Article 217144
Article 217144
Article 217144
Larissa Ageyeva
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Larissa Lebedeva
KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Sholpan Aldibekova
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Elmira Uaidullakyzy
KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan
1 Introduction
The essence of which is the modern education that becoming more multicultural,
which presupposing broad language background of the teacher’ [13][14][20].
One of the priority directions of vocational training is to prepare competent
pedagogical personal that are demanded in the conditions of education content
updating in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The professional competence of the teacher
acts as a key, basic and special competences, which, run through each other,
manifested in the process of solving vital professional tasks of different complexity
levels with the use of a specific educational space [12], implying in addition to
technological training, a number of other components, which is mainly over-
professional or extra-professional nature available, but at the same time necessary
today for each specialist. It is a primary question of such personality traits as
independence, ability to make responsible decisions, creative approach to any work,
the ability to bring it to fruition and constantly study. This, in addition, the flexibility
of thinking, and the presence of abstract, systematic and experimental thinking,
dialogue skills, communication skills, ability to cooperate, etc. [15].
For the successful preparation of highly skilled teachers of elementary education
required the organization of student’s educational activity that would ensure the
mastery of the world and domestic culture, understanding the trends of social
progress, awareness of the key ideas of developing societies, the mastery of modern
teaching technologies [14].
In the professional training of future teachers, the special attention should be given
to the development and improvement of personality, its professional self-
Determination and formation, ensuring its cultural, economic and political
potential. It is important to note that modern society requires qualified, competent,
Paper—The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student’s Academic Activity on the Basis …
responsible teachers who are fluent in their profession, competitive on the labour
market, capable of effective creative teaching activities at the level of world standards,
ready to constant professional growth, social and professional mobility. It is possible
under the condition of modernization of professional pedagogical education system
[24]. Therefore, it is presented in our research—the problem of self-organization of
educational activity of future primary education teachers on the basis of technology
‘Time management’ [26].
The concept of ‘self-organization of educational activities’ is variously presented in
the scientific works of present foreign and domestic researchers. Summarizing the
different opinions of scholars, we believe that the most meaningful interpretation was
given by Vysotskaya [19], who under the self-organizational academic activity
understands ‘the activities of student, motivated and directed by goals of self-
government and self-regulation of their professionally important academic work,
through a system of mental operations aimed at solving problems of independent
rational organization of their educational work’.
Thus, self-organizational academic activity—activities and at the same time, the
ability of the individual associated with the ability to organize themselves. It manifests
itself in the purposefulness, activity, validity of motivation, planning its activities,
independence, quick decision-making and responsibility for them, assessments
criticality of the result of their actions and sense of duty.
Considering the problem of self-organization academic activity of students, most
researchers distinguish the following main structural components; motivation
(Gordeeva, Kopeina, Kuchina, Egorova, Kogan, Kharlanova, Shorokhova,
AbulkhanovaSlavskaya, Lomov, Desi and Ryan, Galili, Keamy, etc.) , goal setting,
planning, control (Kuchina, Zimniya, Pakhmutova, Kotova, Shakhmatova,
Zainutdinova, Morosanova, Sagiyev, Ustinova, Reshetova, Ishkov, etc.),
programming (Morosanova, Sagiyev, Konopkin, Peysakhov, Shevtsov, p. Shakurov,
and others), conation (Pakhmutova, Shorokhova, Egorova, etc.).
However, in our point of view, important components of self-organizational
academic activity are also—design, including the modelling and designing of the
educational process, a communicative connection, which takes the student during the
period of training, and also control (self-control), evaluation (self-evaluation) and
reflective thinking.
Therefore, we have proposed the following components of self-organizational
academic activity: goal setting and motivation, planning and design, communication,
monitoring and evaluation, reflective thinking and correction. One of the main
structural components of the self-organization of the educational activity of the
student is goal-setting and motivation.
Motivation of training activities closely related to the concept of purpose and need,
including all kinds of motives: needs, interests, incentives, motivations, goals,
aptitudes and installations. Training motivation is determined by a number of specific
factors: educational system, educational organization, the subjective characteristics of
the student and teacher, as well as the specifics of the academic subject. The goal in
the context of this problem is the ‘element of behaviour, the immediate motive of the
Paper—The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student’s Academic Activity on the Basis …
activities [4]. Thus, students in professional training period are necessary to pay
special attention to the development of communication skills, involving fluency with
the whole set of skills and abilities necessary for effective verbal and nonverbal
communication and interaction, including situational adaptability and motivation. The
education system aimed at a modern specialist training, capable of efficient
operational implementation of professional tasks. In this regard, the problem of
formation and communicative skills development acquires in particular importance of
ensuring the academic, social and professional success of students.
The development of personality communication sphere is most successful in the
student age when certain communicative presuppositions already formed, provided
the basis for full development, but at the same time, there is potential for further
improvement and enhancement. In this regard, the need in communication,
interpersonal relationships, understanding the other and oneself in student age is large
enough, because the educational activity is mediated by the following communication
directions: communication with teachers, communication with fellow students and
professional communication in practice. Being a necessary condition for full academic
activities, communication affects all other spheres of student’s activity.
To ensure the self-organizational academic activity of students, scientists (Sagiyev,
Ustinov, Morosanova, Reshetova, etc.) give an important role to processes of control
(self-control) and evaluation (self-evaluation) in training bachelors.
According to psychologists and teachers, well-organized control not only performs
the function of feedback but also has educational influence on the student: contributes
to the growing interest in learning, provides the skills of self-control and
selfknowledge. It is important that the student could independently monitor and
evaluate training activities and knowledge, and not rely on the teacher [1].
Control is a special educational action, the purpose of which is to maintain all other
educational activities in the strict framework of a given academic activities’ program,
which in practice means the analysis of the students’ learning objectives and the
consistent implementation of its needed mental operational decisions, each of which is
compared with the requirements of the task.
In the process of professional formation of pedagogical university’s students, the
one way of developing skills of self-organizational academic activity is the formation
of skills of adequate self-evaluation of educational achievements, which is a quality of
the person, representing the unity of cognitive, active, motivational and emotional
components [10].
Self-esteem is based on evaluations of others, and results of its own activities and
on the basis of the ratio of the real and the ideal self-image. Relating to the core of
future specialist individuality, the student’s self-image is an important regulator of his
behaviour and academic activities (Postanova, 2017).
During the training period, students are important to develop the ability not only to
efficiently plan, organise and control their academic activities but also to analyse their
own activities, i.e., own reflexive thinking. Therefore, reflexive thinking, we defined
as one of the essential components of self-organizational academic activity.
Reflective activity of students as a component of self-organization will help to
understand its meaning, methods, problems, ways and results. Reflection allows us to
formulate the results, re-evaluate targets for further work and adjust your cycle of life.
The model of reflexive self-organization of a student consists of three main reflexive
processes: self-determination, self-knowledge and self-actualization. As the result of
reflection upon the successful self-organizational academic activity, students
experience satisfaction, confidence, sense of freedom and happiness. He feels self-
affirmation as a person because he knows that in achieving the goal of professional
development, he is able to overcome the obstacles, promoting personal growth.
We have identified the final component of the self-organizational academic activity
of students—the correction of life.
The student’s ability to adjust their livelihoods is directly related to self-
organization of educational and extracurricular activities because it includes reanalysis
of the entire structure performed actions and mistakes and build a new action plan and
their implementation. The development of this ability is determined by individual
personal qualities of the subject that are integrated into activities in the process of
experience accumulation of its implementation [6].
Correction characterizes the individual characteristics of the person who change (if
change in situation): its own behaviour, goals, methods and focus of the analysis of
the relevant conditions, action plan, evaluation criteria, forms of self-monitoring and
volitional regulation. People with high correction, demonstrate the flexibility of these
processes, make timely adjustments during detecting mismatch of the obtained results
with the adopted goal.
In our point of view, the above-described components, complementing each other,
most fully reflect the process of self-organizational academic activity of students.
For effective self-educational activity is required to make changes in the
educational process, related to the rational use of innovative technologies. Designing
of pedagogical technologies involves the selection of the optimal conditions for the
particular systems of pedagogical technologies. The quality of learning largely
depends on the use of specific educational technology and the degree of its relevance.
Due to its focus on self-organization, self-management of its own life process, the
‘Time management’ technology is the most popular in the organization of
independent educational activity of students.
In this case, pedagogical technology of ‘Time management’ will function as a
mode of activity, offering the most efficient way of learning, principles and
regulations that are used in the training, and as a real learning process. Time
management is a technology allowing to use the irreplaceable lifetime according to
personal and educational goals and values, basic principles of which are: orientation at
a time as the value, independent work, the individual solution, the need to monitor
own performance, thinking, aimed at the efficiency, accessibility and inexhaustibility
of efficiency reserves [7].
The student-bachelor time management—is consistent and purposeful use of
proven techniques of personal and organizational training activities in everyday
practice to achieve optimal use of its own time.
The concept of time management, which came from the trade, production and
business, has firmly entered in many other areas of human activity and represents
Paper—The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student’s Academic Activity on the Basis …
today the effective planning of working time to achieve goals, finding time resources,
prioritization and performance monitoring.
Scientists consider the following actions of lifetime management during the period
of study, requiring from the student the self-adjustment of own life:
Paper—The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student’s Academic Activity on the Basis …
Fig. 2. Levels of formation of the main criteria for the students’ self-organisation at the
ascertaining stage of the experiment
Ascertaining experiment showed that the control and experimental groups were
approximately at the same level of formation of self-organisational academic activity
skills. Thus, the intended plan of the formative experiment to improve the
experimental group data skills of the students, which included the development and
testing of various forms and means of ‘Time management’ technology, promoting
rational self-organisational academic activity for future elementary school teachers.
A formative experiment was organised in the classroom, in the process of
independent work of students and pedagogical practices through the use of such
means of
‘Time management’ technology as, educational-methodical complex
‘The fundamentals of Time management’ for bachelors of elementary education,
development of an individual trajectory of professional development through
selforganisation of educational activities, the development of an individual time
budget for students, the diary of self-management student, graphics system: diagrams,
mind maps, the mobile apps and computer programs: online organisers[23], electronic
diaries, chrono cards, etc., the relaxation system: auto-trainings, yoga, special
exercises. To test the effectiveness of organised work, at the end of the formative
phase were rediagnostics organised. The results of which are shown in Figure 4.
Paper—The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student’s Academic Activity on the Basis …
Fig. 4. Levels of formation of the main criteria for students’ self-organisation at the control
stage of the experiment
So, comparing the diagnostic results of ascertaining and control stages in the
experimental group, we see a noticeable difference in the control stage where the
results increased for search and analytical indicators and reproductive performance
level and decreased in situational-traditional level of skills formation of self-
organisational academic activity of bachelors of primary education, which indicates
the effectiveness of our work.
The basis of the professional competence of teachers is its practical readiness to
self-organisational academic activities, which consists of the ability to plan and
organise own activities, properly allocate own time and to find optimal ways of its
organisation. Therefore, competence in the field of independent educational activity is
provided by teacher’s knowledge of the scientific labour organisation bases, search
methods, processing, storage and creative use of information, methods of organisation
of independent work, innovative educational technologies, adherence to work and rest,
i.e., efficient use of own time. That is the rational organisation of own life contributes
to the successful educational activities.
Direct involvement of students in active and independent learning activity
associated with the use of modern pedagogical technologies. It is in the dynamic
independent activity directed by the teacher; students possess the necessary
professional competencies. The complex of developed and applied in practice forms
and means of selfregulation of educational activity was based on the principles of the
‘Time management’ technology. In the process of research, we came to the conclusion
that improving the skills of students’ self-organisation is a conscious work on the
organisation of future professional activity, including the realisation of specific goals,
planning of action to achieve these goals, the rational use of the academic and
extracurricular time, monitoring and evaluation and necessary correction of their
Modern organisation technologies of educational activities represent a set of
methods and means of search, processing, representation, modification and
presentation of educational information, as well as the impact of the teacher on the
Paper—The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student’s Academic Activity on the Basis …
student using technical and information resources [11]. Today are of great interest is
the ‘Time management’ technology in pedagogical activity. Due to its focus on
selforganisation, self-management of their own life process, ‘Time management’
technology is the most popular in the organisation of independent educational activity
of students. Most researchers of self-organisational academic activities mark student’s
constant lack of time, insufficient proficiency of correct distribution of working time
and free time, also the ability to design a teaching and independent activities. As long
as the student knows how to organise own academic and personal time, depends on
his success in life and future profession [2]. The implementation of the educational
process at the University based on the ‘time-management’ technology, aimed at
improving the skills of self-organisation, allowed to increase the responsibility of
students, to develop training and personal time management skills and reflection on
own activity of future primary education teachers.
experimental research allows to speak about the expediency of use of various means
of ‘Time management’ technology in the classroom in the professional training
process of future primary education teachers. The results of the empirical study can be
used in the preparation of future teachers of different areas, in the research design of
selforganisational academic activities, in teacher’s activities for more effective
organisation of the educational process, and the researchers who involved in the study
of this scientific problem.
5 Acknowledgement
6 Conflict of Interests
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8 Authors
Yelena Agranovich, PhD Doctoral Student, KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty,
Kazakhstan. Email id: [email protected]
Amina Amirova, Professor Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, KazNPU named after
Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail id: [email protected]
Larissa Ageyeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor Kazakh
State Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail id:
[email protected]
Larissa Lebedeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor
KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail id: [email protected]
Sholpan Aldibekova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Kazakh
State Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail id:
[email protected]
Elmira Uaidullakyzy, PhD doctor KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty,
Kazakhstan. E-mail id: [email protected]
Article submitted 2019-09-24. Resubmitted 2019-10-28. Final acceptance 2019-10-29. Final version
published as submitted by the authors.