Development of Integrated Physics Learning E-Module With Pancasila Character Values in Work and Energy Subjects
Development of Integrated Physics Learning E-Module With Pancasila Character Values in Work and Energy Subjects
Development of Integrated Physics Learning E-Module With Pancasila Character Values in Work and Energy Subjects
This study aims to produce an integrated physics learning e-module with Pancasila character values in work and energy
subjects that is feasible to use. The type of research used is research and development. The development procedure is
guided by the 4-D model. Research subjects consisted of material experts, media experts, physics teachers, peer
reviewers, and 30 students of class X MIPA SMA N 1 Gading Rejo. The data collection technique used observation
techniques, literature study techniques, documentation, and questionnaire techniques. The research instruments used
include observation sheets, product feasibility assessment sheets, and student response questionnaire. Data collected
were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the integrated physics learning e-module with
Pancasila character values in work and energy subjects was feasible for use with the “Very Good” category based on
the assessment of material experts, media experts, physics teachers, peer reviewers, and student responses. Based on
these findings, the teacher can use this e-module as a reference for student learning resources in the learning process
both inside and outside the classroom because the e-module has been tested for its feasibility.
Keywords: Physics Learning E-Module, Pancasila Character Values, Work and Energy.
In addition to these positive impacts, it turns out that chosen because it has some material approved in
technological developments and advances that are very electronic format, audio, animation, film, and navigation
rapid can also cause various negative impacts. Especially can be inserted which makes its use over interactive with
if not used properly [10]. Various negative impacts that the program [21]. It uses also provides benefits for students
may be caused, among others, the use of e-learning can that can be used anywhere and at any time, and can be
cause the transfer of teachers and cause the teacher to be studied without depending on the teacher or others [22].
excluded, causing the creation of individuals who are The presentation of material in e-modules can also be
individual, ethics and discipline of students difficult to integrated with character values, one of which is sourced
supervise and foster, so that gradually and ethics and from Pancasila [23]. Pancasila was chosen because it is
humans, especially students will decrease dramatically, the philosophy and view of national life. Politics,
the nature of humans as social beings will be eroded [11]. economics, society, law, art, and even culture. This
Other impacts that may be caused include students not integration encourages students to become better citizens,
really accessing things that are not good, such as namely citizens who have the will, ability, and implement
pornography, online games can even be exposed to the values of Pancasila in their lives [19]. The Pancasila
cyber-relational addiction. Students become addicted to character values that are integrated are values that are
excessive cyberspace existence, being exposed to or suitable to be integrated into the learning material. One
committing criminal acts (cybercrime), causing apathy of the materials in physics which is suitable to be
towards each individual, and so on [12],[13]. Things like integrated with the character values is work and energy
rampant student fighting, cheating on national exams, materials. However, at present, there are no learning
drug cases that ensnare students, pornographic videos by resources related to work and energy materials that are
students, sexual harassment, moral degradation, and even integrated with the Pancasila characters values. Therefore,
now are becoming problems faced by the education this research tries to develop an integrated physics learning
world [14],[15]. e-module with Pancasila character values in work and
energy subjects.
Responding to the various positive and negative
impacts, education, in addition, must always and
constantly adjust technological developments to means to
increase the education quality, it must also be able to
shape humans who have superior skills and character in 2.1. Types of Research
order to be capable to contend and live in the future [16].
This research is research and development. The
This is conformable towards Law No. 20 of 2003
development procedure is guided by the 4-D model. This
concerning the National Education System which states
procedure consists of four stages namely define, design,
that national education functions to develop capabilities
develop, and disseminate. These stages are explained in
and shape the character and civilization of a dignified
more detail as follows.
nation in the context of educating the life of the nation,
aiming at developing the potential of students to become
2.1.1. Define Stage
human beings of faith and devotion to God Almighty,
noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, independent, This stage was carried out to determine and define
and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. various needs in the learning process. Furthermore, this
Based on the objectives and functions of national is also helpful for gathering all kinds of information
education, it is obvious that education in each degree, related to the product to be developed. This stage
from basic education to higher education, should be includes five steps, namely front-end analysis, student
systematically designed and organized to reach these analysis, task analysis, concept analysis, and analysis of
objectives [17]. One of them which also needs to be learning objectives. Front-end analysis and student
prepared by educational institutions is facilities and analysis were carried out using observation and
infrastructures that support the achievement of these documentation techniques, while the analysis of tasks,
goals [14]. For example, educational institutions need to concepts, and learning objectives was carried out using
use media or learning resources that are integrated with literature study techniques and documentation. The
character values [18]. Not only in subjects of religion and results at this stage are used as a basis for initial product
citizenship education but in all subjects [19]. But the development at the design stage.
media or learning resources used today, especially in
physics are not fully integrated with character values. The 2.1.2. Design Stage
sources used are only used as tools to convey knowledge
but fully encourage the formation of character [20]. This stage was carried out to obtain draft I of the
Based on various facts and problems, it is important initial design of the product being developed. This stage
to extend a learning resource that is integrated with includes four steps, namely the preparation of tests,
character values. One learning source that can be chosen media selection, format selection, and initial product
as an alternative is the e-module. The e-module was design. The initial design of the product begins with
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 528
making a product development guideline, flowchart, and assessment and student responses were analyzed by this
storyboard that is based on the results of the analysis at analysis through the following stages.
the define stage. The initial design of the product is then
• Tabulate all data that has been obtained.
compiled based on guidelines, flowcharts, and
• Calculate the average score on each aspect of the
storyboards that have been made. The result is an
assessment using the Formula (1).
integrated physics learning e-module with Pancasila
character values in work and energy subjects which will ∑ 𝑋𝑋
be continued at the development stage. 𝑋𝑋� = (1)
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 528
degradation, character, and ethics including related to work and energy subjects, 2) the sub material presented
student independence, 2) the low ability of students to is work, energy, work relations and energy, and the law
complete their tasks, to handle themselves, to believe in of conservation of mechanical energy, 3) Pancasila
themselves, to be able to regulate himself, answering character values are integrated into the presentation of
questions, communicating with friends, etc. 3) Modules material, sample questions, and other test questions on e-
can also be integrated with character values to encourage modules, and 4) e-modules are operated via a smartphone
students to develop their characters, but the modules used with a minimum Android version 4.0.
have not been able to fully develop student characters and
The e-module has several components including 1)
have not been fully integrated with character values
the front page, 2) the e-module menu, 3) the introduction
especially Pancasila character values, and 5) e-modules
which contains an introduction, learning instructions,
are still underused in learning.
competencies, and concept maps, 4) three learning
This result is promoted with the observation results activities, each of which contains an apperception video,
made at MAN 1 Yogyakarta on March 2019. Observation the "let's go exploration of your knowledge ", "let's
results show that 1) the learning that is done still tends to investigate", and "let's evaluate", 5) summaries, 6)
be teacher-centered, 2) the method used is the lecture formative tests, 7) answer keys, 8) references, and 9)
method followed by the training of questions done by developer profiles. The Pancasila character values
students on the board, 3) the presentation of the material integrated into the e-module include the values of hard
is done without media or other learning resources but work, discipline, responsibility, never give up,
served with the help summary of the material that has cooperation, independent, religious, tolerance, social
been delivered by the teacher before, 4) students rely on care, anti-discrimination, environmental care, love the
the aid of other students to work the task or answer motherland, honest, love the truth, anti-corruption, fair,
teacher questions, 5) student behavior shows a lack of respect and respect each other, national spirit, anti-bully
interest in learning physics, and 6) there are no physics and violence, nationalist, democratic, peace-loving,
learning resources that integrate Pancasila character friendship, willing to sacrifice, and resilient. These values
values. are extracted from work and energy materials and
integrated into e-modules through the analogy of life and
These facts and problems form the basis for the
exemplary examples of Pancasila practice. This integration
development of an integrated physics learning e-module
is carried out on the material, example questions, practice
with Pancasila character values. The analysis also shows
questions, and evaluation questions on the e-module.
that one of the subjects that can be integrated with this
character's values is the work and energy subjects. In this
stage, core competencies, basic competencies, indicators of
3.3. Develop Stage
competency achievement, and learning objectives are The e-module products obtained at the design stage
formulated according to the 2013 revised 2017 curriculum. are first validated by experts, physics teachers, and peer
reviewers and are tested on students. This was done to
3.2. Design Stage obtain improvement materials so as to obtain the final
product of the integrated physics learning e-module with
Several results obtained in this stage including
Pancasila character values in work and energy subject.
guidelines for developing e-modules, flowcharts,
Validation results, input/suggestions for improvements
storyboards, and the initial design of e- modules. An e-
obtained at the validation stage, and student response
module development guideline, flowchart, and
results obtained from the product trial phase are
storyboard are made as a guide for e-module
explained as follows.
development. The e-module is then created with the help
of kodular, which is a website that provides tools for
creating Android applications using block programming.
Table 3. The results of the validation/ assessment of the feasibility of the physics learning e-module product integrated
with Pancasila character values in work and energy subjects by material experts, media experts, physics teachers, and
peer reviewers.
Aspect Components of Assessment Average Score Category
Content Feasibility 3.90 Very Good
Language and Image 3.83 Very Good
Presentation 3.65 Very Good
Media Graphics 3.77 Very Good
Audio 3.72 Very Good
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