2011 Gear Backlash On Large Diesels
2011 Gear Backlash On Large Diesels
2011 Gear Backlash On Large Diesels
Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Järvikatu 2-4, P.O. Box 244
FI-65101 Vaasa
[email protected]
[email protected]
This paper is a continuation of study on Wärtsilä large diesel engine gear train noise and dy-
namic behaviour. In previous studies, it has been claimed that the gear train noise, as one of
the most important large diesel engine noise sources, is caused by shafts torsional vibration
generated gear teeth impact during gear meshing because of the existence of backlash. Two
anti-backlash scissors gear wheels were designed for W32 engine gear train system, the cam-
shaft gear and the large intermediate shaft gear, Figure 1. They were tested on W6L32DF
laboratory engine in Vaasa.
Figure 1. Left, schematic picture of the gear train system; Middle, W32 gear train model;
Right, two parts of the anti-backlash large intermediate shaft gear.
Basically, the anti-backlash cam-gear and large intermediate shaft gear have quite similar de-
sign. The gear wheel splits into two parts: the main gear and the loaded gear. There are
springs keeping the two gear wheels apart so that in principle the gear teeth should be in con-
tact with both the working flank and the non-working flank of the meshing gear. In other
words, the function of the spring is to resist the main gear teeth transferring back towards the
non-working flank through the backlash during high torque variation. The two parts are kept
together by a tension ring, which is attached to the main gear by shrink connection. There are
ten spring grooves on the loaded large intermediate shaft gear, and eight on the loaded cam-
gear. The springs for the cam-gear are stiffer in total than the ones for the large intermediate
shaft gear. The anti-backlash gear wheels are heavier and have more moment of inertia than
original designs. The anti-backlash large intermediate shaft gear has the same width with
original design, while the anti-backlash cam-gear is 5mm wider than the original one. Both
main gear wheels are 2/3 in width of the original design [1]. Reference measurements were
carried out before hand for results comparison.
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The main properties under investigation in the measurements are: camshaft and intermediate
shaft torque, cam-gear and large intermediate shaft gear peripheral acceleration, calculated
gear teeth impact force, and sound pressure level inside the cam-gear cover. Figure 2 shows
some of the instrumentation setups. Camshaft and intermediate shaft torques were measured
by strain gauges. In the reference measurement, two accelerometers were mounted 180 degree
out of phase on both the cam-gear and the large intermediate shaft gear, so that by taking the
average of the two acceleration signals, the peripheral acceleration for each gear wheel can be
attained. In the anti-backlash gear wheel measurement, besides the two out-of-phase
accelerometers on each main anti-backlash gear wheel, there is also one accelerometer
mounted on each of the loaded gear wheel. Hydrophone was used for measuring the sound
pressure level inside the cam-gear cover.
Figure 2. Left, strain gauge on the extension piece of the camshaft next to the cam gear;
Right, acceleration sensors setup for the anti-backlash large intermediate shaft gear.
The gear teeth impact force can be calculated from the measured shaft torque and gear wheel
peripheral acceleration by Equation (1) based on mathematic model for driven gears in a gear
mesh, i.e. the cam-gear and the large intermediate shaft gear.
where Fdriving is the driving force applied on the driven gear teeth, Tshaft is the torque of the
shaft that the driven gear locates on, Iwheel is the moment of inertia of the driven gear, ¨wheel is
the peripheral acceleration of the driven gear wheel, and rwheel is the radius of the driven gear.
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The shaft torque, gear peripheral acceleration and calculated gear teeth impact force are plot-
ted in Figure 3 for diesel running 100% load, nominal speed 750rpm.
Figure 3. W6L34DF shafts torque, gear wheel peripheral acceleration, and calculated force
applied on the gear teeth at diesel running 100% load, nominal speed 750 rpm. Left, cam-
shaft; Right, large intermediate shaft.
Each peak of the camshaft torque represents the fuel injection period of the corresponding
cylinder. The driving force rises up at the meanwhile. After fuel injection, the torque of cam-
shaft decreases fast down to below zero because of the potential energy stored during fuel in-
jection period. The sharp negative peaks of the force indicate that the gear teeth have im-
pacted on the non-working flank in the gear mesh. Gear teeth impact is more severe during
the fuel injection period of a cylinder that locates further from the flywheel end. For example
the absolute amplitudes of the negative force peaks of cylinder 6, 5, and 4 are larger than
those of cylinder 1, 2 and 3. For the large intermediate shaft gear, even the second impact on
the working flank can be observed after the non-working flank impact during the injection
periods of cylinder 5 and 6. The torque and acceleration after fuel injection look more like
free vibration, i.e. gear teeth are out of contact most of the time. The intermediate shaft torque
is larger than the camshaft torque in amplitude in general.
Figure 4 shows the applied gear teeth forces in different load conditions.
Figure 4. W6L34DF calculated gear teeth force at 750 rpm, 100%, 75% and 40% load diesel
running condition. Left, cam-gear; Right, large intermediate shaft gear.
The gear teeth force amplitudes decreases with the load decrease. The gear teeth non-working
flank impact force is more severe for higher load conditions.
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Figure 5 shows the comparison of shaft torque between standard and anti-backlash gear trains.
Figure 5. W6L34DF shaft torque comparison between standard and anti-backlash gear
trains, Diesel 100% load, and 750 rpm. Left, camshaft; Right, intermediate shaft.
The high frequency components in the standard gear train torque curve have been reduced
while the low frequency components have increased by the application of anti-backlash gear
train. The torque variation peak to peak value has increased significantly. The third order of
firing frequency is dominating, i.e. 112.5 Hz.
Figure 6 shows the shaft torque in the speed sweep measurements for anti-backlash gear train.
Figure 6. W6L34DF shaft torque with anti-backlash gear train application, diesel 40% load
condition, 600-800-600 rpm. Left, camshaft; Right, intermediate shaft.
As indicated by the green dashed harmonic cursor, the highest peaks are from the fundamen-
tal frequency of 112.5 Hz, i.e. the 3rd order of firing frequency, which might be attributed to
injection and valve train functioning.
By using Equation (2), the gear teeth driving force can be calculated for anti-backlash gear
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where Fdriving is the driving force applied on the entire piece of anti-backlash gear teeth, T shaft
is the torque of the shaft that an anti-backlash gear wheel locates on, I main is the moment of
inertia of the driven anti-backlash main gear wheel, Iloaded is the moment of inertia of the
driven anti-backlash loaded gear wheel, ¨main is the angular acceleration of the driven anti-
backlash main gear wheel, ¨loaded is the angular acceleration of the driven anti-backlash
loaded gear wheel, and rwheel is the radius of the driven gear wheel.
The results of the calculated driving force for anti-backlash gear wheels are compared with
the ones from reference measurement with standard gear wheels, Figure 7.
Figure 7. W6L34DF gear teeth driving force comparison between standard and anti-backlash
gear trains, diesel 100% load. Left, cam-gear; Right, large intermediate shaft gear.
The deep negative peak, which appears for every camshaft rotation, in the anti-backlash cam-
gear wheel force curve is due to a periodical error from the loaded cam-gear wheel accelera-
tion sensor. The anti-backlash gear train peak to peak force value is larger than that of stan-
dard gear train. In the frequency spectra which are not presented in this paper, the crank-gear
meshing frequency, 675 Hz, is dominating the anti-backlash intermediate shaft gear teeth
driving force spectrum, and the 2nd order of cam-gear meshing frequency, 725 Hz, is dominat-
ing the anti-backlash cam-gear teeth driving force spectrum.
By listening experience of laboratory workers, it can be concluded that the noise has in-
creased considerably after changing the standard gear wheels to anti-backlash ones at all dif-
ferent load and fuel conditions. Figure 8 shows the comparison of the cam-gear cover inside
noise spectra between the standard and anti-backlash gear train at diesel 100% load.
Autospectrum(1 Hydrophone) - Mark 1 (Real) \ FFT Analyzer Autospectrum(Hyd 8103) - Mark 2 (Real) \ FFT Analyzer Hdp
[dB(A)/20u Pa] [dB(A)/20u Pa]
140 140
120 120
100 100
80 80
0 200 400 600 800 1k 1.2k 1.4k 1.6k 1.8k 2k 0 200 400 600 800 1k 1.2k 1.4k 1.6k 1.8k 2k
[Hz] [Hz]
Figure 8. W6L34DF cam-gear cover inside A-weighted sound pressure level comparison, die-
sel 100% load, 750 rpm. Left, standard gear train; Right, anti-backlash gear train.
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The dominant peak of the noise inside the cam-gear cover is 808 Hz for the standard gear
train and 1236 Hz for the anti-backlash gear train, which seems to be a resonance from certain
part of the anti-backlash gear train system. Besides, at some other load conditions, the crank-
gear meshing frequency 675 Hz and the 2nd order of the cam-gear meshing frequency 725 Hz
are dominating in the cam-gear cover inside A-weighted sound pressure level spectra.
Figure 9 shows the imprints on gear wheels after anti-backlash gear train test.
Figure 9. W6L34DF gear wheels after running for anti-backlash gear train test. Left, crank-
gear; Right, small intermediate shaft gear.
The imprints indicate that the gear teeth have a risk of fast wearing when running with anti-
backlash gear train. It might be because the springs used in the anti-backlash gear train are too
stiff, which could also be a cause of friction noise inside the cam-gear cover.
In this paper, the gear teeth impact phenomenon for a large diesel engine gear train system
has been demonstrated and clarified. The impact is more severe at higher engine load, and
during the fuel injection period of a cylinder that locates farther from the flywheel end. The
anti-backlash gear train has introduced a frequency component of 112.5 Hz, i.e. the 3rd order
of firing frequency, which might be attributed to injection and valve train functioning, to the
camshaft and intermediate shaft dynamics. It has led to significantly high torque variation.
Engine noise has increased considerably by the application of the anti-backlash gear train. At
engine full load, a resonant noise at 1236 Hz is dominant. At other load conditions, the crank-
gear meshing frequency 675 Hz and the 2nd order of cam-gear meshing frequency 725 Hz are
also important for gear train noise. The springs used in the anti-backlash gear wheels are too
stiff, which might cause the gear teeth fast wearing and large gear teeth friction noise.
For further study on anti-backlash gear train, one should make a modal analysis by measure-
ment or calculation on each piece of the anti-backlash gear wheels and as a whole as well. It
is encouraged to investigate the cause of shaft torque variation at 112.5 Hz. One should lower
the stiffness of the springs for the next anti-backlash gear train test.
1. JANI TÄHTINEN, “Design of a Gear Train in a 4-Stroke Engine with Zero Backlash”,
Master thesis project at Wärtsilä Finland Oy, May 2009.
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