increasing the activity and independence of students have been created
in the teacher of higher education. One of the first attempts to meet individualized
learning needs was undoubtedly the creation of programmed learning [1]. The very
idea, expressed in the principles of defining clear steps of learning,
individualization, intensive confirmation of what has been learned, is, of course,
valuable. However, oddly enough, its practical implementation did not give the
expected pedagogical effect.
In the sixties of the twentieth century, an intensive search began for ways to
optimize the learning process [2]. The interest of various researchers in modular
training was determined by the desire to achieve different goals. The first sought to
allow the student to work at a comfortable pace, the second - to help him determine
his capabilities in mastering knowledge, the third - to flexibly build the content of
training; fourth - to integrate various types and forms of education; fifth - to
achieve a high level in professional activity.
The origin of modular education dates back to the early 70s of the XX
century. Modular education has emerged as an alternative to traditional education,
integrating all the progressive that has been accumulated in theory and practice.
The essence of modular learning is that the learner completely independently
(or in co-regulation) achieves specific learning goals in the process of working
with the module. Modular training differs from traditional training used in
educational institutions, since within the framework of a separate module, a
comprehensive development of skills and knowledge is carried out within the
framework of the formation of a specific competence that ensures the performance
of a specific labor function that reflects the requirements of the labor market [3].
The essence of modular training in the system of professional training
consists in the relatively independent work of the student in mastering an
individual program, composed of separate modules (modular units) and including
an action plan, a block of information, methodological guidance to achieve
learning goals. In this case, the functions of the teacher are reduced to control,
consultation, coordination of actions to master information.
In modern pedagogy, this technology is defined as the organization of the
educational process, in which educational information is divided into modules. A
module is an independent educational unit of knowledge united by a specific goal,
methodological guidance for the development of this module and control over its
development. The developer develops a program that consists of a set of modules

and progressively more complex educational tasks, while providing input and
intermediate control that allows the student, together with the mentor, to manage
The presented student-centered learning technologies allow the maximum
adaptation of the educational process to the capabilities and needs of students.
Modules allow you to individualize work with individual students, dose individual
assistance, change the forms of interaction between the teacher (mentor) and the
Modular learning technology is a model of joint activity of a teacher and a
student in planning, organizing and conducting the educational process while
providing comfortable conditions for them. Modular learning is a way of
organizing the educational process based on the modular construction of the
educational program, curriculum and academic disciplines. While the Educational
Program is a comprehensive document that defines the goals, objectives and results
of education, the structure and content of curricula and programs, the ways and
methods of their implementation, educational, methodological and resource
support for the educational process and criteria for assessing the educational
achievements of students [4].
Modular learning transforms the educational process so that the student
independently (in whole or in part) learns according to an individual program,
provides individualization of learning:
 according to the content of training (each person chooses the module he/she
needs personally);
 by the rate of mastering (each student masters the module at his own pace);
 according to the level of independence (for example, owns the technique and
masters it completely independently, without resorting to the help of a
The purpose of modular education (modular technology) is to develop the
independence of students, focused on the disclosure of their professional potential.
Modular learning allows:
 flexibly build content from blocks,
 integrate various types and forms of education,
 choose the most appropriate forms of education for a specific audience of
 provide students with the opportunity to work independently on an individual
curriculum at a pace convenient for them
 establish interdisciplinary links and solve problems of interaction between
special departments of higher education
The formation of modular programs based on competencies implies the
presence of constant feedback with the requirements of employers for the skills
and knowledge of students. Information about the requirements of employers for
the skills of future specialists can be obtained from various sources, for example,
labor market analysis, analysis of labor functions, etc.

1.2 Modular structuring of professional education

The introduction of educational programs built on the basis of a modular

approach is one of the mechanisms for successfully solving the problems facing
Kazakhstani education in the context of active reform. The modular approach to
education in Kazakhstan in recent years has been carried out within the framework
of a number of international projects (in particular, within the framework of the
Bologna process), and so far its distribution in Kazakhstani educational institutions
has been fragmented.
At present, the search, development and implementation of innovative
pedagogical technologies in the educational process are being actively carried out,
which make it possible to satisfy the modern demands of society for flexible,
multi-purpose and effective training programs. Interest in modular technology is
due to its significant advantages: technological, structural and content flexibility of
modular curricula, the possibility of widespread use of information and
communication technologies for the individualization of students' independent
work, the complexity, efficiency and objectivity of assessing students' educational
achievements, the applicability of technology in the organization of all types of
educational activities of students.
In the domestic educational system, the module has traditionally been
considered as an organizational and methodological structural unit within the
framework of one academic discipline. Such an interpretation of the concept of
"module" organically fits into the module-rating system of education, which is
actively used in Kazakhstani universities and involves an increase in control points
in the course of mastering a particular discipline by a student. In this sense, the
module, which is a logically completed part of the academic discipline, receives an
“output” grade, and the grade, in turn, determines the student’s rating. This
approach provides an increase in motivation for success in mastering educational
information. At the same time, the control and evaluation component allows you to
systematically diagnose and correct the educational process.
Structuring educational information according to the "block" principle, which
was the basis of previous educational standards, assumed a completely different
model of the educational process. As a result, the idea of creating educational and
methodological complexes of disciplines of curricula dominated in the practical
activities of scientific and pedagogical teams of universities, and a separate
discipline of a particular block still remains the core around which the cognitive
activity of students is organized.
However, today a qualitatively different problem is of particular importance -
the problem of creating educational and methodological complexes of modules,
which actualizes the implementation of the interdisciplinary principle of higher
professional education.

Vocational education is the process and result of the professional formation
and development of the individual, accompanied by the acquisition of established
knowledge, skills, abilities and pedagogical competencies in specific specialties
and professions.
The structure of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of
Kazakhstan is regulated by the Law "On Education" (dated July 27, 2007) [5].
With the signing of the Bologna Declaration in 2010, Kazakhstan is implementing
a three-level system of higher education "bachelor-master-doctor PHD". This
structure has found its legal consolidation in the Law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan "On Education":
1) Higher basic education - bachelor's program - with a duration of study of 4
2) Postgraduate education, including the scientific and pedagogical direction
of training - a master's program - with a duration of study in a specialized master's
program - 1 year, in scientific and pedagogical - 2 years;
3) The program for the preparation of doctors of philosophy (PhD), doctors in
the profile - doctoral studies - after the completion of master's programs. The
duration of study is at least 3 years or more.
The modular approach to the construction of the curriculum is based on the
following principles: consistency, individuality, logical completeness, focus on the
acquisition of certain competencies [6, p. 21].
The ideology, according to which the educational program consisted of
relatively independent disciplines, is receding into the past. The curriculum is
formed as a set of modules, each of which ensures the implementation of the
fundamental components of the educational program: general theoretical,
professional and practice-oriented. The results of the development of these
components are presented in the form of competencies as the ability and readiness
of the student to perform certain actions in the overall structure of professional
It is not the number of hours per semester and the efforts of teachers to ensure
the educational process (cost orientation) that come to the fore, but the student
himself with his labor costs (“student-centrism”) and the competencies being
formed. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure “learnability” (a feasible
amount of hours and adequate certification of students).
First, competencies (learning outcomes) are formed, they are consistent with
professional standards and are compiled on a predictive basis (in accordance with
the professional characteristics of the graduate, the employer's requests). Then a
profile (specialization) is established and a curriculum, a curriculum of a modular
structure, a working curriculum and work programs of disciplines and practices are
developed in a complex, indicating their localization in semesters and taking into
account labor intensity in the form of credit units [7]. Planning is carried out taking
into account the restrictions established by the State Order for Higher Professional
Education (in terms of compulsory disciplines, requirements for a weekly
workload, the number of weeks of compulsory education, etc.).

Thus, the principle of designing from learning outcomes, formed in the form
of competencies, is observed: competencies formed within the framework of the
module - funds of assessment tools - module content; competencies formed within
the framework of the discipline - evaluative means - the content of the discipline.
Giving the curriculum a modular structure involves a significant
modernization of various aspects of the educational process. One of the important
aspects is the development of a collegial decision on the structuring of the
modules, on the formation of the educational and methodological complex of the
module and on the establishment of forms and types of control.
It is the application of the competency-based approach that makes it possible
to determine the logic and structure of each individual module. Competences are a
complex formation, including such components as knowledge (cognitive aspect),
skills and abilities (operational aspect), personal attitude to the activities carried
out (value-semantic aspect). In accordance with this understanding of
competencies, it seems possible to classify the modules that form the curriculum,
taking into account their structural and functional characteristics: propaedeutic
(theoretical), basic (mastering generalized methods of professionally oriented
actions), instrumental (formation of specific skills), implementation
(implementation) and reflexive (evaluative) [8].
As already mentioned, each module is a relatively complete independent
structural part of the curriculum. The educational and methodological complex of
the module indicates: 1) the number of credits for this module; 2) competencies
formed within the framework of this module; 3) deciphering competencies in the
form of Dublin descriptors (what a student should know (understand, realize), what
he is capable of, what he should be ready for as a result of mastering the module,
how he will apply the knowledge, skills, skills in practice; 4) a list topics studied
within each discipline; 5) sources of educational information throughout the
module; 6) forms of final control.
Pedagogical teams of universities have a lot of work to do to develop criteria
and indicators for evaluating the results of mastering the module, formulated in the
form of competencies. In Kazakhstani higher education, the emphasis has
traditionally been on the assessment of knowledge, but now it is necessary to
develop a methodology for assessing competencies.
As evaluative means of achieving the learning outcomes stated in the module,
the following can be used: business and role-playing games, case tasks, colloquia,
round tables, discussions, polemics, disputes, debates, portfolios, projects,
workbooks, tests, multi-level tasks and assignments , settlement and graphic
works, abstracts, reports, messages, essays, creative tasks, software systems-
simulators, etc. The exam as an assessment procedure is not excluded, but the form
of its conduct can be significantly different. For example, an exam may include a
theoretical part and portfolio defense, or a theoretical part and defense of an
individual research type assignment, etc.
It should be noted that in this case, the use of a point-rating system for
assessing students' achievements can be effective [9]. At the same time, evaluation

tools must be chosen in such a way that there is a cross-diagnosis of the formation
of learning outcomes stated in the competency-oriented module.
This does not mean that knowledge cannot be assessed in principle. The
Dublin Descriptors, which have become one of the foundations (together with the
ECTS) of the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework, define
five main learning outcomes: knowledge and understanding, the use of knowledge
and understanding in practice, the ability to make judgments, evaluate ideas and
formulate conclusions, skills in the field of communication, skills in the field of
learning [10]. When using descriptors, descriptions of what the student should
know, understand and/or be able to do with the total number of ECTS transferable
credits are used.
As we can see, knowledge occupies one of the leading positions in the overall
structure of the expected learning outcomes, and within the framework of the
competency-based approach, we are talking about the transition from the
assessment of individual knowledge, skills and abilities to an integrated
comprehensive and interdisciplinary assessment. Some teachers, in principle,
believe that it is the nature of the assessment of learning outcomes that makes it
possible to distinguish between qualification (focused on priority testing of
knowledge) and competence-based (focused on assessing the optimal ratio of
ability, readiness and knowledge in application to a certain type of activity)
approaches [11].
The graduate's professional activity map is the main methodological
document that takes into account the needs of the labor market. In this regard, the
process of its development should be well planned and well-executed. The working
group, including teachers who read professional disciplines, representatives of the
methodological service of the educational organization and employers, creates a
draft map of the graduate's professional activity based on the content of the
professional standard corresponding to the State Educational Higher Professional
Education, as well as the requirements of the regional labor market, international
recommendations, development trends of the considered professional sphere on a
regional, Kazakhstani and international scale. When analyzing professional activity
in the relevant field of study (specialty), it is recommended to use data on the
employment of graduates for the last 5-7 years in order to be able to see trends in
changes in positions and tasks (or labor functions) of the considered sphere of
work. Further, the draft map of professional activity is specified on the basis of a
survey of employers and working graduates (a two-sided view of the problem). It
is desirable to involve graduates with at least three years of work experience in the
profession as respondents, which can guarantee that they have a formed opinion
regarding the scope of their professional activity.

1.3 Features of building a modular educational program for professional

education in the competency-based model

Competences must meet the requirement of diagnosticity, which means that
they can be identified and assessed during the control. But the control itself in this
case should not be reduced to the traditional form of answering the exam. Of
course, the final qualifying work of a bachelor should make it possible to fully
identify the competencies of a graduate, but the methodology for monitoring
competencies should be applied systematically and consistently from the first years
of study. At the same time, it will be possible to identify competencies of different
levels: initial, basic, advanced. The audit of educational programs is recommended
to be carried out from the standpoint of the compliance of the planned results with
the criteria and methods of evaluation.
Competence testing is associated not only with knowledge, but also with the
ability and readiness to solve a certain set of professional tasks of varying
complexity. The level of their formation is revealed through checking the ability to
formulate and substantiate arguments and solve problems within the professional
field (which is at the same time the field of study). Competence is an integrative
quality of a graduate, which is expressed in the ability to effectively solve
professional problems, be competitive in the labor market, and successfully build
one's career. Thus, competencies should be personally significant for the student.
Within each module, a set of interrelated competencies is formed.
The modular structuring of the educational program is designed to help
increase its openness, flexibility and focus on increasing the proportion of students'
independent work. However, the achievement of these characteristics is associated
with a change in the algorithm for organizing the educational process, and
students, teachers, and administration are involved in this process. The student
must familiarize himself with the educational and methodological complex of
modules at the initial stage of training. This means that already at this stage, joint
project activities of teachers and students are carried out, taking into account the
prospects for meeting educational needs and further professional development.
The process of transition from the traditional scheme of structuring an
educational program to a modular scheme requires significant efforts and the work
of teachers "in a team", because the module as a systemic whole should not be
understood as a simple addition of individual disciplines. In addition to the
structure of educational elements (disciplines) that form the module, it is necessary
to take into account an additional integrating component - something common in
the content of the disciplines, which made it possible to combine them into one
module for the development of this group of competencies. The didactic content of
an integral module is determined by the problematic nature of the material
presented in it, the complex formation of knowledge and skills as the basis for the
development of competencies, and a common thesaurus that ensures the
integration of educational material. Individual modules may coincide in time with
the boundaries of the semester. But along with this, there are "through" modules.
For example, all practices of the same type (training, production, etc.) can be
covered by one module. The modular technology of constructing the curriculum
involves the rejection of the "linear" educational trajectory of the student. Students

can study individual modules or their constituent elements, depending on
individual educational needs.

Algorithm for the development of modular educational programs:

The study of the State Educational Standards, the Model Curriculum and the working
curriculum of the specialty to identify the basic requirements for the content of the
disciplines of the module and the formed competencies, taking into account the Dublin
Reveal interdisciplinary correspondences for the formation of the module and
2. competencies. Each module assumes uniqueness in the formation of the competence of
future specialists. The formed competencies cannot be duplicated in other modules.
3. To study the labor market and the requirements of employers for future specialists.
Teachers of the graduating department (which develops the EP) make their proposals to
the head of the department on the formation of modules in accordance with the goals and
objectives of the disciplines, indicating the learning outcomes of the module, volume and
The head of the graduating department forms the initial version of the educational
program on the basis of the Model Curriculum and the proposals of teachers.
The methodical commission of the department analyzes the correctness of the
6. compilation of modules, its effectiveness in the training of future specialists, compliance
with the requirements for the formation of modular educational programs.
7. Teachers draw up the final versions of the Description of the modules.
Based on the results of the analysis, adjustments are made to the initial version of the
modules of the educational program.
General modules include the disciplines of the cycles General Educational Disciplines
and Basic Disciplines, the relevant departments are involved in their development (which
provide general competencies: socio-ethical, economic and organizational and
managerial competencies).
The specialty modules include the disciplines of the cycles Basic disciplines and Major
disciplines, the relevant departments are involved in their development (which provide
all types of key competencies: general professional and special, taking into account the
specifics of the socio-economic development of the region and the needs of the labor
market, established scientific schools, etc. )
Additional modules include disciplines of all cycles, providing additional competencies,
11 taking into account modern trends in society; all departments of the university are
. included in their development. They provide competencies that contribute to the success
of the graduate.
When compiling modular educational programs, one should comply with the
requirements specified in the Rules for organizing the educational process on credit
technology of education, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of
the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 No. 152, and the State Educational
Standard of the corresponding level of education, the Model curriculum of the specialty.
13 Necessary conditions for the implementation of control:
. - at the stage of formulating the results, adequate control methods and evaluating tools
should be planned;
– it is assumed that a clear description of the learning outcomes should be provided;
- results orientation entails the development of new methods of teaching, learning
(learning) and assessment;
- checking the level of competence formation should be carried out using modeling
(simulating) interactive teaching methods;
- students positively perceive modern forms of control and their motivating effect;
- the readiness of teachers to apply new methods of monitoring and evaluation.
The developed educational program is approved by the Committee for Educational
Programs, submitted for discussion by the faculty, university and approved by the
academic council of the university.

An educational program structured by modules should be transparent and

accessible to all users and, above all, to students. For each module, a complete set
of methodological documents should be developed, including the educational and
methodological complex of the module, the educational and methodological
complex of individual disciplines, the educational and methodological manual,
methodological instructions for students and methodological recommendations for
teachers. It is the educational and methodological complex of the module that is
the document that is first of all offered to the student for review. The modular
approach in combination with innovative technologies should provide an effective
solution to the strategic task of practical professional training - the formation of a
professional ready for active and creative practical work.


The organization of the educational process based on the use of educational

technology by the module increases the level of independence of students and
opens up additional opportunities for self-realization for them by increasing their
motivation for learning. In addition, the modular technology of education allows
each student to learn the amount of new knowledge in accordance with the basic
requirements of new educational standards. Thus, the modular construction of the
educational process fills it with teaching methods individualized in content, helps
to increase the level of independence of students, and also allows you to correctly
dose the educational and cognitive load of each student and control the level of
assimilation of new volumes of knowledge in the learning process.
The main principles of the presented technology for designing modular
competence-oriented educational programs are variability, openness,
regionalization, continuity, discreteness. Compliance with the principle of
variability provides the possibility of changing the elements of the educational
program both in structural and content terms. Openness allows the possibility of
supplementing the educational program with new elements, as well as updating the
content of existing elements. Compliance with the principle of regionalization
determines the orientation of the educational program to the specific needs of the
regional labor market; the principle of continuity implies the possibility of taking
into account previously formed competencies (knowledge, skills, experience) at the
next stage or level of education. The principle of discreteness ensures the
presentation of the educational program in the form of integration of relatively
independent, logically completed parts (modules). This principle is important
because it allows, to a certain extent, to foresee the development of discrete
structures of the educational program.
Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that Modular Education
Technology is one of the innovative forms of using modern information tools for
the development of pedagogical technologies. Their application in the practical
activities of universities for the training and education of qualified specialists
contributes to the assimilation of a greater amount of new knowledge by the
contingent of students due to: the absence of conditionality of the organization of
the educational process from temporal, spatial, household, social and a number of
other factors; development of independent forms and methods of teaching;
increasing the motivation of trainees through successful training to achieve specific
goals and solve the problems of future employment; ensuring the implementation
of the acquired knowledge in practical activities.


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